- ec3c9282 release v1.12.13
- e8957799 bump k8s to v1.27.13 (#3963)
- 8e962a02 fix subnet check ip in using to avoid ipam init (#3964)
- 954df535 add patch permission for cni clusterrole
- db7ea0c6 fix index out of range (#3958)
- bfe80334 fix nil pointer dereference (#3951)
- 72106744 fix: lower camel case (#3942)
- 5fccb52e prepare for next release
- Zhao Congqi
- bobz965
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 0363e783 release v1.12.12
- dcca4e54 drop both IPv4 and IPv6 traffic in networkpolicy drop acl (#3940)
- 4ff20a51 update net package version (#3936)
- bae87560 add metric for subnet info (#3932)
- 166d9a43 cni-server: set sysctl variables only when the env variables are passed in (#3929)
- 86be0f67 ovn: check whether db file is fixed (#3928)
- 021b9962 fix backport (#3924)
- 4ed15b96 append filepath when compare cni config (#3923)
- 58932922 re calculate subnet using ips while inconsistency detected (#3920)
- 698c9346 update ovn monitor (#3903)
- c91d5b66 add monitor for sysctl para (#3913)
- 36025b57 refactor kubevirt vm e2e (#3914)
- b32f607d support specifying routes when providing IPAM for other CNI plugins (#3904)
- 96a56957 Fix init sg (#3890)
- abd735c6 distinguish portSecurity with security group (#3862)
- d8650a66 fix br-external not init because of no permission after ovn-nat-gw configmap created (#3902)
- 63fa192f build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.63.0 to 1.63.2 (#3900)
- f8bac073 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.24.0 to 3.25.0 (#3897)
- 11eae635 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0 (#3896)
- 2a339a65 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/mod from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 (#3895)
- 696d9f47 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.62.1 to 1.63.0 (#3898)
- beb22451 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.12.1 to 0.12.2 (#3891)
- c4be969c build(deps): bump github.com/cenkalti/backoff/v4 from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 (#3875)
- f8655fb6 chart: fix ovs-ovn update strategy (#3887)
- b43ac43c Fix index out of range in controller security_group (#3845)
- 6609c81a fix: ipam invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference (#3889)
- c207ecae add tracepath (#3884)
- 054f1298 prepare for next release
- Longchuanzheng
- Zhao Congqi
- bobz965
- dependabot[bot]
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 66df5d63 release v1.12.11
- db92bb99 change northd probe interval to 5s (#3882)
- d4f8ebe4 fix go fmt
- 64cd8d3a ovn: reduce down time during upgrading from version 21.06 (#3881)
- b347841a compile binaries with debug symbols for debug images (#3871)
- 94041b19 ovn: update patch for skipping ct (#3879)
- 9b183d2e ci: fix memory leak reporting caused by ovn-controller crashes (#3873)
- 720e5f62 Update dependencies in go.mod file
- ccefae1d prepare for next release
- changluyi
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 4a6888d5 release v1.12.10
- 55c314ef fix: when give ipv4 cidr ipv6 gateway, the gateway will extend infinitely (#3860)
- 57706685 prepare for next release
- changluyi
- ee424ae4 release v1.12.9
- 2a956e0b chart: fix missing ENABLE_IC (#3851)
- 7d634ba2 fix: cleanup.sh (#3569)
- 350eabbe exclude vip as encap ip (#3855)
- 3cd21ed6 fix: duplicate ip deletion (#3589)
- 9ba51333 iptables: reject access to invalid service port only for TCP (#3843)
- 19e6a99b Fix 1.12 ipam deletion (#3554)
- 78c41df4 delete lsp and ipam with ip (#3540)
- 7bd3a6d0 update protobuf module (#3841)
- 4c19787f kubectl-ko: fix subnet diagnose failure (#3808)
- efe08095 pinger: do not setup metrics if disabled (#3806)
- 52e6b3e2 Fix the failure to enable multi-network card traffic mirroring for newly created pods (#3805)
- a8326227 Makefile: add target kind-install-metallb (#3795)
- ca937e58 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.17.0 to 0.18.0 (#3792)
- a3ee69a3 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/mod from 0.15.0 to 0.16.0 (#3793)
- 6c53861a Refactor build-go targets to use the -trimpath flag
- 442a2805 fix incorrect variable assignment (#3787)
- 08a915a1 prepare for next release
- bobz965
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- hzma
- xieyanker
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 14738472 release v1.12.7
- 16b563e2 fix sts pod's logical switch port do not update externa_id vendor and ls (#3778)
- 078a03f2 update dependence
- f9f2aaeb update release.sh
- 29157d4d update release.sh
- b5f7a634 refactor ovn clusterrole (#3755)
- 76ea1c12 prepare for next release
- changluyi
- hzma
- a395104d release v1.12.6
- df6a84aa if startOVNIC firstly, and setazName secondly, the ovn-ic-db may sync the old azname (#3759) (#3763)
- a9065452 modify chart.yaml version
- 0107f9dd add action for build base
- f537002c prepare for next release
- changluyi
- b45c8339 release v1.12.5
- aeeb3c7b ci: bump github actions
- 71e5da7b ci: bump azure/setup-helm to v4.0.0 (#3743)
- 1d544554 base: install libmnl0 instead of libmnl-dev (#3745)
- 669ed067 ci: collect ko logs for all kind clusters (#3744)
- b9224483 ci: fix ovn ic log file name (#3742)
- 5e5fd728 ci: bump kind and node image
- cc8c9ab6 update chart relase action workflow (#3728,#3734,#3691) (#3738)
- b3d8fca7 remove invalid ovs build option (#3733)
- 2aa3311e dpdk: remove unnecessary ovn patch (#3736)
- 8e0e4b17 Fix: Resolve issue with skipped execution of sg annotations (#3700)
- ae895e2e fix: all gw nodes (#3723)
- bffef867 ovn: remove unnecessary patch (#3720)
- 764580fa ci: fix artifact upload
- c71e3949 bump k8s to v1.27.10 (#3693)
- f9c80e12 fix backport (#3697)
- 50b6506d remove unused (#3696)
- a0e3b679 kube-ovn-controller: remove unused codes (#3692)
- 8da2239c remove fip controller (#3684)
- 51a3c1e4 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.22.0 to 3.23.0 (#3688)
- 6d1cbd3c Compatible with controller deployment methods before kube-ovn 1.11.16 (#3677)
- ea918989 set after genev_sys_6081 started (#3680)
- c16b634e ovn: add nb option version_compatibility (#3671)
- 29587118 Makefile: fix install/upgrade chart (#3678)
- 822df375 ovn: do not send direct traffic between lports to conntrack (#3663)
- 130f06cb ovn-ic-ecmp refactor 1.12 (#3637)
- 8c75820a build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.60.1 to 1.61.0 (#3669)
- 0da94b58 fix 409 (#3662)
- b2f7da5f fix nil pointer (#3661)
- 51e32914 chart: fix parsing image tag when the image url contains a port (#3644)
- a9d896ab ovs: reduce cpu utilization (#3650)
- 2f7fdb29 kube-ovn-monitor and kube-ovn-pinger export pprof path (#3657)
- 62568275 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.30.0 to 1.31.0 (#3641)
- 53e712d2 build(deps): bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#3643)
- 4dbe9342 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.14.0 to 2.15.0 (#3642)
- 141ceaaa SYSCTL_IPV4_IP_NO_PMTU_DISC set default to 0
- 754b172c build(deps): bump github.com/evanphx/json-patch/v5 from 5.7.0 to 5.8.0 (#3628)
- fc988842 chart: fix ovs-ovn upgrade (#3613)
- 216c9292 build(deps): bump github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 (#3619)
- 74c5b8a0 build(deps): bump github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 (#3606)
- 91be66f1 update policy route when subnet cidr is changed (#3587)
- c3f6e3c2 update ipset to v7.17 (#3601)
