A tiny framework for developing HTTP stuff in reason native using Httpaf and H2.
The documentation is not as fleshed out as it should be, the repos is under heavy development.
esy install
esy build
esy examples
$(esy examples-path)/hello_world.exe
$(esy examples-path)/with_router.exe
$(esy examples-path)/simple_proxy.exe
let http_server = Morph_server_http.make();
Morph.start(~servers=[http_server], _request => Http.Response.Ok.make)
|> Lwt_main.run;
Slightly larger example using ocaml-routes: https://github.com/reason-native-web/morph/blob/master/examples/with_router.re
Thank you to @imbsky for sponsoring my work on Morph