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Circuit JSON a low-level circuit representation. Use to visually represent schematic, PCB, produce Gerber files, produce bill of materials, run SPICE simulations, view warnings and more.

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Circuit JSON Specification circuit-json

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Circuit JSON a compiled intermediary low-level JSON circuit representation. It contains all the information needed to visually represent a schematic, PCB, produce Gerber files, produce bill of materials, run SPICE simulations, view warnings and more. It is designed to easily interoperate with a SQL database.

You can think of Circuit JSON as a big JSON array of "Circuit Elements", each element can have references to other elements, for example a source_component has a corresponding pcb_component representation, which has a corresponding set of pcb_ports and is connected via pcb_traces.

If you generated Circuit JSON, you can use a wide range of utilities and libraries provided by tscircuit. For example, if you want to autoroute a PCB, you could use Circuit JSON as an input to the tscircuit dsn-converter to generate a DSN file for freerouting, you could then read the DSN file back to Circuit JSON.

This module has the zod definitions and conversion functions for using circuit json, and is the primary way that Circuit JSON is defined and maintained.

Things You Can Do With Circuit JSON

Table of Contents

Typescript Usage

import { any_circuit_element, simple_source_resistor } from "circuit-json"
import type { SourceSimpleResistor } from "circuit-json"

const resistor: SourceSimpleResistor = simple_source_resistor.parse({
  type: "source_component",
  ftype: "simple_resistor",
  source_component_id: "source_component_1",
  name: "R1",
  resistane: "1k",

console.log(resistor.resistance) // 1000

// This is the common way to parse/transform any element
  /* ... */

Base Units

When there is not a string unit provided, tscircuit assumes the a "base unit" is used.

You can specify circuit json with string units to avoid ambiguity around units, for example by specifying { max_trace_length: "100mm" } avoids needing to know the base unit. However if a number is specified, it should be in the base units in the table below. In this case { max_trace_length: 100 } is equivalent.

The default units when reading a number are defined as follows:

Measurement Type Base Unit Description
Length mm Millimeters
Time ms Milliseconds
Mass g Grams
Angle deg Degrees
Frequency Hz Hertz
Volume ml Milliliters
Voltage V Volts
Current A Amperes
Resistance Ω Ohms
Capacitance F Farads
Inductance H Henries

Element Prefixes

Element prefixes are used to separate data that's used in different contexts. This allows developers who use Circuit JSON to develop partial implementations with smaller targets in mind. It can also help simplify JSON elements because schematic and pcb information is not contained in the same object.

A single <resistor /> (in tscircuit) will have a corresponding source_component, schematic_component and pcb_component, as well as other elements that may be necessary to represent it.

There are 3 main element prefixes:

  • source_ - e.g. source_component An element that contains information from whatever originally defined the entity. You can think of this as a non-target representations.
    • For example, you might have supplier_part_numbers as a property here, since that is not strictly related to the pcb or the schematic.
    • This category sometimes contains information that is relevant to both the pcb and the schematic
    • This is a somewhat a "Miscellaneous" category, because it contains things from the source definition that we wouldn't want to lose.
  • pcb_ - e.g. pcb_component, pcb_port. Anything required to render the PCB
  • schematic_ - e.g. schematic_component. Anything required to render the Schematic

Source Components


interface SourceComponentBase {
  type: "source_component"
  ftype?: string
  source_component_id: string
  name: string
  manufacturer_part_number?: string
  supplier_part_numbers?: Partial<Record<SupplierName, string[]>>
  display_value?: string


Defines an LED component that extends the simple diode

/** Defines an LED component that extends the simple diode */
interface SourceLed extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "led"


Defines a source port that can be connected to other components

/** Defines a source port that can be connected to other components */
interface SourcePort {
  type: "source_port"
  pin_number?: number
  port_hints?: string[]
  name: string
  source_port_id: string
  source_component_id: string
  subcircuit_id?: string


interface SourceProjectMetadata {
  type: "source_project_metadata"
  name?: string
  software_used_string?: string
  created_at?: string // ISO8601 timestamp


Defines a simple battery component

/** Defines a simple battery component */
interface SourceSimpleBattery extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_battery"
  capacity: number


Defines a simple capacitor component

/** Defines a simple capacitor component */
interface SourceSimpleCapacitor extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_capacitor"
  capacitance: number
  max_voltage_rating?: number
  display_capacitance?: string
  max_decoupling_trace_length?: number


