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Run command quickly. This packages is inspired quickrun.vim


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quickrun.el is Emacs port of quickrun.vim.


quickrun.el is a extension to execute editing buffer. quickrun.el is similar to executable-interpret, but quickrun.el provides more convenient commands. quickrun.el execute not only script languages(Perl, Ruby, Python etc), but also compiling languages(C, C++, Go, Java etc) and markup language.


  • Emacs 26.1 or higher.


You can install quickrun.el from MELPA with package.el.

Or install directly:

$ cd load-path-dir
$ wget

After Installation add following to your configuration file(~/.emacs.d/init.el, ~/.emacs etc)

(require 'quickrun)

Support Programming Languages

quickrun.el supports following programming languages and markup languages as default. But you can register your own command and apply other languages.

Programming Language(commands used)

  • Assembly Language (nasm, masm)
  • Applescript (osascript)
  • C (gcc / clang / Visual C++)
  • C++ (g++ / clang++ / Visual C++)
  • C# (dotnet / mono)
  • Objective-C (gcc -objc)
  • D Language (dmd)
  • Fortran (gfortran)
  • Java (javac / java)
  • Perl (perl)
  • Perl6 (perl6)
  • Ruby (ruby / mruby)
  • Python (python)
  • PHP (php)
  • Emacs Lisp (elisp)
  • Scheme (gosh)
  • Smalltalk (gst)
  • Racket (racket)
  • Common Lisp (clisp / sbcl / ccl)
  • Clojure (jark / clj-env-dir)
  • Javascript (node / v8 / js / jrunscript / cscript / deno)
  • Coffee Script (coffee)
  • JSX (jsx)
  • Markdown ( / bluecloth / kramdown / pandoc / redcarpet)
  • Haskell (runghc)
  • Go Language (go / gccgo)
  • Io (io)
  • Lua (lua)
  • Groovy (groovy)
  • Scala (scala) Please use UTF-8 encoding
  • HAML (haml)
  • SASS (sass)
  • LESS (lessc)
  • Erlang (escript)
  • OCaml (ocamlc)
  • F# (fsharpc)
  • ShellScript (shebang's shell)
  • AWK (awk)
  • Rust (rustc)
  • Dart (dart)
  • Elixir (elixir)
  • TypeScript (tsc)
  • Tcl (tclsh)
  • Swift (swift, xcrun)
  • ATS2 (patscc)
  • R (Rscript)
  • Nim/NimScript (nim)
  • Julia (julia)
  • Gnuplot (gnuplot)
  • Kotlin (kotlin)
  • Crystal (crystal)
  • V (v)
  • Zig (zig)
  • Nix (nix)

See also quickrun--support-languages global variable.

Basic Usage


Execute current buffer. If quickrun.el does not find command-key, then quickrun.el asks you command-key(You always input command if you use C-u prefix key)


Like quickrun command but select the backend before the execution.


Execute region. (Java is not supported)


Execute current buffer with arguments. quickrun.el asks you command line argument


Execute current buffer in eshell for interactive command such as program which reads input from STDIN.


Compile current buffer with compile.el framework, not execute. quickrun with C-u C-u prefix behaves same as quickrun-compile-only.


Like quickrun-compile-only command but select the backend before the execution.


Replace region of code with its output.


Minor mode which executes quickrun after saving buffer.


M-x quickrun with helm interface


M-x quickrun with anything interface


If quickrun returns command not found, please check (executable-find "THE_COMMAND_NAME") [for example (executable-find "gnuplot")] . If this returns nil, I strongly recommend you use

Send File to STDIN

If executed_file.qrinput(like foo.c.qrinput) is existed in directory same as executed buffer file, quickrun.el sends its content to stdin of executed program. Please set quickrun-input-file-extension to nil If you want to disable this feature.


quickrun-focus-p(Default: t)

If this value is nil, quickrun.el does not move focus to output buffer.

quickrun-truncate-lines(Default: t)

The truncate-lines' value for quickrun` buffer.

User Defined Command

You can add your own command or override existsing command by quickrun-add-command as below.

;; Use this parameter as C++ default
(quickrun-add-command "c++/c1z"
  '((:command . "g++")
    (:exec    . ("%c -std=c++1z %o -o %e %s"
         "%e %a"))
    (:remove  . ("%e")))
  :default "c++")

;; Use this parameter in pod-mode
(quickrun-add-command "pod"
  '((:command . "perldoc")
    (:exec    . "%c -T -F %s"))
  :mode 'pod-mode)

;; You can override existing command
(quickrun-add-command "c/gcc"
  '((:exec . ("%c -std=c++1z %o -o %e %s"
          "%e %a")))
  :override t)

First argument of quickrun-add-command is command key. Second argument of it is command parameter, which is described laster. quickrun-add-command also takes key parameters, :default, :mode, :override.

