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theid verb author authorID title url reshares replies plusones content pdate112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "Pinterest, Ticketmaster, 60 Others Demo Open Graph Websites and Apps That Auto-Publish To Faceboo... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/W5F87w1wS1R 10 8 19 "Facebook's Open Graph app launch event is about to start here in San Francisco, where the company will demo over 60 new Open Graph websites and apps that can publish user activity back to Timeline and... " 2012-01-19T01:18:12.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "hahaa -- thank you +Matthew Inman The Oatmeal for the comic relief, as always. What a fun animate... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/QMfJ5YaJeDV 21 9 38 "For the next 24 hours I am blacking out TheOatmeal.com in protest of SOPA and PIPA. If one of these bills were to pass, this page is what many sites on the internet would look like. As someone who cre... " 2012-01-18T08:18:24.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "GO Google!! The ""Google Doodle"" is now a blacked out logo - clicking takes you to this landing pa... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/WsUbFWAkSCr 17 22 48 "Millions of Americans oppose SOPA and PIPA because these bills would censor the Internet and slow economic growth in the U.S.. Two bills before Congress, known as the Protect IP Act (PIPA) in the Sena... " 2012-01-18T07:08:57.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "Jerry Yang’s departure signals a New Day for Yahoo!, the passing of an era for Tech -- writeup by... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/3Npbsex8MXW 7 6 18 "My first reaction to the news that Jerry Yang is leaving Yahoo! was that this was the passing of an era. I first met Jerry in 1994 when he was still a PhD student at Stanford, before he and David Filo... " 2012-01-18T02:51:15.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 3 Successful Google+ Pages and Why They Work Excellent post on +Social Media Examiner today!! Kud... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/WvBRK7H8PK5 30 26 35 "Have you created a Google+ page for your business? In this article I'll show you what three top pages are doing.Still in its infancy, Go " 2012-01-18T01:28:59.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Marketers: Five Reasons To Enable Your Facebook Subscribe Button See the article I wrote for the ... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/bmkD4U1w5s5 9 11 22 Dec-11 2012-01-17T21:02:44.000Z112707199408484000000 share Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Reshared post from Louis Gray 10 Great Ways to Get Discovered on Google+As social networks e... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/9Cn9HAgU2oM 18 15 43 2012-01-17T02:52:00.710Z112707199408484000000 share Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Reshared post from Casey McKinnon Best thing you'll see today. (via +David Sutcliffe) https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/AXz1oYcdDP3 8 6 14 made by Matthijs Vlot<br />www.mattatjeoorlog.nl 2012-01-17T02:25:37.329Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "Happy birthday dear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - you will always be remembered. So let freedom r... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/UgdtenBfrFs 28 23 77 dr mlk.jpg 2012-01-16T07:29:31.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Check out what my friend +Paul Colligan is up to!! Reading one book a week in 2012 and writing re... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/PDNCshrJhx1 2 16 16 Paul Colligan Reads 1 Book A Week In 2012 - Join Him? 2012-01-14T02:07:03.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 The Problem with SOPA - Stop Online Piracy Act - (And How To Stop It) Excellent article by the am... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/Tsn44icLWv2 28 20 46 "If a new media company with fewer than 20 employees can come up with creative ways to beat piracy, why can't the entertainment industry? " 2012-01-14T00:52:15.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Scrapbook Photos https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/Jp3zUaqXrNx 0 5 9 chris brogan mari smith gary vee.jpg 2012-01-13T19:21:39.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "Excellent video by the ever-amazing +Gary Vaynerchuk!! Some highlights: ""2012 will be the year th... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/eaAScfuvk8V 18 13 30 Gary V. explains the new power that consumers wield because of social media and why businesses need to be vigilant about the relationship with their customers. — Video by Alvin Patrick and Cat LuBuono 2012-01-13T18:56:59.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Wow! Check out this eye-opening post by +Mike Brooks. With the new G+ integration on Google searc... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/HgauQjBgYn8 24 30 45 Google just changed the rules of search marketing forever. 2012-01-12T19:49:45.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 My friend +Loral Langemeier has a brand new book out and an awesome live event coming up in sunny... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/fB71UBcSyr8 6 11 18 http://yesenergybook.com/mari - check out Loral's brand new awesome book and her upcoming event in sunny San Diego too! 2012-01-12T05:51:07.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "How do you use social media as a business tool, instead of a forum for empty chatter? Check out t... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/a2hHSgsf4pJ 18 3 31 "How do you use social media as a business tool, instead of a forum for empty chatter? Mari Smith was called one of the Top 10 Social Media Influencers by Forbes Magazine. She's the author of The New R... " 2012-01-11T23:22:39.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 How pretty!! Today's Google Doodle is in honor of Nicolas Steno - the father of geology or the fa... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/fjF3o3UXssR 5 12 30 "Google honors Nicolas Steno with an amazing doodle. Nicolas Steno was a Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology. By 1659 he had decided not to accept anything simply written in a book, resolving instead to do research himself.The doodle shows a sedimentary landscape. Some fossils are buried in the rock.Nicolaus Steno was born 1638 in Copenhagen (374 years ago). After completing his university education, Steno set out to travel through Europe. He met many prominent physicians and scientists. Steno first developed the theory that the fossils were ancient life forms.I painted the doodle as it might have be seen before the Google artist have cut it from the sedimant layers :-)Happy brithday, Nicolas Steno. THUMBS UP if you like this doodle :-)music: "Juniper" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Please donate for him if you like his music.Because someone asks: of course you can use my "overpainting" image (at the end of the video) : http://goo.gl/rqZY2 Would be nice if you could mention me with a link on my blog (link see below).More information here: http://www.tagseoblog.de/fossilien-doodle-nicolaus-steno-niels-stensen (german) " 2012-01-11T16:53:46.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "Okay hands up, who's on a mission to get fitter in 2012?!! (Me too!). What apps, systems, support... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/NgneQ27kK8J 7 46 16 Fitocracy: A Social Fitness Game Where You Get Experience and Badges for Working Out 2012-01-11T02:12:38.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 "30 Ideas For Your 2012 Social Media Plan - some great tips here to round out your plans, from the... " https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/9CUiGskXhsj 33 22 30 "January 3, 2012Looking for fresh ideas to add to your 2012 Social Media Plan? We've sifted through our most-shared posts from 2011 and compressed them into 30 Ideas.You'll learn how to integra... " 2012-01-10T18:31:57.000Z112707199408484000000 post Mari Smith 112707199408484000000 Top Social Media Blogs 2012 -- check out this fabulous list of the 20 finalists for +Social Media... https://plus.google.com/112707199408484711520/posts/7PtCnCirpjP 5 5 13 We received over 570 nominations for our third-annual Top 10 Social Media Blogs contest (the blogosphereâ�™s biggest contest for social medi 2012-01-09T18:34:52.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 "December 10, 2011 - Femme Fatale Tour in Puerto Rico http://instagr.am/p/hz9aW/ " https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/UFdFNvSthQJ 55 356 853 a04d3d1a408311e180c9123138016265_7.jpg 2012-01-17T01:28:44.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Preston getting his groove on!! https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/aBWUu4QpQw6 161 501 1190 Preston getting his groove on!! 2012-01-13T20:35:46.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/PSgPY2EKfZg 113 346 936 384881_348906808455136_100000074582442_1449842_1166376749_n.jpg 2012-01-12T15:59:37.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Jayden is having some hair raising fun on the trampoline! https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/Xbs7XWYVL5z 116 500 1413 IMG-20120110-01048.jpg 2012-01-11T20:13:02.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 My little Hercules enjoying his gymnastics class. https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/8hkBLp788HV 33416 1078 Calabasas-20120109-00089.jpg 2012-01-10T20:11:48.000Z 100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/BWmqvLrzpWP 96 483 1259 2012-01-05T16:58:07.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/65JRz9HBYHq 34 176 296 tumblr_lqrkac1GK41r1k0m8o1_400.jpg 2012-01-05T16:57:40.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/Y9hNQPXvsh5 8 116 198 tumblr_lqram6z7gm1qctu8z.jpg 2012-01-05T16:57:39.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/MxqGgQV3UU5 4 88 167 tumblr_lqm4hej7EQ1qc880ho1_500.jpg 2012-01-05T16:57:37.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/4TmE9wC47VX 13 88 220 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo10_400.jpg 2012-01-05T16:57:37.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 I can't stop looking at it!! https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/1LHUFofXss3 306 500 2688 IMG-20120104-01042.jpg 2012-01-05T02:44:44.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/2jz3tWftQwn 49 220 898 2012-01-04T20:25:49.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/PyMX5EEwKNL 19 99 282 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo4_500.jpg 2012-01-04T20:25:19.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/YrZiqz8h6iu 18 104 286 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo7_500.jpg 2012-01-04T20:25:18.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/hn9Mv1EFKD7 38 127 287 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo5_500.jpg 2012-01-04T20:25:18.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/eSWtyjhMJqc 11 92 270 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo3_400.jpg 2012-01-04T20:25:17.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/XtHZSHtwUz4 3 45 138 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo2_500.jpg 2012-01-04T20:25:17.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/NjPRnMF3K2w 76 296 1164 2012-01-03T22:48:08.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/izri8YcC26W 25 121 323 tumblr_ljve0htA2P1qdalmro1_500.jpg 2012-01-03T22:47:36.000Z100000772955143000000 post Britney Spears 100000772955143000000 Vintage Pics From Tumblr https://plus.google.com/100000772955143706751/posts/ggR6n4SwHpD 9 67 261 tumblr_lqjvpmvTOR1qguiwgo1_400.jpg 2012-01-03T22:47:34.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 get me to #1 google + fans lets beat +Britney Spears !!!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/NFromSf3ito 18 73 170 2012-01-19T23:33:19.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 i stay wit my Executive Branch branch....getusome!!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/bpKicTPtuWj 4 11 39 Snoop Dogg says he has yet to test out the new marijuana strain named after Jay-Z's little girl Blue Ivy ... because he's been a bit too preoccupied with… 2012-01-19T23:32:25.000Z 114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Im choosing 1 person each week to subscribe back on YouTube .. https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/8REzfrN5bhX 1 20 32 "Share your videos with friends, family, and the world " 2012-01-19T23:32:12.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 who already started puffpuffpasstuesdays?? https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/BRTKa5vwTSA 15 180 300 2012-01-18T01:30:17.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/C1TvPxoAvvG 44 29 209 See more at http://www.rootsoffight.com Roots of Fight presents a tribute to the Greatest Of All Time; Muhammad Ali.Also featuring Mark Munoz and George Chuvalo. 2012-01-18T01:30:09.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 let nemo hoes take u to tha movies https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/EJSRrg3U9bC 35 34 141 "In this week's episode of GGN, Nemo Hoes gives his movie reviews and Stormy Fronts gives an in-depth weather update.Mac and Devin go to High School Official Soundtrack in stores now!! http://bit.ly/vvcqTASubscribe to WFTV: http://youtube.com/westfesttv " 2012-01-18T01:29:51.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 executive situations ya digggggg!!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/bFoWZ6N21iy 32 143 419 "Check out Snoop Dogg talking about his favorite line of cigarilos, Executive Branch.ExecutiveBranchCIgarillos.comFacebook.com/ExecBranchTwitter.com/ExecBranch " 2012-01-14T02:06:54.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 "Me, Roger Clemens, Toby Keith live from San Antonio TX!!! " https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/brSUgA673kF 10 55 250 "Me, Roger Clemens, Toby Keith live from San Antonio TX!!! " 2012-01-14T02:06:37.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Shootn more #ggn! #nemohoes got to give u tha hood news https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/dAvJnjnmrFE 1 19 119 Shootn more #ggn! #nemohoes got to give u tha hood news 2012-01-14T02:06:18.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Watup #Viddy https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/66kt6gyVkS6 2 44 128 by @snoopdogg 2012-01-14T02:05:59.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 got that new doggisode wit mac and devin aka cheech n chong aka snoopdogg n Wiz Khalifa uhearme!!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/LMt8PaK7uTF 34 96 280 "Another edition of Doggisodes taking you inside the #MacAndDevin promo tour featuring Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Daz Dillinger and more.Subscribe to WFTV: http://youtube.com/westfesttvMac and Devin go to High School Official Soundtrack in stores now!! http://bit.ly/vvcqTA " 2012-01-12T02:49:08.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Who tryn to snowboarding with me in Austria? Let Power 106 know what ya think about Colt 45..ya d... https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/FoiAYZWdmet 12 38 149 Home; The Station. Big Boy's Neighborhood · Power Jocks · Power Mixers · Hire A Power Mixer · Power Shows · Power Blogs · Flava Unit · Power Events · Power At Your School · Text Requests · Join. T... 2012-01-12T02:48:56.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 tha homey broadus clay aka funk asaurus!!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/ew5VNkx9CWS 51 65210 Check out the debut of "The Funk-asaurus" Brodus Clay on RAWhttp://www.wrestlesite.com 2012-01-12T02:48:42.000Z 114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 cmonn gotta get to that #1 spot on google + !!! almost there +Britney Spears https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/Th4vbVezAVp 25 108 399 2012-01-11T06:04:33.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 got tha homiez YG and Nipsey on that Motto remix....Drake watupp!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/U4JHUF9H4Nw 19 25 168 Twitter.com/defjamyg Facebook.com/defjamyg 2012-01-11T06:02:52.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Gettn my director on https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/82bTHCdNFAX 11 42 161 by @snoopdogg 2012-01-11T06:02:39.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 wat u on 2day? it's puffpuffpasstuesdays!! https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/Ynt7EtdxZrD 0 42115 2012-01-11T06:02:17.000Z 114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 New Video!! Im talkn bout Ramen Noodles for all ya college students and Asians.. Special Guest YG https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/CaKtBReqngg 17 66 165 "Check out this episode of GGN where Nemo Hoes reveals his favorite Ramen recipe, Stormy Fronts gives a weather update, and YG performs. Mac and Devin go to H... " 2012-01-11T06:02:09.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Missn my brotha 2Pac.... https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/XmpQ6t9iUoj 270 500 1996 406690_10150474194369807_11455644806_8787772_884624640_n.jpg 2012-01-07T02:20:05.000Z114474252347218000000 post Snoop Dogg 114474252347218000000 Me n +BritneySpears on the court..... https://plus.google.com/114474252347218597235/posts/VWgnQL4RM5Q 205 244 866 401575_10150474881584807_11455644806_8790529_26932685_n.jpg 2012-01-07T02:17:55.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 "#AndroidTip: In Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, we've added several new icons to make using your ... " https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/FGiBcZ4QDyj 168 218 552 gmailtooltip (1) (1).png 2012-01-17T17:38:25.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 "If you're an Android developer, check out the new Android Design site where you can find all the ... " https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/5AtDHwP2fy3 672 214 1509 New in Android 4.0 · Gestures · App Structure · Navigation · Action Bar · Multi-pane Layouts · Swipe Views · Selection · Notifications · Compatibility · Pure Android · Building Blocks · Tabs · Lists ·... 