- 05d0334e ovs: increase cpu limit to 2 cores (#3530)
- 8f4220c6 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.21.0 to 3.22.0 (#3603)
- 4b859054 do not count ips in excludeIPs as available and using IPs (#3582)
- f4311ab0 fix security issue (#3588)
- 9f74ee32 ovn0 ipv6 addr gen mode set 0 (#3579)
- 958aab96 fix: add err log (#3572)
- ad3f674a build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.31.0 to 1.32.0 (#3571)
- acb9e97f Makefile: fix kwok installation (#3561)
- db2aeeba fix u2o infinity recycle
- 32604cf1 do not calculate subnet.spec.excludeIPs as availableIPs (#3550)
- 999dc618 add np prefix to networkpolicy name when networkpolicy's name starts with number (#3551)
- 2249e24e fix: apply changes to the latest version (#3514)
- 1b27c414 fix ovn ic not clean lsp and lrp when az name contains "-" (#3541)
- 81ef8ff4 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 (#3544)
- cd28464f Revert "ovn-central: check raft inconsistency from nb/sb logs (#3532)"
- e88e5b2b ovn-central: check raft inconsistency from nb/sb logs (#3532)
- 2a499b42 fix chassis gc (#3525)
- f07aef03 prepare for next release
- Changlu Yi
- Qinghao Huang
- Zhao Congqi
- bobz965
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 366e7995 set release v1.12.4
- 4207a45a cni-server: set sysctl variable net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc to 1 by default (#3504)
- 943a1d99 fix: duplicate gw nodes (#3500)
- 35c7eaf5 add drop invalid rst 1.12 (#3490)
- 60966143 delete String() function (#3488)
- d4adddee fix: lost gc lsp in previous pr (#3493)
- 1d89ea2a fix: ipam clean all pod nic ip address and mac even if just delete a nic (#3453)
- 3903f9b0 fix: check chassis before creation (#3482)
- 621fcad7 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.20.0 to 3.21.0 (#3481)
- cdd43538 fix ovn eip not calculated (#3477)
- 1476c0a1 fix: calculate subnet before handle finalizer (#3469)
- 739825f1 schedule kube-ovn-controller on the kube-ovn-master node (#3479)
- 768dd5fb delete vm's lsp and release ipam.ip (#3476)
- 03a82bae build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.13.1 to 2.13.2 (#3475)
- 05149990 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/time from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#3463)
- a45620d8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys (#3464)
- 0fb4f196 kube-ovn-cni: fix pinger result when timeout is reached (#3457)
- df2a9c36 ovs-healthcheck: ignore error when log file does not exist (#3456)
- 7dc00aad ipam: fix duplicate allocation after cidr expansion (#3455)
- 23a4b733 fix e2e install failed
- 72444c11 readd assigned ip addresses to ipam when subnet has been changed (#3448)
- 03ed9daf base: fix missing CFLAGS -fPIC for arm64 (#3428)
- 2f3923c6 fix: multus network status not find dpdk interface name (#3432)
- 5069a03d bump k8s to v1.27.8 (#3425)
- ca41d0f4 ci: fix missing environment variables (#3430)
- c736912b base: fix dpdk build failure (#3426)
- 45e7f1fc base: fix ovn build failure (#3340)
- d6adccad fix: lsp dhcp options set failed when subnet dhcp option is enabled (#3422)
- 6ee914cc trivy: ignore CVE-2023-5528
- 7f5e68c5 update policy route nexthops para
- a54fcfed ci: fix dpdk jobs (#3405)
- 0fe59db4 ci: free disk space for all x86 jobs (#3406)
- 56b31451 ci: free disk space (#3404)
- b0759192 fix dpdk workflow (#3384)
- 459e2d6d base: fix ovn-northd/ovn-controller not creating pidfile in arm64 (#3413)
- 984c0358 support ovn ic ecmp (#3348) (#3410)
- 12625f50 fix kube-ovn-monitor probe (#3409)
- a3c7fb4b fix: wrong usage about DeepEqual (#3396)
- 6d6eef43 subnet support config mtu (#3367)
- 005b92bd fix dualStack network checkgw raise panic (#3392)
- 9f08f4a2 feat: dpdk-22.11.1 support by kube-ovn (#3388)
- 19613311 fix: gc delete multus ip cr and lsp setting when enable keep vm ip (#3378)
- a37ee6bf add kube-ovn-controller nodeAffinity prefer not on ic gateway
- 50c5341c fix: externalID map should not include external_ids (#3385)
- c670082d build(deps): bump github.com/moby/sys/mountinfo from 0.6.2 to 0.7.0
- d271d9e0 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/mod from 0.13.0 to 0.14.0 (#3380)
- f49f84e8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/time from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 (#3383)
- dd2af541 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/time from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 (#3383)
- d683487f prepare for next release
- Changlu Yi
- bobz965
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- hzma
- pengbinbin1
- wujixin
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- b64d7e9b set release for 1.12.3
- a9cbe027 kube-ovn-dpdk building need its dpdk base img (#3371)
- b0efd5a9 delete check for existing ip cr (#3361)
- 366e6411 fix IP residue after changing subnet of vm in some scenarios (#3370)
- f593a046 sync acp chart (#3364)
- def75169 kube-ovn-controller: fix memory growth caused by unused workqueue
- 3023336d build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.19.0 to 3.20.0 (#3362)
- c7ffd1f5 fix access svc ip failed, when acl is on (#3350)
- 5da74964 Add Layer 2 forwarding for subnet ports again (#3300)
- 31e77fbf add compact for release-1.12 (#3342)
- d771eb8c prepare for next release
- Tobias
- bobz965
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- hzma
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 23a6299c set release 1.12.2
- b4abb34a Nat reuse router port external ip (#3313)
- a0228ef9 dump cpu/mem profile into file on signal SIGUSR1/SIGUSR2 (#3262)
- 5226abf6 kube-ovn-controller: fix ovn ic log directory not mounted to hostpath (#3322)
- c7e6fc34 fix golang lint error (#3323)
- f779892f update go version
- f2eac645 fix build error
- 9375e592 add type assertion for ip crd (#3311)
- 127a87a9 add load balancer health check (#3216)
- e01a8536 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.58.3 to 1.59.0 (#3310)
- c4e36417 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.11.1 to 0.11.2 (#3309)
- 418d45f1 support vpc configuration of multiple external network segments through label and crd (#3264)
- 51980378 sync subnet to vpc while switching between custom VPC and default VPC (#3218)
- 529c9f4e security: ignore kubectl cve (#3305)
- 29eef277 Don't enqueue VPC update when DeletionTimestamp is zero (#3302)
- 408c6e9e Revert "update base image to ubuntu:23.10 (#3289)"
- 671d55db add base rules for allowing vrrp packets (#3293)
- c6b2cbdd build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.58.2 to 1.58.3 (#3295)
- c674f489 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.16.0 to 0.17.0 (#3296)
- af35954f webhook: fix ip validation when pod is annotated with an ippool name (#3284)
- 94ecdf7a webhook: use dedicated port for health probe (#3285)
- 9cb875a1 add concurrency limiter to ovs-vsctl (#3288)
- 47c4d725 update base image to ubuntu:23.10 (#3289)
- b94667de support custom vpc dns its deployment replicas (#3286)
- fa7eecf9 ovs: load kernel module ip_tables only when it exists (#3281)
- de5860e0 update directory name in charts readme (#3276)
- 481d372e fix ovn build failure (#3275)
- 92654f4e build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 (#3271)
- 1036b0a8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.12.0 to 0.13.0 (#3271)
- 3cb084ed build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang (#3266)
- 8aaca988 build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang (#3266)
- e7a91d0a prepare for the next release
- 9b03b4ad pinger: increase packet send interval (#3259)
- 70a13529 add init container in vpc-nat-gateway statefulset for init (#3254)
- 1156c03d lrp should use chassis name instead of uuid (#3258)
- Tobias
- bobz965
- dependabot[bot]
- hzma
- wenwenxiong
- zcq98
- 夜微澜
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- e945a106 set release for v1.12.1
- f9adc20a fix: for existing nic, no need to set the port type to internal (#3243)
- e19b5b50 adjust vip prints as ip (#3248)
- 7d3dc037 add dpdk probe (#3151)
- 223cc614 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.58.1 to 1.58.2 (#3251)
- 66a2f59b build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.11.0 to 0.11.1 (#3245)
- e5f8671b update kubectl to v1.28.2
- 8e27e204 fix goproxy Denial of Service vulnerability (#3240)
- 444b3172 build(deps): bump github.com/cyphar/filepath-securejoin (#3239)
- 55edc1b6 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.11.0 to 2.12.1 (#3237)
- 525e3b2d build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#3234)
- de3a300d build(deps): bump github.com/evanphx/json-patch/v5 from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0 (#3235)
- 019217c4 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.17.0 to 3.18.0 (#3238)
- 62aabb6e build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.57.0 to 1.58.1
- 72b82d06 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 (#3228)
- 20b8ca58 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.11.0 to 0.12.0 (#3232)
- 8817e24d chart: remove subnet finalizers before subnets are deleted (#3213)
- 47e80fea kubectl-ko: add new command ovn-trace for tracing ovn lflows only (#3202)
- 0bb52d91 fix conflict after cherry-pick
- 87779e18 add golang lint (#3154)
- 545d64d8 add special handling for the route policy of the default VPC (#3194)
- 3603584c fix add static route to wrong table of ovn (#3195)
- 012e0030 netpol: fix duplicate default drop acl (#3197)
- 1c13e40a add log to help find conflict ip owner (#3191)
- 7f3b1e8b suuport user custom log location (#3186)
- 188c252d enable set --ovn-northd-n-threads (#3150)
- c5d4221f Fix max unavailable (#3149)
- 5d072110 add probe (#3133)
- 0aa39e82 underlay: fix ip/route tranfer when the nic is managed by NetworkManager (#3184)
- 47f475b0 ci: wait for terminating ovs-ovn pod to disappear (#3160)
- 01123f8d fix ovn build (#3166)
- f3b64605 chart: fix ovs-ovn upgrade (#3164)
- ff163558 subnet: fix deleting lr policy on node deletion (#3176)
- 7339b5a5 ci/test: bump various versions (#3162)
- 094d1369 kubectl-ko: get ovn db leaders only on necessary (#3158)
- 1dad23d9 underlay: fix NetworkManager operation (#3147)
- 0e4909a2 Revert "enable set --ovn-northd-n-threads"
- 9fd7ef5e enable set --ovn-northd-n-threads
- 2e820fd8 sbctl chassis operation replace with libovsdb (#3119)
- 00bfa4bd base: remove ovn patch for skipping ct (#3141)
- 377d56dc Enable set probe (#3145)
- a7af8973 support recreate a backup pod with full annotation (#3144)
- 515bdb79 fix ovn nat not clean (#3139)
- f225c66d ovn: do not send direct traffic between lports to conntrack (#3131)
- e5c62d96 delete append externalIds process in initIPAM (#3134)
- bd4d99be add e2e test for ovn db recover (#3118)
- 74f69b27 bump version number
- e1a1b78b docs: updated CHANGELOG.md (#3122)
- bobz965
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- github-actions[bot]
- hzma
- 夜微澜
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 15861418 update changelog
- 6cf53101 build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1 (#3120)
- cd1202ca ovn: fix corrupted database file on start (#3112)
- 02f8c630 some fixes in e2e (#3116)
- d8fa8395 controller: fix vpc update (#3117)
- b5b25ffd increase event burst size (#3115)
- c8031f6e build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0 (#3114)
- 6ba997d2 简化 ovn eip 类型 (#3107)
- a0c5e389 fix u2o policy route allocate too many openflows cause oom (#3099)
- a9fdbf92 Fix relevant annotations are not deleted in hotnoplug nic process (#3108)
- 3c6d6bc0 ovn: delete the db file if the node with new empty db file cannot join cluster for more than 120s (#3101)
- 914bf613 get all chassis once (#3103)
- 42e0574c distinguish nat ip for central subnet with ecmp and active-standby (#3100)
- a27ce4c3 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.16.0 to 3.17.0 (#3105)
- 68dc1c38 add log near err (#3098)
- c6c472a0 iptables: reject access to invalid service port when kube-proxy works in IPVS mode (#3059)
- f8835ef5 Ovn nat 1 (#3095)
- 5704dae0 skip ok pod (#3090)
- 18580edf ipam: return error for invalid ip range (#3088)
- a7e7a83d some fixes in e2e (#3094)
- 88218743 bug_fix if only one port bind to the sg, then unbind the port to the sg ,it will not enforce in port_group (#3092)
- 4c1161e9 fix .status.default when initializing the default vpc (#3086)
- fa91428b fix repeate set chassis (#3083)
- 68a798f4 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.56.2 to 1.57.0 (#3085)
- da1648cc fix go fmt
- 88b5912f fix kube-ovn-speaker log (#3081)
- 89544c35 remove FOSSA status card
- ac648680 cni-server: fix ovn mappings for vpc nat gateway (#3075)
- 0fe9dcb2 fix kube-ovn-speaker (#3076)
- 827a5a27 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.10 to 0.10.0 (#3079)
- 38cd9203 ovn client: fix sb chassis existence check (#3072)
- 038ff7de e2e: fix switch lb rule test (#3071)
- e14ebbd5 bump github.com/docker/docker to v24.0.5 (#3073)
- 90c83057 iptables: add --random-fully to SNAT rules (#3066)
- 1350397e update lint tmeout
- ff6d03d0 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.9 to 1.27.10 (#3069)
- 76b01496 bump k8s to v1.27.4 (#3063)
- d8e59ab6 e2e: do not import pkg/daemon (#3055)
- 20a6526c build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.8 to 1.27.9 (#3065)
- af335ba8 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.9 to 0.9.10 (#3061)
- 976a32b0 ci: fix multus installation (#3062)
- 0d1599ff add srl connectivity test (#3056)
- 42f35a35 ipam: fix ippool with single dual-stack address (#3054)
- 2ba3b8e5 controller: skip VIP gc if LB not found (#3048)
- 52232b5e keep vm vip when enableKeepVmIP is true (#3053)
- ed58b210 cni: reduce memory usage (#3047)
- 3be1e84c set genev_sys_6081 tx checksum off (#3045)
- 4e761156 fix vpc lb init (#3046)
- f4f80415 custom vpc pod support tcp http probe with tproxy method (#3024)
- 494209d3 change log (#3042)
- b40c35b8 Makefile: add deepflow and kwok installation (#3036)
- 5a0686b2 windows: fix ovn patches (#3035)
- e3b7439d ci: pin go version to 1.20.5 (#3034)
- 97a3e1bc static ip in exclude-ips can be allocated normally when subnet's availableIPs is 0 (#3031)
- 9d88e497 pinger: use fully qualified domain name (#3032)
- f3833f91 feat: suport kubevirt nic hotplug (#3013)
- 62f33289 fix lrp eip not clean (#3026)
- 047af4a2 build(deps): bump helm/kind-action from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0 (#3029)
- e01e616e update maintainer
- ea9c1f1e uninstall.sh: fix ipset name (#3028)
- 9e6dc636 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#3027)
- 3dd7f4ab replace ovn legacy client with libovsdb (#3018)
- c5bfdb46 install.sh: fix duplicate resources apply (#3023)
- 2e4fb05c build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#3019)
- aefaef5a build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.56.1 to 1.56.2 (#3020)
- 1f1fb82e ovn: fix cluster connections when SSL is enabled (#3001)
- 18560c96 cleanup.sh: wait for provier-networks to be deleted before deleting kube-ovn-cni (#3006)
- 9304ae5a kube-ovn-controller: fix workqueue metrics (#3011)
- d4153885 ci: fix go cache key (#3015)
- 5a5f66eb fix vlan subnet use logical gw can not access outside cluster node (#3007)
- 18fd55dd build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus-community/pro-bing (#3016)
- 269f460d fix vpc already delete while delete policy route (#3005)
- e744d76e make compatible with simplicified enable-eip-snat-cm (#3009)
- 2a652530 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0 (#3012)
- d5f89bce subnet: fix nat outgoing policy rule (#3003)
- 8358a91e build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.15.0 to 3.16.0 (#3010)
- fe924e9f fix subnet finalizer (#3004)
- 12366937 chart: fix readOnly in volumes (#3002)
- d5462b10 libovsdb: various bug fixes (#2998)
- af04530e choose subnet by pod's annotation in networkpolicy (#2987)
- 5c455499 IPPool: fix missing support for CIDR (#2982)
- f2d063a8 kubectl ko performance enhance (#2975)
- d5d196e7 fix deleting old sb chassis for a re-added node (#2989)
- 30cd09e6 add e2e for new ippool feature (#2981)
- 5fdf1f9e underlay: fix NetworkManager syncer for virtual interfaces (#2988)
- 1bb51239 underlay: does not set a device managed to no if it has VLAN managed by NM (#2986)
- 3793e993 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.30.0 to 1.31.0 (#2985)
- 6a5bfe46 support helm install hybrid_dpdk ovs-ovn (#2980)
- dc40a8cb add unittest for IPAM (#2977)
- daa436d3 IPAM: fix subnet mutex not released when static IP is out of range (#2979)
- 65fd8a4a fix initialization check of vpc nat gateway configuration (#2978)
- e558702d refactor: make qos test cases parallel (#2957)
- 27685a17 IPAM: add support for ippool (#2958)
- 41b4f266 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.56.0 to 1.56.1 (#2974)
- 57b01b4a ovn ic support dual (#2970)
- 7a14cf21 base: fix ovn patches (#2971)
- a5194e66 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.10.0 to 2.11.0 (#2968)
- a5e63c72 add detail comment (#2969)
- 13256fab 1. add host multicast perf (#2965)
- 33b6df12 cni-server: reconcile ovn0 routes periodically (#2963)
- e4f68267 uninstall.sh: flush and delete iptables chain OVN-MASQUERADE (#2961)
- 9fbebd34 fix e2e failed (#2960)
- 5de25172 u2o specify u2oip from v1.9 (#2934)
- 30ea6d6c underlay: sync NetworkManager IP config to OVS bridge (#2949)
- 27a2f300 chore: USERS.md (#2955)
- 1c29580e bump k8s version to v1.27.3 (#2953)
- c0730acb ci: fix build-base strategy (#2950)
- f52b1509 e2e: add qos policy test cases (#2924)
- d8739d29 typo (#2952)
- de9c9603 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.55.0 to 1.56.0 (#2951)
- f4b3c0fe build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang (#2948)
- e13c2005 Revert "nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)" (#2944)
- 765dc8d7 add permision for test-server.sh (#2942)
- a9d0b4be Kubectl ko diagnose perf (#2915)
- 8f414f72 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 (#2940)
- 88f706e4 controller: fix DHCP MTU when the default network mode is underlay (#2941)
- ea56b560 e2e: fix u2o case (#2931)
- c1c716f1 add err log to help find conflict ip owner (#2939)
- 1f27076f support set the mtu of dhcpv4_options (#2930)
- f1d2011a modify lb-svc dnat port error (#2927)
- d7edac78 fix race condition in gateway check logs (#2928)
- fc7c16ae add subnet.spec.u2oInterconnectionIP (#2921)
- 6105d57b disable ai review
- 8773ea3d e2e: fix waiting deployment to be restarted (#2909)
- 56927913 make conformance with underlay pn vlan subnet has no gw (#2908)
- 0356a63f fix: natgw init check command not work (#2923)
- 3a8e13ee fix issue 2916 (#2917)
- 517d3791 add sync map to fix cocurrent write (#2918)
- dff950b1 cni-server: clear iptables mark before doing masquerade (#2919)
- d043a2d2 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.9.7 to 2.10.0 (#2913)
- 525b0b76 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.7 to 1.27.8 (#2914)
- 3616d3de For eip created without spec.V4ip this field (#2912)
- ace0b970 match outgoing interface when perform snat (#2911)
- d61a2ad6 libovsdb: ignore not found error when listing objects with a filter (#2900)
- 78f923a9 build(deps): bump github.com/sirupsen/logrus from 1.9.2 to 1.9.3 (#2903)
- 0e27e0ca build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0 (#2904)
- fd92c2a8 fix base build
- 668287af fix build base ci
- a1746140 fix build base ci
- 2f52d929 refactor IPAM (#2896)
- db51370f add e2e u2o vpc version check (#2901)
- 6acecb60 kube-ovn-controller: fix subnet update (#2882)
- 35aa8b40 Supporting user-defined kubelet directory (#2893)
- 3883a744 ci: use latest golangci-lint
- efe3ee34 underlay: do not delete patch ports created by ovn-controller (#2851)
- 04c64f0a update pr-review
- aa1ffaa3 auto build base for release branches
- fe4eec77 Add natoutgoing policy rules (#2883)
- bbe04e89 pin golangci-lint version
- 0c5f9055 skip case 'connect to NodePort service with external traffic policy set to Local from other nodes' (#2895)
- 93f027f3 refactor subnet gateway (#2872)
- 33c52623 update webhook check (#2878)
- a123be78 skip pr-review as run out openai quota
- 5c2c9487 skip kubectl cve
- 403c2dcd build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.9.5 to 2.9.7 (#2890)
- 589d0b6f e2e: multiple external network (#2884)
- 79521c31 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.3 to 1.8.4 (#2885)
- 71253fe5 fix vip str format (#2879)
- 6b5345ff ci: fix valgrind result analysis (#2853)
- 7c80a135 ovs: fix memory leak in qos (#2871)
- 9f39621a feat: vpc nat gw e2e (#2866)
- e68b983b build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2875)
- 056b4cf8 fix gc nil pointer (#2858)
- 32b85219 bump k8s to v1.27.2 (#2861)
- a80b3754 add e2e test for slr (#2841)
- 20b20366 Move docs to new website (#2862)
- 24d9dfee build(deps): bump gopkg.in/k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni.v4 (#2860)
- 83a47a73 update dependabot
- d6202bc7 refactor clusterrole for kube-ovn (#2833)
- b1c77ad7 some fixes in CI/e2e (#2856)
- a94fb0b2 manage ovn bfd with libovsdb (#2812)
- d9a038ce update the volumeMounts premission (#2852)
- d642f5b5 fix vip lsp not clean (#2848)
- a1cf2b39 U2o support custom vpc (#2831)
- 2068d879 kubectl-ko: fix trace when u2oInterconnection is enabled (#2836)
- 6ee56d08 ci: detect ovs/ovn memory leak (#2839)
- 77656773 iptables: always do SNAT for access from other nodes to nodeport with external traffic policy set to Local (#2844)
- 175fb262 fix underlay access to node through ovn0 (#2842)
- 98392b3a build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2843)
- da944a3e adapt vpc dns in master (#2822)
- c7b7a0a5 bump go dependencies (#2820)
- 94d7cc86 fix MTU when subnet is using logical gateway (#2834)
- 486c61ae refactor image builds (#2818)
- a7fd9ddf build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 (#2832)
- 667f5a7c build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.6 to 1.27.7 (#2830)
- 853abd9d vip support create arp proxy logical switch port (#2817)
- 46bdd01a build(deps): bump github.com/sirupsen/logrus from 1.9.0 to 1.9.2 (#2828)
