This is an incomplete DHCP Server that can run in any Windows edition.
It only supports DHCPv4 Discover/Request messages on Ethernet networks.
For more information about DHCP see
This was put together because the Hyper-V Default Switch comes with a DHCP service (managed by the Internet Connection Sharing service aka ICS) that cannot be configured and does not play well with Packer/Vagrant and VMs reboots.
This can be used as a DHCP server for the Packer/Vagrant at rgl/infra-toolbox, rgl/debian-vagrant, rgl/ubuntu-vagrant, and rgl/windows-vagrant.
In a elevated PowerShell session install the latest release of WinDHCP with, for example:
$releasesUrl = ''
$latestResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers @{Accept='application/json'} "$releasesUrl/latest"
$latestTag = $latestResponse.tag_name
$artifactUrl = "$releasesUrl/download/$latestTag/"
$artifactPath = "$env:TEMP\"
$installPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\WinDHCP"
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem
(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($artifactUrl, $artifactPath)
[System.IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($artifactPath, $installPath)
&"$installPath\install.ps1" `
-networkInterface 'vEthernet (Vagrant)' `
-gateway '' `
-startAddress '' `
-endAddress '' `
-subnet '' `
-leaseDuration '0.01:00:00' `
-dnsServers @('', '')