You may install d2
through any of the following methods.
The recommended and easiest way to install is with our install script, which will detect the OS and architecture you're on and use the best method:
# With --dry-run the install script will print the commands it will use
# to install without actually installing so you know what it's going to do.
curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --dry-run
# If things look good, install for real.
curl -fsSL | sh -s --
For help on the terminal run, including the supported package managers and detection methods:
curl -fsSL | sh -s -- --help
The install script is not the most secure way to install d2. We recommend that if
possible, you use your OS's package manager directly or install from source with go
described below.
But this does not mean the install script is insecure. There is no major flaw that the install script is more vulnerable to than any other method of manual installation. The most secure installation method involves a second independent entity, i.e your OS package repos or Go's proxy server.
We're careful shell programmers and are aware of the many footguns of the Unix shell. Our
script was written carefully and with detail. For example, it is not vulnerable to partial
execution and the entire script runs with set -eu
and very meticulous quoting.
It follows the XDG standards, installs d2
properly into a Unix hierarchy path
unless /usr/local
requires sudo in which case ~/.local
is used) and
allows for easy uninstall. You can easily adjust the used path with --prefix
Some other niceties are that it'll tell you if you need to adjust $PATH
access d2
and its manpages. It can also install
TALA for you with --tala
. You can also use it to
install a specific version of d2
with --version
. Run it with --help
for more more
detailed docs on its various options and features.
If you're still concerned, remember you can run with --dry-run
to avoid writing anything.
The install script does not yet verify any signature on the downloaded release but that is coming soon. #315
If you're on macOS, you can install with brew
brew install d2
The install script above does this automatically if you have
installed and are running it on macOS.
You can also install from source with:
brew install d2 --HEAD
The following distributions have packages for d2:
All supported platforms:
xbps-install d2
We publish standalone release archives for every release on Github.
Here's a minimal example script that downloads a standalone release, extracts it into the current directory and then installs it. Adjust VERSION, OS, and ARCH as needed.
VERSION=v0.0.13 OS=macos ARCH=amd64 curl -fsSLO \
"$VERSION/d2-$VERSION-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz" \
&& tar -xzf "d2-$VERSION-$OS-$ARCH.tar.gz" \
&& make -sC "d2-$VERSION" install
To uninstall:
VERSION=v0.0.13 make -sC "d2-$VERSION" uninstall
You can also manually download the .tar.gz
release for your OS/ARCH combination and then
run the following inside the extracted directory to install:
make install
Run the following to uninstall:
make uninstall
You can control the Unix hierarchy installation path with PREFIX=
. For example:
# Install under ~/.local.
# Binaries will be at ~/.local/bin
# And manpages will be under ~/.local/share/man
# And supporting data like icons and fonts at ~/.local/share/d2
make install PREFIX=$HOME/.local
The install script places the standalone release into $PREFIX/lib/d2/d2-<version>
and we recommend doing the same with manually installed releases so that you
know where the release directory is for easy uninstall.
You can always install from source:
go install
You need at least Go v1.20
To install a release from source clone the repository and then:
./ci/release/ --install
# To uninstall:
# ./ci/release/ --uninstall
Installing a real release will also install manpages and in the future other assets like
fonts and icons. Furthermore, when installing a non versioned commit, installing a release
will ensure that d2 --version
works correctly by embedding the commit hash into the d2
Remember, you need at least Go v1.20
We have prebuilt releases of d2 available for Windows via .msi
installers. The installer
will add the d2
binary to your $PATH
so that you can execute d2
in cmd.exe
We also have release archives for Windows structured in the same way as our Unix releases for use with MSYS2.
See MSYS2 or Git Bash (Git Bash is based on MSYS2).
MSYS2 provides a unix style shell environment that is native to Windows (unlike
Cygwin). MSYS2 allows
to work, enables automatic
installation of our standalone releases via make install
and makes the manpage
accessible via man d2
The MSYS2 terminal also enables d2
to display colors like in the above screenshot.
In addition, all of our development and CI scripts work under MSYS2 whereas they do not under plain Windows.
works perfectly under WSL
aka Windows Subsystem for Linux if that's what you prefer. Installation is just like any
other Linux system.
The following are community-managed Windows releases of d2 on popular package managers
scoop install main/d2
choco install d2
We publish amd64
and arm64
images based on debian:latest
for each release.
Example usage:
echo 'x -> y' >helloworld.d2
docker run --rm -it -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" -v "$PWD:/home/debian/src" \
-p terrastruct/d2:v0.1.2 --watch helloworld.d2
# Visit
- rpm and deb packages
- with repositories and standalone
- homebrew core