Argument Description
:default lang Use this command parameter as default in specified language
:mode mode this command parameter in specified mode
:override bool Override existing parameter with specified parameter

Command Parameter

Command alist has following parameters,

:command(mandatory parameter)

Command name. %c is expanded into this value.


Command(:command) option. %o is expanded into this value.


Executed commands. You can also set command list parameter. If you set list parameter, quickrun.el executes command list in order.

If this parameter is omitted, quickrun.el use default execute command template "%c %o %s %a".


Timeout in seconds for the process spawn by the command. This value takes precedence over the quickrun-timeout-seconds custom variable.


Command exected by quickrun-compile-only. This option is used for syntax check or converting another language(e.g. CoffeeScript => JavaScript).


Configuration of quickrun-compile-only. This parameter must be alist.


Remove files after executing. If command create some intermediate files, you should set this parameter. :remove value is atom or list.


Please see Outputter section.


Directory where commands are executed.


Use temporary file or not. quickrun.el uses temporary file if you omit this parameter.

NOTE: If you set this parameter, you cannot use quickrun-region.


Description of this command. This parameter is used in helm-quickrun or anything-quickrun


You can use following placeholders in command parameter

Placeholder Expanded
%c Command
%o Command line option
%s Source(absolute path)
%a Script's arguments
%n Source without extension(absolute path)
%N Source without extension(nondirectory)
%d Directory name of Source(absolute path)
%e Source with executable suffix(absolute path)
%E Source with executable suffix(nondirectory)

Source file name(%s, %n etc) is not original file name except Java language. Because quickrun.el copys source file to temporary file firstly.

Change Default Command

quickrun-set-default changes default command in language that is registerd multiple command parameters(like c, c++,Javascript).

(quickrun-set-default "c" "c/clang")

This means that quickrun uses "c/clang" for C files.

Timeout Seconds

quickrun.el kills process if program run over 10 seconds as default. This avoids infinite loop program or endless program by some mistakes. You control timeout second to set quickrun-timeout-seconds. This feature is disabled if quickrun-timeout-seconds is nil. The timeout can also be set per command with the :timeout parameter. (You can also kill process by C-c C-c in quickrun buffer)

Key bindings in quickrun buffer

Key Command
q Close quickrun window
C-c C-c Kill quickrun process

Buffer Local Variables

Buffer local variables is priority to default parameters.


Command alist.


Command key(Expanded to %c)


Command key of command parameter.


Command option(Expanded to %o)


Program argument(Expanded to %a.)


If this value is non-nil and first line of source file is started "#!", the following string is treated as ":command".


Outputter function. See Outputter section

Example of buffer local variable

Setting C++11.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    std::vector <std::string> lst = { "a", "b", "c", "d" };

    for (auto x : lst) {
        std::cout << "[" << x << "]" << std::endl;

    for (auto i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
        std::cout << "[" << argv[i] << "]" << std::endl;

    return 0;

  Local Variables:
  quickrun-option-cmd-alist: ((:command . "g++")
                              (:exec    . ("%c -std=c++0x -o %n %s"
                                           "%n apple orange melon"))
                              (:remove  . ("%n")))



Run hooks after execute all commands.


Outputter is a function for processing command output. Default outputter is to output to *quickrun* buffer and processing ANSI Color sequence.

quickrun.el defines following functions as default.


Output to buffer. outputter buffer sample


Output to file. outputter file sample


Output to variable. outputter variable sample


Output to Web browser(using function browse-url) outputter browser sample


Output to *Message* buffer(using function message) outputter message sample


Use multiple outputters. outputter multi sample


No output. outputter null sample

Using quickrun as function from other functions

quickrun can be used as function from other functions. You can pass configuration by :source argument. Sample is following:

(defun test-perl ()
  (let* ((cmd "git rev-parse --show-toplevel")
         (topdir (with-temp-buffer
                   (call-process-shell-command cmd nil t nil)
                   (goto-char (point-min))
                   (if (re-search-forward "^\\(.+\\)$" nil t)
                       (match-string 1)))))
    (quickrun :source `((:command . "prove")
                        (:default-directory . ,topdir)
                        (:exec . ("%c -bv --color %s"))))))