A sample Web application using Google App Engine for Java, Objectify, and Jersey on the server along with GWT Activities & Places and Resty-GWT on the client.
Use the issue tracker to report bugs or request enhancements.
git clone https://github.com/turbomanage/listmaker.git
- If you don't already have it, install Maven 3.
mvn clean package appengine:devserver
- Browse to http://localhost:8080/
mvn gwt:debug
- Wait for the message "Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8000"
- Configure a Java remote debugger in your IDE on port 8000 and launch it to attach.
- The standalone GWT console will appear and you can launch the browser from there.
Alternatively, you can run GWT dev mode directly with Google Plugin for Eclipse or IntelliJ full edition (see further instructions).
- Import the project into IntelliJ as a Maven project.
- If you have IntelliJ full edition, you can run GWT dev mode in the IDE as usual.
- Install the Google Plugin for Eclipse.
- Import the project into Eclipse as an existing Maven project.
The sample includes G+ and Facebook login integration. The buttons are found in src/main/webapp/index.html. Simply look for the TODOs where you need to replace the CLIENT_IDs and secrets with those found in the respective developer consoles.
Before uploading to App Engine, replace the application ID and version in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/appengine-web.xml. To obfuscate the GWT code, making it smaller, build with the maven "release" profile.
mvn -P release clean package appengine:update