Note: this project producted by applying giter8 template with: sbt new spikerlabs/gatling-jar.g8
Project uses sbt plugin of gatling. It contains basic simulation from gatling quick start bundle.
All tests:
sbt "gatling:test"
Single test:
sbt "gatling:testOnly computerdatabase.BasicSimulation"
sbt "gatling:lastReport"
sbt "test:assembly"
java -jar target/scala-2.12/performance-test-suite-example-test-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -s computerdatabase.BasicSimulation
The path to report will be printed at the end of the run, like this:
Reports generated in 0s.
Please open the following file: /Users/spikerlabs/gatling/results/basicsimulation-1535151426929/index.html