A key value store based on hashicorp raft implementation backed with boltdb. Replicates to multiple nodes and can retrieve data from any node. https://raft.github.io/
- clone repo
git clone https://github.com/sherodtaylor/raft-stash
- build using docker-compose
docker-compose build
- run with docker-compose
docker-compose up
- cd into out/ directory
cd out/
- run commands for raftstash-cli
caveat cannot propose changes from any node only leader can update the.
$ raftstash-cli --help
Usage: -host [get|set] [key] [value (optional)]
-host string
http server for api (default "")
$ ./raftstash-cli set hello sherod
$ ./raftstash-cli get hello {"hello": "sherod"} ``
$ make build
$ make build-linux ## for linux