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nicexprs.h: a single header file ExpressJs-like middleware API on nghttp2 asio library #409

45 of 59 tasks
t2ym opened this issue Apr 25, 2021 · 0 comments
45 of 59 tasks


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t2ym commented Apr 25, 2021

Gists - Version [0.0.12] - 2025-01-21

  • Note on 0.0.12: If a non-root mount point like .mount("/mount_point/", server) is used, all the web_app paths are prefixed with the mount point /mount_point
  • nicexprs.h - The header file
    • script to get clean code
cat nicexprs.h |\
sed -e 's/^#include /@include /' |\
sed -e 's/^#\(.* NICEXPRS_H\)/@@@@\1/' |\
sed -e 's/^[ ]*$/==BLANK LINE==/' |\
sed -e 's/^==BLANK LINE==//' |\
sed -e 's/@@@@/#/'  |\
sed -e 's/^@include /#include /' |\
awk -- '/^\/[*][ ]*$/, /\/\/ NICEXPRS_H/'

Etymology (obvious to Japanese speakers)

  • nicexprs.h

  • < nice + express + c++ header ext

  • < imitated express in c++

  • nice

  • < ni-se (にせ or 偽) fake, imitated

  • < ni-se (にせ or 似せ) conjunctive form of ni-su (にす or 似す)

  • < ni-su (にす or 似す) old form of nise-ru (似せる) to make resemble

  • < ni (に or 似) resembling; conjunctive form of ni-ru (にる or 似る)

    • + su (す) old form of the causative auxiliary verb se-ru (せる)
  • < ni-ru (にる or 似る) to resemble

Status - PoC research & development

To be used for HTTP server on Android #408

Current Raw Performance: As of 0.0.3

~51,000 req/sec with a single worker thread with Ubuntu 20.04 on Ryzen 7 3700X

  • Measured by h2load via 1Gbps LAN with 16 threads and 256 clients

~12,800 req/sec with 8 worker threads with Android 11 on Pixel 4a (Snapdragon 730G)

  • Measured by h2load via WiFi with 16 threads and 64 clients

"HELLO, WORLD" Web App (extracted from example)

#include "nicexprs.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    middleware_cb raw_body = [](request &req, response &res){
      auto method = req.method();
      if (method == "POST" || method == "PUT") {
        auto body = std::make_shared<std::ostringstream>();
        req.on_data([&req, body](const uint8_t *data, std::size_t len){
          if (len == 0) { // EOF
            req.body = body->str();
          else {
            body->write(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), len);
      else {;

    middleware_cb uppercase_middleware = [](request &req, response &res){
      //boost::to_upper(req.body); // locale-aware feature-rich uppercasing
      std::transform(req.body.cbegin(), req.body.cend(), req.body.begin(), ::toupper); // ASCII uppercasing
      req.header().emplace("x-uppercase", header_value{ std::string("UPPERCASED") });
      res.on_push([](response &res, std::string &method, std::string &raw_path_query, header_map &header){
        std::transform(raw_path_query.cbegin(), raw_path_query.cend(), raw_path_query.begin(), ::toupper);
        header.emplace("x-uppercase", header_value{ std::string("UPPERCASED") });
      res.on_response([](response &res){
        std::transform(res.body.cbegin(), res.body.cend(), res.body.begin(), ::toupper);
        res.header().emplace("x-uppercase", header_value{ std::string("UPPERCASED") });
        auto it = res.header().find("content-length");
        auto value = std::to_string(res.body.size());
        if (it != res.header().end()) {
          it->second.value = std::move(value);
        else {
          res.header().emplace("content-length", header_value{ std::move(value), false });          
        }       ;

    middleware_cb hello_handler = [](request &req, response &res){
      res.write_head(200, {{"foo", {"bar"}}});
      res.end("hello, world\n");

    boost::system::error_code ec;

    std::string addr = argv[1];
    std::string port = argv[2];
    std::size_t num_threads = std::stoi(argv[3]);
    auto server_ptr = std::make_shared<http2>();
    http2 &server = *server_ptr;

    web_app_ptr app = (*web_app::create()) // create shared_ptr to web_app object
      .use(raw_body) // buffer request body to req.body
      .use(uppercase_middleware) // PoC middleware
      .get("/hello2", hello_handler) // hello, world
      .mount("/", server) // mount at / on http2 server
      .ptr(); // ptr() is equivalent to shared_from_this()
    boost::asio::ssl::context tls(boost::asio::ssl::context::sslv23);
    tls.use_private_key_file(argv[4], boost::asio::ssl::context::pem);

    nghttp2::asio_http2::server::configure_tls_context_easy(ec, tls);

    if (server.listen_and_serve(ec, tls, addr, port, true)) {
      std::cerr << "error: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
    else {



