Xcode required at least one Self - and using Self for both worked and…
Xcode required at least one Self - and using Self for both worked and…
VLCPlaybackService: Improve the end of playback
VLCPlaybackService: Improve the end of playback
VLCFullscreenMovieTVViewController: Add custom seek duration option
VLCFullscreenMovieTVViewController: Add custom seek duration option
Fix memory leaks in medial view controller
Fix memory leaks in medial view controller
Fix 'The "Include the media library in device backup" setting is inve…
Fix 'The "Include the media library in device backup" setting is inve…
Use platform-appropriate semantic colors on visionOS
Use platform-appropriate semantic colors on visionOS
Add missing locales for russian language
Add missing locales for russian language
Use JSON attachment for email feedback technical information. #1823
Use JSON attachment for email feedback technical information. #1823
README: update IRC network and links
README: update IRC network and links
SortModel: Update the label of the default criteria
SortModel: Update the label of the default criteria
Remove broken links from About screen
Remove broken links from About screen
MediaMoreOptionsActionSheet: Remove icon hack
MediaMoreOptionsActionSheet: Remove icon hack
VLCRemoteControlService: Add settings to skip forward/back instead of…
VLCRemoteControlService: Add settings to skip forward/back instead of…
VLCPlaybackService: Fix wrong stream recognition
VLCPlaybackService: Fix wrong stream recognition
Player: fix minor localization regression
Player: fix minor localization regression
AppearanceManager: Properly set the interface style
AppearanceManager: Properly set the interface style
Improve Observable by adding a function that calls out to each observ…
Improve Observable by adding a function that calls out to each observ…
3.6.5: add release notes and bump version numbers
3.6.5: add release notes and bump version numbers
HistoryModel: show audio and video history depending on tab instead o…
HistoryModel: show audio and video history depending on tab instead o…
VLCDonationInvoicesViewController: remove duplicated code
VLCDonationInvoicesViewController: remove duplicated code
Coding style fixes, add support for visionOS
Coding style fixes, add support for visionOS
Continue watching button: fix compilation for visionOS
Continue watching button: fix compilation for visionOS
Player View: fix compilation for visionOS
Player View: fix compilation for visionOS
VLCDownloadController: include filename in spoken announcement and st…
VLCDownloadController: include filename in spoken announcement and st…