An elementary math library supporting generic Math<T> and Rational/Irrational number for .NETCore 3.1/5.0
Create a dotnet generic-types operation library is never easy.
This libray wrappers all math methods from Math,MathF,DecimalMath(from and all system number classes into ONE GNERIC Math<T> class.
With the Math<T> class from Shone.Math, you can write .NET generic math codes EASILY and HAPPILY!
There are some blogs about the detail implementation of Shone.Math in Chinese. See the link in the follow:
Math<T> // T can be any of the following numeric types
bool, sbyte, byte, short, ushort, char, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal // system type
Real // new types added in Shone.Math, including Ration, Irration, IrratE,Pi,Exp,Xp,Lg,Ln,Log,Pow,Sqt,Sqd
using Shone; // import Shone namespace
var d = Math<decimal>.Pow(5,3); // use just like Math.Pow, but it is generic now!
var func = Math<decimal>.Pow; // it is a Func<double,double,double>
var d = 5m.Pow(3); // write in dot style
var ds = new decimal[]{5m, 6m, 7m}.Pow(3); // calculate array easily
6. Support advance .NET5 features like ref T, Span<T>, ReadOnlySpan<T>, Memory<T>, ReadOnlyMemory<T> extension:
var ds = new double[]{5d, 6d, 7d};
ds.AsSpan().Pow_(3); // get as span to modify data more easily and quickly