Releases: splunk/security_content
Releases · splunk/security_content
Release Branch for ESCU 4.19.0
New Analytic Story
- CISA AA23-347A
- Abnormal Kubernetes Behavior using Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring
Updated Analytic Story
- Office 365 Account Takeover
- Office 365 Persistence Mechanisms
- Splunk Vulnerabilities
New Analytics
- Kubernetes Anomalous Inbound Outbound Network IO (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Anomalous Inbound to Outbound Network IO Ratio (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Previously Unseen Container Image Name (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Previously Unseen Process (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Process Running From New Path (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Process with Anomalous Resource Utilisation (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Process with Resource Ratio Anomalies (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Shell Running on Worker Node with CPU Activity (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Kubernetes Shell Running on Worker Node (Internal Contributor : Matthew Moore )
- Windows Account Discovery For None Disable User Account
- Windows Lsa Secrets Nolmhash Registry
- Windows Modify Registry Disable Restricted Admin
- Windows Account Discovery For Sam Account Name
- Windows Account Discovery With Netuser Preauthnotrequire
- Windows Archive Collected Data Via Powershell
- Windows Domain Account Discovery Via Get Netcomputer
- Windows Known Graphicalproton Loaded Modules
- Windows Process Commandline Discovery
- Windows System User Privilege Discovery
- Windows Modify Registry Nochangingwallpaper
- Windows Rundll32 Apply User Settings Changes
- Windows UAC Bypass Suspicious Child Process (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows UAC Bypass Suspicious Escalation Behavior (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows Alternate DataStream - Base64 Content (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows Alternate DataStream - Process Execution (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows Alternate DataStream - Executable Content (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- O365 Concurrent Sessions From Different Ips
- Splunk ES DoS Investigations Manager via Investigation Creation (Internal Contributor : Chase Franklin )
- Splunk ES DoS Through Investigation Attachments (Internal Contributor : Chase Franklin )
Updated Analytics
- GCP Authentication Failed During MFA Challenge
- GCP Multi-Factor Authentication Disabled
- GCP Successful Single-Factor Authentication
- Windows Steal Authentication Certificates - ESC1 Abuse
- Allow Network Discovery In Firewall
- Msmpeng Application DLL Side Loading
Other Updates
- Updated mitre attack navigator json files for detection coverage for RAT and Stealer analytic stories
- Updated ALL Azure AD analytics to use
sourcetype = azure:monitor:aad
for better CIM Compliance.
ESCU 4.18.0 Release branch
New Analytic Story
- Rhysida Ransomware
- Kubernetes Security
Updated Analytic Story
- RedLine Stealer
- Amadey
New Analytics
- PingID Mismatch Auth Source and Verification Response (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- PingID Multiple Failed MFA Requests For User (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- PingID New MFA Method After Credential Reset (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- PingID New MFA Method Registered For User (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Kubernetes Abuse of Secret by Unusual Location
- Kubernetes Abuse of Secret by Unusual User Agent
- Windows Modify System Firewall with Notable Process Path
- Kubernetes Abuse of Secret by Unusual User Group
- Kubernetes Abuse of Secret by Unusual User Name
- Kubernetes Access Scanning
- Kubernetes Suspicious Image Pulling
- Kubernetes Unauthorized Access
- Windows Modify System Firewall with Notable Process Path
Updated Analytics
- Allow File And Printing Sharing In Firewall
- Azure AD PIM Role Assigned
- CMD Carry Out String Command Parameter
- Detect Use of cmd exe to Launch Script Interpreters
- Modification Of Wallpaper
Other Updates
- Added two new lookup files
and updated the existing transforms definitions ofransomware_extensions_lookup
to use the latest csv files.
