In the following you will find a step-by-step instruction how to use the RSSched programs.
To keep your home clean create a project directory rssched
mkdir rssched
cd rssched
First, we start the solver-server.
clone the
repository into therssched
directory:git clone [email protected]:rolling-stock-scheduling/rssched-solver.git cd rssched-solver
install the docker engine:
building the docker image (from the
-directory):docker build --tag eth_scheduling_image .
loading the image and running the server for the first time (removes old container of the same name):
docker run --rm --env RAYON_NUM_THREADS=16 --publish 3000:3000 --name eth_scheduling_server eth_scheduling_image
Here, the server can use 16 threads and answers on port 3000.
Next, we generate a solver-request from a MATSim run output and send it to the solver-server.
Open a new terminal, navigate to
and clone therssched-matsim-client
and therssched-solver
repository:cd ~/rssched git clone [email protected]:rolling-stock-scheduling/rssched-matsim-client.git cd rssched-matsim-client
Put your MATSim run output files, including
together with the config file containing the solver parameters
into the directory that is specified next to the
field on the first page of*.rssched_request_config.xlsx
.As an example you can use the Kelheim instance that is located in
.Since the
is too large for git use the following command to download them from the official repository or use this link for a manual download.wget mv kelheim-v3.0-25pct.output_events.xml.gz integration-test/input/de/kelheim/kelheim-v3.0/25pct/
Build and run the
(you can use the maven-wrapper.mvnw
if maven is not installed) to generate a solver-request and send it to the solver-server:./mvnw clean install -DskipTests -DskipITs ./mvnw exec:java -Dexec.args="integration-test/input/de/kelheim/kelheim-v3.0/25pct/kelheim-v3.0-25pct.rssched_request_config.xlsx"
As soon as the request is sent to the server you can observe the output of the solver within the server terminal.
The final output (the rolling stock schedule) can be found at
or what ever path is specified next to theoutputDirectory
on the first page of*.rssched_request_config.xlsx
.For convenience, lets copy the schedule file to the
directory:cp integration-test/output/de/kelheim/kelheim-v3.0/25pct/rssched_kelheim-v3.0-25pct/it_config/it_config.kelheim-v3.0-25pct.scheduler_response.json ../schedule.json
Finally, we visualize the schedule for analysis.
Clone the
repository:cd ~/rssched git clone [email protected]:rolling-stock-scheduling/rssched-analysis.git cd rssched-analysis
Install poetry a package manager for python:
Install the dependencies for this project via:
poetry install
Create the plots (which will open automatically in a browser):
poetry run rssched-plot ../schedule.json
To stop the Docker-container running the solver-server use:
docker stop eth_scheduling_server
This may take a couple of seconds.
For removing the RSSched programs simple remove the rssched
directory with
cd ~
rm -rf rssched