The user-authentication-service project offers a straightforward demonstration of user authentication processes, leveraging a stack comprising Spring Security, Spring Data JPA, and MongoDB. Designed to illustrate fundamental authentication flows, this project provides a hands-on exploration of user signup and login functionalities.
Spring Security: Ensures robust security mechanisms for user authentication and authorization within the application.
Spring Data JPA: Facilitates seamless interaction with the underlying MongoDB database, streamlining data access operations.
MongoDB: Serves as the persistent storage solution for user authentication details, providing flexibility and scalability.
This service comprises two primary endpoints, each catering to distinct aspects of the authentication process.
Allows users to register by providing their desired username and password. Upon successful signup, user credentials are securely stored in MongoDB for future authentication purposes.
mongodbDB snapshot with sample data
Provides users with the ability to authenticate themselves using their registered credentials. Upon successful login, users gain access to authorized resources within the application.
How to set up:
- Clone the repo.
- run "mvn clean install".
- run "docker-compose up".
- application is ready to run & test in postman.