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Apache ShardingSphere is an Open Source ecosystem consisting of a set of distributed database solutions, including 3 independent products: JDBC, Proxy & Sidecar (Planning). They all provide functions of data scale-out, distributed transaction and distributed governance, applicable in a variety of situations such as Java isomorphism, heterogeneous language and cloud-native.
Apache ShardingSphere aims at reasonably making full use of the computational and storage capacity of existing databases in a distributed system, rather than establishing a new database. As the cornerstone of enterprises, the relational database has a huge market share. Therefore, we prefer to focus on its incrementation instead of a total overturn.
Apache ShardingSphere began to focus on pluggable architecture from version 5.x, and features can be embedded into project flexibility. Currently, features such as data sharding, replica query, data encryption, shadow testing, and SQL dialects/database protocols such as MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLServer, Oracle supported are all weaved by plugins. Developers can customize their ShardingSphere systems just like building with LEGO blocks. There are lots of SPI extensions for Apache ShardingSphere now and they are increasing continuously.
ShardingSphere became an Apache Top-Level Project on April 16, 2020.
You are welcome to communicate with the community via the mailing list and interact via the ShardingSphere Slack.
ShardingSphere-JDBC defines itself as a lightweight Java framework that provides extra services at the Java JDBC layer. With the client end connecting directly to the database, it provides services in the form of a jar and requires no extra deployment and dependence. It can be considered as an enhanced JDBC driver, which is fully compatible with JDBC and all kinds of ORM frameworks.
Applicable in any ORM framework based on JDBC, such as JPA, Hibernate, Mybatis, Spring JDBC Template or direct use of JDBC. Supports any third-party database connection pool, such as DBCP, C3P0, BoneCP, Druid, HikariCP. Supports any kind of JDBC standard database: MySQL, Oracle, SQLServer, PostgreSQL and any SQL92 followed databases.
ShardingSphere-Proxy defines itself as a transparent database proxy, providing a database server that encapsulates database binary protocol to support heterogeneous languages. Friendlier to DBAs, the MySQL version now provided can use any kind of terminal (such as MySQL Command Client, MySQL Workbench, etc.) that is compatible of MySQL protocol to operate data.
Transparent towards applications, it can be used directly as MySQL and PostgreSQL servers. Applicable to any kind of terminal that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL protocol.
ShardingSphere-Sidecar (TODO) defines itself as a cloud-native database agent of the Kubernetes environment, in charge of all database access in the form of a sidecar. It provides a mesh layer interacting with the database, we call this Database Mesh.
Database Mesh emphasizes how to connect distributed data-access applications with the databases. Focusing on interaction, it effectively organizes the interaction between messy applications and databases. The applications and databases that use Database Mesh to visit databases will form a large grid system, where they just need to be put into the right positions accordingly. They are all governed by the mesh layer.
ShardingSphere-JDBC | ShardingSphere-Proxy | ShardingSphere-Sidecar | |
Database | Any | MySQL/PostgreSQL | MySQL/PostgreSQL |
Connections Count Cost | High | Low | High |
Supported Languages | Java Only | Any | Any |
Performance | Low loss | Relatively High loss | Low loss |
Decentralization | Yes | No | No |
Static Entry | No | Yes | No |
ShardingSphere-JDBC adopts a decentralized architecture, applicable to high-performance light-weight OLTP application developed with Java. ShardingSphere-Proxy provides static entry and all languages support, applicable for OLAP application and the sharding databases management and operation situation.
ShardingSphere is an ecosystem consisting of multiple endpoints together. Through a mixed use of ShardingSphere-JDBC and ShardingSphere-Proxy and a unified sharding strategy by the same registry center, ShardingSphere can build an application system that is applicable to all kinds of scenarios. Architects can adjust the system architecture to the most applicable one to their needs to conduct business more freely.
- Database sharding & Table sharding
- Replica query
- Sharding strategy customization
- Centre-less Distributed primary key
- Unified Transaction API
- XA transaction
- BASE transaction
- Distributed Governance
- Data migration & Scale-out
- Observability(Tracing/Metrics) Supported
- Data Encryption&Decryption
- Shadow Table for Performance Testing
./mvnw clean install -Prelease
shardingsphere-distribution/shardingsphere-src-distribution/target/apache-shardingsphere-${latest.release.version} # Source code package of Apache ShardingSphere
shardingsphere-distribution/shardingsphere-jdbc-distribution/target/apache-shardingsphere-${latest.release.version}-shardingsphere-jdbc-bin.tar.gz # Binary package of ShardingSphere-JDBC
shardingsphere-distribution/shardingsphere-proxy-distribution/target/apache-shardingsphere-${latest.release.version}-shardingsphere-proxy-bin.tar.gz # Binary package of ShardingSphere-Proxy
shardingsphere-distribution/shardingsphere-scaling-distribution/target/apache-shardingsphere-${latest.release.version}-shardingsphere-scaling-bin.tar.gz # Binary package of ShardingSphere-Scaling
git clone
cd shardingsphere-ui
./mvnw clean install -Prelease
shardingsphere-ui/shardingsphere-ui-distribution/shardingsphere-ui-bin-distribution/target/apache-shardingsphere-${latest.release.version}-shardingsphere-ui-bin.tar.gz # Binary package of ShardingSphere-UI
Apache ShardingSphere enriches the CNCF CLOUD NATIVE Landscape.