2012-01-13T00:14:38.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Check out this video to see how Google Maps 6.0 for Android can help you get the ball rolling: ht... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/NQRZDEZE5vf 359 98 797 http://maps.google.com/starthereGetting there can be half the fun. Use Google Maps to explore your world and get to your destination on time. 2012-01-12T21:03:03.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Got an Android device running Froyo (2.2) or Gingerbread (2.3)? Today we are releasing a world-wi... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/PtGNZtJL3Rq 234 184 786 SearchScreenshot.png 2012-01-11T21:15:21.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Last week we asked you to show us where your +Android has been and you sent us lots of great shot... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/gtr8RbLtp5b 135 65 561 2012-01-10T22:53:18.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Android Around the World https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/DwCJmveRdXu 5 13 103 2012-01-10_12_45.jpg 2012-01-10T22:52:11.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Android Around the World https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/Sha7rS9pTbH 8 11 72 2012-01-10_12-38-29.jpg 2012-01-10T22:52:04.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Android Around the World https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/CCMhoATc19K 17 14 88 2012-01-10_10-10-59.jpg 2012-01-10T22:51:52.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Android Around the World https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/4obx1MTULKe 23 20 176 2012-01-10_10-01-56.jpg 2012-01-10T22:51:41.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Android Around the World https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/BRJzz6pH2Pm 14 21 128 2012-01-10_12-37-32.jpg 2012-01-10T22:51:34.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Scrapbook Photos https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/VqNwegz5PEt 2 0 3 2012-01-10_10-10-59.jpg 2012-01-10T22:22:15.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Scrapbook Photos https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/1e7zvxNCn3W 1 1 0 2012-01-10_12-37-32.jpg 2012-01-10T22:20:37.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Profile Photos https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/Puvqp1dEaYk 0 1 0 green-android-rotate-02 (1).jpeg 2012-01-10T22:03:45.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 U.S. Sprint customers: Galaxy Nexus will be coming to Sprint. Galaxy Nexus on Sprint will operate... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/bTBBcFfCyaM 211 263 507 Sprint will launch 4G LTE in 22 communities in the first half of 2012. Find out where it launches first and check out 4G LTE devices coming to Sprint. 2012-01-09T18:48:31.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Anyone notice a little something different on android.com today? https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/CMWjmTyjCd3 54 227 409 2012-01-06T23:11:06.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Did you know that you can also create beautiful time lapse videos on your Android 4.0 #ICS device... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/ARuvDzCkXzs 284 191 552 2012-01-06T21:20:17.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Galaxy Nexus with Android 4.0 #ICS lets you take beautiful panoramic photos with just a wave of y... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/4pHbob1AdBa 147 175 474 "Galaxy Nexus lets you take beautiful panoramic photos with just a wave of your hand. Learn more about the first phone with Android 4.0, Ice Cream Sandwich, at www.google.com/nexus " 2012-01-05T18:32:59.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 #AndroidTip: Add a layer of security to your +Android phone or tablet - lock your screen by creat... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/UfU8KNrrXqc 40 102 190 2012-01-04T00:00:51.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 "There are Androids like you all around the world, so we want to know: where has your Android been... " https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/Yqej9ghfP9q 107 114 449 secret android storage facility.jpg 2012-01-02T19:23:48.000Z104629412415657000000 post Android 104629412415657000000 Thanks again to everyone who submitted holiday Androidify pics! To kick off the new year we're se... https://plus.google.com/104629412415657030658/posts/DxmtAtGMpdB 285 227 1006 5hats.jpg 2012-01-02T19:00:48.000Z112599748506977000000 checkin Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 UPDATE: There were 3.7M Android activations on 12/24 and 12/25. Congrats team-android! https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/WmkvJx7UL94 464 133 1109 2011-12-28T06:59:07.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "...and for those wondering, we count each device only once (ie, we don't count re-sold devices), ... " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/Kkjf8oESTZs 75 109 483 2011-12-21T03:31:51.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "There are now over 700,000 Android devices activated every day " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/PLAaEFy1fNa 844 231 2003 2011-12-21T03:28:08.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "a concerned citizen discovered the deadly robot, which was described as around eight inches tall,... " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/AbkjFrL3Aof 101 54 152 2011-11-03T20:07:07.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/E1QL49NQMMj 0 46 49 2011-11-03T20:04:28.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Spooky! #gplushalloween https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/3LLxcJUf2Wo 2 34 127 2011-10-27T19:36:48.000Z 112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "Huge congrats to the team for all their hard work! ICS (Android 4.0) and Galaxy Nexus event, Hong... " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/Sr89FqBYZKv 142 243 970 IMG_20111019_094749.jpg 2011-10-19T04:20:12.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "Raekwon and New Young Pony Club both sang about it, and today it showed up at Google headquarters... " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/9S3d4WoY4xP 616 149 669 "Live: YouTube.com/Android, 10/19/11, 10AM, Hong Kong Time (HKT) " 2011-10-13T22:33:37.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "When we launched Android in 2007 we asked some kids if they had a magic phone, what would it do? ... " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/3ZEeRu1yyzk 219 113 467 2011-10-05T05:52:50.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 "Fun game of ping pong this morning. The ""Blur"" next to Larry is Sanjay Jha. " https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/V6KPfwvryKP 260 133 468 2011-08-15_07-57-19_89 (1).jpg 2011-08-15T20:18:48.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Jason Parks was tagged in Andy Rubin's album. https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/GNsDr1FHdF8 22 0 138 L1000081.JPG 2011-07-12T22:57:45.000Z 112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 I can't stop watching this... https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/J9eQ7ouzBGJ 411 65 336 ) Yelle - Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix) facebook.com/itsmadeon soundcloud.com/madeon youtube.com/itsmadeon twitter.com/itsmadeon ... madeon pop ... 2011-07-12T07:26:18.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 He would have kept doing this until he passed out. Filmed at Android office in early 2005. Good dog. https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/6GfMiy73w71 119 48 160 MOV00022.MPG 2011-07-10T03:48:43.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 This thing is awesome. Its made of a bunch of standalone LCD screens. Located at Miraikan (Nation... https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/CVHx49PF4av 8 16 59 VID_20110630_121935.3gp 2011-07-10T03:39:03.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Coffee robot. Still working on it. https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/MwvH3XpYafd 21 39 45Robot.mov 2011-07-08T23:51:48.000Z 112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Heavy Equipment https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/KqJSeS8xLJU 0 8 31 2011-07-08T23:29:53.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Random https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/Gd4kLavAFwh 112 30 94 IMG_0036.JPG 2011-07-08T23:29:07.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Random https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/4n3H7qXk1a2 4 15 32 100_1429.jpg 2011-07-08T23:25:52.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Random https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/XuKkoAaCsZ9 0 7 8 IMG_20110529_153153.jpg 2011-07-08T23:25:33.000Z112599748506977000000 post Andy Rubin 112599748506977000000 Terrier. Heavy. Can't breath. https://plus.google.com/112599748506977857728/posts/GmhUMHdfoMe 1 6 30 IMG_20110617_111014.jpg 2011-07-08T23:21:50.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Chris Sewell You got what booting?+Will Keaney having a bit of trouble wi... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/3BN5pLZ8D71 2 16 13 This screenshot is captured by "Awesome Screenshot". See why so many people are raving about this simple free tool. Learn More · Firefox version. Also available for Chrome browser Safari bro... 2012-01-19T23:47:40.342Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "The nice folks at +RootzWiki did an interview with our very own +Andrew Neal on his background, m... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/WFB5cqzxb8T 14 23 72 CyanogenMod Music Player Available for Testing A test version of the new CyanogenMod 9 Music player has been released to the community. Developed by Andrew Neal and based on the stock Ice Cream Sandw... 2012-01-18T19:40:33.000Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "First things first, if you haven't already, go sign the anti-SOPA & anti-PIPA petition over at ht... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/BFas3v6famp 50 16 138 ******************************************************************* * YOU SHOULD CONTRIBUTE INSTEAD OF KANGING EDITION * ****************************... 2012-01-18T15:12:52.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Andrew Neal I'll just leave this here. #Android #AndroidDev #CyanogenMod https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/dnb2Qqv4sHp 65 67 197 "Last October I started playing around with the old, stock Music app. I was making small UI changes and, like anything, they were far from amazing at first. I've been teaching myself Java for a lit... " 2012-01-17T02:35:39.710Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Note: Cyanogenmod.com and forums will be down for the next few hours due to hardware issues. Upda... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/CNEmnvd4wWU 5 57 41 2012-01-16T07:05:21.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Ricardo Cerqueira All the CM-supported LG Optimus devices in one shot! (run... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/E9h9UmJnZkw 70 49 354 cm-optimus.jpg 2012-01-14T16:48:03.283Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "via +Renaud Lepage, even though he is Canadian and has no affiliation with the CM Touchpad Team ;) " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/PfR7VGVHx93 110 50 248 The team is working hard to bring the shiny onto a device near you.This is just a glimpse of what's to come. Please be patient. 2012-01-13T04:10:04.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Markus Guidry Tell us what you thinkAs the CyanogenMod developers continu... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/7s7uMrMZ21b 19 62 168 "General. Settings should be kept at a minimal level. Five billion little tweaks is not user-friendly. If the preference only applies to certain types of devices, consider making a framework xml config... " 2012-01-12T17:00:32.507Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Jef Oliver As CM reached 1 Mirrion Users. Congrats +Steve Kondik for having... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/67VJRGF1kDP 51 61 295 cm1mirrion.jpg 2012-01-12T08:15:58.840Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 One last post for the evening... countdown to 1 Million installs! Friendly wagers in the comments... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/aBKLaNLnXrg 27 110 170 1million.PNG 2012-01-12T03:48:53.000Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 We are glad to see AOSP gerrit back up and running! Great job +Jean-Baptiste Queru and crew! Let ... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/TCRURGkK1yn 6 7 60 "Hi, all! I'm happy to announce that after a ton of hard work by Google's Open-Source Programs Office, we have our Gerrit Code Review installation back online for AOSP. (Special thanks to the O... " 2012-01-12T01:30:19.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "Reshared post from Ricardo Cerqueira Say hello to +Adam Farden 's baby, the long overdue p500 ... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/GWR3576ok9t 35 47 106 11/01/2012 - 1 2012-01-11T22:41:38.323Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Koushik Dutta CyanogenMod App StoreI've been bouncing this idea around fo... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/XAvX7WUWedy 308 500 1850 2012-01-11T00:31:37.222Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "Reshared post from Andrew Neal If you want to use the clock app with all the changes I made, h... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/HPwAtjEF215 28 50 103 device-2012-01-10-064149.png 2012-01-10T15:57:51.644Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Nebojsa Cvetkovic Finally got a place to suggest features ;)Make sure you... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/Yb5Vn7jj3rY 24 24 67 "There are two ways to get more votes: When an admin closes an idea you've voted on, you'll get your votes back from that idea. You can remove your votes from an open idea you support. To see i... " 2012-01-09T19:12:35.528Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 Reshared post from Chris Ennis The Big Font Mod (by +Nathan Grebowiec) and my Roboto font port... https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/ascjUCHJaQ7 1 27 39 Loading Gerrit Code Review ... Gerrit requires a JavaScript enabled browser. 2012-01-09T17:32:54.940Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "Let's add to the CES spam a bit shall we? Our very own +Steve Kondik is at CES this year, be sure... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/6djgZLNGCGM 3 35 38 2012-01-09T17:08:12.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "Reshared post from Keyan Mobli For those that haven't been following CM, the 8x60 framework bi... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/EWhVchBgch7 9 135 335 2012-01-01T03:49:10.964Z117962666888533000000 post CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "We spy, with our little eyes, some new devices cropping up with CM7 on the mirror network ;-) Xpe... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/fs2yAbESudm 10 34 49 Recent Files; By Type; stable; release candidate; nightly; By Device; ace; anzu; blade; bravo; bravoc; buzz; c660; captivatemtd; cdma_droid2; cdma_droid2we; cdma_shadow; click; coconut; crespo; crespo... 2011-12-30T20:06:56.000Z117962666888533000000 share CyanogenMod 117962666888533000000 "Reshared post from Ricardo Cerqueira Fun note: With tonight's addition of 4 new models, CM7 br... " https://plus.google.com/117962666888533781522/posts/2gfC5s3gciK 10 34 78 2011-12-30T16:03:47.283Z115040231829422000000 share Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 Reshared post from Fernando Fonseca Public Service AnnouncementAnd yes this is important#O... https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/E9CM5MR97DW 8 13 13 2012-01-20T00:58:56.277Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 #Anonymous is targeting several sites in response to the FBI's operation that shutdown #Megauploa... https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/55jZc23tbZm 15 82 30 2012-01-19T23:32:40.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Megaupload helps to explain the consequences of #SOPA and #PIPA By now, most of you will know tha... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/GrLkmuPNz2H 386 64 454 StopSOPA_Megaupload.jpg 2012-01-19T20:59:05.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "SOPA/PIPA ED. 101 Indeed, many of us are totally aware of what's going on. But there are many mor... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/BDZ4iXgrb5u 7 5 17 2012-01-19T20:13:58.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 Urgent message from Representative Zoe Lofgren Read + Share + Spread + ACT! = Stop #SOPA and #PIP... https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/emhKtvdhTyh 32 6 29 SatDrop.jpg 2012-01-19T20:13:14.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Feds in Action! This is big, but not unusual. This action has been in motion for many months, and... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/eL6JnihpVgd 11 27 22 "By MATTHEW BARAKAT, Associated Press – 8 minutes ago. McLEAN, Virginia (AP) — Federal prosecutors have shut down one of the world's largest file-sharing sites, Megaupload.com, and charged its foun... " 2012-01-19T19:55:37.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Laughter is the Best Medicine~ SOPA & PIPA needs to some Serious Poking, in the eyes! LOL + Share... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/2BMXEkCzubh 7 3 29 2012-01-19T19:04:18.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 Poke SOPA https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/R7kDXG4nN3d 0 0 1 w00cS.jpg 2012-01-19T19:02:01.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Breaking: Mike Quigley announces that he will not support #SOPA «Today, U.S. Representative Mike ... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/SxrtB2MgRrM 3 0 30 2012-01-19T18:52:30.