ESCU 4.17.0 Release branch
New Analytic Story
- Office 365 Account Takeover
- Office 365 Persistence Mechanisms
- Windows Attack Surface Reduction
Updated Analytic Story
- DarkGate Malware
New Analytics
- O365 Service Principal New Client Credentials
- O365 Mailbox Read Access Granted to Application
- O365 Tenant Wide Admin Consent Granted
- O365 Application Registration Owner Added
- O365 Mailbox Inbox Folder Shared with All Users
- O365 Advanced Audit Disabled
- O365 High Number Of Failed Authentications for User
- O365 Multiple Users Failing To Authenticate From Ip
- O365 User Consent Blocked for Risky Application
- O365 User Consent Denied for OAuth Application
- O365 Mail Permissioned Application Consent Granted by User
- O365 ApplicationImpersonation Role Assigned
- O365 File Permissioned Application Consent Granted by User
- O365 Multiple Failed MFA Requests For User
- O365 High Privilege Role Granted
- O365 New MFA Method Registered
- O365 Multiple AppIDs and UserAgents Authentication Spike
- O365 Block User Consent For Risky Apps Disabled
- O365 Multi-Source Failed Authentications Spike
- Powershell Remote Services Add TrustedHost
- Windows Modify Registry AuthenticationLevelOverride
- Windows Modify Registry DisableRemoteDesktopAntiAlias
- Windows Modify Registry DisableSecuritySettings
- Windows Modify Registry DontShowUI
- Windows Modify Registry ProxyEnable
- Windows Modify Registry ProxyServer
- Windows Archive Collected Data via Rar
- Windows Indicator Removal Via Rmdir
- Windows Credentials from Password Stores Creation
- Windows Credentials from Password Stores Deletion
- Windows Defender ASR Rules Stacking
- Windows Defender ASR Rule Disabled
- Windows Defender ASR Registry Modification
- Windows Defender ASR Block Events
- Windows Defender ASR Audit Events
- Windows Masquerading Msdtc Process
- Windows Parent PID Spoofing with Explorer
- Web Remote ShellServlet Access
- Splunk RCE via User XSLT
Updated Analytics
- High Number of Login Failures from a single source
- O365 Add App Role Assignment Grant User
- O365 Added Service Principal
- O365 Bypass MFA via Trusted IP
- O365 Disable MFA
- O365 Excessive Authentication Failures Alert
- O365 Excessive SSO logon errors
- O365 New Federated Domain Added
- O365 PST export alert
- O365 Suspicious Admin Email Forwarding*
- O365 Suspicious Rights Delegation
- O365 Suspicious User Email Forwarding
- Splunk App for Lookup File Editing RCE via User XSLT
Other Updates
- Added
name for Content Management - Updated the
lookup - Updated several detections to output accurate risk/threat objects
New Analytic Story
- DarkGate Malware
- SysAid On-Prem Software CVE-2023-47246 Vulnerability
Updated Analytic Story
- Azure Active Directory Account Takeover
- Splunk Vulnerabilities
New Analytics
- Azure AD Device Code Authentication
- Azure AD Tenant Wide Admin Consent Granted
- Azure AD Multiple AppIDs and UserAgents Authentication Spike
- Azure AD Block User Consent For Risky Apps Disabled
- Azure AD User Consent Blocked for Risky Application
- Azure AD OAuth Application Consent Granted By User
- Azure AD User Consent Denied for OAuth Application
- Azure AD New MFA Method Registered
- Azure AD Multiple Denied MFA Requests For User
- Azure AD Multi-Source Failed Authentications Spike
- Risk Rule for Dev Sec Ops by Repository
- Windows ConHost with Headless Argument
- Windows CAB File on Disk
- Windows WinDBG Spawning AutoIt3
- Windows MSIExec Spawn WinDBG
- Windows Modify Registry Default Icon Setting
- Windows AutoIt3 Execution
- Splunk App for Lookup File Editing RCE via User XSLT
- Splunk XSS in Highlighted JSON Events
Updated Analytics
- AWS ECR Container Scanning Findings High
- AWS ECR Container Scanning Findings Medium
- AWS ECR Container Scanning Findings Low Informational Unknown
- AWS ECR Container Upload Outside Business Hours
Deprecated Analytics
- Correlation by Repository and Risk
- Correlation by User and Risk
Other Updates
- CI updates to release.yml
- Added downstream trigger to
repo to facilitate automated integration testing - Updated Github CI workflow to use contentctl
New Analytic Story
- Citrix NetScaler ADC and NetScaler Gateway CVE-2023-4966
- PlugX
New Analytics
- Citrix ADC and Gateway Unauthorized Data Disclosure
Updated Analytics
- Windows Admin Permission Discovery
- Confluence CVE-2023-22515 Trigger Vulnerability
- Confluence Data Center and Server Privilege Escalation
Other Updates
