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21 Feb 2019 patch notes (@100ideas)

fix/disable build script partial fail if tsc finds type errors

I fixed a bug in the typescript code of the overmind-forms package, but didn't know how to update the type definitions of the changed functions, so tsc started reporting errors when compiling from the source.

tsc exiting non-zero caused the build process to quit since the build commands are combined with bash && operator. One solution is to join each command with a || operator and another command that will always return 0 - in this case, echo. Doing so allows tsc to complain but doesn't derail the build process.

But I ended up just disabling the build process because it was causing problems on codesandbox.

Specifically, the build process is triggered on package install by the package.json prepare script. I changed its key to prepare_disabled to prevent it running automatically. Seems codesandbox couldn't find typescript / babel dependencies? (not sure) when installing this package from my github repo into a create-react-app js project.

// package.json
"scripts": {
  "prepare_disabled": "npm run prebuild && npm run build",
  "prebuild": "rimraf lib && rimraf es",
  "build:lib": "tsc --outDir lib --module commonjs  --preserveWatchOutput",
  "build:es": "tsc --outDir es --module es2015  --preserveWatchOutput",
  "build": "npm run build:lib || echo 'tsc returned non-zero but we will continue' && npm run build:es || echo 'tsc returned non-zero but we will continue'",

20 Feb 2019 patch notes (@100ideas)

if you want to do local development:

# get overmind-forms demo app
git clone

# get patched overmind-forms (place in parallel directory to demo)
git clone

# build and set up local package link
cd overmind-forms
yarn run prepare_disabled # alternatively run `yarn run build`
yarn link

# complete link
cd ../overmind-forms-example
yarn link overmind-forms

# install & start
yarn start

overmind-forms/src/isFormValid.ts is a derived state function built into overmind-form that makes state.<your-forms-name>.isValid reactive.

It is broken in [email protected] + [email protected]. The function should trigger whenever any field element in the overmind-form has the property isValid: false, i.e. at a path-value like state.[overmindForm].[formField].isValid: false.

But location of the isValid boolean is one level deeper, at state.[overmindForm].[formField].isValid.isValid: false. This patch fixes the problem by looking one level deeper. A better solution might have been to just move the boolean up one level.

Also, the typescript types are too complicated for me, so currently the compiler complains about a type mismatch using this new path. Someone more familiar with typescript could probably fix that in a couple of minutes.

Lastly, here is what the state tree managed by overmind-form looks like (in this case for the form in the demo app):

//state: {
  "loginForm": {
    "isValid": false,
    "email": {
      "value": "",
      "isPristine": true,
      "isValid": {
        "isValid": true  // maybe shouldn't be valid isPristine is true...
      "showError": false
    "password": {
      "password": {
        "value": "aa",
        "isPristine": false,
        "isValid": {
          "isValid": false,
          "failedRule": {
            "name": "minLength",
            "arg": 4
          "errorMessage": null
        "showError": false
      "field3": {
        "value": "[\"foo\", \"bar\", \"baz\", \"mip\"]",
        "isPristine": true,
        "isValid": {
          "isValid": false,
          "failedRule": {
            "name": "isAlphanumeric"
          "errorMessage": null
        "showError": false


A basic forms implementation based on the concepts from cerebral-forms.


yarn add overmind-forms


npm install overmind-forms


Configure your overmind app for use with overmind-forms, the commented lines to your app.ts

// app.ts
import { Overmind, TApp } from 'overmind'
import { namespaced } from 'overmind/es/config'
import { TConnect, createConnect } from 'overmind-react'

import * as login from './modules/login'
import form from 'overmind-forms/module' // add this line

const config = namespaced({
  form // and this one too

declare module 'overmind' {
  interface IApp extends TApp<typeof config> {}

export const app = new Overmind(config)
export type Connect = TConnect<typeof app>
export const connect = createConnect(app)

Example Module

The following example shows creating a form in login module

// modules/login/state.ts
import form from 'overmind-forms'
import { isEmail } from 'validator'

export let loginForm = form({
  email: { value: '', isValid: isEmail },
  password: { value: '', isValid: value => value.length > 1 }

Example Component

// components/Login/index.tsx
import React from 'react'
import { connect, Connect } from '../../app'

const Login: React.StatelessComponent<Connect> = ({ app }) => (
    onSubmit={e => {
      className={ ? 'error' : ''}
      onChange={e =>
      className={app.login.password.showError ? 'error' : ''}
      onChange={e =>
          field: app.login.password,
    <button type="submit" disabled={app.login.loginForm.isValid}>


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  • TypeScript 100.0%