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Thank you, Internet! January 18th 2012, will be a day that will go straight to history books as t... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/dED6p1D8QEq 20 1 47 "On January 18th, thousands of websites followed "reddit"'s example and went dark, protesting against SOPA and PIPA, two bills that will destroy the Internet as we know it. This video is a "thank you" message to all of those that showed, the entire world, that together we can make a difference. Stop SOPA @ http://operationsopa.blogspot.com/ " 2012-01-19T18:32:44.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Jon Stweart slams #SOPA Jon Stewart yesterday had two segments regarding the bill, where he addre... " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/bQcHAxZmvQN 10 5 23 2012-01-19T17:25:52.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 This is what the Internet looked like when it fought back https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/K3DciCstpzP 8 0 30 2012-01-19T16:55:33.000Z115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/iEoKjEYG5jj 0 0 2 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0013_Layer 122.jpg 2012-01-19T16:31:27.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/Fd8wr52Pyg5 0 0 3 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0011_Layer 124.jpg 2012-01-19T16:31:19.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/Y555ccmBPo9 0 0 1 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0014_Layer 121.jpg 2012-01-19T16:31:17.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/G4BgFpn2eS6 0 0 2 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0012_Layer 123.jpg 2012-01-19T16:31:05.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/1qJhcQY7FkP 0 0 2 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0005_Layer 130.jpg 2012-01-19T16:30:56.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/CLamEeVsLys 0 0 2 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0010_Layer 125.jpg 2012-01-19T16:30:51.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/4nef49oxgKA 0 0 2 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0008_Layer 127.jpg 2012-01-19T16:30:36.000Z 115040231829422000000 post Stop SOPA 115040231829422000000 "Internet Goes on Strike - ""Final Album"" " https://plus.google.com/115040231829422107651/posts/FFA8zQ1qufS 0 0 2 StopSOPA_Blackout_Websites__0007_Layer 128.jpg 2012-01-19T16:30:32.000Z 110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 "Anonymous launches largest attack ever, crippling government and music industry sites | Anonymous... " https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/MMCeqnpY445 6 5 6 anon.jpg 2012-01-20T00:07:14.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 Megaupload file-sharing site shut down by officials in the US DOJ Gives Its Opinion On SOPA By Un... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/AmnFGCnydQj 6 6 3 mega-upload1.png 2012-01-19T22:25:22.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 RIAA Takes MPAA's Condescending Response To Protests Up A Notch If you thought that the MPAA's ob... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/6k46cMSY6y7 5 18 3 NT3pB.jpg 2012-01-19T21:27:34.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 Thank you. The Wikipedia blackout is over — and you have spoken. More than 162 million people saw... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/HxaoK5BSGfk 3 8 16 wikipedia.jpg 2012-01-19T17:32:45.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 "INTERNETS, 18th of January 2012. PRESS RELEASE, FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Over a century ago Thomas ... " https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/fU4Wg2yrELp 11 1 7 "Download music, movies, games, software and much more. The Pirate Bay is the world's largest bittorrent tracker. " 2012-01-19T02:10:59.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 "The Biggest Online Blacked out in Human History January,18,2012 SPREAD THE WORD Bills lose three ... " https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/WBGqoycdvZs 10 1 13 stop_sopa_biggest_online_blacked_out_by_ml109-d4mt314.jpg 2012-01-19T01:16:56.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 ██████████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████ This Page blacked out to protes... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/fhWCoYHCSwn 52 8 43 blackedout_coverpage1.jpg 2012-01-18T06:04:15.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 Profile Photos https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/MJ72pHipqdw 1 0 2 blackedout_avatar.jpg 2012-01-18T05:55:00.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 "Half blacked-out! Google: .End Piracy, Not Liberty. Tell Congress: Don’t censor the Web Millions ... " https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/Nr4BbW7mqj2 6 0 18 google.jpg 2012-01-18T05:46:07.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 "Wikipedia Blacked out Imagine a World Without Free Knowledge (Strong words) For over a decade, we... " https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/XWSY5e6bdza 9 1 22 wiki.jpg 2012-01-18T05:23:45.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 SPREAD THE WORD ☮ new york city craigslist ☮ Blacked out already http://newyork.craigslist.org/ +... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/K6ZQ3mDxMtr 9 3 15 craigslist.jpg 2012-01-18T04:45:20.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 "Spread the word Google Joins SOPA Strike with Homepage Action. In less than 6 hours, *Wikipedia w... " https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/Ed54SykALLu 64 9 22 google_wiki_blackedout.jpg 2012-01-18T00:04:41.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 SPREAD THE WORD Lamar Smith & MPAA Brush Off Wikipedia Blackout As Just A Publicity Stunt “It is ... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/USsRgtS4ZRN 101 12 76 sopa__i_can__t_hear_you_by_chadrocco-d4lncoz.jpg 2012-01-17T23:20:59.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 Wikipedia's plans to pull the plug on its website in protest of controversial anti-piracy legisla... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/AGXU69EnnhF 1 6 10 Wikipedias-Jimmy-Wales.--007.jpg 2012-01-16T23:54:52.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 Here is some Timeline Cover for #SOPAblackout #J18 Choose what you like & tell your friends to ch... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/JasRB59CzEg 5 0 5 stopsopanewcover2.jpg 2012-01-16T22:12:48.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 1/16/12 https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/di6FpnyH5U3 0 0 1 stopsopanewcover8.jpg 2012-01-16T22:10:38.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 1/16/12 https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/MHBHxoj6uvY 0 0 1 stopsopanewcover7.jpg 2012-01-16T22:10:33.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 Here is some profile photos for the #SOPAblackout #J18 Pick what you want and tell your friends t... https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/LaPqAJAbTvf 8 0 3 stopa1.jpg 2012-01-16T21:23:00.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 1/16/12 https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/D5oNjgZ399z 0 0 1 stopa9.jpg 2012-01-16T21:18:53.000Z110717292631787000000 post Stop SOPA 110717292631787000000 1/16/12 https://plus.google.com/110717292631787068538/posts/WRg43q2vrRM 0 0 1 stopa8.jpg 2012-01-16T21:18:49.000Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from TechCrunch “Get some popcorn… it’s going to be a long lulzy night.” https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/BeoESDiH8Y2 15 13 24 "Hacker group Anonymous isn't happy about the takedown of file-sharing site Megaupload, and as a result, it's targeting some big companies and government agencies are going toEarlier this a... " 2012-01-19T23:37:09.706Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from Casey McKinnon Brilliant! (via Sax Carr) https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/Urca2H4PvKZ 13 2 9 "A message about how Captain Jean-Luc Picard feels about SOPA and PIPA."You know, there are some words I've known since I was a schoolboy: ' With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.' Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on we're all damaged."From Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "The Drumhead".Idea and edit by me, everything else by Paramount. " 2012-01-19T22:56:21.037Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from Stop SOPA Megaupload helps to explain the consequences of #SOPA and #PIPA... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/YayDnkLanjr 8 0 9 StopSOPA_Megaupload.jpg 2012-01-19T22:52:57.684Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . The Video was Subjected to FALSE DMCA Takedown Notices by Universal Music Group Part of NBC Tel... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/GJcSfqM1Gxa 15 3 12 "Read the unbelievable story about this video: http://bit.ly/rTa78DCensored by UMG - Mega suing UMG - Reinstated by Youtube.Here is the latest story from December 29th: http://bit.ly/vnBlGOSTOP SOPA - STOP PIPA - FIGHT FOR YOUR INTERNET.Enjoy the Mega Song. We wish you all the best for 2012.Thank you for using Megaupload.com.Song produced by Kim Dotcom and Printz Board.Vocals by Printz Board, Kim Dotcom and Macy Gray.Thanks to:Will.i.amP DiddyKanye WestChris BrownJamie FoxxKim KardashianLil JohnThe GameFloyd MayweatherSerena WilliamsCiara.2012-01-19T22:50:27.000Z" 103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from ThinkGeek Can someone explain why SOPA/PIPA is necessary if the US Justice ... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/a4EzDmABBic 10 5 12 "Federal prosecutors say they have shut down one of the world’s largest Internet file-sharing sites, Megaupload.com, and charged its founder and others with violating piracy laws. " 2012-01-19T22:13:13.904Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . MegaUpload has been Seized by US Authorities and the Execs have been Indicted for Piracy IN SPI... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/ihBhZcu2y27 13 1 10 "Federal prosecutors say they have shut down one of the world’s largest Internet file-sharing sites, Megaupload.com, and charged its founder and others with violating piracy laws. " 2012-01-19T20:58:52.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . Hallelujah! The REAL Verified MC Hammer Re-Tweeted My Newest SOPA PIPA Horror Story in the UK V... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/e7jD31j7tCq 2 11 30 mc hammer tweet JPG retweet julia odwyer.jpg 2012-01-19T18:57:55.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . HOLY CRAP! . NBC is Running this SOPA Propaganda Advert RIGHT NOW! Continually! .It's a SLAM ag... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/MnFaPtkRTDJ 13 20 19 "This pro-SOPA commercial aired during the Chris Matthews show on MSNBC 01-18-12, the same day as the internet blackout. It is important to note ... " 2012-01-19T16:38:01.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 SOPA & PIPA Horror Story . . YOUR Way to FIGHT BACK! .. The Official Online Petition to STOP Rich... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/5ZP2dPJMryV 7 0 20 We the undersigned call on the UK Parliament as a matter of urgency to enact the Forum Amendment as they promised before the election and which has already been agreed and should be brought into for... 2012-01-19T14:50:41.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 PLEASE SHARE SHARE SHARE SHARE PLEASE UK Student Richard O'Dwyer's Mum's Blogger Blog is Featurin... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/XhQzBqL9R3Y 13 0 20 "Julia, Alki David is Serious. We are willing to help you anyway we can. It's obvious in my Videos who is actually responsible for the Piracy online, and we have over 100000 pieces of evidence in o... " 2012-01-19T13:49:16.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . HOT and NEW! Please SHARE this important New Video on SOPA and Protect IP . UK Student Extradit... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/jgaLqP3vmXq 139 24 53 STEAL THIS VIDEO! Re-Upload to YouTube and Everywhere!Evidence Blog http://onecandleinthedark.blogspot.comeven more at www.cbsyuosuck.comUK Student Richard O'Dwyer is being extradited to the United States to face USA Courts for just LINKING to copyrighted material on his webpage TVShack.net The USA is using an extradition treay intended to be used for terrorist to bring England Resident Richard O'Dwyer to America to be imprisoned for copyright infringement for what he did on his TVShack.net site in spite of the Fact that he broke no UK / England Laws and has never been to the USA.The Famed Billionaire Alki David has publicly announced that he will cover ALL of Richard O'Dwyer's Legal Costs in the USA once he is brought here to stand trial.MPAA Head former US Senator Chris Dodd supports the Imprisonment of World Citizens in the USA for Copyright Infringement and has called Anti SOPA and PIPA pundits "Dangerous". This Video continues to expose how the Large Media Companies Actually Created the phenomenon of "Online Piracy" to Craft laws to take over the World Wide internet and Media Portals. 2012-01-19T00:54:42.000Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from A.V. Flox I look inside myself and see my heart is blackI see your interwe... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/6VRZiZrWmdV 3 1 16 "I saw this on a documentary and immediately brought it to the internets, because I don't think this footage has been posted yet. I own nothing in this video.Now for the members, possibly my countries greatest export:Vocals-Mick JaggerGuitar-Keith Richards Bass guitar-Bill WymanDrums-Charlie WattsSitar-Brian Jones*Edit-12 November 2010, I just noticed that this has over a quarter of a million views. Thanks for reassuring my faith in all things rock.*Edit-24 November 2010, I just found out that this video has been featured. Now I can die knowing rock and roll won't fade away. " 2012-01-18T05:18:00.713Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/WcVANw6Up3x 9 2 36 SOPA IMAGE.jpg 2012-01-18T05:00:44.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . SOPA VIDEO HYSTERICAL and Poignant . The Day the LOLcats . . Died. . . Brilliant! ( www.icanhaz... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/NJX5LZcKJdq 29 2 24 "SOPA and PIPA are two examples of recent legislation that is lethal to the internet as we know it. The internet rose up and is on its way to successfully fighting them off, but we need to stay vigilant. The only way to prevent legislation like this from being passed in the future is to call your Congressmen and tell them. Make it clear that you don't support SOPA, you don't support PIPA, and that you won't support future legislation that damages the stability of the internet.For more information, visit:http://www.SeattleAgainstSOPA.comhttp://bit.ly/lifeaftersopahttp://stopcensorship.org/Follow Us on Twitter:Forest Gibson: @ForestGibsonZachary Cohn: @ZacharyCohnBen Huh: @benhuhRob WhiteheadAlexander JL Theoharis: @SatireDavid Zimmermann: @davidzimmMolly McIsaac @MollyMcIsaacGabe Conroy: @Gabrobot " 2012-01-18T04:53:23.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 . Former Connecticut Senator and MPAA President/Shill calls anyone that participates in the SOPA ... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/7cE3CtgRE9h 8 9 15 "Wikipedia, Reddit and several other sites are planning to go dark on Wednesday to express their opposition to the latest version of anti-piracy legislation. " 2012-01-18T00:59:09.000Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 "Reshared post from Jeremy Dahl LAME: Watch documentary, get marked as possible terroristAnti... " https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/1FhbFgDfvHf 7 5 15 FBI targeting political activists as terrorists(RT)http://rt.com/usa/news/fbi-political-activists-terrorists/ 2012-01-17T14:59:49.464Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 ". Is SOPA and PIPA SUPPORTER Supreme, the USA ""Better Business Bureau"" using Copyrighted Images W... " https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/AE5JgMYYa2g 7 4 23 Connecticut jpg Better Business Bureau Black Friday.jpg 2012-01-17T14:56:37.000Z103533326117556000000 post Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 ". I need YOUR HELP . The ""Better Business Bureau"" has be one of the MOST vocal advocates for SOPA... " https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/LnehGxRJrHo 19 4 34 HELP .jpg 2012-01-17T14:20:13.000Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from Emmett Lollis Michael Jackson Challenges Mitt Romney's Eligibility to Hold ... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/MAFTyBQuCT7 4 22 7 "IS HE A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN? by Michael D. Jackson (Jan. 15, 2012) — Editor's Note: The following ballot challenge to Willard Mitt Romney for " 2012-01-17T13:44:54.754Z103533326117556000000 share Michael Mozart 103533326117556000000 Reshared post from Michael Mozart SHARE SHARE SHARE.Google+ User +David Seaman LOST HIS Cont... https://plus.google.com/103533326117556337218/posts/KDpvd6AfVz8 3 0 7 "This one is a little bizarre. David Seaman, a contributor to Business Insider, claims that he lost his contributor status at the site following a dispute he had with an NBCUniversal employee, Anthony... " 2012-01-17T13:11:14.667Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "An Annie Leibovitz shot from the ""A Steady Rain"" stage.More photos: goo.gl/EM7zt " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/XR8cGprbXcz 45 173 732 0909-VO-FB47-03_09013615201.jpg_article_gallery_slideshow_v2.jpg 2012-01-17T20:54:01.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 I've seen enough small businesses to understand that that's what acting is: a small business. You... https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/S4SY9Dawmq2 34 133 610 hugh-jackman-and-robert-pattinson.jpg 2012-01-15T17:02:55.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 Conan O'Brien Presents: A Team Coco vs. Wolverine Battle Royale! https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/cZtUot1hZBK 44 113 539 tumblr_la3w82ocAs1qe7kv3o1_1280.jpeg 2012-01-13T16:37:26.