  • HTTP2 server middleware framework on top of the nghttp2 asio library
  • No changes to the base nghttp2 asio library (basically)
  • Similar to ExpressJs API
  • Compatible with C++14 and later

Notes on generator_streambuf implementation:

  • At first, read and write buffers were implemented as 2 separate generator_streambuf instances
    • gptr() of output streambuf and pptr() of input streambuf are unused
sink <-(overflow)-|output streambuf| <- filter - |input streambuf| <-(underflow)- source
                                   pptr()        gptr()

  • According to the c++11 standard, std::streambuf need not have a contiguous buffer for both input and output

    • eback(), gptr(), egptr() input pointer set and pbase(), pptr(), epptr() output pointer set do NOT necessarily interfere with each other
  • Came an inspiration that the 2 streambuf instances can be combined as a single streambuf instance

    • Read and write operations, i.e., buffering mechanisms, are used for its UPPER LAYER filter instead of external input/output, while its source and sink are connected as underlying 2 DEVICES
Conceptual diagram: inaccuracy remains compared with implementation
          |      do_filter()      |
              | write        ^
              v              | readsome
          |   generator_stream    |
              | sputn        ^
              v              | sgetn
          |  generator_streambuf  |
              | sync         ^
              v              | underflow
          +---------+  +----------+
return <- |  sink   |  |  source  | <- generator_cb
          +---------+  +----------+

Ordinary std::streambuf implementation: (basic_filebuf may have 2 separate buffers for read and write pointers)

sink <-read- | already read | filled buffer | to be filled | <-write- source
             eback()        gptr()           egptr()
             pbase()                         pptr()         epptr()

generator_streambuf implementation:

  Input buffer:
    _M_gbuf (std::string)
    |already read | filled buffer | to be filled | <-underflow- source
    eback()       gptr()           egptr()        end of _M_gbuf

  Output buffer:
   non-overflowing mode:
             generator_cb buffer                   overflow buffer
sink <-sync- | written | to be filled |     +      | to be filled                   |  
             buf        pptr()         epptr()     _M_pbuf_overflow
             =_M_pbuf                  =buf+len

   overflowing mode:
             generator_cb buffer                   overflow buffer
sink <-sync- | written (filled)       |      +     | written         | to be filled |  
             buf=_M_pbuf               buf+len     pbase()            pptr()         epptr()

Features in example server

  • Kotlin-style compiletime::trimIndent() for html templates
  • search parameter parser in custom_helper
  • body json parser in custom_helper
  • route parameter parser /route/:param1/:param2 in custom_helper
    • store parameters in helper.route_parameters
  • html template usage
    • Using inja - not mandatory
      • How to get: curl -L -O
    • simplify template_handler by moving async operations to backend_handler
  • pseudo-backend in custom_helper
    • pseudo-backend with 100ms delay
    • backend_handler sample to simplify async operations in template_handler
  • blocking threaded task without blocking asynchronous network I/O operations
    • threaded_task_handler sample to delegate blocking tasks to pooled threads
    • robust locking scheme for req.helper object
      • hand results of threaded tasks via promise instead of writing helper objects directly
      • verify no memory leaks on premature closing of streams
    • hand an error code to next(err) if necessary
    • helper.post_threaded_task to encapsulate inter-thread communication
  • static_file_handler sample
    • port the sample callback from
    • add basic content-type header
    • detect accept-encoding request header(s) to judge if content-encoding: gzip is acceptable
    • support content-encoding: gzip for original.ext with pre-gzipped original.ext.gz files
    • detect if-modified-since request header and respond 304 Not Modified if necessary
    • redirect .../path to .../path/ if docroot/.../path is a directory
    • use .../path/index.html if docroot/.../path is a directory
    • adaptive buffering
  • client certificate authentication - research in progress at Gist nghttp2 ssl patch
    • Note: Typical use cases: On-premise servers where client certificates can be distributed via Active Directory or other secure scheme in the organization.
  • streaming filters
    • no-operation streaming filter example
    • no resize streaming filer example
    • line number filter
    • boost gzip compressor filter
    • uppercasing streaming filter
    • digest trailer streaming filter