- Updated Gitlab CI pipelines to leverage code contentctl for validating, building, inspecting and releasing the ESCU app
Release notes
New Analytic Story
- Subvert Trust Controls SIP and Trust Provider Hijacking
- Microsoft SharePoint Server Elevation of Privilege CVE-2023-29357
- Cisco IOS XE Software Web Management User Interface vulnerability
New Analytics
- Confluence CVE-2023-22515 Trigger Vulnerability
- Cisco IOS XE Implant Access
- Detect Certipy File Modifications (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows Domain Admin Impersonation Indicator
- Windows Registry SIP Provider Modification
- Microsoft SharePoint Server Elevation of Privilege
- Windows Steal Authentication Certificates - ESC1 Abuse (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows SIP Provider Inventory
- Windows SIP WinVerifyTrust Failed Trust Validation
Updated Analytics
- Citrix ADC Exploitation CVE-2023-3519
Other Updates
- Minor changes to playbook names and UUID
- Updated descriptions for 50 detections
BA Updates
- Added lower() to BA detection searches in the eval function
New Analytic Story
- NjRat
- WS FTP Server Critical Vulnerabilities
- JetBrains TeamCity Unauthenticated RCE
New Analytics
- Windows Abused Web Services
- Windows Admin Permission Discovery
- Windows Delete or Modify System Firewall
- Windows Disable or Modify Tools Via Taskkill
- Windows Executable in Loaded Modules
- Windows Njrat Fileless Storage via Registry
- Windows Modify Registry With MD5 Reg Key Name
- Splunk Absolute Path Traversal Using runshellscript
- Splunk DoS Using Malformed SAML Request
- Splunk RCE via Serialized Session Payload
- Splunk Reflected XSS on App Search Table Endpoint
- WS FTP Remote Code Execution
- JetBrains TeamCity RCE Attempt
Updated Analytics
- Windows Replication Through Removable Media"
- TOR Traffic
Other Updates
- Updates to the lookup file :
- Tagged relevant detections with NjRat Behavior
- Updates to pretrained_dga_model_dsdl.ipynb notebook for better performance
- Several production detections have correct observables to produce accurate risk objects
- Updates to the generate code for creating BA detection files in the latest SPLv2
New Analytic Story
- Forest Blizzard
New analytics
- Windows Find Domain Organizational Units with GetDomainOU
- Windows Find Interesting ACL with FindInterestingDomainAcl
- Windows Forest Discovery with GetForestDomain
- Windows Get Local Admin with FindLocalAdminAccess
- Headless Browser Mockbin or Mocky Request
- Headless Browser Usage
- Windows AD Abnormal Object Access Activity (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
- Windows AD Privileged Object Access Activity (External Contributor : @nterl0k )
Other Updates
- Adding CVE to Splunk Edit User Privilege Escalation
- Observables updated for 143+ detections to create accurate risk objects
- Added status field to BA spec
- Updated how to implement sections for all detections based on Endpoint.Processes
New Playbooks
- Jira Related Tickets Search
New Analytic Story
- Juniper JunOS Remote Code Execution
- Flax Typhoon
- Windows Error Reporting Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- Ivanti Sentry Authentication Bypass CVE-2023-38035
- Adobe ColdFusion Arbitrary Code Execution CVE-2023-29298 CVE-2023-26360
New Analytics
- Juniper Networks Remote Code Execution Exploit Detection
- Windows SQL Spawning CertUtil
- Ivanti Sentry Authentication Bypass
- Adobe ColdFusion Access Control Bypass
- Adobe ColdFusion Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Read
- Splunk DOS via printf search function
Updated Analytics
- Splunk risky Command Abuse disclosed february 2023
Other Updates
- Added status field to BA package
- Updated
lookup file and updated the contents in the file
New Analytic Story
- Juniper JunOS Remote Code Execution
- Flax Typhoon
- Windows Error Reporting Service Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability
- Ivanti Sentry Authentication Bypass CVE-2023-38035
- Adobe ColdFusion Arbitrary Code Execution CVE-2023-29298 CVE-2023-26360
New Analytics
- Juniper Networks Remote Code Execution Exploit Detection
- Windows SQL Spawning CertUtil
- Ivanti Sentry Authentication Bypass
- Adobe ColdFusion Access Control Bypass
- Adobe ColdFusion Unauthenticated Arbitrary File Read
- Splunk DOS via printf search function
Updated Analytics
- Splunk risky Command Abuse disclosed february 2023
Other Updates
- Added status field to BA package
- Updated
lookup file and updated the contents in the file