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 Be the miracle in someone else’s life. Go to Aid Still Required: http://bit.ly/wTtw7y Today is th... https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/KfTNEP7QP5h 153 108 640 _DSC0163.jpg 2012-01-12T16:30:59.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Don't underestimate casual sex Jane, it can be very liberating. - Eddie in Someone Like You " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/LPazLzUfKUM 41 118 481 Screen Shot 2011-08-19 at 3.32.51 PM.png 2012-01-11T16:29:02.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "When I was younger, I had chicken legs. My nickname was Sticks. " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/6g8cvum38dw 45 292 798 tumblr_kzo68gsr1c1qzpcqdo1_500.jpeg 2012-01-08T17:23:38.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 Get those bones strong. ADAMANTIUM strong. https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/a25s1fsnwTx 337 404 1863 2322199.jpeg 2012-01-04T16:42:52.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year, from my family to yours! " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/ebcs9esXi48 118 501 1706 segurando_a_cabe_a.jpg 2012-01-01T18:01:11.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "I am the least materialistic person I know, the only reason I wanted to make money as an actor wa... " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/5TgYFes7RZC 82 365 1194 hugh_jackma.jpg.525.0.thumb-1.jpg 2011-12-30T17:22:15.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Oprah: ""What principles do you live by?"" Hugh: ""The number one principle: Cause and effect. The s... " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/2ko2eMutZwZ 40 121 631 hugh-jackman-oprah-injury-12142010-14-820x1230.jpeg 2011-12-28T16:24:03.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Happy Holidays, mates! " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/YamGNZyW7YV 102 500 1890 09.jpg 2011-12-25T18:27:18.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 I sometimes pinch myself that I'm getting the chance -- it's like ultimate karaoke. - On being ... https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/1T8qeuavMyW 26 135 653 3.167656.jpg 2011-12-23T18:04:14.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Memphis: ""Whatcha doin' there, boy?"" Baby Mumble: ""I'm happy, Pa!"" Memphis: ""Whatcha doin' with y... " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/UNzMQ1uPomN 113 168 853 1e1307ed5c11af961fbc902a7c06e231.jpg 2011-12-21T16:32:02.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 With Elmo trying to C-O-N-C-E-N-T-R-A-T-E on Sesame Street! https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/BHXrCGU1WzQ 166 190 900 "If you're watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at http://www.sesamestreet.orgHugh Jackman introduces the word "concentrate."Sesame Street is a production of Sesame Workshop, a nonprofit educational organization which also produces Pinky Dinky Doo, The Electric Company, and other programs for children around the world. " 2011-12-18T17:42:16.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Palling around with ""A Steady Rain"" co-star Daniel CraigMore photos: http://bitly.com/hughgallery " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/XmyXYphwSZG 129 334 1347 0710-VO-WE16-03_090134299422.jpg_article_gallery_slideshow_v2.jpg 2011-12-16T17:08:56.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Magneto: ""Excuse me, I'm Erik Lehnsherr"" Professor X: ""Charles Xavier"" Wolverine: ""Go f*** yourse... " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/UvtKGgCstLX 223 483 1774 vlcsnap-2011-12-06-11h49m33s154.png 2011-12-14T17:00:58.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "Wrote a letter to 16-year-old Hugh Jackman in ""DEAR ME: A LETTER TO MY SIXTEEN-YEAR-OLD SELF."" Yo... " https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/UuBU1sYKqDy 55 260 705 Excerpt-Jackman-in-Dear-Me-T1G28HU-x-large.jpg 2011-12-11T18:12:04.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 Photographer Annie Leibovitz captures a perfect Australia moment with Nicole Kidman. More photos:... https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/4mqW2RZuYEb 116 374 1118 0708-VO-WE22-01_090133129350.jpg_article_gallery_slideshow_v2.jpg 2011-12-09T17:26:46.000Z100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 "I’m lucky to have worked in theater all over the world, but there’s something magical about Broa... https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/Q9z1zfNuyWt 92 271 1157 0903-VO-WE78-01_090136257502.jpg_article_gallery_slideshow_v2.jpg 2011-12-07T16:24:01.000Z" 100021025784352000000 post Hugh Jackman 100021025784352000000 Add +Laughing Man Coffee & Tea to your circles #CauseILoveEm and be part of our mission to suppor... https://plus.google.com/100021025784352405813/posts/QLntLEYycZJ 64 93 754 icon_option3_112811.jpg 2011-12-05T18:12:12.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Julian: How come you're not going? Sonny: Because I don't have to go. Only you and my grandfather... https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/84XNAgLyATr 56 223 642 312731_10150292252013616_9098498615_8035760_1932040653_n.jpeg 2012-01-16T18:38:15.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Meatball https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/H3hyLP4RUdF 72 399 999 383730_10150462734733616_9098498615_8798043_1310994870_n.jpeg 2012-01-09T18:25:40.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Somebody wants a haircut. https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/HfBqCgygg5R 47 379 781 394657_10150451657768616_9098498615_8736943_1133310339_n.jpeg 2012-01-02T16:39:54.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 "Have a happy, happy, happy, happy Chanukah!- The Chanukah Song " https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/MgoZzcUwEqz 91 353 886 380784_10150435788303616_9098498615_8667110_181105953_n.jpeg 2011-12-20T23:20:28.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 """Shampoo is better. I go on first and clean the hair. Conditioner is better. I leave the hair si... " https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/4QfXqHp8PeA 66 301 781 265070_10150225905513616_9098498615_7406082_977425_n.jpeg 2011-12-12T17:23:07.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 A day at the beach with Babu. https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/ASnbCRXqzjE 93 459 969 2011-12-04T18:53:54.000Z 113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 """Go ahead and whack my foot."" - Longfellow Deeds in Mr. Deeds " https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/f43Cq2Uy56d 97 500 1074 297360_10150332653363616_9098498615_8259394_1619889733_n.jpeg 2011-11-28T17:10:17.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Happy Madison Jam Session https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/GC5XFZApwPN 42 344 801 307210_10150376916373616_9098498615_8482021_1293356218_n.jpeg 2011-11-21T22:47:32.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Does my dress make the parrot look fat? https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/6kzzrk45BSi 127 500 1158 385442_10150365447228616_9098498615_8443001_2012280673_n.jpeg 2011-11-16T01:17:44.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 How do I make it start... How do I make it stop?! https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/Qn9AraddZTS 61479 896 387165_10150346437183616_9098498615_8334790_117834719_n.jpeg 2011-11-10T17:28:32.000Z 113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 On the set of Jack and Jill: Like what you see? https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/2W8ky6fGRPX 126 498 1268 317216_10150343196378616_9098498615_8313590_462859152_n.jpeg 2011-10-31T21:29:04.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 "Happy 21st, Heather? " https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/fh2eRkNKdHi 96 499 1317 311432_10150309939258616_9098498615_8135421_39187729_n.jpeg 2011-10-26T21:06:13.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Happy Madison Jam Session https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/TbNzd1w8VDy 25 269 682 319904_10150324256363616_9098498615_8215086_1897591258_n.jpeg 2011-10-18T18:16:59.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 """The price is wrong bitch!"" - Happy Gilmore in Happy Gilmore " https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/PqRdPkdueRz 87 346 732 2011-10-11T17:33:46.000Z113756014567052000000 post Adam Sandler 113756014567052000000 Making Pizza https://plus.google.com/113756014567052941747/posts/2MfiokGaow4 39 424 739 298415_10150271753528616_9098498615_7874324_6313217_n.jpg 2011-10-07T21:37:20.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 We're heading to your living rooms! Nothing intrusive -- just on Blu-ray & DVD! We'll see you on ... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/XJZc4qWpaiw 42 22 126 "Pre-order now: http://di.sn/aSDisney's The Muppets is available on Blu-ray™ & DVD Combo pack and Disney Digital March 20.Join the Never-ending Mahna Mahna now: http://di.sn/QXVisit the Muppets Fan-A-Thon on Facebook: http://di.sn/HgBecome a fan on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MuppetsFollow Statler & Waldorf on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MuppetsStudioVisit the Official Site: http://disney.com/muppetsWhen Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan, and friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater, they help Kermit reunite the Muppets to stage The Greatest Muppet Telethon Ever and raise the $10 million needed to save the theater. " 2012-01-19T20:19:40.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Team Rowlf https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/B6Uhx9orYe6 270 77 742 1WereRowlf_flat.jpg 2012-01-11T18:55:32.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Meep. https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/6knZEYa8FXo 136 70 615 836_D_06604_R (1).jpg 2012-01-10T23:47:07.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 "Kermit and Miss Piggy took a moment to talk actions, awards, Amy, and other behind-the-scenes sec... " https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/U4VyiVJ7y57 15 44 127 The stars of "The Muppets" take us behind the scenes in Hollywood. 2011-12-29T17:51:42.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 We're in a BRAND NEW Google+ commercial that is now on Google+. So meta. https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/jEzCQp3PtMW 361 73 545 "Famously good friends get together in a Google+ Hangout, to rock out and blow off steam. " 2011-12-23T03:02:47.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Our world tour continues: Here's Kermit and Jason at last night's premiere of The Muppets in Aust... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/aH7Bo8Fm1sR 9 24 160 Sydney-20111221-00069.jpg 2011-12-21T18:36:01.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 "How did we get Amy Adams in our movie, you ask? Well, you can't say no to a personal invitation f... " https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/8oXQnDKuxaV 25 20 105 "Jason Segel and Kermit the Frog's original video inviting Amy Adams to be in Disney's The Muppets.Disney's The Muppets is now playing!Visit the Muppets Fan-A-Thon on Facebook: http://di.sn/HgBecome a fan on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MuppetsFollow Statler & Waldorf on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MuppetsStudioVisit the Official Site: http://disney.com/muppetsWhen Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan, and friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater, they help Kermit reunite the Muppets to stage The Greatest Muppet Telethon Ever and raise the $10 million needed to save the theater. " 2011-12-19T21:30:52.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Maniacal laugh... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/3mGS9XwMiaW 31 60 260 836_D_09896_R.jpg 2011-12-14T20:04:07.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 "It's hard to stay in control with the stresses of the holiday season. Luckily, we have our reside... " https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/aYb1NMaaEsX 103 29 221 "Disney's The Muppets is now playing!Visit the Muppets Fan-A-Thon on Facebook: http://di.sn/HgBecome a fan on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MuppetsFollow Statler & Waldorf on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MuppetsStudioVisit the Official Site: http://disney.com/muppetsWhen Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan, and friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater, they help Kermit reunite the Muppets to stage The Greatest Muppet Telethon Ever and raise the $10 million needed to save the theater. " 2011-12-09T18:33:16.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Here's a sneak peek of Kermit and Mario Lopez getting ready for their appearance on the Disney Pa... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/Jyyu3SKfNJ4 14 29 140 photo (9).JPG 2011-12-05T20:42:26.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 We love a good idea. We especially love that idea you have about seeing our movie this weekend. H... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/jUtFFWeavyM 27 76 187 "Disney's The Muppets is now playing!Visit the Muppets Fan-A-Thon on Facebook: http://di.sn/HgBecome a fan on Facebook: http://facebook.com/MuppetsFollow Statler & Waldorf on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MuppetsStudioVisit the Official Site: http://disney.com/muppetsWhen Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan, and friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater, they help Kermit reunite the Muppets to stage The Greatest Muppet Telethon Ever and raise the $10 million needed to save the theater. " 2011-12-03T01:14:21.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Some familiar faces have joined our Mahna Mahna Phenomahna. See more of them here: http://di.sn/Qh https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/VnorwezerAn 164 44 289 "Join the Never-ending Mahna Mahna now: http://di.sn/QXDisney's The Muppets is Now Playing!Visit the Muppets Fan-A-Thon on Facebook: https://di.sn/HgLike The Muppets on Facebook: https://facebook.com/MuppetsFollow Statler & Waldorf on Twitter: http://twitter.com/MuppetsStudioVisit the Official Site: http://disney.com/muppetsWhen Walter, the world's biggest Muppet fan, and friends Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater, they help Kermit reunite the Muppets to stage The Greatest Muppet Telethon Ever and raise the $10 million needed to save the theater. " 2011-11-30T17:46:22.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Just because our movie is out doesn't mean that there's any time to rest! We're sending Jason Seg... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/8g1nJEXQy1V 26 27 180 836_D_13787_R.jpg 2011-11-30T01:54:28.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 "Did you see our new movie over the weekend? If so, you probably can't get this song out of your h... " https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/NinRZAJ85Fd 91 105 313 2011-11-28T18:34:46.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 People seem to have a lot of great things to say about our new movie! Well...most people... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/eS1Xy9yZWbG 52 56 330 836_D_16238_R.jpg 2011-11-28T06:26:05.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Our new movie is now playing at a theater near you! Find tickets for The Muppets: http://di.sn/Pu https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/J6fzLPp191A 88 128 331 muppets_nowplaying.png 2011-11-23T17:44:34.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 From the WWE to ESPN to the NHL -- we're leaving no stone unturned! Here's a shot of Walter meeti... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/4N8dhxS1Cdi 4 21 91 photo.JPG 2011-11-22T02:21:51.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 "Ladies and gentlemen, we are proud to present those Princesses of Poultry: Camilla and Friends! " https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/8L5UtUxZtpG 186 34 257 Download "Forget You" by visiting http://www.smarturl.it/muppetssoundtrack 2011-11-21T17:37:45.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Did you catch us supporting our friend Jason on +Saturday Night Live last night? https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/5zHXM5Nzqri 40 45 187 "Jason is so excited to host SNL, he and The Muppets sing about it. Unfortunately, the Muppets are misinformed about how the night will go. " 2011-11-20T19:36:20.000Z118177189004466000000 post The Muppets 118177189004466000000 Want a preview of all of songs from our new movie that you soon won't be able to get out of your ... https://plus.google.com/118177189004466545044/posts/MbHhVDvBmzP 132 47 275 Watch as The Muppets take on pesky YouTube commenters while they try and preview the soundtrack to their new movie.To download the soundtrack visit http://www.smarturl.it/MuppetsSoundtrack 2011-11-18T20:19:20.000Z102150693225130000000 share Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Reshared post from Git Comments, corrections and enhancements on [email protected] mailing l... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/MX9Xm3Fxen9 31 64 123 "(This is a preview of an howto article meant to be distributed as part of upcoming v1.7.9 release of Git). A typical distributed workflow using Git is for a contributor to fork a project, build on it,... " 2012-01-18T00:34:08.457Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Ugh. For some reason this merge window has had many more of the ""annoying small stupid problems w... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/jXEoT2Acrvm 22 48 297 2012-01-10T19:58:26.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Hey, at least it isn't pooping " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/9ELvrAbEPJ4 261 381 1841 12/28/11 - 1 2011-12-28T23:27:58.000Z102150693225130000000 share Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Reshared post from Rajini Rao Smallest rotary motor in biology, the ATP synthase. All the work... