Author: Ritchie Lee ([email protected])
This is a Julia wrapper for the necpp python package ( The python package itself is based on NEC++ ( Main documentation page of original package is at
NECPP.jl uses PyCall.jl to wrap the python functions.
First install Python on your system (e.g., Python 3.5), then run
pip install necpp
Test that you can import the module in Python.
In Julia,
- ENV["PYTHON"] = "path/to/your/python.exe"
- Pkg.clone("", "NECPP")
To make the package function available:
using NECPP
An example file is available under example/test.jl, that mirrors the example in the original necpp repo ( To run the example,
which should output the impedance of a wire antenna at various frequencies.
julia> frequency_response()
f=1.00MHz ( 0.3,-4175.4I) Ohms
f=2.00MHz ( 1.3,-2068.5I) Ohms
f=3.00MHz ( 2.9,-1357.6I) Ohms
f=4.00MHz ( 5.2,-995.7I) Ohms
f=5.00MHz ( 8.1,-773.1I) Ohms
f=6.00MHz ( 11.8,-620.2I) Ohms
f=7.00MHz ( 16.3,-506.9I) Ohms
f=8.00MHz ( 21.6,-418.2I) Ohms
f=9.00MHz ( 27.9,-345.5I) Ohms
f=10.00MHz ( 35.3,-283.6I) Ohms
f=11.00MHz ( 44.2,-229.1I) Ohms
f=12.00MHz ( 55.1,-179.5I) Ohms
f=13.00MHz ( 68.9,-132.7I) Ohms
f=14.00MHz ( 87.3, -87.1I) Ohms
f=15.00MHz ( 113.1, -41.2I) Ohms
f=16.00MHz ( 151.6, +5.0I) Ohms
f=17.00MHz ( 212.7, +48.2I) Ohms
f=18.00MHz ( 311.3, +71.8I) Ohms
f=19.00MHz ( 447.7, +24.6I) Ohms
f=20.00MHz ( 528.8,-148.3I) Ohms
f=21.00MHz ( 436.6,-321.2I) Ohms
f=22.00MHz ( 289.5,-360.4I) Ohms
f=23.00MHz ( 189.4,-326.9I) Ohms
f=24.00MHz ( 132.7,-278.3I) Ohms
f=25.00MHz ( 101.0,-231.6I) Ohms
f=26.00MHz ( 83.1,-189.8I) Ohms
f=27.00MHz ( 73.3,-152.2I) Ohms
f=28.00MHz ( 68.9,-117.6I) Ohms
f=29.00MHz ( 68.6, -85.0I) Ohms
f=30.00MHz ( 72.0, -53.6I) Ohms
Last updated 11/28/2016