  • support multiple on_close callbacks invoked in an appopriate order
  • cache_handler middleware sample to handle on-memory caching for multiple worker threads
  • logger_handler middleware sample to emit logs with appropriate queueing for multiple worker threads
  • support streaming filters
    • streaming filters as a chain of stream_cb callbacks
    • std::iostream adaptor class generator_stream
    • boost::iostreams::filtering_streambuf<output> adaptor class boost_filtering_streambuf_adaptor
    • wrap stream_cb as response_cb if one or more response_cb are included in response_filters
      • stream_cb works in buffered mode like response_cb
    • propagation of latent deferred status of streaming filters is controlled by wrapper generator_cb callbacks
  • TBD


  • [design issue] Is it effective to add generator_stream::preempt(std::streamsize size, char *&out_beg, char *&out_end) and generator_stream::commit(char *out_beg, char *out_end) methods to write to output buffer directly?
  • [design issue] Should the input buffer in generator_streambuf be expanded if no filterable chunk is found in full buffer?
    • [mitigation] compromised filtering processes can be implemented in do_peek() and do_filter()
  • The default behavior of missing accept-encoding request header is incorrect
  • Segmentation fault on popping from empty std::list<quadple>
    • Reproducible only on certain -O2 optimized code but in fact the issue is circumvented just by good luck on unoptimized code
  • [design issue?] middleware chain is (unexpectedly?) valid even after fallback
        .get("/subpath1", responding_middlewareB)
      .all(fallback_middleware) // on /path/subpath2, middleware_A is effective at fallback_middleware
  • [regression] Empty response of deferred response
    • Root Cause: On resume of a deferred response, buffer_body is not racalled but the first response filter is unexpectedly called prematurely
    • Fix: Add res.is_reading_body and recall buffer_body on resume if the body is still being read
  • Segmentation Fault without #define DUMP_MIDDLEWARE_ITEM 1
    • Work around SIGSEGV by outputting to ostringstream even when DUMP_MIDDLEWARE_ITEM is not defined
  • + is not decoded as a space in custom_helper.decode_url()
  • Server does not stop (i.e. server.join() blocks) on a signal, whose handler calls server.stop(), until all HTTP/2 sessions are disconnected from browsers
    • Is this by design?
    • Forceful disconnection methods should be explored
  • static_file_handler seems to percent-decode each path twice

Change Log

To be converted to in a dedicated project






[0.0.12] - 2025-01-21


  • Avoid doubled root prefix to handle any non-root mount_point like "/mount_point/" properly

[0.0.11] - 2025-01-21


  • Use mount_point instead of trimmed path_ in web_app::mount to handle the root "/" mount_point properly

[0.0.10] - 2021-05-18


  • Support streaming filters if STREAMING_SUPPORT macro is defined as truthy
    • response::on_response(response_cb on_header, stream_cb cb)
      • register a streaming filter callback with its corresponding on-header callback
    • If STREAMING_SUPPORT macro is undefined or 0, nicexprs.h is almost the same as the previous version 0.0.9
  • Define std::iostream adaptor class generator_stream if GENERATOR_STREAM macro is defined as truthy
  • Define boost_filtering_streambuf_adaptor class if BOOST_FILTER macro is defined as truthy


  • Change type of response::response_filters as std::list<filter_item> from std::list<response_cb>
    • filter_item contains response_cb for buffered filtering,
      or stream_cb for streamed filtering and another response_cb for header filtering in streaming


  • Remove unimplemented web_app::static_file()

[0.0.9] - 2021-05-17


  • Fix the segmentation fault issue on popping an item from empty std::list<quadple>

[0.0.8] - 2021-05-10


  • Fix the regression issue of empty deferred response

[0.0.7] - 2021-05-04


  • Bypass response buffering if response filters are empty

[0.0.6] - 2021-05-02


  • Support multiple on_close callbacks std::list<close_cb> response::on_close_callbacks invoked in the reversed order of their registrations


  • response::is_on_close_set
  • response::on_close_

[0.0.5] - 2021-04-28


  • Add web_app.get(std::string path) and path)

[0.0.4] - 2021-04-27


  • Add extensible req.helper to store and manipulate data per request

[0.0.3] - 2021-04-25


  • Work around SIGSEGV when DUMP_MIDDLEWARE_ITEM macro is not defined

[0.0.2] - 2021-04-25


  • DUMP_MIDDLEWARE_ITEM macro to switch on/off dumping middleware_items

[0.0.1] - 2021-04-25


  • Initial PoC version as a single header file
  • Subject to drastic changes
@t2ym t2ym changed the title [nicexprs.h] nicexprs.h: a single header file ExpressJs-like middleware API on nghttp2 asio library nicexprs.h: a single header file ExpressJs-like middleware API on nghttp2 asio library Apr 25, 2021
@t2ym t2ym pinned this issue Apr 11, 2022
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