Defines a simple integrated circuit component

/** Defines a simple integrated circuit component */
interface SourceSimpleChip extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_chip"


Defines a simple crystal oscillator component

/** Defines a simple crystal oscillator component */
interface SourceSimpleCrystal extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_crystal"
  frequency: number
  load_capacitance?: number


Defines a simple diode component

/** Defines a simple diode component */
interface SourceSimpleDiode extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_diode"


Defines a simple ground component

/** Defines a simple ground component */
interface SourceSimpleGround extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_ground"


Defines a simple inductor component

/** Defines a simple inductor component */
interface SourceSimpleInductor extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_inductor"
  inductance: number


/** Defines a simple mosfet component
 * This is a three-pin semiconductor device (source, gate, drain)
 * Pin configuration is handled by the schematic port system */

interface SourceSimpleMosfet extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_mosfet"
  channel_type: "n" | "p"
  mosfet_mode: "enhancement" | "depletion"


Defines a simple power source component

/** Defines a simple power source component */
interface SourceSimplePowerSource extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_power_source"
  voltage: number


Defines a simple push button component

/** Defines a simple push button component */
interface SourceSimplePushButton extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_push_button"


Defines a simple resistor component

/** Defines a simple resistor component */
interface SourceSimpleResistor extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_resistor"
  resistance: number
  display_resistance?: string


Defines a simple resonator component

/** Defines a simple resonator component */
interface SourceSimpleResonator extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_resonator"
  load_capacitance: number
  equivalent_series_resistance?: number
  frequency: number


Defines a simple switch component

/** Defines a simple switch component */
interface SourceSimpleSwitch extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_switch"


/** Defines a simple transistor component
 * This is a three-pin semiconductor device (emitter, base, collector)
 * Pin configuration is handled by the schematic port system */

interface SourceSimpleTransistor extends SourceComponentBase {
  ftype: "simple_transistor"
  transistor_type: "npn" | "pnp"


interface SourceTrace {
  type: "source_trace"
  source_trace_id: string
  connected_source_port_ids: string[]
  connected_source_net_ids: string[]
  subcircuit_id?: string
  subcircuit_connectivity_map_key?: string
  max_length?: number
  display_name?: string
  min_trace_thickness?: number

PCB Elements


interface PcbAutoroutingErrorInterface {
  type: "pcb_autorouting_error"
  pcb_error_id: string
  message: string


Defines the board outline of the PCB

/** Defines the board outline of the PCB */
interface PcbBoard {
  type: "pcb_board"
  pcb_board_id: string
  is_subcircuit?: boolean
  subcircuit_id?: string
  width: Length
  height: Length
  thickness: Length
  num_layers: number
  center: Point
  outline?: Point[]


Defines a component on the PCB

/** Defines a component on the PCB */
interface PcbComponent {
  type: "pcb_component"
  pcb_component_id: string
  source_component_id: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  center: Point
  layer: LayerRef
  rotation: Rotation
  width: Length
  height: Length


Defines a fabrication path on the PCB for fabricators or assemblers

/** Defines a fabrication path on the PCB for fabricators or assemblers */
interface PcbFabricationNotePath {
  type: "pcb_fabrication_note_path"
  pcb_fabrication_note_path_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  layer: LayerRef
  route: Point[]
  stroke_width: Length
  color?: string


Defines a fabrication note in text on the PCB, useful for leaving notes for assemblers or fabricators

/** Defines a fabrication note in text on the PCB, useful for leaving notes for assemblers or fabricators */
interface PcbFabricationNoteText {
  type: "pcb_fabrication_note_text"
  pcb_fabrication_note_text_id: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  font: "tscircuit2024"
  font_size: Length
  pcb_component_id: string
  text: string
  layer: VisibleLayer
  anchor_position: Point
    | "center"
    | "top_left"
    | "top_right"
    | "bottom_left"
    | "bottom_right"
  color?: string


Defines a group of components on the PCB

/** Defines a group of components on the PCB */
interface PcbGroup {
  type: "pcb_group"
  pcb_group_id: string
  source_group_id: string
  is_subcircuit?: boolean
  subcircuit_id?: string
  width: Length
  height: Length
  center: Point
  pcb_component_ids: string[]
  name?: string
  description?: string