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/MC9AoThiTV7 1065 192 1523 atpsynanim.gif 2011-12-12T20:42:54.732Z102150693225130000000 share Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Reshared post from Subsurface Made a 1.2 release of subsurface.New features:- new look with... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/9sUSWUCBFjk 44 39 207 Screenshot.png 2011-12-08T20:35:12.952Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Because spiders are bad... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/RZKuM1wmve7 181 243 1304 12/3/11 - 1 2011-12-04T04:22:45.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Hey, with gnome-tweak-tool and the dock extension, gnome-3.2 is starting to look almost usable. N... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/WTLyn7dqYoR 457 499 2064 2011-12-02T00:31:40.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "This worked for +Dirk Hohndel, maybe it can work for me too: ""Dear LazyWeb, is there a way to dis... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/7PsYYeavcA9 38 219 390 2011-11-30T01:27:21.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Classy. C-L-A-S-S-Y. https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/ZT5eKZJC2h6 790 234 1943 11/27/11 - 1 2011-11-28T02:26:14.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 By popular demand: zombie tux crawling out from the netherworld. https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/LbwfrZPUVLP 355 205 2015 11/25/11 - 1 2011-11-25T20:29:59.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "So last week while I was traveling, a gaping hole to hell suddenly erupted in our driveway. Perfe... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/5VE914FUcaL 47 158 517 2011-11-23T23:42:53.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 So the google pages thing might actually work as a reasonable place to do kernel release announce... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/3J2a4Rr5VJv 338 191 1461 2011-11-08T00:24:01.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Tag-line reflecting that I did it right this time. Now I just need to figure out how to delete th... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/H3KbnS1D8Us 393 155 1143 Linux - doing it right 2011-11-07T23:57:19.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 By popular demand... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/8mXPFme9biH 92 133 412 Linux - you know you want it 2011-11-07T23:53:05.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Hey, I can create Google place pages too! " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/Hht1N4XZwYh 36 32202 The Scuba Diving Log that doesn't suck 2011-11-07T23:31:45.000Z 102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Post-Halloween math homework for fifth-graders: ""Make a bar chart of all the candy you got"". Cons... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/3CzQtJz9sFZ 86 138 1024 2011-11-01T23:22:55.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 So this is what the whole point of doing the Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures was all... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/4wo9w5VCFs4 49 65 317 "Zenobia, Larnaca, Cyprus, premier recreational and technical diving center with CCR, rebreather, trimix & technical courses. Inspiration, Evolution, Poseidon and Submatix CCR training on Zenobia " 2011-10-22T15:46:10.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "I've had a cat most my adult life, but Randi passed away a few years ago and then with Misu gone ... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/RNtv2dyRBwY 114 319 1717 2011-10-18T20:27:25.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Dirk set up a website and a mailing list for subsurface, and even made some binaries available. A... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/BarkBTXcnzV 50 67 293 Binaries for Fedora and OpenSUSE. Posted on 2011/10/12 by hohndel. Since some people prefer not to create their applications from source I am starting to make some binaries available. For now I have p... 2011-10-18T15:18:12.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "So after a few weeks, I finally have something that is pretty useful for tracking my dives. I've ... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/Cepr6Gy3zps 202 216 732 printer.png 2011-09-22T00:47:36.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 What do you think: should TWiT go dark Jan 18 to protest SOPA? Listen to my blog post then let me... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/711mKbzfeJ1 46 499 526 2012-01-15T21:38:56.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Live now (recording early so I can go to CES this afternoon) Steve @sggrc Gibson and Security Now! https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/ca4PUHzDcjc 9 19 52 Home; Army; Twitter; FriendFeed; Leoville; Tip Leo; iTunes; About; TWiT Calendar. You require Adobe Flash Player to watch TWiT Live. Please click on the button below to install the plugin . Get Adobe ... 2012-01-09T17:05:54.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 "I love ""The Descendents."" Poignant, thoughtful, moving. Clooney deserves a Best Actor nod. The on... " https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/CcG8My9KQPu 3 66 75 2011-12-28T06:10:42.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Time lapse shot with the built-in camera app on the Galaxy Nexus. This is an Ice Cream Sandwich f... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/V6ZL4EK1QQx 15 95 134 VID_20111227_154849.mp4 2011-12-28T00:54:24.000Z101261243957067000000 share Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 "Reshared post from Dalai Lama We are all, by nature, clearly oriented toward the basic human v... " https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/W9LzJSABV4C 68 99 233 2011-12-26T22:41:40.083Z101261243957067000000 checkin Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Four years of TWiTmas cards. Thanks to longtime chat moderator +Dan Hendricks for saving these. https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/iguy7supedd 14 91 372 12/19/11 - 1 2011-12-20T01:23:02.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 "Before you buy: The Galaxy Nexus disappoints. Pentile display is noticeably flawed, battery life ... " https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/5LKprAxqHzH 344 396 490 "Host: Leo LaporteReviews by Iyaz Akhtar, Eileen Rivera, Tom Merritt and Tony WangIyaz reviews the Lenovo Ideapad U300S, Tom and Eileen take a side-by-side look at the Kindle Fire and the Nook Tablet, and Leo finally gets his Galaxy Nexus. All that and more on the first episode of Before You Buy!Download or subscribe to this show at twit.tv/byb.Thanks to Cachefly for the bandwidth for this show.Running time: 27:56 " 2011-12-17T17:34:17.000Z101261243957067000000 share Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Reshared post from John Slanina TWiT staff tribute to Diamond Club during their annual holiday... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/CNhtfrZT6Zz 1 38 99 TWiTxmas2011.jpg 2011-12-16T08:41:43.488Z101261243957067000000 share Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Reshared post from Eileen Rivera I'm working on identifying the top stories discussed on TWiT ... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/K5zPpeY9A51 2 32 26 2011-12-15T20:52:58.206Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 profile_photos.active https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/YrfoZy6SHwn 0 0 4 November.jpg 2011-12-07T08:41:27.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 profile_photos.active https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/ZGwehsy3J9k 2 13 19 LL.jpg 2011-12-07T08:40:41.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 I want an easy way to make a circle that's everyone I follow except photographers. (I follow so m... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/9c7ZUHrCXGp 3 188 246 2011-11-26T16:02:14.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 If you're not playing Skyrim you're missing the game of the decade. Xbox is much more playable th... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/QKnJt675wJ6 34 257 281 2011-11-26T15:59:42.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Of course they're updating the Apple store. I just bought a new Macbook Air yesterday. https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/MjV8GAHGvvh 1 101 171 2011-11-25T05:10:19.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 "Great article in Radio World about TWiT. Thanks to its author, James Careless. " https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/JQsTh77oUZy 51 77 282 Radio World Laporte’s goal is to be nothing less than ‘The CNN of Tech Broadcasting’ 2011-11-22T04:10:31.000Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 LEO is 60 (I'll be 55 myself later this month). https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/2pGPGeFEjwd 1558 109 "Celebrating LEO, the world's first business computer. 11/17/2011 01:00:00 AM. This year marks the 60th anniversary of LEO, the world's first business computer—built by J.Lyons & Co, a lead... " 2011-11-17T20:03:52.000Z 101261243957067000000 share Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Reshared post from Louis Gray Welcome to the world of Google Music on Google+. Free track prev... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/jVm5ZDrDXX7 112 167 232 2011-11-16T22:47:44.586Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 #NAME? https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/PCDBJqKh8UH 143 74 220 Stop third parties and search engines from tracking the webpages you go to and searches you do. 2011-11-16T20:23:47.000Z101261243957067000000 share Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Reshared post from Tim O'Reilly Does anyone else find that each successive release of Mac OS X... https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/RbcMYXbpUK5 104 304 349 2011-11-12T16:28:00.490Z101261243957067000000 post Leo Laporte 101261243957067000000 Welcome to the new TWiT Google+ page! Many of our shows will also have their own pages. https://plus.google.com/101261243957067319422/posts/BzZ7d9tLNRb 56 100 565 Netcasts you love from people you trust. 2011-11-08T02:30:51.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "On the frontpage of Hacker News, and worth a watch. Founder of +Bonobos shows off how they built ... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/a97r4tcEq1G 5 3 12 Join me by noon ET on 1/20 to tune in for free! grovo.com/experts 2012-01-19T18:56:17.000Z111294201325870000000 share Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Reshared post from John Doherty I did some testing recently around the new HREFLANG markup for... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/codPEwtwPVy 4 4 12 "When I searched for “canonical movil” in Google.com on December 31, I saw this: The Spanish was indexed and ranking. Very good. But I searched for it on January 17th and saw: Huh? The English outranks... " 2012-01-19T00:59:44.952Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 This http://www.quora.com/Private-Company-Revenues is a phenomenal list of reading material for a... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/932Jin1wxMN 12 0 21 2012-01-19T00:47:29.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 One of the most fascinating articles about the death of a business I've ever read. This part alon... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/1GELm51HDsP 13 11 28 "LENIN is said to have sneered that a capitalist will sell you the rope to hang him. The quote may be spurious, but it contains a grain of truth. " 2012-01-18T05:46:53.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "In 2007, I wrote one of my most popular and visited blog posts covering 21 tactics to increase bl... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/NjMK23Md8d5 55 20 78 "It's easy to build a blog, but hard to build a successful blog with significant traffic. Over the years, we've grown this blog to hundreds of thousands of visitors each month and helped lots of other ... " 2012-01-17T10:51:19.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "StackExchange's year in review is excellent for its transparency, data and envy-inducing impressi... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/QH5A2tUVo2s 2 0 5 "One of the most important things is that we've managed to maintain the same amazing quality across all our sites, even with our rapid growth. We've got a 93% answer rate across the network - a... " 2012-01-17T01:29:42.000Z111294201325870000000 share Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Reshared post from John Doherty Do you like linkbuilding? How about productivity? How about be... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/LKvobGr9xyh 8 5 15 "Because linkbuilding is hard, we all look for ways to make the process less painful and our outreach more effective. I constantly struggled with how to make my job more effective when working in-house... " 2012-01-16T16:57:54.438Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "Pretty good list of some impressive sites. Sadly, many of them don't do accessibility or SEO well... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/di4D7Rv16aP 39 9 46 All hot trends in modern web design in one roundup.The best creative web designs of 2011. 2012-01-16T04:46:21.000Z111294201325870000000 share Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Reshared post from SEOmoz Check out +Rand Fishkin in the latest edition of Whiteboard+ - Why E... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/SrWi323uhTk 123 37 104 2012-01-14T07:45:39.003Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Really excellent piece. I wish everyone who talked about macroeconomic issues (or international b... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/cYy1RjQH4Eq 7 5 22 The Motley Fool - Fact vs. fiction. 2012-01-14T01:45:17.000Z111294201325870000000 share Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "Reshared post from John Doherty New post today, trying to clear up some misconceptions about t... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/2vE5rLyyywi 15 9 23 "SEO is NOT Your Whole Marketing Strategy. Posted by John Doherty on 2012 Jan 13 in Search Engine Optimization. Hey you! Yeah, you. Welcome to my site. I see you're new here. Why not subscribe to m... " 2012-01-13T17:41:11.852Z111294201325870000000 share Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "Reshared post from Cyrus Shepard Do you add links to new content from old pages? If so, how ef... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/Xf5KK97JWY2 13 4 9 "What happens when you build new links on old pages? Often when link prospecting, SEOs look towards older, high-authority pages for link prospects, but do these links pass the same value, or more, than... " 2012-01-13T07:33:07.377Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Italy's #1 bank is now... the Mafia?! https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/71eWYKWJRKc 16 17 "18ROME (Reuters) - Organized crime has tightened its grip on the Italian economy during the economic crisis, making the Mafia the country's biggest bank and squeezing the life out of thousands of small ... " 2012-01-12T05:17:35.000Z 111294201325870000000 share Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 "Reshared post from Geraldine DeRuiter I finally fulfill a geeky childhood dream, and visit the... " https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/HpezPhchtxK 0 4 20 "It's rare that I have direction when I travel, in any sense of the word. I usually roam around the city, using my blessedly-large nose to seek out and follow the smell of baked goods, often to a h... " 2012-01-10T20:08:50.468Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 I'd love your help contributing to a project to verify the inaccurate data we've been seeing from... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/XxLBw414ngC 14 4 27 "SEOmoz.org had 13.8mm visits from 6.25mm unique visitors last year (2011). Those numbers are pretty exciting, but what's not exciting is the external perception created by third-parties like Com... " 2012-01-10T08:31:21.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Rand Fishkin hung out with 23 people. https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/9VKwLJV8frx 0 12 12 2012-01-04T18:50:00.578Z 111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 +Ian Lurie does some fancy math and figures out that he can recover about 75% of the keyword (not... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/Nwkn6kRBgLY 5 3 12 "A long time ago, alchemists tried to turn lead into gold. They were pikers. Compared to digging keyword data out of the Google's lovely (not provided) statistic, lead into gold woulda been a cinch. Bu... " 2012-01-04T17:36:05.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Read http://wilreynolds.com/post/15254166320/hiring-remote-full-time-workers-not-for-me and reall... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/GexxcADBS6c 1 8 5 Hiring remote full time workers - not for me I just read John Doherty’s post on don’t hire remote workers. From the title alone I was rubbing my hands saying YES! THIS! Then I read it and was a little... 2012-01-03T21:53:10.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 I analyzed my predictions from 2011 (got a few right and a few dead wrong) and made 8 more for 20... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/H5bGRA161Wj 19 11 27 "It's nearly 2012, and that means we get to revisit our expectations for 2011 and prognosticate for the year ahead. In keeping with tradition, I'm first going to evaluate my predictions from last Decem... " 2012-01-03T07:37:43.000Z111294201325870000000 post Rand Fishkin 111294201325870000000 Shocking how many of the folks featured in this post form general consensus around the trends of ... https://plus.google.com/111294201325870406922/posts/9ukUZNR5Z2o 33 8 32 Group Interview: Google is moving fast and algorithms improve rapidly. I asked 18 top SEOs about their best SEO tips for 2012 2012-01-02T17:20:14.000Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Reshared post from Search Engine Land Google didn't give a name to its new ranking algorithm t... