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3019757 · Apr 22, 2021


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Developer Guide


The following need to be installed to develop and test the Helm Operator and the Helm Chart.

This project heavily uses the Operator SDK toolkit. Therefore, it is important to understand that part of the Operator SDK's job is to help create and manage operator code. In many cases, some of the code that gets committed is generated code from the Operator SDK. For example, the bundle/ directory is completely generated through make bundle. While it might be tempting to review generated code, it is not recommended.

Directory Layout

Command Cheat Sheet

See for commonly used commands with the Operator SDK.

Helm Operator

Helm Charts

Updating the Chart.yaml

The Chart.yaml file requires a version bump for any changes that take place in under helm-charts/falcon-sensor. Both version and appVersion need to be changed.

  • The PATCH version field should be changed whenever there is documentation or typo changes made.
  • The MINOR version field should be changed whenever there are values add/changed, minor functionality changes in the templates, etc.
  • The MAJOR version field should be changed whenever there is a new sensor or product enhancement.

Creating a Release

To create a new release, use the Draft a New Release and set the Tag version to the version listed in Chart.yaml. This will run a release workflow which will create a helm archive and update the helm repo to add the latest release.

Install using Helm from the Git Repository

To install using Helm, run the following command replacing <Your_CrowdStrike_CID> with your CrowdStrike Customer ID:

helm install --set falcon.cid=<Your_CrowdStrike_CID> -n falcon-system --create-namespace falcon-helm ./helm-charts/falcon-sensor

You can use multiple --set arguments for configuring the Falcon Helm Chart according to your environment. See the values yaml file for more configuration options.

Alternatively, instead of using multiple --set arguments, you can create a yaml file that customizes the default Helm Chart configurations.

For example, changing the default Kubernetes node image repository using a yaml customization file called custom_repo.yaml:

  1. Create custom_repo.yaml:

      cid: <Your_CrowdStrike_CID>
        repository: <Your_Registry>/falcon-sensor
  2. Run the helm install command specifying using custom_repo.yaml:

    helm install -f custom_repo.yaml -n falcon-system --create-namespace falcon-helm ./helm-charts/falcon-sensor

Install using Make from the Git Repository

To install using a Makefile (assumes Helm is installed on your system), run the following command replacing <Your_CrowdStrike_CID> with your CrowdStrike Customer ID:

make helm-install CID=<Your_CrowdStrike_CID>

Uninstall using Make from the Git Repository

make helm-uninstall