Defines a circular or square hole on the PCB

/** Defines a circular or square hole on the PCB */
interface PcbHoleCircleOrSquare {
  type: "pcb_hole"
  pcb_hole_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  hole_shape: "circle" | "square"
  hole_diameter: number
  x: Distance
  y: Distance


Error emitted when a component has both manual placement (via manualEdits) and explicit pcbX/pcbY coordinates

/** Error emitted when a component has both manual placement (via manualEdits) and explicit pcbX/pcbY coordinates */
interface PcbManualEditConflictError {
  type: "pcb_manual_edit_conflict_error"
  pcb_error_id: string
  message: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  source_component_id: string


Defines a placement error on the PCB

/** Defines a placement error on the PCB */
interface PcbMissingFootprintError {
  type: "pcb_missing_footprint_error"
  pcb_missing_footprint_error_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  error_type: "pcb_missing_footprint_error"
  source_component_id: string
  message: string


Defines a placement error on the PCB

/** Defines a placement error on the PCB */
interface PcbPlacementError {
  type: "pcb_placement_error"
  pcb_placement_error_id: string
  message: string


Defines a circular plated hole on the PCB

/** Defines a circular plated hole on the PCB */
interface PcbPlatedHoleCircle {
  type: "pcb_plated_hole"
  shape: "circle"
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  outer_diameter: number
  hole_diameter: number
  x: Distance
  y: Distance
  layers: LayerRef[]
  port_hints?: string[]
  pcb_component_id?: string
  pcb_port_id?: string
  pcb_plated_hole_id: string

interface PcbHolePillWithRectPad {
  type: "pcb_plated_hole"
  shape: "pill_hole_with_rect_pad"
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  hole_shape: "pill"
  pad_shape: "rect"
  hole_width: number
  hole_height: number
  rect_pad_width: number
  rect_pad_height: number
  x: Distance
  y: Distance
  layers: LayerRef[]
  port_hints?: string[]
  pcb_component_id?: string
  pcb_port_id?: string
  pcb_plated_hole_id: string

interface PcbHoleCircularWithRectPad {
  type: "pcb_plated_hole"
  shape: "circular_hole_with_rect_pad"
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  hole_shape: "circle"
  pad_shape: "rect"
  hole_diameter: number
  rect_pad_width: number
  rect_pad_height: number
  x: Distance
  y: Distance
  layers: LayerRef[]
  port_hints?: string[]
  pcb_component_id?: string
  pcb_port_id?: string
  pcb_plated_hole_id: string


Defines a port on the PCB

/** Defines a port on the PCB */
interface PcbPort {
  type: "pcb_port"
  pcb_port_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  source_port_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  x: Distance
  y: Distance
  layers: LayerRef[]


Defines a trace error on the PCB where a port is not matched

/** Defines a trace error on the PCB where a port is not matched */
interface PcbPortNotMatchedError {
  type: "pcb_port_not_matched_error"
  pcb_error_id: string
  message: string
  pcb_component_ids: string[]


Defines a silkscreen circle on the PCB

/** Defines a silkscreen circle on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenCircle {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_circle"
  pcb_silkscreen_circle_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  center: Point
  radius: Length
  layer: VisibleLayer
  stroke_width: Length


Defines a silkscreen line on the PCB

/** Defines a silkscreen line on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenLine {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_line"
  pcb_silkscreen_line_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  stroke_width: Distance
  x1: Distance
  y1: Distance
  x2: Distance
  y2: Distance
  layer: VisibleLayer


Defines a silkscreen oval on the PCB

/** Defines a silkscreen oval on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenOval {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_oval"
  pcb_silkscreen_oval_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  center: Point
  radius_x: Distance
  radius_y: Distance
  layer: VisibleLayer


Defines a silkscreen path on the PCB

/** Defines a silkscreen path on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenPath {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_path"
  pcb_silkscreen_path_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  layer: VisibleLayerRef
  route: Point[]
  stroke_width: Length


Defines a silkscreen pill on the PCB

/** Defines a silkscreen pill on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenPill {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_pill"
  pcb_silkscreen_pill_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  center: Point
  width: Length
  height: Length
  layer: LayerRef


Defines a silkscreen rect on the PCB

/** Defines a silkscreen rect on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenRect {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_rect"
  pcb_silkscreen_rect_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  center: Point
  width: Length
  height: Length
  layer: LayerRef
  stroke_width: Length


