Fix errors related to music player message
Fix errors related to music player message
Update lavalink to version 4.0.7 (using youtube-plugin)
Update lavalink to version 4.0.7 (using youtube-plugin)
- Fix err selectmenu delete affter 10s.
- Fix err selectmenu delete affter 10s.
Optimal for music playback function (simple and ease to read code)
Optimal for music playback function (simple and ease to read code)
Handle check user in same voice channel as the bot then can use music…
Handle check user in same voice channel as the bot then can use music…
Fix error miss read username of selectmenu command
Fix error miss read username of selectmenu command
Handle read language from json file for music playing
Handle read language from json file for music playing
Optimized display of the selectmenu when search for tracks
Optimized display of the selectmenu when search for tracks
Constraint checking for nullable values
Constraint checking for nullable values
Fix invalid parameter error of function RespondAsync()
Fix invalid parameter error of function RespondAsync()
Convert text removes special characters in title track of selectmenu
Convert text removes special characters in title track of selectmenu
Fix select menu err when track title contain '@' char
Fix select menu err when track title contain '@' char
Fix err dupplicate tracks when search
Fix err dupplicate tracks when search
Remove button instead of remove music playback message affter destroy…
Remove button instead of remove music playback message affter destroy…
Delete search command mesage affter send menu
Delete search command mesage affter send menu
Separate InteractionCreated handle and ButtonExecuted handle.
Separate InteractionCreated handle and ButtonExecuted handle.