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You may have seen me on youtube!. This is where i document as well as live-stream content relating to all my development projects!
My main projects are:
Car diagnostics
An open source car diagnostics platform that is designed for Windows, Linux and MacOS!. Supports the SAE J2534 Adapter API (Windows, Linux and OSX have to use Macchina-J2534) and SocketCAN (For Linux). Allows you to diagnose your own vehicles with OBD-II, KWP2000 and UDS, which allows you to diagnose all the ECUs in a vehicle, rather than just the Engine ECU as is typical with cheaper scan tools such as Torque. Check out the youtube playlist
An open source implementation of the SAE J2534 API for Macchina Hardware (M2 and A0). This allows these adapters to be utilized as diagnostic adapters for OpenVehicleDiag, or any other software that supports the API such as Daimlers DAS/Xentry software, BMW INPA, Toyota TechStream and VAG ODIS.
A Rust crate for implementing a lot of the Keyword protocol 2000 (KWP2000) and Unified diagnostics services (UDS) for making ECU diagnostics or interfacing with automotive ECUs easier in Rust
Other cool car projects
Ultimate NAG52
An open source alternative ECU for the Mercedes 722.6 5-Speed Gearbox, utilizing the Teensy 4.0. This is heavily WIP, and is designed to work out of the box with any vehicle with the EGS52 TCM. Check out the youtube playlist
MBUX-Port (MercedesUI)
Originally a cool concept to write an Android app for Android headunits for Mercedes W203/W211/W209/W219 vehicles, this project grew into a central command center for these vehicles, using reverse engineered CANBUS data to monitor and command various components of the vehicle. It can even play beatSaber maps with a lights show, just like a Tesla, and oh yeah, it can make the car play DOOM! Check out the youtube playlist
Featured work
A rust based cross-platform ECU diagnostics and car hacking application, utilizing the passthru protocol
Rust 848 -
J2534 drivers for various Macchina hardware
C++ 86 -
An open source TCM for Daimlers 722.6 gearbox. Resource repository
Custom Infotainment UI for older Mercedes vehicles (2000-2007), inspired loosely by the 2021 S Class MBUX UI
Kotlin 144 -
A Rust crate for ECU diagnostic protocols (UDS / KWP)
Rust 179