Merged pull requests:
- remove binary: use github release instead #27 (stensonowen)
1.0 (2017-12-06)
Implemented enhancements:
- Switch FirstKBytes type to a hash instead of just the first few 32 bytes #14
- Make FileCataloger generic over a VFS #13
- Switch
to mapHash
#12 - Peer metric #5 (zwimer)
Fixed bugs:
- Pattern matching blacklist only checks if pattern appears in the filepath, not if entire filepath matches a pattern #15
Merged pull requests:
- Final pr: docs, code cleanup, bug fixes #26 (stensonowen)
- MOR COMINTZ #25 (stensonowen)
- Comments #24 (Istyatur)
- Beta: more comments, check for hard linking across devices, more tests #22 (stensonowen)
- Selector, Actor, Unit tests; prep for beta #21 (stensonowen)
- Make FileCataloger mockable #20 (stensonowen)
- Comments #19 (Istyatur)
- Updated changelog #11 (zwimer)
- Proxy: Demo 1 #10 (stensonowen)
- Basic directory walker #9 (stensonowen)
- Added changelog generated with github_changelog_generator #8 (Istyatur)
- qjkxkcd -> stensonowen #6 (zwimer)
- Add code owner #3 (zwimer)
- README fixed #2 (zwimer)
- test controls #1 (Istyatur)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator