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File metadata and controls

117 lines (102 loc) · 4.66 KB

简体中文 | English


Canvas timeline supports zooming, dragging, infinite scrolling, and custom control levels. preview Demo address


ES Module

npm install @losting/timeline
<canvas id="Timeline"></canvas>
import Timeline from '@losting/timeline';

const timeline = new Timeline('#Timeline', {
  fill: false,
  width: 1000,
  height: 60,

// Custom drawing
  currentTime: 1651827817000,
  areas: [{
    startTime: 1651827433000,
    endTime: 1651829413000,
    bgColor: '#f897aa'
    startTime: 1651829533000,
    endTime: 1651832533000,

timeline.on('dragged', (timestamp) => {
  console.log(new Date(timestamp));
  // ...


<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
  <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
  <script src="[email protected]/dist/timeline.iife.js"></script>
  <canvas id="Timeline"></canvas>
    const timeline = new window['$timeline']('#Timeline');
    // ....



Property Type Required Default Description
fill boolean No false Whether to fit the parent container width and height. If false, you need to manually set the width and height of the canvas
width number No 1000 The width of the canvas
height number No 60 The height of the canvas
bgColor string No rgba(0,0,0,0.5) The background color of the canvas
textColor string No #ffffff The color of the text
fontFamily string No Arial The font family
timezone string No - The timezone to display times in. Accepts both IANA timezone format (e.g., 'America/New_York', 'Europe/London', 'Asia/Tokyo') or UTC offset format (e.g., '+04:00', '-08:00')
scaleColor string No #ffffff The color of the scale
scaleSpacing number No 7 The spacing between scales
areaBgColor string No #ffffff55 The background color of the shaded area
pointerColor string No #00aeec The color of the current time pointer
pointerWidth number No 3 The width of the current time pointer
pointerDisplayWidth number No 100 width of pointer display area
pointerDisplayHeight number No 14 height of pointer display area
fps number No 60 The number of frames per second
zoom integer No 2 The initial zoom value, a integer between 0 and timeSpacingList.length - 1 (inclusive),The index value corresponding to timeSpacingList.
timeSpacingList number[] No [10, 100, 1000, 10000, 60000, 600000, 3600000, 86400000, 604800000] Customize the time (in milliseconds) occupied by each tick.
scaleHeight object No { long: this.$canvas.height / 3, short: this.$canvas.height / 10 } Scale height. If this option is set, "long" and "short" must be filled in.
bgTextColor string No rgba(textColor, .18) The color of the text on the background
thresholdsConfig Object see: config.js corresponding scaling threshold configuration, when timeSpacingList exists, this option is required.


Method Description Example
draw Generate the timeline. draw(DrawConfig)
on Listen to internal events of the timeline. Currently, only the event name dragged is supported, which is the callback event for the end of dragging. on(name, (listener) => void)
off Cancel listening to internal events of the timeline. off(name, listener)、 Cancel all event listeners for the timeline. off('*')
getCurrentTime Get the current time. -


Parameter Type Required Default Description
currentTime number No
areas Object[] No [] Shaded areas
Parameter Type Required Default Description
startTime number Yes - Start timestamp of the shadow area (in milliseconds).
endTime number Yes - End timestamp of the shadow area (in milliseconds).
bgColor string No Config.bgColor Background color of the current shadow area.



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