Serposcope rely on these libraries (among many other).
- The web framework ninjaframework.
- Guice for dependency injection.
- The query builder querydsl allows autocompletion of SQL query, prevents SQL injections, etc.
You don't need to know these libraries to contribute to serposcope (you'll learn!) but they worth a check :)
If first build, initialize the querybuilder database :
(or .\core\scripts\sqlcodegen.bat
This script will create the structure of the database, it is sourced by querydsl to generate querybuilder classes.
You only need to run this script on first build or each time you change the structure of the database.
If you plan to edit SQL, table name must be in uppercase (allow compatibility of .sql files between h2 and MySQL).
When you code, you want to stay in superdevmode. It allows hot reloading of the classes when you edit code in your IDE (so you don't have to restart serposcope to see changes).
This how to start serposcope in superdevmode :
mvn ninja:run \
-Dninja.mainClass=serposcope.lifecycle.Daemon \
-Dninja.jvmArgs="-Dlogback.configurationFile=dev/logback-stdout.xml -Dserposcope.datadir=/var/tmp/serposcope -Dserposcope.db.options=;AUTO_SERVER=TRUE"
To build the package for production (compiled javascripts and single jar) :
mvn -Dsinglejar=true -Dminify=true clean install
To run integration tests :
cd /work/java/serposcope/core; mvn -Dtest=all failsafe:integration-test
cd /work/java/serposcope/scraper; mvn -Dtest=all failsafe:integration-test
cd /work/java/serposcope/web; mvn -Dtest=all failsafe:integration-test
Check also for in test resources if you want to run extensive integration tests relying on credentials or whatever