- ViewPager which can auto scrolling, cycling, decelerating.
- ViewPager which can be slided manually in parent ViewPager.
- ViewPager which is compatible with AndroidX library.
- ViewPager which is written in Kotlin and be supported for a long time.
Many thanks to Trinea because this library is the newest, kotlin version of his library. We support AndroidX library, so if you have problem when migrating to AndroidX, this version should work like a charm.
Add this to your root build.gradle file under repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "https://jitpack.io" }
Add this to your app level build.gradle as dependency:
implementation 'com.github.pzienowicz:androidx-auto-scroll-view-pager:{latest.version}'
- include this library
- use below code
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
instead of
android:layout_height="wrap_content" />
start auto scroll, delay time isgetInterval()
start auto scroll delayed.stopAutoScroll()
stop auto scroll.
set auto scroll time in milliseconds, default is1500
set auto scroll direction, default isDirection.RIGHT
set whether automatic cycle when auto scroll reaching the last or first item, default istrue
set the factor by which the duration of sliding animation will change.setSlideBorderMode(SlideBorderMode)
set how to process when sliding at the last or first item, default isSlideBorderMode.NONE
set whether stop auto scroll when touching, default istrue
set whether animating when auto scroll at the last or first item, default istrue
.- You cannot combine with ViewPagerIndicator if
-keep class pl.pzienowicz.** { *; }
-keepclassmembers class pl.pzienowicz.** { *; }
-dontwarn pl.pzienowicz.**
Please check example app contained in this repository.
This is how it looks like: