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This repository was archived by the owner on Aug 8, 2024. It is now read-only.

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145 lines (108 loc) · 9.64 KB

File metadata and controls

145 lines (108 loc) · 9.64 KB



Breaking Changes

  • Swift 5.3 and Xcode 12 support
  • The codebase has been migrated from PiedPiper to Combine
  • The minimum supported OS version set to Combine's minimum supported version: iOS 13, macOS 10.15, watchOS 6, tvOS 13.
  • Removed Dispatched.swift and RequestCapperCache.swift because the functionality they provided could be easily re-implemented using Combine operators.

New Features

  • Carlos is now powered by Combine which means you can use awesome Combine provided operators on the Carlos cached values!


New Features

  • Swift Package Manager Support
  • Xcode 11.5 Migration


Breaking Changes

  • Swift 3.0 support (for Swift 2.3 use specific commit 5d354c829d766568f164c386c59de21357b5ccff instead)
  • batchGetAll has been removed and replaced with a reified allBatch (see New features)
  • All deprecated functions have been removed
  • All custom operators have been removed in favor of their function counterparts
  • macOS and tvOS support has been temporarily dropped and will be probably re-added in the future
  • set method on CacheLevel now returns a Future enabling error-handling and progress-tracking of set calls.

New Features

  • It's now possible to lift a CacheLevel into one that operates on a sequence of keys and returns a sequence of values. You can use allBatch to create a concrete BatchAllCache. You can use get on this cache if you want to pass a list of keys and get the success callback when all of them succeed and the failure callback as soon as one of them fails (old behavior of batchGetAll), or you can compose or transform an allBatch cache just like any another CacheLevel. Consult the for an example.


Breaking Changes

  • The codebase has been migrated to Swift 2.2
  • Promise now has only an empty init. If you used one of the convenience init (with value:, with error: or with value:error:), they now moved to Future.


Breaking Changes

  • onCompletion argument now is a closure accepting a Result<T> as a parameter instead of a tuple (value: T?, error: ErrorType?). Result<T> is the usual enum (aka Either) that can be .Success(T), .Error(ErrorType) or Cancelled in case of canceled computations.
  • Please add a import PiedPiper line everywhere you make use of Carlos' Futures or Promises, since with 0.7 we now ship a separate Pied Piper framework.
  • AsyncComputation has been removed from the public API. Please use OneWayTransformer (or CacheLevel) instead now.


  • APIs using closures instead of Fetcher, CacheLevel or OneWayTransformer parameters are now deprecated in favor of their counterparts. They will be removed from Carlos with the 1.0 release.

New Features

  • It's now possible to batch a set of fetch requests. You can use batchGetAll if you want to pass a list of keys and get the success callback when all of them succeed and the failure callback as soon as one of them fails, or batchGetSome if you want to pass a list of keys and get the success callback when all of them completed (successfully or not) but only get the list of successful responses back.


  • Correctly updates access date on the disk cache when calling set on a DiskCacheLevel


New features

  • It's now possible to conditionally post-process values fetched from CacheLevels (or fetch closures) on the key used to fetch the value. Use the function conditionedPostProcess or consult the for more information
  • It's now possible to conditionally transform values fetched from (or set on) CacheLevels on the key used to fetch (or set) the value. Use the function conditionedValueTransformation or consult the for more information


  • Carthage integration works again

Minor improvements

  • CacheProvider now has accessors to retrieve shared instances of the built-in caches (sharedImageCache, sharedDataCache and sharedJSONCache)


