diff --git a/qr.py b/qr.py
index 486c043..9a1662a 100644
--- a/qr.py
+++ b/qr.py
@@ -6,8 +6,10 @@
 __version__ = '0.6.0'
 __license__ = 'MIT'
+import time
 import redis
 import logging
+import datetime
     import json
@@ -369,3 +371,94 @@ def pop(self, block=False):
             queue, popped = self.redis.blpop(self.key)
         log.debug('Popped ** %s ** from key ** %s **' % (popped, self.key))
         return self._unpack(popped)
+def _now():
+    return time.mktime(datetime.datetime.now().timetuple())
+class ExpiringPriorityQueue(PriorityQueue):
+    def __init__(self, key, ttl, **kwargs):
+        PriorityQueue.__init__(self, key, **kwargs)
+        self.ttl = ttl
+    def __len__(self):
+        """Return the length of the queue"""
+        with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
+            pipe.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+            pipe.zcard(self.key)
+            results = pipe.execute()
+            if results:
+                _, card = results
+                return card
+        return 0
+    def __getitem__(self, val):
+        """Get a slice or a particular index."""
+        self.redis.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+        try:
+            return [self._unpack(i) for i in self.redis.zrange(self.key, val.start, val.stop - 1)]
+        except AttributeError:
+            value = self.redis.zrange(self.key, val, val)
+            if value:
+                return self._unpack(value[0])
+            return None
+        except Exception as e:
+            log.error('Get item failed ** %s' % repr(e))
+            return None
+    def extend(self, vals, unique=False):
+        """Extends the elements in the queue."""
+        with self.redis.pipeline(transaction=False) as pipe:
+            pipe.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+            for val, score in vals:
+                if unique:
+                    pipe.zremrangebyscore(self.key, score, score)
+                pipe.zadd(self.key, self._pack(val), score)
+                return pipe.execute()
+    def peek(self, withscores=False):
+        """Look at the next item in the queue"""
+        self.redis.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+        results = self.redis.zrange(self.key, 0, 0, withscores=True)
+        if results:
+            value, score = results[0]
+            value = self._unpack(value)
+            if withscores:
+                return (value, score)
+            return value
+        elif withscores:
+            return (None, 0.0)
+        return None
+    def elements(self):
+        """Return all elements as a Python list"""
+        self.redis.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+        return [self._unpack(i) for i in self.redis.zrange(self.key, 0, -1)]
+    def pop(self, withscores=False):
+        """Get the element with the lowest score, and pop it off"""
+        with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
+            pipe.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+            pipe.zrange(self.key, 0, 0, withscores=True)
+            pipe.zremrangebyrank(self.key, 0, 0)
+            _, results, _ = pipe.execute()
+            if results:
+                value, score = results[0]
+                value = self._unpack(value)
+                if withscores:
+                    return (value, score)
+                return value
+            elif withscores:
+                return (None, 0.0)
+            return None
+    def push(self, value, score=None, unique=False):
+        '''Add an element with a given score'''
+        score = _now() if not score else score
+        with self.redis.pipeline() as pipe:
+            pipe.zremrangebyscore(self.key, 0, _now() - self.ttl)
+            if unique:
+                pipe.zremrangebyscore(self.key, score, score)
+            pipe.zadd(self.key, self._pack(value), score)
+            results = pipe.execute()
+            return results