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/Po28h2Lzvg2 2 27 10 Do you shove lots of ads at the top of your web pages? Think again. Tired of doing a Google search and landing on these types of pages? Rejoice. Google has announced that it will penalize sites with p... 2012-01-20T00:44:34.325Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 "Too many ads ""above the fold"" on your pages? Look out. Google's got a new penalty rolling out. " https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/JtmdYQSVMm2 37 18 33 Do you shove lots of ads at the top of your web pages? Think again. Tired of doing a Google search and landing on these types of pages? Rejoice. Google has announced that it will penalize pages that a... 2012-01-19T23:02:28.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 "+Larry Page just announced that Google+ now has more than 90 million users, up from 40 million an... " https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/hrk7H1Ph1Zb 13 24 34 "Google+ has reached the 90 million user mark worldwide, and CEO Larry Page says 60% of them engage on the site every day. That’s one of the lead facts that the company is pushing in its Q4 earnings an... " 2012-01-19T21:41:39.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 How did yesterday's SOPA & PIPA protests do? Here are the numbers. https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/KpfbwwMkmp3 14 2 28 "By all accounts, yesterday was a big and important day for the tech and online marketing industries. Hundreds of websites protested the SOPA & PIPA bills that are currently moving through the U.S.... " 2012-01-19T21:22:02.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 What are US congressional reps tweeting about? Politicker USA keeps you updated. Short review of ... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/N6ZFfKsxWYb 0 6 12 "Many U.S. Senators and Representatives are tweeting opinions, updates, images, documents, etc. these days, and Twitter can be a very useful, if not an essential tool, to learn about what’s going on di... " 2012-01-19T19:08:15.000Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Reshared post from Search Engine Land It's that time of year again - Doodle 4 Google! Get your... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/7WkoAX6W4Nj 3 1 12 "Google has launched its fifth annual “Doodle 4 Google” contest, and this year’s version appears to be bigger than ever and easier to enter. This year’s contest theme is “If I could travel in time, I’d... " 2012-01-19T16:41:25.782Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 "After discovering my senator, Dianne Feinstein, had no Twitter account, I sought a more low-tech ... " https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/34aSvHs7nVE 486 139 1233 telegram.JPG 2012-01-18T23:20:11.000Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Reshared post from Laughing Squid https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/JUrpjno7pdZ 11 6 "25With the English language version of Wikipedia blacked out to protest of SOPA and PIPA today, Twitter users have begun creating their own humorous "facts" and tagging them with #FactsWithoutWikiped...... " 2012-01-18T21:40:25.761Z 113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 "In Britain, Pippa Middleton is wondering why so many Americans are upset with her and spelling he... " https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/SYdmfezpH8T 2 29 40 2012-01-18T21:33:10.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 I'm waiting for the MPAA to demand the National Guard be called out to force Google to show an un... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/D4t896TKzE5 10 13 32 Major web sites have gone dark to protest the anti-piracy bills in the US Congress known as SOPA and PIPA. Internet companies fear they potentially could “break” the internet by giving out powers to b... 2012-01-18T21:20:00.000Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Reshared post from Marketing Land A round up of the major sites protesting against #SOPA and #... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/abY9RQ1AfEW 4 5 32 Major web sites have gone dark to protest the anti-piracy bills in the US Congress known as SOPA and PIPA. Internet companies fear they potentially could “break” the internet by giving out powers to b... 2012-01-18T19:50:55.505Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 #NAME? https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/U1fPk5arsrN 11 14 33 "Mark Zuckerberg has posted on Facebook that he and Facebook oppose SOPA and PIPA, and that they will oppose “any laws that will hurt the internet”. Like everyone else, he is urging people to contact t... " 2012-01-18T18:25:29.000Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Reshared post from Matthew Inman I made an animated GIF about SOPA.http://theoatmeal.com/sopa https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/AWwNoCuo7k9 54 12 73 sopa.gif 2012-01-18T17:55:55.220Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Reshared post from Search Engine Land Google has already offered blackout SEO advice but they ... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/fF6UKLNm62X 21 7 38 "As you know, there are many sites going black to protest SOPA and PIPA. Google has already offered blackout SEO advice but they decided to take it one step further by slowing down their spiders today.... " 2012-01-18T16:56:32.885Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Google has censored its logo. Wikipedia's English-language pages have gone. Web sites are speakin... https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/f8q4aNVzr7M 33 13 84 Major web sites have gone dark to protest the anti-piracy bills in the US Congress known as SOPA and PIPA. Internet companies fear they potentially could “break” the internet by giving out powers to b... 2012-01-18T07:59:19.000Z113217924531763000000 share Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 "Reshared post from Barack Obama The President may be a fan of Betty White’s work, but he’s not... " https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/j26m9jJqXBk 7 5 20 President Obama wishes Betty White a happy birthday 2012-01-18T02:57:59.851Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 Any vets out there remember the day Jerry started the Yahoo Priority Queue :) https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/HTKUxVkVvoU 2 13 27 "With Jerry Yang stepping down from Yahoo’s board of directors today, I couldn’t help but think back to one of my first encounters with him, a fond memory shared by the shrinking pool of veteran intern... " 2012-01-18T02:08:18.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 sunset https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/VVLhc95GqjC 3 8 43 1/17/12 - 1 2012-01-18T01:09:51.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 1/17/12 https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/3R5QZzRHXvF 0 1 1 1/17/12 - 3 2012-01-18T01:09:50.000Z113217924531763000000 post Danny Sullivan 113217924531763000000 1/17/12 https://plus.google.com/113217924531763968801/posts/fgGktL4aJxT 0 1 3 1/17/12 - 2 2012-01-18T01:09:49.000Z102150693225130000000 share Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Reshared post from Git Comments, corrections and enhancements on [email protected] mailing l... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/MX9Xm3Fxen9 31 64 123 "(This is a preview of an howto article meant to be distributed as part of upcoming v1.7.9 release of Git). A typical distributed workflow using Git is for a contributor to fork a project, build on it,... " 2012-01-18T00:34:08.457Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Ugh. For some reason this merge window has had many more of the ""annoying small stupid problems w... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/jXEoT2Acrvm 22 48 297 2012-01-10T19:58:26.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Hey, at least it isn't pooping " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/9ELvrAbEPJ4 261 381 1841 12/28/11 - 1 2011-12-28T23:27:58.000Z102150693225130000000 share Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Reshared post from Rajini Rao Smallest rotary motor in biology, the ATP synthase. All the work... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/MC9AoThiTV7 1065 192 1523 atpsynanim.gif 2011-12-12T20:42:54.732Z102150693225130000000 share Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Reshared post from Subsurface Made a 1.2 release of subsurface.New features:- new look with... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/9sUSWUCBFjk 44 39 207 Screenshot.png 2011-12-08T20:35:12.952Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Because spiders are bad... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/RZKuM1wmve7 181 243 1304 12/3/11 - 1 2011-12-04T04:22:45.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Hey, with gnome-tweak-tool and the dock extension, gnome-3.2 is starting to look almost usable. N... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/WTLyn7dqYoR 457 499 2064 2011-12-02T00:31:40.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "This worked for +Dirk Hohndel, maybe it can work for me too: ""Dear LazyWeb, is there a way to dis... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/7PsYYeavcA9 38 219 390 2011-11-30T01:27:21.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Classy. C-L-A-S-S-Y. https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/ZT5eKZJC2h6 790 234 1943 11/27/11 - 1 2011-11-28T02:26:14.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 By popular demand: zombie tux crawling out from the netherworld. https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/LbwfrZPUVLP 355 205 2015 11/25/11 - 1 2011-11-25T20:29:59.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "So last week while I was traveling, a gaping hole to hell suddenly erupted in our driveway. Perfe... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/5VE914FUcaL 47 158 517 2011-11-23T23:42:53.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 So the google pages thing might actually work as a reasonable place to do kernel release announce... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/3J2a4Rr5VJv 338 191 1461 2011-11-08T00:24:01.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 Tag-line reflecting that I did it right this time. Now I just need to figure out how to delete th... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/H3KbnS1D8Us 393 155 1143 Linux - doing it right 2011-11-07T23:57:19.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 By popular demand... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/8mXPFme9biH 92 133 412 Linux - you know you want it 2011-11-07T23:53:05.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Hey, I can create Google place pages too! " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/Hht1N4XZwYh 36 32202 The Scuba Diving Log that doesn't suck 2011-11-07T23:31:45.000Z 102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Post-Halloween math homework for fifth-graders: ""Make a bar chart of all the candy you got"". Cons... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/3CzQtJz9sFZ 86 138 1024 2011-11-01T23:22:55.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 So this is what the whole point of doing the Advanced Nitrox and Decompression Procedures was all... https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/4wo9w5VCFs4 49 65 317 "Zenobia, Larnaca, Cyprus, premier recreational and technical diving center with CCR, rebreather, trimix & technical courses. Inspiration, Evolution, Poseidon and Submatix CCR training on Zenobia " 2011-10-22T15:46:10.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "I've had a cat most my adult life, but Randi passed away a few years ago and then with Misu gone ... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/RNtv2dyRBwY 114 319 1717 2011-10-18T20:27:25.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "Dirk set up a website and a mailing list for subsurface, and even made some binaries available. A... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/BarkBTXcnzV 50 67 293 Binaries for Fedora and OpenSUSE. Posted on 2011/10/12 by hohndel. Since some people prefer not to create their applications from source I am starting to make some binaries available. For now I have p... 2011-10-18T15:18:12.000Z102150693225130000000 post Linus Torvalds 102150693225130000000 "So after a few weeks, I finally have something that is pretty useful for tracking my dives. I've ... " https://plus.google.com/102150693225130002912/posts/Cepr6Gy3zps 202 216 732 printer.png 2011-09-22T00:47:36.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 Watching 'The Last Samurai' is wrinkling my brain! Not for Tom Cruise being a samurai but due to ... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/QXgsfwk8xqr 8 22 40 "Introduction. This page is a catalog all the prints by Yoshitoshi in the series 'Eimei nijūhasshūku (英名 二十八 衆句 - 28 Famous Murders with Verse)', of which Yoshitoshi produced half, with Yoshiik... " 2011-10-29T22:55:19.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 How I'm battling Hurricane Irene: Carving a Japanese woodblock print and watching Starcraft 2 at ... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/BMZ9a728XkG 5 26 62 "Carving a Japanese woodblock print and watching MLG Starcraft 2. Awesome.For those interested, specifically I'm carving a print by Katsukawa Shunshô, circa 1769, of the actor Ichikawa Danjûrô IV, the original print (original owned by Frank Lloyd Wright!) can be found here:<a href=""http://www.mfa.org/collections/object/actor-ichikawa-danj-r-iv-as-shibaraku-231781"">www.mfa.org/collections/object/actor-ichikawa-danj-r-iv-a...</a>This will be my second woodblock print - and one that's significantly more difficult than my first, I'm enjoying it, though! " 2011-08-27T21:26:28.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "You can see who Google thinks you are in the ad preferences, mine are dead on: http://www.google.... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/WqubfCg5zKk 320 37 188 "<a href=""http://www.google.com/ads/preferences/"">www.google.com/ads/preferences/</a>Crazy what Google can figure out about you, mine are dead-on. " 2011-08-03T18:20:10.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 Cool art-inspired concert by +Nell Shaw Cohen happening tomorrow at the Peabody Essex Museum outs... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/A8uWRYptJay 4 1 21 "Nell Shaw Cohen first saw the five paintings that make up Thomas Cole’s “The Course of Empire’’ in 2008, during her freshman year as a composition student at New England Conservatory. Cohen is acutely... " 2011-07-29T19:31:36.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "Khan Academy Exercise Rewrite is live, more details in my blog post. Congrats to the whole team o... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/TiqL7Qmmwpf 30 26 106 Khan Exercise Rewrite. Khan Exercise Framework Deployed. Today we're pushing live a complete rewrite of the Khan Academy Exercise framework (live demo). A big push at Khan Academy has been to writ... 2011-07-28T19:37:15.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "My ""Uses This"" interview is now live: See what tech I use for development and media watching. " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/RdxbFoKYbYM 63 32 140 "Who are you, and what do you do? I'm a JavaScript programmer. I work for Khan Academy, developing a next generation educational platform. I'm the creator and lead developer of the jQuery JavaS... " 2011-07-26T13:58:20.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 Unghh... OSX Lion's inverted scroll wheel is really wrinkling my brain. Looks like you can fix th... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/CT3dxkoFi8C 6 52 43 2011-07-23T16:39:41.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "Huh, just found out that Google+ Hangouts use jQuery. Neat! Thanks to +Kaleb Hornsby for the head... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/LSnv232CbU3 42 41 249 2011-07-22T19:02:28.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "I took a panorama picture of Khan Academy during our weekly standup meeting (uses Photosynth, req... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/hqhBFMVvRdg 56 45 38 "A weekly standup meeting of the entire company, taken on July 20, 2011., Khan Academy Standup - Photosynth " 2011-07-20T22:08:30.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 Just wrote up a blog post detailing how our random exercise generation works in the new Khan Acad... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/UVLu8K6h93q 19 9 70 Random Khan Exercises. We're taking an innovative new approach to providing students with exercises in the new Khan Academy exercise framework (which will be released for beta testing soon). In th... 2011-07-19T19:07:14.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "The final result of Monday and Tuesday's jQuery Core Bug Triage. We triaged about 250 tickets, ar... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/3SWoQWXbnTx 14 18 127 Screen shot 2011-07-13 at 9.36.08 PM.png 2011-07-14T01:39:44.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 The Khan Academy iPad app is coming along really well. We're getting near to a 1.0 release. This ... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/JGthmsiU6aN 548 66 506 2011-07-13T19:01:29.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 There is a stark contrast between what jQuery team members will say about a ticket to each other ... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/5a47WdAT31t 19 29 107 2011-07-12T18:34:18.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "+Dave Methvin, +Rick Waldron, +adam sontag, +Timmy Willison, +Addy Osmani, and I are all working ... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/3EZiLWK1cJM 9 21 85 Screen shot 2011-07-12 at 10.56.14 AM.png 2011-07-12T14:57:02.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 The jQuery dev team all agrees that we hate the current implementation of positional CSS selector... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/TRMgqsJ28p8 26 31 193 2011-07-11T20:00:36.