- e988089e build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2827)
- 3b8c9edc add route for service ip range when init vpc-nat-gw (#2821)
- 4f015f6d do not allocate MAC address when kube-ovn is called as an IPAM plugin (#2816)
- a30daea4 Iptables nat support share eip (#2805)
- 0466edce fix typos (#2815)
- fca6c9d5 fix some typos (#2814)
- 630104d5 add iperf to test group multicast (#2796)
- 2ba3846b add available check for northd enpoint (#2799)
- 253358ea manage ovn lr static route with libovsdb (#2804)
- 781b47d9 add support of user-defined endpoints to SwitchLBRule (#2777)
- 74221a6e e2e: fix test container not removed (#2800)
- 6ddd03bf manage ovn lr policy with libovsdb (#2788)
- 7350db5f build(deps): bump github.com/docker/distribution (#2797)
- 8f43028a fix handedeletePod repeat 4 times (#2789)
- c8af3dd3 fix cleanup order (#2792)
- b9542ad3 fix missing main route table for the default vpc (#2785)
- 1511573d add ovn DVR fip e2e (#2780)
- 0127e10a build(deps): bump github.com/containernetworking/plugins (#2784)
- 100227be add key lock for more resources (#2781)
- 16db5082 bump cni plugins to v1.3.0 (#2786)
- 08e2e66f replace util.DefaultVpc with c.config.ClusterRouter (#2782)
- e1154acf fix static route recreation after kube-ovn-controller restarts (#2778)
- e7190e6a clean up code about static routes (#2779)
- b1a339b7 Reorder cleanup step by put subnet and vpc to the last to avoid conflict (#2776)
- a2b789cc optimize kube-ovn-controller logic (#2771)
- 3b2b0716 use rate limiting queue with delaying for pod deletion events (#2774)
- 04e4d258 fix underlay subnet kubectl ko trace error (#2773)
- 9b1de481 feat: natgw qos (#2753)
- 11b171e1 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2770)
- 62d8122c fix ip statistics in subnet status (#2769)
- d3d01762 informer: wait for cache sync before adding event handlers (#2768)
- a23dd865 build(deps): bump github.com/scylladb/go-set (#2766)
- e2bf60f7 support disable arp check ip conflict in vlan provider network (#2760)
- c55cbd6e replace string map with string set (#2765)
- 99be9cb0 cni-server: wait ovs-vswitchd to be running (#2759)
- 1933ed87 kubectl-ko: support trace for pod with host network (#2761)
- bf1a3d7c libovsdb: fix potential duplicate addresses (#2763)
- 5585d447 ci: run kube-ovn e2e for underlay (#2762)
- cf1748c6 kubectl-ko: fix pod tracing in underlay (#2757)
- 6db99d53 When Subnet spec.vpc is updated, the status in VPC should also be updated. (#2756)
- 328a8911 ovn-nbctl: remove unused functions (#2755)
- 86a07a30 add route table option in static route for subnet (#2748)
- f6414ce1 replace acl/address_set function call with ovnClient (#2648)
- c77f3681 nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)
- cc1be3ee support node local dns cache (#2733)
- d7fa2a49 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.54.0 to 1.55.0 (#2752)
- faff1e62 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.7.0 to 0.8.0 (#2751)
- bdd201b1 update eip qos procees, replace qosLabelEIP with natLabelEip (#2736)
- d1711acd refresh nat gw image before using it (#2743)
- 353df49a build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang (#2745)
- 91400ecc Using full repo name to avoid short-name error in podman (#2746)
- fa404a06 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0 (#2738)
- 7eed8341 add policy route when use old active gateway node for centralized subnet (#2722)
- 66615b6d feat: support for multiple external network (#2725)
- f8328bdb build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2732)
- 6198f691 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.8 to 0.9.9 (#2731)
- 2a015e5c base: remove patch for fixing ofpbuf memory leak (#2715)
- a01f9606 fix recover db failed using method in (#2711)
- a6d2a53c refactor: improve performance by using cache (#2713)
- 7dbfd2be For dualstack and ipv6 the default ipv6 range should be same with the ipv4 cidr. (#2708)
- 15780bfb feat: support dynamically changing qos for EIP (#2671)
- d865b48d base: refactor dockerfile (#2696)
- 53bfcf44 kubectl-ko: add support for tracing nodes (#2697)
- f5fee4c9 cni-server: do not perform ipv4 conflict detection during VM live migration (#2693)
- 942b87d1 fix: iptables nat gw e2e not clean sts eth0 net1 ip (#2698)
- 236574c7 Add random fully when nat (#2681)
- 9e3f70c1 replace StrategicMergePatchType with MergePatchType (#2694)
- b59bfd33 ci: fix scheduled vpc nat gateway e2e (#2692)
- d469235f ovn-controller: do not send GARP on localnet for Kube-OVN ports (#2690)
- 7db85edd netpol: fix enqueueing network policy after LSP creation (#2687)
- aba72443 add tcp mem collector (#2683)
- 07a6d4ca fix manifest yamls (#2689)
- 1d6a0fe4 attach node name label in ip cr (#2680)
- 233dc61e adapt ippool annotation (#2678)
- 095dca26 netpol: fix packet drop casued by incorrect address set deletion (#2677)
- 3dc36c8c fix kubectl ko using ovn-central pod that not in a good status (#2676)
- 9c5523f7 add nat gw e2e (#2639)
- a9993dac add workflows for release chart (#2672)
- 4399963e build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/go-winio from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1 (#2663)
- d6b0c28d remove auto update k8s and cadvisor
- b57f36ff build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.26.3 to 0.26.4 (#2675)
- a33adde2 ignore k8s major and minor dependencies as they always break build.
- 68f813e0 rename charts (#2667)
- 933d76e3 ipam update condition refactor (#2651)
- 05e72516 fix LSP existence check (#2657)
- f84343e8 fix network policy issues (#2652)
- 148f1bf4 Resolve SetLoadBalancerAffinityTimeout not being effective (#2647)
- 0b5fc5d3 broadcast free arp when pod is setup (#2638)
- dc31cbd2 delete sync user (#2629)
- 7e872fbe fix: eip qos (#2632)
- ddf28fc2 fix: make webhook port configurable. (#2631)
- c53d58da support ovn ipsec (#2616)
- 53bf75d2 feat: add support for EIP QoS (#2550)
- 1fc5d853 libovsdb: fix race condition in OVN LB operations (#2625)
- cfff2db3 fix IPAM allocation caused by incorrect pod annotations patch (#2624)
- 3e67e893 ci: deploy multus in thick mode (#2628)
- 1caaea2a libovsdb: use monitor_cond as the monitor method (#2627)
- c0ab8351 ci: fix multus installation (#2622)
- 84a910b0 ovs: fix dpif-netlink ofpbuf memory leak (#2620)
- 42a86869 Optimized tolerations code in vpc-nat-gw (#2613)
- 1e8e3828 replace port_group function call with ovnClient (#2608)
- 9b577403 reduce test binary size and add missing webhook build (#2610)
- 949eb8b7 fix: ovneip print column and finalizer (#2593)
- 5babe8e6 add affinity to vpc-nat-gw (#2609)
- 6bf15d4a ci: fix multus installation (#2604)
- 8629d634 update .gitignore (#2600)
- 254598fb bump go modules (#2603)
- 602b1605 build(deps): bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 4 to 5 (#2606)
- 787616f1 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2605)
- 62b8761d build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#2607)
- d2523f46 cut invalid OVN_NB_DAEMON to make log more readable (#2601)
- 4c7ddc68 unittest: fix length assertion (#2597)
- 7ba428d7 use copilot to generate pr content
- 1a474fd9 replace lb function call with ovnClient (#2598)
- a73deb47 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.12.0 to 3.13.0 (#2596)
- 2fb1f95a Merge handleAddPod with handleUpdatePod. (#2563)
- 9399c1e1 fix log (#2586)
- da323a52 fix: ovn snat and fip delete (#2584)
