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File metadata and controls

67 lines (50 loc) · 1.06 KB

netctl - service

# profiles
netctl list

# start
ifconfig <wlan0> down # must not "UP" before start
netctl start <profile>

# stop
netctl stop <profile>

# auto start
systemctl enable netctl-auto@wlan0

# ip - gateway
netctl status <profile> | grep 'leased\|route via' | sed 's/.* \([0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]\).*/\1/'

WiFi connection menu


ip - interface

# status
ip link

# ip
ip addr show

# get ip
ip addr show dev <wlan0> | grep '^\s*inet' | awk '{print $2}'

# get gateway - ip - dns
gwip=$( ip r | grep 'default.*<wlan0>' | awk '{print $3" "$9}' )
dns=$( cat /etc/resolv.conf | grep nameserver | cut -d' ' -f2 )
gwipdns="$gwip $dns"

# set ip
ifconfig <wlan0> [ip]

# remove ip
ifconfig <wlan0>

# up/down
ip link set dev <wlan0> [up/down]
# or
ifconfig <wlan0> [up/down]

iw - connect

# status
iw dev <wlan0> link

# get ssid
iw dev <wlan0> link | grep SSID | awk '{print $NF}'

# scan
iwlist <wlan0> scan

# connect
iw dev <wlan0> connect [ssid] key [hex_key]

# disconnect
iw dev <wlan0> disconnect