Samarpan is a charity-based application that aims in bridging the gap between the philanthropic individuals who wish to bring a significant change in the society and the NGOs,uplifting and improving the lifestyle of the underprivilaged.
📃 Installation Apk
Clone the Repository
As usual, you can get started by cloning the project to your local machine:
✒️ MVVM ✒️ XML ✒️ CameraX
The section provides with the proper documentation and ideas to be implemented inside the application
1️⃣ Login Page
2️⃣ Sign Up Page
* Donors
* NGOs
3️⃣ Elements inside the application
* Profile
* Elements for donations:
i) Clothes and basic necessities
ii) Money
iii) Foods
iv) Stationery
* Second hand books trading
* Leaderboard/Podium
* Requirement Section
* About section of the registered NGOs
1️⃣ Login Page
2️⃣ Three Sign Up Pages
3️⃣ Elements inside the application
List of items donated by donors :
i) Clothes and basic necessaties
ii) Money
iii) Foods
iv) Stationery(only the donated ones) -
Requirement Section
Check out the document for complete information about the Ideas to be Implemented
1️⃣ Fork it
2️⃣ Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
3️⃣ Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some feature')
4️⃣ Push your branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
5️⃣ Create a new Pull Request
Check out the file for ellaborate idea on how to contribute for Samarpan
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Thanks to these amazing people! 👏
Suswan Biswas 💻 |
Hitesh Sukhwani 💻 |
Pritha Saha 💻 |
Vidhi Mantri 💻 |
Manasvi Vats 💻 |
Rohit Kumar 💻 |
Aakash Sinha 💻 |