- 048e9315 underlay: get address/route before setting nm managed to no (#2592)
- 5d036cd5 update chart description (#2582)
- 6d50bdc3 iptables: use the same mode with kube-proxy (#2535)
- 09477984 ci: bump kind image to v1.26.3 (#2581)
- 5b7bdccb fix: invalid memory address (#2585)
- cba9c16e kubectl ko change solution to collect logs to path kubectl-ko-log (#2575)
- bb268618 if one item is removed, do not requeue (#2578)
- 5aad7c53 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.5 to 1.27.6 (#2579)
- a9d66220 fix vpc dns when ovn-default is dualstack (#2576)
- 279717ca move the vpc-nat generic configurations into one single ConfigMap (#2574)
- 887df215 feat: add ovn dnat (#2565)
- 02a86873 Fix kubectl ko log loss when restart deployment or ds (#2531)
- 1d1f5fab add wait until (#2569)
- c0e843fd do no review dependency update
- a7ccd1ae build(deps): bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5 (#2572)
- 5dce9cd2 move ipam.subnet.mutex to caller (#2571)
- 9fba0b54 build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.5 to 0.14.6 (#2568)
- 3f7997b3 fix: memory leak in IPAM caused by leftover map keys (#2566)
- 1e9f3529 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2567)
- 8e03e97b fix ovn-bridge-mappings deletion (#2564)
- e19620b0 fix lrp deletion after upgrade (#2548)
- ed928348 fix gw label for vpc update field (#2562)
- 642fa92a update CRD in helm chart (#2560)
- 1a41369d fix CRD indent in install.sh (#2559)
- f955143f fix update snat rules not effect correctly (#2554)
- fd6ec3d8 fix go mod list (#2556)
- b4e7e2e8 do not set device unmanaged if NetworkManager is not running (#2549)
- fe1b4ac6 update review bot
- f9eb0ca4 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.4 to 1.27.5 (#2551)
- 955cf0ff underlay: fix network manager operation (#2546)
- b8fc9d9a controller: fix apiserver connection timeout on startup (#2545)
- 2ae8a9af fix update fip rules not effect correctly (#2540)
- 98dc2f25 fix lsp deletion failure when external-ids:ls is empty (#2544)
- 6b9cdd33 sync parameters to charts from install script (#2526)
- 8c49fc01 underlay: delete altname after renaming the link (#2539)
- 2a81f404 failed to delete ovn-fip or ovn-snat (#2534)
- 17807e55 fix encap_ip will be lost when we restart the ovs-dpdk node (#2543)
- 829e74c2 fix service fail (#2537)
- bd91f8b8 Add speaker param check (#2538)
- 7e6feabe feat: support nic-hotplug to a running pod. (#2521)
- bbe1f3e8 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.53.0 to 1.54.0 (#2541)
- ae51a656 fix update dnat rules not effect correctly (#2518)
- 569b576a underlay: fix link name exchange (#2516)
- e9710959 add vip to webhook e2e (#2525)
- 30d30bfe fix submariner e2e (#2519)
- 9eda4859 fix lsp gc after upgrade (#2513)
- 0b8964c9 fix: ovn-fip creation failure due to an excessively long label (#2529)
- cc8a11d7 add sleep (#2523)
- 416cc772 when restart deployment kube-ovn-controller the kubectl ko log loss (#2508)
- e7085dec optimize e2e framework (#2492)
- 4b59bdfc fix ovs patches (#2506)
- 1138c2cf fix subnet iprange not correct (#2505)
- 0ebb6785 bump k8s to v1.26.3 (#2514)
- 6fb79923 add kubevirt multus nic lsp before gc process (#2504)
- 3fc6d8e3 update slack link
- 46d9edbd docs: updated CHANGELOG.md (#2515)
- 36329d54 optimize ovs upgrade script (#2512)
- f8aabdf5 ci: change to pull_request_target
- 089d8cd2 ci: add openai to review the code (#2511)
- ee5e59a9 add support of user-defined image name for vpc-dns (#2502)
- 20e70222 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.29.1 to 1.30.0 (#2500)
- b6913c52 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.7 to 0.9.8 (#2499)
- 443dd58b replace lr/ls/lrp/lsp function call with ovnClient (#2477)
- 599ed234 ci: fix go cache (#2498)
- 0606f90d add skip (#2491)
- 1aff1c4f ensure address label is correct before deleting it (#2487)
- e9dd2892 fix scheduled submariner e2e (#2469)
- c66a93ac build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (#2490)
- a8aede74 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.3 to 1.27.4 (#2489)
- 70a220a0 add some sleep wait iptables clean (#2488)
- 0b8e5346 Add kubectl ko log (#2451)
- c3620cd0 fix: gw configmap may not exist (#2484)
- a31235b1 fix ovs qos e2e for versions prior to v1.12 (#2483)
- 1470c10d add node to addNodeQueue if required annations are missing (#2481)
- 47a70557 Add jitter support to netem qos parameters (#2476)
- b15fc51b build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.29.0 to 1.29.1 (#2480)
- d1cd3ddd fix ovs-ovn startup/restart (#2467)
- b26784f1 fix changging the stopped vm's subnets, the vm cann't start normally (#2463)
- 7e2e437d build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.2 to 1.27.3 (#2475)
- 5b07ccbb when we delete the pod,it's no need to update the sgs assign to pod (#2465)
- 3fd564b7 fix libovsdb issues (#2462)
- 0689a729 fix ips CR not found due to etcd error (#2472)
- e368a20e wait for subnet lb (#2471)
- 0ecd9aff chore: update base periodically to resolve security issues. (#2470)
- 5387acf4 do not delete external switch if it is created by provider network vlan subnet (#2449)
- 282706d6 add upgrade compatibility (#2468)
- 482167a9 ci: fix ovn-ic installation (#2456)
- 2bce5080 Fixed:Prevents grep from prematurely exiting the shell script if it cannot find a pattern (#2466)
- 4d850e01 add install for webhook (#2460)
- f17b4348 e2e add some debug info and sleep (#2439)
- 8df83cb1 do not set subnet's vlan empty on failure (#2445)
- 7ae8db6c wait subnet lb clear in set subnet EnableLb to false e2e (#2450)
- 674cc290 build(deps): bump github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 (#2458)
- e4c089ab ci(Mergify): configuration update (#2457)
- 0444a2b2 kube-ovn-speaker support IPv6/Dual (#2455)
- 790c7cc2 replace nb_global function call with ovnClient (#2454)
- 0d129742 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.28.1 to 1.29.0 (#2452)
- b399cca6 fix parsing logical router static routes (#2443)
- 9df323d7 base: fix ovn patches (#2444)
- 3259b912 prepare for libovsdb replacement (#1978)
- d71a314d support auto change external bridge (#2437)
- f4bef89e fix ovn-speaker router bug (#2433)
- 497260ef ovs: change update strategy to RollingUpdate (#2422)
- c84479be add kubevirt install (#2430)
- e9017e2a e2e: wait for subnet to meet specified condition (#2431)
- 810f7b99 delete all invalid ovn lb strategy and prevent invalid multiple endpoint reconsile (#2419)
- 25fef7cc add sumbarier case (#2416)
- a99ceb20 iptables-rules upgrade compatible (#2429)
- 57033847 add log (#2423)
- 824f2e0a check subnet gateway after wait (#2428)
- 86c01e6b fix chart install/upgrade e2e (#2426)
- 322eab3b ci: fix cilium chaining e2e (#2391)
- 79367647 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 (#2427)
- dc5148bb resolve e2e error in v1.12.0 (#2425)
- 541b641f update test server and test results (#2421)
- 98050705 Modify the pod scheduling of vpcdns (#2420)
- 83ab70ff e2e: double parallel test nodes in ci (#2411)
- fd3bee6e fix scheduled e2e (#2417)
- 5cd8649b build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.4 to 0.14.5 (#2415)
- 68d2ebfa build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.11.0 to 3.12.0 (#2414)
- 8f6c21ce build(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.90.0 to 2.90.1 (#2413)
- d837d978 bump go modules (#2408)
- 8fbc5dd1 e2e: fix random conflict in parallel processes (#2410)
