This Django Boilerplate quickly encapsulates your source code in a Docker container running Gunicorn behind an Nginx reverse proxy. This project uses Fabric3 to handle most of the deployment and administration tasks.
pip - You can install pip with Homebrew
brew install pip
I recommend you use pyenv to manage your versions of python as well as any dependencies installed by pip.
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
Docker - Install docker here
pip install -r requirements.txt
installed apps - /src/config/settings/
You can find your installed apps in INSTALLED_APPS.
When you add a Django app, remember to specify it here.
project-wide credentials and keys - /src/config/settings/defaults/
Place credentials for any external services used here.
For example: APIAI_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'alsdfalsjlakjf'
database declaration - /src/config/settings/defaults/
Specify your database configurations in DATABASES. Default here is sqlite but
it is highly recommended to use a relational database like PostGresQL.
settings modules - /src/config/settings/
Your deployment-specific settings. Ensure DB_MAIN corresponds to keys you specified in DATABASES. DB_MAIN specifies the database used by the different deployments
{'test_dev', 'staging', 'production'} of your application. This is convenient for
isolated deployments of your application at the data layer, but you can also point
DB_MAIN to the same database for all deployments of your application.
Fabric3 - /
Fabric is a simple, Pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment. It is more powerful
than a simple bash script or Makefile. Read more [here](
region - Region on AWS hosting your servers
image - Title of your image. This follows the format __name__:__version__.
Version defaults to 'latest'
account - Your AWS account. This is given to you when you created your account with AWS
and is necessary to log in to the AWS console.
endpoint - AWS path representation of your AWS docker repository.
Images are pushed here and tagged as this.
environments - Dictionary mapping {'staging, 'production'} to the environments you
created on the AWS console.
Start adding apps to the src directory.
python src/ startapp __your_custom_app__
This is shorthand for python src/ runserver
fab start:dev
Build the Docker image. You must specify which deployment {'staging', 'production'} to build. Here we build a staging image.
fab build:staging
Clean up old images. If this is your first build you will not need to use this.
fab clean
Run your container. The container will run on port 80 by default. You can find your project on http://localhost/. Check static files are serving correctly with http://localhost/admin (if it is ugly, something went wrong)
fab start
Optionally, attach to your running container and run bash at your leisure. You can exit your
container at any time using exit
fab attach
Ctrl + c does not stop your container so it will run in the background unless you stop it manually.
fab stop
Login to AWS
fab login
Transfer your Docker image to the AWS repository
fab push
Use eb cli to deploy your project for a specified deployment {'staging', 'production'}. If this is your first deployment you must run aws configure
and eb config
and supply the necessary arguments and credentials.
This command also generates the file needed for AWS Elastic Beanstalk deployment
fab eb:staging moby/moby#6822 (comment)