removed print()
removed print()
with black and isort
with black and isort
new JaxRecorder with recording_schedule instead of the update_rate
new JaxRecorder with recording_schedule instead of the update_rate
test of the fashion mnist data genaerator
test of the fashion mnist data genaerator
I took the mnist generator and added the word 'fashion'
I took the mnist generator and added the word 'fashion'
Include changes of papyrus to public.
Include changes of papyrus to public.
Adapt integration test to new recorder
Adapt integration test to new recorder
Write Example to compute the information neural mutual information
Write Example to compute the information neural mutual information
Fix bugs in jax combinations
Fix bugs in jax combinations
Move ntk computation to analysis
Move ntk computation to analysis
Write ntk combinations which can be used to compute the mutual inform…
Write ntk combinations which can be used to compute the mutual inform…
make loss derivative computation work and include in example
make loss derivative computation work and include in example
Write class-wise ntk computation
Write class-wise ntk computation
Write NTK subsampling class.
Write NTK subsampling class.
include access token also in doc building
include access token also in doc building
try setting git config including access token
try setting git config including access token
exclude token from install commant
exclude token from install commant
try granting access to token via environment
try granting access to token via environment
change access token reference
change access token reference
include access token in papyrus installation
include access token in papyrus installation
Adapt the trace opt to more flexible ntk calculation.
Adapt the trace opt to more flexible ntk calculation.
Adapt Examples to new api
Adapt Examples to new api
Create tests for the jax ntk computation
Create tests for the jax ntk computation
make NTK computation return ntk in list
make NTK computation return ntk in list