- cedcbbc8 fix_base_sg_rule (#2401)
- 4a28cfb3 build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.26.1 to 0.26.2 (#2403)
- d30935e0 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.1 to 1.27.2 (#2396)
- 645908f6 Support bfd management (#2382)
- b1a09baf remove unused param (#2393)
- d2445519 update ipv6 security-group remote group name (#2389)
- db435dcc Fix routeregexp ipv6 (#2395)
- 8a63d280 ci: fix ref name check (#2390)
- 42e6a302 add support of user-defined kubelet directory (#2388)
- 282644e9 support 1.11 (#2387)
- 2d1c1252 ci: skip netpol e2e automatically for push events (#2379)
- 109704d0 ci: make path filter more accurate (#2381)
- 77022437 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.1 to 1.8.2 (#2386)
- 9737c390 Fix comment format (#2383)
- 01e55805 fix: ovs-ovn should reboot now (#2297)
- 5e0c305f fix service dual stack add/del cluster ips not change ovn nb (#2367)
- ff836116 ci: fix path filter for windows build (#2378)
- 4f3f4e74 e2e: run specs in parallel (#2375)
- ffbb1524 add base sg rules for ports (#2365)
- db9f9272 accelerate cleanup (#2376)
- 50df652c update ovnnb model (#2371)
- f68044bc docs: updated CHANGELOG.md (#2373)
- 8a1814a8 fix changelog workflow (#2372)
- a1a528b7 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.6 to 0.9.7 (#2370)
- ee53dfe1 Add gateway monitor metrics and event (#2345)
- c061ae18 ci: fix default branch test (#2369)
- 4a0829a7 fix github actions workflows (#2363)
- 62834eb1 Fixed iptables creation failure due to an excessively long label (#2366)
- c5d8ebac use existing node switch cidr instead of the configured one (#2359)
- 092aa083 Do not wait pod deletion one by one to accelerate install (#2360)
- 1974f8b1 Change log level (#2362)
- 13f345da change log level (#2356)
- 5bd51760 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.27.0 to 1.27.1 (#2357)
- 3b466d2d simplify github actions workflows (#2338)
- 8fe8bc58 update go version to v1.20 (#2312)
- 90f504c7 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.6.0 to 0.7.0 (#2353)
- a9753c34 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.26.0 to 1.27.0 (#2349)
- 6e21a93e chore: no need to wait 30 seconds before kube-ovn-cni get ready. (#2339)
- f8b97e72 do not remove link local route on ovn0 (#2341)
- 79584c43 fix encap ip when the tunnel interface has multiple addresses (#2340)
- 156d5976 fix legacy network policy err (#2313)
- 9c51bd9e enqueue endpoint when handling service add event (#2337)
- cdf54997 Add neighbor-address format check for kube-ovn-speaker (#2335)
- b0b46948 add ovnext0 inside ns on gw node for ecmp static route with bfd (#2237)
- 4ca994bf OVN LB: add support for SCTP protocol (#2331)
- ea14e91f fix getting service backends in dual-stack clusters (#2323)
- 937d3ced e2e: skip case of switching session affinity (#2328)
- eb2b36a5 fix k8s networking dns e2e (#2325)
- 1c97f58a Add the bgp router-id format check (#2316)
- f7f2375f perform the gateway check but ignore the result when the annotation of subnet is ‘disableGatewayCheck=true’ to make sure of the first network packet (#2290)
- 0bd7c7e5 perf: use empty struct to reduce memory usage (#2327)
- b2eaea00 split netpol cases (#2322)
- 40b5890a feat: support default service session stickiness timeout (#2311)
- 83685b5a feat: configure routes via pod annotation (#2307)
- c8d443ef build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2320)
- 4e2fe310 e2e: do not test versions prior to 1.11 for ovn-ic update (#2319)
- 0d2aa03c ovndb: use Local_Config to configure listen addresses (#2299)
- 87bacf5f chore: improve the list style in Markdown (#2315)
- 8c1edc80 fix egress node and gateway acl should apply after lb. (#2310)
- 22cc9337 fix kube-ovn-controller crash on startup (#2305)
- b6eb7ce2 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.3 to 1.53.0 (#2308)
- 5ca2a5c8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#2309)
- eb31a178 ignore e2e for subnet enableEcmp before v1.12.0 (#2306)
- f81c43a1 fix u2o code err (#2300)
- 993fefaa set join subnet.spec.enableLb to nil (#2304)
- d1d10972 fix image tag in helm chart (#2302)
- 77cf5e9b update trivy deprecated arg and the ignored CVE. (#2296)
- 9b85bbac move enableEcmp to subnet (#2284)
- 87eacf59 build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.3 to 0.14.4 (#2301)
- 971add05 fix gosec ci installation (#2295)
- ac72f771 delete htb qos priority (#2288)
- 36da29cb build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.2 to 0.14.3 (#2292)
- ea1df964 ovn northd: fix connection inactivity probe (#2286)
- 54984d67 fix ct new config error (#2289)
- 3f0a5008 fix wrong network interface name in gateway check (#2282)
- 74a7da88 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2287)
- 20e57699 Improve webhook (#2278)
- f0d91513 add named port support (#2273)
- 9985ee5c fix access from node to overlay pods when network policy ingress exists (#2279)
- 2b383400 move enableLb to subnet (#2276)
- 5712485d build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.10.0 to 3.11.0 (#2280)
- 805f83ea add V4/V6UsingIPRange and V4/V6AvailableIPRange in subnet status (#2268)
- 0c74034d skip u2o test case before 1.9 (#2274)
- eddf18d8 fix network break on kube-ovn-cni startup (#2272)
- 26c506d8 bump go modules (#2267)
- e10d076e fix setting mtu for ovs internal port (#2247)
- 155768a3 bump ovs/ovn versions (#2254)
- 281242ef use node ip instead of ovn0 ip when accessing overlay pod/svc from host network (#2243)
- ea8523c6 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.1 to 1.52.3 (#2265)
- cb20b12e build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.52.0 to 1.52.1 (#2264)
- 69546ffb build(deps): bump k8s.io/klog/v2 from 2.80.1 to 2.90.0 (#2262)
- 4d9177f7 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0 (#2263)
- cc4bfd54 build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.26.0 to 0.26.1 (#2260)
- 8a6ac128 build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker (#2259)
- b33086f7 egress networkpolicy acl add option apply-after-lb (#2251)
- 625a6854 ovn db: add support for listening on pod ip (#2235)
- 6969dcd8 update cni plugin to 1.2.0 (#2255)
- 1f995709 build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.24.2 to 1.25.0 (#2257)
- 486e8ee2 clean up legacy u2o implement (#2248)
- 5e684e9d eip status状态切换缓慢 (#2256)
- 1049d245 build(deps): bump github.com/containernetworking/plugins (#2253)
- 9092956f fix vip create (#2245)
- dc731efd improve webhook functions for vpc and subnet (#2241)
- dfb1cc2b fix syntax errors (#2240)
- e6549802 add release-1.11 to scheduled e2e (#2238)
- 6adf8267 fix webhook (#2236)
- 3f5bd39b fix: ovnic del old AZ after establish the new as name (#2229)
- b0c17afd prepare for next release
- 91db26f1 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.51.0 to 1.52.0 (#2234)
- Alex Jones
- Daviddcc
- KillMaster9
- Longchuanzheng
- Miika Petäjäniemi
- Nico Wang
- Rick
- bobz965
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- fsl
- github-actions[bot]
- gugu
- hzma
- jeffy
- jizhixiang
- lanyujie
- liuzhen21
- lut777
- mingo
- qiutingjun
- shane
- wangyd1988
- wujixin
- xujunjie-cover
- 夜微澜
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 6b9e393c set release 1.11.16
- f28babda fix cves
- bc4cf1ae ci: fix memory leak reporting caused by ovn-controller crashes (#3873)
- e7fc6eac Fix the failure to enable multi-network card traffic mirroring for newly created pods (#3805)
