- Concepts
- Model 🙋 explained
- Modeling 🙋 explained
- Subject domain 🙋 explained
- Algorithm 🎓 known
- Syntax 🎓 known
- Semantics 🖐️ used
- Abstraction 🙋 explained
- Paradigm 🖐️ used
- Programm 🎓 known
- Programming paradigm 🖐️ used
- Programming language 🎓 known
- Contract 🙋 explained
- Module 🙋 explained
- Library 🙋 explained
- Package 🙋 explained
- Component 🙋 explained
- Framework 🙋 explained
- Platform 🙋 explained
- Source code 🎓 known
- Object code 👂 heard
- Machine code 👂 heard
- Microcode
- Software engineering 🙋 explained
- Decomposition 🙋 explained
- Control flow 🙋 explained
- Data flow
- Code reuse 🙋 explained
- Defensive programming
- Don't repeat yourself (DRY) 🙋 explained
- KISS principle 🙋 explained
- Syntax and concepts
- Value 🎓 known
- Identifier 🎓 known
- Variable 🎓 known
- Constant 🎓 known
- Scalar 🎓 known
- Literal 🎓 known
- Expression 🎓 known
- Heap 🎓 known
- Function 🎓 known
- Procedure 🎓 known
- Method 🎓 known
- Class 🎓 known
- Prototype 🙋 explained
- Event 🖐️ used
- Type 🎓 known
- Flag 🙋 explained
- Lexical scope 🙋 explained
- Code block 🎓 known
- Conditions 🎓 known
- Loops 🎓 known
- Assignment 🎓 known
- Regular expression 🖐️ used
- Interface 👂 heard
- Namespaces 🙋 explained
- Call stack 🙋 explained
- Naming conventions 🙋 explained
- Coding conventions 🙋 explained
- Camel case 🙋 explained
- Snake case 🙋 explained
- Kebab case 🙋 explained
- Trailing commas 🙋 explained
- Return early 🙋 explained
- Fail-fast
- Types
- Primitive types 🎓 known
- Reference types 🎓 known
- Type systems
- Strong typing 🙋 explained
- Weak typing 🙋 explained
- Duck typing 🙋 explained
- Static typing 🙋 explained
- Dynamic typing 🙋 explained
- Nominal typing
- Structural typing
- Explicit typing
- Type inference 🖐️ used
- Covariance
- Contravariance
- Functions
- Signature 🎓 known
- Argument 🎓 known
- Parameter 🎓 known
- Pure function 🙋 explained
- Lambda expression 🙋 explained
- Side effects 🙋 explained
- Closure 🙋 explained
- Partial application 🙋 explained
- Curry 🙋 explained
- Higher order 🙋 explained
- Recursion 🎓 known
- Tail call optimisation 🙋 explained
- Callback 🙋 explained
- Listener 👂 heard
- Compose 👂 heard
- Pipe 👂 heard
- Memoize 👂 heard
- Wrapper 👂 heard
- Functor 👂 heard
- Monad 👂 heard
- Monoid
- Generator 👂 heard
- Coroutine
- Data structures
<<<<<<< HEAD
- Array 🎓 known
- Structure 🎓 known
- Record 👂 heard
- Enum 👂 heard
- Instance 🎓 known
- Object 🎓 known
- Collection 🙋 explained
- Set 🙋 explained
- Hash table 🖐️ used
- Linked list 🚀 constructed
- Doubly list 🚀 constructed
- Unrolled list 👂 heard
- Circular list 👂 heard
- Queue 🚀 constructed
- Stack 🚀 constructed
- Deque 🚀 constructed
- Tree 👂 heard
- Graph 👂 heard
- Iterator 🙋 explained
- Mutable state 🙋 explained
- Immutable state 🙋 explained
- Serialization 🙋 explained
- String parsing 🙋 explained
- JSON 🙋 explained
- YAML 👂 heard
- Networking
- CDN 👂 heard
- IPv4 👂 heard
- IPv6 👂 heard
- URL 👂 heard
- Process and tools
- Compiler 🙋 explained
- Just-in-time compilation
- Ahead-of-time compilation
- Transpiler 🙋 explained
- Linter 🙋 explained
- Polyfill 🙋 explained
- Interpreter 🙋 explained
- Linker 🖐️ used
- Dynamic linking 👂 heard
- Static linking 👂 heard
- Runtime 🙋 explained
- Virtual machine 🖐️ used
- Register-based VM
- Stack-based VM
- Containerization 👂 heard
- Debugger 🙋 explained
- Tracing
- Garbage collection 🙋 explained
- Refactoring 🙋 explained
- Code review 🙋 explained
- Exception 🙋 explained
- Unittesting 🖐️ used
- git 🙋 explained
- Github 🙋 explained
- Docker 👂 heard
- Kubernetes
- GCC 🖐️ used
- Antipatterns
- Magic numbers 🎓 known
- Hard code 🎓 known
- Soft code
- Cryptic code
- Improbability factor
- Accidental complexity 🙋 explained
- Action at a distance
- Spaghetti 🙋 explained
- Silver bullet 🙋 explained
- Not invented here 🙋 explained
- Dead code 🙋 explained
- Unreachable code 🙋 explained
- Duplicate code 🙋 explained
- Premature optimization 🙋 explained
- Micro-optimization 🙋 explained
- Nested loops 🙋 explained
- Long method/function/procedure 🙋 explained
- Long inheritance 🙋 explained
- Large class/file 🙋 explained
- Too many parameters 🙋 explained
- Pass-through parameters 🙋 explained
- Accumulate and fire 🙋 explained
- Use switch/case 🙋 explained
- Temporary field
- Handle object as instances and hashes at the same time 🙋 explained
- Use fields instead of arguments
- Data clump
- Feature envy 🙋 explained
- Monkey patch
- Yo-yo problem
- Runtimes and virtual machines
- Bytecode 👂 heard
- V8 🖐️ used
- Mono
- Operating systems
- Interrupts
- Drivers 🖐️ used
- Kernel 👂 heard
- Ring
- Virtual memory 👂 heard
- File system 🖐️ used
- Linux 🖐️ used
- Unix 👂 heard
- BSD 👂 heard
- MacOS 👂 heard
- Windows 🖐️ used
- Real-time OS
- Embedded OS
- Standards
- ASCII 🖐️ used
- Escape sequence
- Base64
- ISO 🖐️ used
- UTF-8 🖐️ used
- W3C