srsGUI is a free and open-source graphics library for SDR using Qt and Qwt. The library provides a number of useful plots for graphing real and complex numbers. Each plot is designed to be frequently updated with new data.
srsGUI is provided under the LGPLv3 license.
Current Features:
- Real plot - simple line plot.
- Complex plot - plot including real, imaginary, magnitude and phase values.
- Scatter plot - 2-D scatter plot for complex-valued data.
- Waterfall plot - includes a line plot and waterfall plot showing past values using a colour legend.
Requirements: Boost (thread, unit_test_framework, system), QT5 and Qwt6
To install Boost, QT5 and Qwt6, use your distribution packet management system.
For instance in ubuntu you can run: sudo apt-get install libboost-system-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-thread-dev libqwt-qt5-dev qtbase5-dev
Finally, to download and build srsGUI, just run:
git clone
cd srsgui
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
The library can also be installed using the command sudo make install
The library includes a number of tests which illustrate use of both C and C++ interfaces. These can be found in the test folder. After building the library, these tests can be executed using make test