Defines silkscreen text on the PCB

/** Defines silkscreen text on the PCB */
interface PcbSilkscreenText {
  type: "pcb_silkscreen_text"
  pcb_silkscreen_text_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  font: "tscircuit2024"
  font_size: Length
  pcb_component_id: string
  text: string
  ccw_rotation?: number
  layer: LayerRef
  is_mirrored?: boolean
  anchor_position: Point
    | "center"
    | "top_left"
    | "top_right"
    | "bottom_left"
    | "bottom_right"


Defines solderpaste on the PCB

/** Defines solderpaste on the PCB */
interface PcbSolderPasteCircle {
  type: "pcb_solder_paste"
  shape: "circle"
  pcb_solder_paste_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  x: Distance
  y: Distance
  radius: number
  layer: LayerRef
  pcb_component_id?: string
  pcb_smtpad_id?: string


Defines text on the PCB

/** Defines text on the PCB */
interface PcbText {
  type: "pcb_text"
  pcb_text_id: string
  pcb_group_id?: string
  subcircuit_id?: string
  text: string
  center: Point
  layer: LayerRef
  width: Length
  height: Length
  lines: number
  // @ts-ignore
  align: "bottom-left"


interface PcbTraceRoutePointWire {
  route_type: "wire"
  x: Distance
  y: Distance
  width: Distance
  start_pcb_port_id?: string
  end_pcb_port_id?: string
  layer: LayerRef


Defines a trace error on the PCB

/** Defines a trace error on the PCB */
interface PcbTraceError {
  type: "pcb_trace_error"
  pcb_trace_error_id: string
  error_type: "pcb_trace_error"
  message: string
  center?: Point
  pcb_trace_id: string
  source_trace_id: string
  pcb_component_ids: string[]
  pcb_port_ids: string[]


A hint that can be used during generation of a PCB trace.

/** A hint that can be used during generation of a PCB trace. */
interface PcbTraceHint {
  type: "pcb_trace_hint"
  pcb_trace_hint_id: string
  pcb_port_id: string
  pcb_component_id: string
  route: RouteHintPoint[]

Schematic Elements


interface SchematicBox {
  type: "schematic_box"
  schematic_component_id: string
  width: number
  height: number
  x: number
  y: number


interface SchematicComponent {
  type: "schematic_component"
  size: Size
  center: Point
  source_component_id: string
  schematic_component_id: string
  pin_spacing?: number
  pin_styles?: Record<
  left_margin?: number
  right_margin?: number
  top_margin?: number
  bottom_margin?: number

interface SchematicPortArrangementBySize {
  left_size: number
  right_size: number
  top_size?: number
  bottom_size?: number

interface SchematicPortArrangementBySides {
  left_side?: { pins: number[]; direction?: "top-to-bottom" | "bottom-to-top" }


interface SchematicError {
  type: "schematic_error"
  schematic_error_id: string
  error_type: "schematic_port_not_found"
  message: string


/** Defines a line on the schematic, this can be used for adding arbitrary lines
 * to a schematic, but don't use it for drawing traces, schematic boxes or where
 * other schematic elements are more appropriate. */
interface SchematicLine {
  type: "schematic_line"
  schematic_component_id: string
  x1: number
  x2: number
  y1: number
  y2: number


interface SchematicPath {
  type: "schematic_path"
  schematic_component_id: string
  fill_color?: "red" | "blue"
  is_filled?: boolean
  points: Point[]


interface SchematicPort {
  type: "schematic_port"
  schematic_port_id: string
  source_port_id: string
  schematic_component_id?: string
  center: Point
  facing_direction?: "up" | "down" | "left" | "right"
  distance_from_component_edge?: number
  side_of_component?: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right"
  true_ccw_index?: number
  pin_number?: number
  display_pin_label?: string


interface SchematicText {
  type: "schematic_text"
  schematic_component_id: string
  schematic_text_id: string
  text: string
  position: {
  x: number
  y: number


interface SchematicTraceEdge {
  from: {
  x: number
  y: number


interface SchematicVoltageProbe {
  type: "schematic_voltage_probe"
  schematic_voltage_probe_id: string
  position: Point
  schematic_trace_id: string
  voltage?: number


Circuit JSON a low-level circuit representation. Use to visually represent schematic, PCB, produce Gerber files, produce bill of materials, run SPICE simulations, view warnings and more.







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