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 "+Dave Methvin, +Timmy Willison, +adam sontag, Julian Aubourg, and I are all triaging jQuery Core ... " https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/RM2LN4d487t 1 10 33 2011-07-11T17:31:31.000Z115675748062237000000 post John Resig 115675748062237000000 A big couple weeks coming up here at Khan Academy. We're working on getting a beta version of the... https://plus.google.com/115675748062237570841/posts/P98AXyna8fB 32 24 155 2011-07-11T14:37:46.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "30 days later, and I'm still on Vacation I've been on holidays since December 20th. I haven't bee... " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/gJfjUcw8SV2 0 0 3 2012-01-19T23:54:15.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 SOPA - whatrhymeswith.com Joins In For A Blackout! http://www.whatrhymeswith.com has joined the B... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/DKXpXLMnFVc 3 0 12 Screenshot at 2012-01-18 17:04:37.png 2012-01-18T23:05:24.000Z115777169768345000000 share James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Reshared post from Michael Dell 20+ years ago we shipped the world's first battery powered col... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/D6NnZ3a1hxN 1 0 3 325NC_1a.jpg 2012-01-18T21:54:43.097Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 SOPA Bystander Effect! We all know a bystander effect happens. The bystander effect is a social p... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/Z6UuXAJ8Dvc 11 0 15 bystandereffect.jpg 2012-01-18T20:31:54.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Brilliantsrc: http://goo.gl/HTDkVvia +Stephen Lord on FB https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/B4QsfTQacLt 18 15 14 read-wrong.jpg 2012-01-18T20:01:04.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Future Of Google With SOPA?src: http://goo.gl/PzhaR https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/L1hLhtGbyHh 133 17 funny-sopa.png 2012-01-18T09:45:59.000Z 115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Design Question What colors or layout would you choose for a new design of http://www.whatrhymesw... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/c4DMiw8aSeP 1 3 6 NurseryRhyme1.jpg 2012-01-18T06:18:07.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Notice#funwithphotos #googleplusupdatecc: +Stephen Lord https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/5D4XtjBPuyH 3 5 10 notice.jpg 2012-01-18T04:00:48.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "Imagine you're a fish in a fish bowl, looking through that fish bowl into another fish bowl, to ... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/Gr6L94npNZg 3 11 14 fish-bowl.jpg 2012-01-18T03:45:43.000Z" 115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "White House Is was On Lock Down? BTW, with the SOPA bill - I'm currently committing a felony. I t... " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/fZKFL88Ljas 0 4 6 r-WHITE-HOUSE-large570.jpg 2012-01-18T03:23:48.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Humans Can't Help Climate Change. Weather Is Record Breaking!! To the man upstairs (must be a man... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/45d5NqNVnLM 2 6 6 bear.jpg 2012-01-17T19:04:09.000Z115777169768345000000 share James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "Reshared post from Simon Salt Why websites going ""dark"" will achieve nothingI've been follow... " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/2zKxy2PbTCh 0 7 4 2012-01-17T05:04:07.250Z115777169768345000000 share James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Reshared post from Dan Gillmor When Wikipedia goes dark on Wednesday to protest Internet censo... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/15yNoEjNiSk 0 1 7 2012-01-17T00:34:04.506Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "If You Play Call Of Duty, You're Committing A War Crime Time to play some call of duty (MW3) - bu... " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/gTozMG2Khru 2 10 4 THE Red Cross is investigating whether 600 million gamers are violating the Hague and Geneva conventions when they kill and blow stuff up for fun. 2012-01-15T04:38:56.000Z115777169768345000000 share James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Reshared post from Stephen Lord The flat lands of the Australian OutbackWhere the only thing ... https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/aV1FHQoAVdn 3 2 8 DSCF0179.JPG 2012-01-15T04:31:07.342Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "The flat lands of Manitoba, Canada at 100 km/h " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/5RJhfRSojjv 0 5 3 SAM_0612.JPG 2012-01-15T00:49:23.000Z 115777169768345000000 share James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Reshared post from Ryan Zeigler Not all those who wander are lost...#synnefoto https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/Rd6p52toMRX 1 13 13 2012-01-13T06:13:36.763Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "The Moon - Part 2 Another moon shot - I could not sleep, so I tried again. I'm pretty proud of th... " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/VKorfJEazzp 4 6 14 SAM_0899.JPG 2012-01-09T10:45:06.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 Well Now - Cute https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/NLugYNM5k4M 18 5 18 Cac em nho trieu tien danh dan tuyet voi 2012-01-09T07:40:38.000Z115777169768345000000 post James Cordeiro 115777169768345000000 "The Moon The Moon from Selkirk, Manitoba, Canada tonight :) Took many others and some pictures at... " https://plus.google.com/115777169768345614675/posts/ixFQzY1Fniu 1 9 17 SAM_0856.JPG 2012-01-09T04:01:05.000Z102261756656790000000 share Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 Reshared post from kearth reynolds Happy :) Math https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/3NxoVgVQwGJ 3 1 4 happymath.PNG 2012-01-20T00:42:39.022Z 102261756656790000000 share Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 Reshared post from Terence Tao Jean Bourgain is one of the recipients of the 2012 Crafoord Pri... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/bRkdd8pGk7U 0 0 0 The Crafoord Prize in Mathematics 2012 and The Crafoord Prize in Astronomy 2012. In 2012 the Crafoord prizes in Mathematics and Astronomy are for the first time awarded simultaneously as two separate ... 2012-01-19T02:39:16.794Z102261756656790000000 share Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 Reshared post from Samuel Riksfjord Haahaha. This twitter account is retweeting all the people... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/bcC1JzEwj11 2 0 4 2012-01-18T23:21:33.033Z102261756656790000000 share Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 Reshared post from Richard Elwes I am always looking for ideas for ways to make science seem e... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/dndu74hFJGJ 1 1 3 2012-01-18T15:04:31.158Z102261756656790000000 share Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "Reshared post from John Baez It's fun thinking about the Fermi paradox. In a nutshell, it goes... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/FjfPAimx1Ma 1 2 5 "While numerous theories and principles are related to the Fermi paradox, the most closely related is the Drake equation. The equation was formulated by Dr. Frank Drake in 1961, a decade after the obje... " 2012-01-17T16:19:48.343Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 Arctic bunnies. (via darkroastedblend) https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/7tvTeVQ1PhD 2 0 5 2012-01-16T14:17:26.000Z 102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 See if you can figure out what you're seeing in the linked math video before looking at the expla... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/2GDsECVEzKD 3 0 5 2012-01-14T11:54:37.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "Feed an image into Google Image Search, and take the first ""related"" image that you haven't seen ... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/9DT6f5aoqK1 50 1 2 "http://sebastianschmieg.com/searchbyimage<br /><br />search by image, recursively<br />starting with a transparent png (400×225px)<br />2951 images, 12fps<br />december 9th, 2011<br />netherlands<br /><br />Sebastian Schmieg, 2011<br /><br />–<br /><br />more videos: http://vimeo.com/user9934287 " 2012-01-14T11:52:19.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 The NYTimes public editor has asked readers for comment as to whether reporters should be pointin... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/S2wCqx3vH7S 2 5 5 2012-01-13T12:56:04.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 It never occurred to me that one could control bubbles as precisely as this man does here at 1:45... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/V7uW2kKf9RH 3 0 6 It 's the Sugiyama brothers who began soap bubbles show for the first time in the world.世界で初めてシャボン玉ショーを始めた杉山兄弟(弘之・輝行)の偉大なる記録です。since 1965Sugiyama Hiroyuki & Teruyuki杉山弘之 & 杉山輝行 2012-01-12T03:12:48.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "Now that's a monster movie. Imagine killing an enemy every 1.5 seconds, for three hours. Sounds l... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/5vhGmac6VAG 3 4 6 "Thirty Japanese giant hornets take on an entire hive of European honey bees and slaughter 30,000 bees in three hours.<br /><br />Not having evolved alongside the giant hornet, European honey bees don't have a natural defense against them. But the Japanese honey bee does:<br /><br />The Japanese honey bee, on the other hand, has a defense against attacks of this manner. When a hornet approaches the hive to release pheromones, the bee workers emerge from their hive in an angry cloud-formation with some 500 individ... " 2012-01-11T16:33:25.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 I hadn't seen my friend Doctor Bob for a while. Turns out he's got >600 math videos up on the 'Tu... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/P2MdgDpevzX 19 0 9 "Abstract Algebra: Let G be a simple group of order 168. We calculate the number of Sylow subgroups, number of elements of a given order, and conjugacy class structure. In Part 1, we consider Sylow-p subgroup for p = 3, 7. " 2012-01-11T14:45:16.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 This is a rather amusingly written article about the astoundingly high cost of free parking (and ... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/EA7iCZVK2Nf 6 1 7 "Anyone scanning Disney Hall’s debut calendar in the fall of 2003 would have noticed the size of that first season’s schedule, 128 " 2012-01-10T19:34:19.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "Me: ""The recent Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Associat... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/fjjTHuYx6ea 1 2 11 2012-01-10T04:44:19.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "Here are the slides of my AMS-MAA lecture on how (and why) to associate a ""bounded"" juggling patt... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/FHwVhBwMy6D 0 1 2 2012-01-06T04:45:08.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 Utah names. https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/SYrbV4KVD3m 3 4 5 "The new parents couldn't be happier: Gladell & Delightra (sisters), Luvit, Delecta, Delite, Joyette, Joi, Joyia, Joyellen, Joycell, Hallah Lujah, Bliss, Joyanne, Marvalee, Evol ("love&quo... " 2012-01-06T04:41:44.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 From a very long series of art remakes: http://www.booooooom.com/2011/10/04/remake-submissions-pa... https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/LqJv3A2dQfG 1 2 2 2012-01-05T12:11:02.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "I went to a talk by Marvin Minsky today, supposedly on ""The influence of Alan Turing"" but didn't ... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/V7HawFacxBm 1 3 4 "Marvin Minsky. Marvin Minsky in 2008. Born, Marvin Lee Minsky August 9, 1927 (1927-08-09) (age 84) New York City, United States. Fields, Cognitive science. Institutions, MIT. Alma mater, Phillips Acad... " 2012-01-05T05:18:21.000Z102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 These people have some amazing-looking toys. https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/XX1tGs9jVX4 2 0 0 "Rental and sales of interactive inflatable rides and games in Akron, Canton and Cleveland, Ohio. including inflatables for school and church carnivals, company picnic... " 2011-12-26T03:46:46.000Z 102261756656790000000 post Allen Knutson 102261756656790000000 "I wrote the following as a comment on a blog, but it might be of more general interest. ---------... " https://plus.google.com/102261756656790911682/posts/iCFuJ2xmpSY 3 2 12 2011-12-26T03:12:07.000Z117663015413546000000 share John Baez 117663015413546000000 Reshared post from Susan Stone https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/8if2Y7BT44E 1 1 0 "Anonymous has launched a pair of operations in response to the takedown of the Megaupload.com site earlier today by the FBI and other authorities and continued support for the Stop Online Piracy Act by members of Congress. So far, the sites of the Justice Department, Universal Music Group, and several congressional sites have been affected.<br />The attacks began as Anonymous' Sabu called for people to boycot paid media in all forms and supporting torrent and file sharing sites. "This new, massive... " 2012-01-20T01:29:05.768Z117663015413546000000 share John Baez 117663015413546000000 Reshared post from Jordan Peacock Scott said that the NCSE’s work with teachers on evolution m... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/iRKhStQLF9M 1 0 5 2012-01-20T01:07:20.311Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 This is something I'm very happy about. For a long time I'd been wondering why some of the same m... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/FiDDJz7QuEC 7 18 24 2012-01-19T14:46:17.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 Here's a live version of one of my favorite tracks off The ConstruKction of Light. King Crimson i... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/VmG1ENuVviv 3 2 8 "Robert Fripp, Pat Mastelotto, Adrian Belew, Trey Gunn. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ " 2012-01-19T14:26:09.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Here's something that more truly expresses the essence of King Crimson: ""Level Five"". Play it lou... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/4zjxVA2Am3g 0 8 11 "Robert Fripp, Pat Mastelotto, Adrian Belew, Trey Gunn. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ " 2012-01-19T13:34:07.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "+Sampo Syreeni and I were talking about odd rhythms like 17/4, and that made me want to listen to... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/EDs6bbVLr38 4 8 5 "Live in Japan Tokyo Kouseinenkin Kaikan, April 16, 2003 " 2012-01-19T13:02:42.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Finally, this movie gives a good sense of what the Tasmanian Totem Pole is like... from the viewp... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/TZgZj8cbM7H 7 10 14 "Slacklining at the Totempole in Tasmania. It´s a 65m high and only 4 m thick spire that connects the totempole with the mainland. Length of the slackline is 17m, climber is Jens from Saxony. " 2012-01-19T08:49:18.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Here's the Tasmanian Totem Pole, viewed from an angle I never want to see firsthand. This is from... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/7NW922L5VrD 0 3 11 Totem_climb.jpg 2012-01-19T08:41:02.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 Again this photo doesn't show all of the Tasmanian Totem Pole - just enough to make me break out ... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/JmR3KqhfuKY 1 0 11 R0011804.JPG 2012-01-19T08:35:36.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "It's hard to find good pictures of the Tasmanian Totem Pole, because the damned thing is so tall ... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/XMPNv2TUqyz 0 0 10 2012-01-19T08:31:35.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 The Tasmanian Totem Pole seems to be the king of sea stacks. It's a 65 meter tall column of doler... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/d1UpZmS29Sq 2 1 17 Candlestick_Totem.jpg 2012-01-19T08:22:56.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Around 11 a.m. PT [18 January 2012] the rush of visitors looking for ways to contact their membe... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/2MtZcih5rLU 6 3 15 An influx of visitors to Senate Web sites during the copyright protest knocked them temporarily offline. But the Capitol switchboard stayed up. Read this blog post by Declan McCullagh on Privacy Inc..... 2012-01-19T06:35:02.000Z" 117663015413546000000 share John Baez 117663015413546000000 Reshared post from Aditi Raval This sums it all up beautifully.#SOPA #PIPA https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/YZRctwPMTPN 12 26 12 "http://americancensorship.org/Footage from The Downfall (2004), Copyright © 2004 Constantin Film AG, portions published under Fair Use, Title 17, U.S.C., Section 107.White House Petition: http://bit.ly/uU2qdShttp://techcrunch.com/2011/12/19/stanford-law-review-sopa-unconstitutional-and-would-break-the-internet/http://torrentfreak.com/universal-censors-megaupload-song-gets-branded-a-rogue-label-111210/http://gizmodo.com/5869321/dear-recording-industry-pay-9-million-for-pirating-tv-shows-or-shut-uphttp://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Even-RIAA-Violates-SOPA-Report-135884908.htmlhttp://www.techdirt.com/articles/20111122/04254316872/definitive-post-why-sopa-protect-ip-are-bad-bad-ideas.shtmlhttp://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2011/12/16/how-sopa-could-ruin-my-life/https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2011/12/wrapping-week-action-against-sopahttp://infojustice.org/archives/6521http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20111219/04322417127/reuters-media-columnist-explains-that-sopapipa-are-cure-worse-than-disease.shtmlhttp://www.zdnet.com/blog/government/sopa-so-how-much-does-it-cost-to-buy-off-americas-internet-freedom/11050http://www.theverge.com/policy/2011/12/20/2648166/alex-macgillivray-sopa-opinion-twitter " 2012-01-19T04:48:54.585Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "We have all grown up, one might say, thinking of nature as an adorable, helpless bunny that some... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/LtQefcf92Zj 7 3 9 The Ecotechnic Future: Envisioning a Post-Peak World By John Michael Greer 271 pp. New Society Publishers – Oct. 2009. $18.95. John Michael Greer has officially established himself as an institution w... 2012-01-19T01:20:43.000Z" 117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Here's an intensely readable, fascinating, sometimes scary and sometimes infuriating book: The Ec... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/dAQUkqy91BF 2 10 5 "From Chapter 2 of John Michael Greer's new book, The Ecotechnic Future, Envisioning a Post-Peak World (New Society Publishers, $18.95) ...From the standpoint of the far future, in fact, modern ind... " 2012-01-19T01:10:48.000Z117663015413546000000 share John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Reshared post from Richard Elwes Let X be the sentence ""If X is true then Santa Claus exists"".... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/gcfjyDobm32 7 16 11 2012-01-19T00:42:24.650Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 ████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ███ █████ ███ ████ ██ ███ ████ █████ ██ ██ ██████ ██ ██ ███ █████ ███ ███... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/SDizzuKsn2Z 52 0 76 sopa-blackout.png 2012-01-18T06:13:17.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 One last photo of Old Harry - then I'm going on strike! This one is taken through a nearby sea ar... https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/9npGaEShtrL 1 3 22 250 Old Harry and Arch.gif 2012-01-18T03:07:07.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Here is a nice view of Old Harry's Rock, Old Harry's Wife and the cliff on the shoreline, known a... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/Ct4Wj1zX6YA 0 6 11 800px-Oldharryandwife.jpg 2012-01-18T02:46:18.000Z117663015413546000000 post John Baez 117663015413546000000 "Next to Old Harry Rock is Old Harry's Wife, shown here. But who, you ask, is Old Harry? One legen... " https://plus.google.com/117663015413546257905/posts/NEiu7LexTdM 0 1 7 9HR-Old-Harrys-Wife-m.jpg 2012-01-18T02:36:49.000Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Another great feature for +Google Voice https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/eEwReJsvtTG 1 4 4 "If you'd like to send all calls made to your Google number directly to voicemail, you can enable Do Not Disturb from a phone or through the Google Voice website. Then, all calls will be sent to voicem... " 2012-01-19T20:32:46.000Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Jeff Powers Ford Factoid: Today 19-JAN-2012 Ford built its 4 millionth SYNC... https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/C1Qb9yEWsqr 0 1 3 2012-01-19T19:21:33.766Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Ford Motor Company Ford's Position on SOPA / PIPA LegislationWe have seen... https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/GWwfScU18W4 4 3 7 2012-01-19T18:23:27.334Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/2VN1tsNh6Z8 3 1 5 "Last May, democratic senator Patrick Leahy introduced a bill to the senate titled 'Preventing Real Online Threads to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011' (PIPA f... " 2012-01-18T20:50:23.000Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Colin McMillen Adding funny text to photosAdding a few words can turn a s... https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/i23CsjQVuRY 2 5 2 2012-01-17T16:56:49.399Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 An invaluable resource. Share it with anyone who needs to know. https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/4oNUoyeNivW 8 2 8 tips and advice for staying more secure on the web · Your data on the web … and how it makes websites more useful · Your data on Google … and how it makes Google services more useful · Manage your dat... 2012-01-17T14:26:02.000Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Journey to the Other Side of the Earth https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/EhBo4hXquUZ 9 9 5 Have you ever wondered which part of the other side of the earth is directly below you? Find out using this map tunnelling tool. 2012-01-16T21:05:04.000Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Baker Street Blog The Baker Street Irregulars Weekend is kicking off in New... https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/1Bm7fyAPPC6 1 1 9 "The 158th birthday of Sherlock Holmes will be celebrated in New York City from January 12-14, 2012. The Weekend is always fun, filled with formal and informal opportunities for Sherlockians new and ol... " 2012-01-12T03:58:03.560Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 "Reshared post from Marshall Kirkpatrick Social business technology is here to stay, and it's a... " https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/ECusCuYvcZB 5 0 7 "Many of us would love to be trained to have more social skills in everyday life, whether at work or at home. Or perhaps we wish other people we know would recieve that kind of training. But is sociali... " 2012-01-12T02:13:07.455Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Ford Motor Company Some great photos from today's big #FordNAIAS events. https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/VEeViBn92SD 0 3 2 "Some of the pictures I took today at the NAIAS as a guest of +Ford Motor Company They provided more than 100 bloggers -er, as the sign says, "Online… " 2012-01-10T04:32:10.169Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 "Thanks +Robert Scoble, for the compliment. Looking forward to our #FordNAIAS and #FordCES activit... " https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/55ceGLLmiur 0 3 5 2012-01-09T14:36:36.000Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Sam Abuelsamid Ever since the original Ford Mondeo debuted in Europe in the... https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/gWsemRGdT6G 2 0 8 Ford development engineer Crissy Rodriguez talks about developing the ride and handling characteristics of the 2013 Ford Fusion 2012-01-09T13:58:05.365Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Ford Motor Company It's finally here. Tell us what you think. https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/jbLEMY2Dmff 12 19 27 2012-01-09T05:10:39.235Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Getting ready to welcome 150 bloggers from around the world for #FordNAIAS https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/7EWNqvBFudu 0 7 18 1/8/12 - 1 2012-01-08T23:33:43.000Z118216759969087000000 share Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Reshared post from Mark Traphagen Google+ Tip: How to Rearrange Your Circles on Your Home Page... https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/5jGCdWhJYuf 11 4 9 1-6-2012 10-58-00 AM.png 2012-01-06T16:03:01.480Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 "Pretty cool news, I'd say. :) " https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/iKccEE6uZS1 4 4 10 "Ford will join the likes of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen with a new research and development facility in California's Silicon Valley.The new " 2012-01-06T16:01:28.000Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 True. https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/cACo5a9FWX1 6 0 9 "Get into it or forget it. Posted on January 3, 2012 by Jessica Hagy. Share and Enjoy: Digg; StumbleUpon; del.icio.us; Facebook; Twitter; Google. This entry was posted in work. Bookmark the permalink. ... " 2012-01-04T23:29:15.000Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Fascinating read. https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/7KwHZvLEoMH 10 2 15 The Startup Toolkit Blog. Subscribe. Blog; About & contact. So who is this disheveled huckster? Tools I use. London Startup Events. Office hours; Burger night; 15 hour startup bootcamp; Other Lond... 2012-01-02T05:00:01.000Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/FNwWUN7GLfi 0 1 2 "The Best of ASW 2011. One way to judge what readers liked best from A Suitable Wardrobe in 2011 is to look at the posts that drew the most comments. Herewith, the top five. Lessons. Illustration: Esqu... " 2012-01-02T04:50:18.000Z118216759969087000000 post Scott Monty 118216759969087000000 Merry New Year! https://plus.google.com/118216759969087724610/posts/Zmm2eYomJWm 15 12 29 scene from trading places -- Eddie Murphy -- Merry New Year! haaahahahaa! 2012-01-01T05:07:15.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 Ford's Position on SOPA / PIPA Legislation We have seen a number of mentions and questions about ... https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/bD3HYb2sFrn 34 11 79 2012-01-19T13:31:46.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 How would you test a technology that can help park for you? https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/TY988t2CEE5 13 12 32 "How would you test a technology that can help park for you? Tell us your idea on Facebook. We're asking real people to challenge Ford technology. And professional stuntwoman, Nina Armstrong, tested Active Park Assist. Her idea? Do it on the edge of a 10-storey building! To see more challenges and share your ideas, join us on Facebook. Who knows, next time it could be you in the driver's seat. " 2012-01-17T10:22:10.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "Talk about joining the conversation! Based on data analyzed by Nielsen Buzz Metrics, the Ford Fus... " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/ZgLZ5VvvRjj 7 10 40 Nielsen Automotive - 2012 NAIAS - Vehicles - Snapshot Jan 1 - Jan 12.jpg 2012-01-13T00:58:01.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 Some great photos from today's big #FordNAIAS events. https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/go5kUnDfzEr 3 0 17 "Some of the pictures I took today at the NAIAS as a guest of +Ford Motor Company They provided more than 100 bloggers -er, as the sign says, "Online… " 2012-01-10T04:28:23.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 Updated with the Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid and the Ford Fusion Hybrid https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/BUxFPHGpCfH 36 16 80 2012-01-09T05:46:55.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/DnZNmJYh3if 0 0 7 13FusionHybrid_21_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:36:30.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/dfxRhtgDjkF 0 1 6 13FusionHybrid_16_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:36:29.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/Rszt6z9SUNi 1 0 4 13FusionEnergi_02_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:36:09.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/4S794ASkiau 0 0 4 13FusionEnergi_01_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:36:07.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/g2X1RxLJP2a 0 0 4 13FusionHybrid_03_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:57.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/11tftHa9p2N 1 1 4 13FusionHybrid_02_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:50.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/jGtjZqFka23 0 0 3 13FusionEnergi_11_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:43.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/MKBuo1Godyb 3 2 7 13FusionHybrid_01_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:42.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/74V3Zms9QrB 0 0 7 13FusionEnergi_12_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:27.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/BazFz1N3Nj5 0 0 3 13FusionEnergi_10_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:12.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/agc3HmdrZ7u 0 0 5 13FusionEnergi_09_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:35:02.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/jAuTBakDHG6 0 0 3 13FusionEnergi_07_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:34:51.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/axznTSqJj2z 1 1 3 13FusionEnergi_08_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:34:46.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/g8Di1wZqHK3 0 0 0 13FusionEnergi_03_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:34:22.000Z111717275116289000000 post Ford Motor Company 111717275116289000000 "The 2013 Ford Fusion, Ford Fusion Hybrid & Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid " https://plus.google.com/111717275116289870961/posts/cmEwZSKt9cS 0 0 3 13FusionEnergi_05_HR.jpg 2012-01-09T05:34:21.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 After feeling a bit meh about the last #googleplusupdate I commented on: goo.gl/b58wH this one ki... https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/MzwaizMjFaE 1 2 2 "Now when you start typing a hashtag in a post or a comment, Google+ will present a list of hashtags you might be looking for. Music: Kisses on Lips (The Mistletoe Mix), by Loveshadow. " 2012-01-17T16:14:06.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 Will I be the only voice saying this feature is not likely to bring any real (or lasting) joy? I'... https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/ArjKgcEz44N 0 9 1 "Adding funny text to photosAdding a few words can turn a silly photo into a ROFL, or draw attention to what you find most interesting. Today we're… " 2012-01-17T16:09:24.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 Wonder how the #FordWRC team will fair in #RallyeMonte-Carlo ?Good luck! https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/HLGxbYCSFjM 0 0 7 "Follow on Facebook: http://fb.com/FordWRC and Twitter: http://twitter.com/FordWRC After a short winter 'off' season, Ford World Rally Team is revved up and ready to go ahead of the 2012 World Rally Championship, beginning with the return of the iconic Rallye Monte Carlo this weekend. Find out how Fiesta RS WRC duo Jari-Matti Latvala and Petter Solberg have been preparing for what is well-renowned as being one of the toughest events on the calendar... " 2012-01-17T15:03:27.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 "I hadn't noticed this before, but on some +YouTube videos there's the option to watch at differen... " https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/HTYSPqtrGxt 0 12 2 2Xspeed2.png 2012-01-17T14:31:43.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/H38Quaw1R4j 0 0 13 1/15/12 - 1 2012-01-15T13:52:50.000Z111667704476323000000 share Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 Reshared post from Tamás Németh https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/bUX49MqbWdF 2 1 9 2012-01-13T12:16:11.764Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 See that the Send feedback button has been moved to the left because of .... user feedback: goo.g... https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/BtH6kRsJHfr 0 2 10 send_feedback_moved.png 2012-01-13T09:25:57.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 This is my fav' image from the +Ford Motor Company 2012 #FordNAIAS set so far. What's your fav'? ... https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/j35CfwKgvP8 0 3 6 _MG_5199.JPG 2012-01-12T15:46:15.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 "Poll: Are you using the find my face feature? First time I've seen a ""find my face"" suggestion. ""... " https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/7yFwV43A2jX 0 10 1 IsThisYou.png 2012-01-11T12:56:00.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 :-(Edit: The number of searches since when? https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/U1fE2BtkyBe 0 12 0 Screen shot 2012-01-10 at 10.46.47 AM.png 2012-01-10T09:48:02.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 So which car company will crack it? https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/hNdkpFY9Emg 1 3 4 2012-01-09T18:34:01.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 #YouMustListenToThisIs there a PJ Harvey fan inside of you? https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/1NFZivKakgC 0 0 2 PJ Harvey- The Words That Maketh Murder 2012-01-09T15:52:08.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 Good luck for the #FordNAIAS Live Stream guys! Now >> livestream.com/ford Video via/ fordfusionst... https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/NAgZvaUJfkt 0 6 4 The new 2013 Ford represents the new face of Ford and chief designer Chris Hamilton describes the inspiration. 2012-01-09T13:06:51.000Z111667704476323000000 share Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 Reshared post from Ford Motor Company Updated with the Ford Fusion Energi Plug-in Hybrid and t... https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/4xTAmxkc4BF 0 0 2 2012-01-09T09:34:48.952Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 #ImSqeezingYourHead https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/HspPwqGa8JG 0 3 0 head.JPG 2012-01-08T17:52:06.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 "The weather has been awful over the past few days, while stuck inside going through some videos I... " https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/UyZ453PbT7D 0 5 0 2012-01-05T19:00:06.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 That about sums it up. https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/a22Cnkgq3wB 0 0 7 1/4/12 - 1 2012-01-04T11:55:56.000Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 #BestFriends https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/ffV9SvZPb1J 0 2 8 1/2/12 - 1 2012-01-02T19:06:20.000Z111667704476323000000 share Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 "Reshared post from Damian Witkowski happy new year, may all your wishes become true! " https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/KdY4ep7a5xc 1 1 8 IMG_9744_5_6_tonemapped.jpg 2012-01-01T03:27:09.329Z111667704476323000000 post Robert Wallis 111667704476323000000 #HappyNewYear https://plus.google.com/111667704476323287430/posts/aJH6VtPr3eG 0 4 12 12/31/11 - 1 2011-12-31T23:20:43.000Z