New features

  • Promise can now be canceled. Call cancel() to cancel a Promise. Be notified of a canceled operation with the onCancel function. Use onCancel to setup the cancel behavior of your custom operation. Remember that an operation can only be canceled once, and can only be executing, canceled, failed or succeeded at any given time.
  • It's now possible to apply a condition to a OneWayTransformer. You can call conditioned on the instance of OneWayTransformer to decorate and pass the condition on the input. This means you can effectively implement conditioned key transformations on CacheLevels. Moreover, you can implement conditioned post processing transformations as well. For this, though, keep in mind that the input of the OneWayTransformer will be the output of the cache, not the key.
  • It's now possible to apply a condition to a TwoWayTransformer. You can call conditioned on the instance of TwoWayTransformer to decorate and pass two conditions: the one to apply for the forward transformation and the one to apply for the inverse transformation, that will take of course different input types. This means you can effectively implement conditioned value transformations on CacheLevels.
  • A new NSUserDefaultsCacheLevel is now included in Carlos. You can use this CacheLevel to persist values on NSUserDefaults, and you can even use multiple instances of this level to persist sandboxed sets of values
  • It's now possible to dispatch a CacheLevel or a fetch closure on a given GCD queue. Use the dispatch protocol extension or the ~>> operator and pass the specific dispatch_queue_t. Global functions are not provided since we're moving towards a global-functions-free API for Carlos 1.0

Major changes

  • API Breaking: CacheRequest is now renamed to Future. All the public API return Future instances now, and you can use Promise for your custom cache levels and fetchers
  • API Breaking: OneWayTransformer and TwoWayTransformer are now asynchronous, i.e. they return a Future<T> instead of a T directly
  • API Breaking: all the conditioned variants now take an asynchronous condition closure, i.e. the closure has to return a Future<Bool> instead of a (Bool, ErrorType) tuple
  • All the global functions are now deprecated. They will be removed from the public API with the release of Carlos 1.0

Minor improvements

  • Promise can now be initialized with an Optional<T> and an ErrorType, correctly behaving depending on the optional value
  • Promise now has a mimic function that takes a Future<T> and succeeds or fails when the given Future does so
  • ImageTransformer now applies its tranformations on a background queue
  • JSONTransformer now passes the right error when the transformations fail
  • CacheProvider.dataCache now pools requests on the network and disk levels, so pooled requests don't result in multiple set calls on the disk level
  • It's now possible to cancel operations coming from a NetworkFetcher
  • Int, Float, Double and Character conform to ExpensiveObject now with a unit (1) cost
  • Added a to the repo and to the Wiki that explains how to migrate to new versions of Carlos (only for breaking changes)


Major changes

  • Adds a Fetcher protocol that you can use to create your custom fetchers.
  • Adds the possibility to transform values coming out of Fetcher instances through OneWayTransformer objects without forcing them to be TwoWayTransformer as in the case of transforming values of CacheLevel instances
  • Adds a JSONCache function to CacheProvider
  • Adds output processers to process/sanitize values coming out of CacheLevels (see postProcess)
  • Adds a way to compose multiple OneWayTransformers through functions, operators and protocol extensions
  • Adds a way to compose multiple TwoWayTransformers through functions, operators and protocol extensions
  • Adds a normalize function and protocol extension transforming CacheLevel instances into BasicCache ones to make it easier to store instance properties
  • Adds a JSONTransformer class conforming to TwoWayTransformer
  • Adds a ImageTransformer class for the iOS and WatchOS 2 frameworks conforming to TwoWayTransformer
  • Adds a StringTransformer class conforming to TwoWayTransformer

Minor improvements

  • invert is now available as a protocol extension to the TwoWayTransformer protocol

WatchOS 2

  • Adds WatchOS 2 support through CocoaPods


  • Adds framework support for tvOS


Major changes

  • Codebase converted to Swift 2.0
  • Adds WatchOS 2 support
  • Adds Mac OS X 10.9+ support

API-Breaking changes

  • CacheRequest.onFailure now passes an ErrorType instead of an NSError

Minor improvements

  • Adds an onCompletion method to the CacheRequest class, that will be called in both success and failure cases


Major changes

  • Includes a CacheProvider class to create commonly used caches
  • Includes a Playground to quickly test Carlos and custom cache architectures
  • includes a new switchLevels function to have multiple cache lanes

Minor improvements

  • Improves DiskCacheLevel and MemoryCacheLevel by having protocol-based keys
  • Defines safer Transformers (either OneWayTransformer or TwoWayTransformer) that return Optionals. If a conversion fails, set operations silently fail and get operations fail with a meaningful error.
  • Extends the conditioned function and the <?> operator to support fetch closures
  • Improves the code documentation


  • Fixes an issue where the NetworkFetcher would not correctly handle multiple get requests for the same URL


  • First release