- 680ca67c fix incorrect variable assignment (#3787)
- 576866b9 if startOVNIC firstly, and setazName secondly, the ovn-ic-db may sync the old azname (#3762)
- bf36c911 ci: cleanup disk space
- fbbe6e73 Log near err (#3739)
- 08fa8214 ip trigger subnet delete (#3703)
- 65bb2b75 fix some ip can not allocate after released (#3699)
- 1794ab87 Compatible with controller deployment methods before kube-ovn 1.11.16
- d5d4caa4 ovn: do not send direct traffic between lports to conntrack (#3663)
- 6f29efd9 sync master change to 1.11 (#3674)
- 0e98a62d delete cm ovn-ic-config cause crash 1.11 (#3665)
- c0fa3db1 prepare for next release
- Changlu Yi
- bobz965
- changluyi
- xieyanker
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 94bdf05d set for release 1.11.15
- b783389e refactor start-ic-db.sh (#3645)
- 84c05201 kube-ovn-monitor and kube-ovn-pinger export pprof path (#3656)
- edf23a75 SYSCTL_IPV4_IP_NO_PMTU_DISC set default to 0
- 7b863fbf Ovn ic ecmp enhance 1.11 (#3609)
- 7a5c4aa6 fix: subnet can not delete even if no ip in using (#3621)
- 3fec12e5 fix: static spectify one ip (#3614)
- 6e80f351 do not calculate subnet.spec.excludeIPs as availableIPs (#3612)
- d4967031 update policy route when subnet cidr changed (#3611)
- 6fad3a17 prepare for next release
- Changlu Yi
- bobz965
- changluyi
- hzma
- 57630113 set release 1.11.14
- a8f93e76 ovs: increase cpu limit to 2 cores (#3530)
- 9d4ea55c fix u2o infinity recycle (#3567)
- ad3e3692 1.11 ip delete lsp (#3562)
- e27aced6 fix ipam deletion (#3549)
- 40db9011 Revert "ovn-central: check raft inconsistency from nb/sb logs (#3532)"
- d30a4cf7 fix IP residue after changing subnet of vm in some scenarios (#3370)
- 407a26f2 ovn-central: check raft inconsistency from nb/sb logs (#3532)
- ca9e530f prepare for next release
- bobz965
- changluyi
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- dc24eee7 set release v1.11.13
- 226180e9 cni-server: set sysctl variable net.ipv4.ip_no_pmtu_disc to 1 by default (#3504)
- 57c6a822 typo (#3495)
- aed1be8e add iptables drop invalid rst (#3491)
- 97bfd4c2 delete vm's lsp and release ipam.ip (#3476)
- a5063c80 fix: ipam clean all pod nic ip address and mac even if just delete a nic (#3451)
- 1dd86ea2 ovs-healthcheck: ignore error when log file does not exist (#3456)
- a92c08a9 prepare for the next release
- bobz965
- changluyi
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 7d83392f set allow-related for gatewayACL and NodePgACL (#3433)
- 5e9c9f9c bump k8s to v1.26.11 (#3427)
- ec584f44 base: fix ovn build failure (#3340)
- aac2ae26 optimize ecmp policy route (#3421)
- 81e0ec30 trivy: ignore CVE-2023-5528
- 96b62d73 mtu merge failed (#3417)
- c1331e74 fix helm (#3412)
- 1c946022 Supporting user-defined kubelet directory (#2893)
- 67adfd99 add mtu config to release-1.11
- a8960432 fix Vulnerability (#3391)
- 0c74c4e3 add kube-ovn-controller nodeAffinity prefer not on ic gateway
- 070452b0 Revert "upgrade ovs-ovn pod by generation version instead of chart version (#1960)" (#3387)
- 6e0711f3 delete check for existing ip cr (#3361)
- dabe5993 kube-ovn-controller: fix memory growth caused by unused workqueue
- 3adf7195 add compact switch release-1.11 (#3338)
- 49061ce1 add switch for compact (#3336)
- 1fe0a999 base: fix ovn build failure (#3327)
- 614bdc02 kube-ovn-controller: fix ovn ic log directory not mounted to hostpath (#3322)
- a0e68a40 fix golang lint error (#3323)
- df53f9f2 add type assertion for ip crd (#3311)
- 126f8715 update go net version to v0.17.0 (#3312)
- 4115d87d security: ignore kubectl cve (#3305)
- 682f191d Revert "update base image to ubuntu:23.10 (#3289)"
- 995b3fc4 update base image to ubuntu:23.10 (#3289)
- a932658f ovs: load kernel module ip_tables only when it exists (#3281)
- 3858fbef pinger: increase packet send interval (#3259)
- Changlu Yi
- bobz965
- changluyi
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- a98b4b10 set for release 1.11.11
- 67010837 fix: for existing nic, no need to set the port type to internal (#3243)
- b183e577 undo delete perl cmd to update release-1.11 image
- 634a9951 update kubectl and delete perl (#3223)
- dabea2d9 fix vpc-peer dualstack bug (#3204)
- 0eb4f794 fix ipam random get (#3200)
- a71201a4 fix G101
- 58ebea1d add err log to help find conflict ip owner (#2939)
- 8246b8b7 underlay: fix ip/route tranfer when the nic is managed by NetworkManager (#3184)
- febb78f8 fix ovn build (#3166)
- 0e12c017 chart: fix ovs-ovn upgrade (#3164)
- cb80f8d9 subnet: fix deleting lr policy on node deletion (#3178)
- eb9bcd58 delete append externalIds process in initIPAM (#3134)
- 3ee977a2 move unnecessary init process after startWorkers (#3124)
- 0857593c underlay: fix NetworkManager operation (#3147)
- 132660e8 base: remove ovn patch for skipping ct (#3140)
- 6177d38f delete append externalIds process in initIPAM (#3134)
- 0b305d98 prepare for the next release
- fe4cf9e3 add e2e test for ovn db recover (#3118)
- 89626855 update install.sh
- bobz965
- hzma
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- 7f111db3 ovn: fix corrupted database file on start (#3112)
- a11d7e92 update version to v1.11.10
- 4b56b637 fix u2o policy route generate too many flow tables cause oom
- 935fa927 distinguish nat ip for central subnet with ecmp and active-standby (#3100)
- 460655c2 bug_fix if only one port bind to the sg, then unbind the port to the sg ,it will not enforce in port_group (#3092)
- 2bd75f0a Revert "fix sg"
- 0400c454 fix sg
- aca169d2 fix .status.default when initializing the default vpc (#3086)
- b2b19014 cni-server: fix ovn mappings for vpc nat gateway (#3075)
- da86070e ovn client: fix sb chassis existence check (#3072)
- 998e857d ci: do not pin go version (#3073)
- 8597b902 ci: fix multus installation (#3062)
- b1717445 ipam: fix ippool with single dual-stack address (#3054)
- c1a8d92a fix vpc lb init (#3046)
- 03f94a52 Revert "prepare for next release"
- 28a4888d set genev_sys_6081 tx checksum off (#3045)
- 6b0cc730 prepare for next release
- 8ce77f85 fix ifname start with pod (#3038)
- a29d00cc static ip in exclude-ips can be allocated normally when subnet's availableIPs is 0 #3031
- 58eef01e ci: pin go version to 1.20.5 (#3034)
- 0f3d599b pinger: use fully qualified domain name (#3032)
- 5400c37d uninstall.sh: fix ipset name (#3028)
- c7918415 kube-ovn-controller: fix workqueue metrics (#3011)
- 54a0b1a6 fix subnet finalizer (#3004)
- f3be5d12 choose subnet by pod's annotation in networkpolicy (#2987)
- 2279f621 kubectl ko performance enhance (#2975) (#2994)
- 572a2e85 fix deleting old sb chassis for a re-added node (#2989)
- abda1560 underlay: fix NetworkManager syncer for virtual interfaces (#2988)
- ec17b735 underlay: does not set a device managed to no if it has VLAN managed by NM (#2986)
- 7db9ff12 bump k8s version to v1.26.6 (#2973)
- cc7768ba base: fix ovn patches (#2972)
- 7829b873 add detail comment
- c84a9748 Kubectl ko diagnose perf release 1.11 (#2967)
- 6325c83e cni-server: reconcile ovn0 routes periodically (#2963)
- 6ea123a7 uninstall.sh: flush and delete iptables chain OVN-MASQUERADE (#2961)
- 738c4078 underlay: sync NetworkManager IP config to OVS bridge (#2949)
- d9bab2e2 typo (#2952)
- b931b5bf Revert "base: fix ovn build failure (#2926)"
- d15874e0 Revert "nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)" (#2944)
- 168863cb kubectl ko perf on release-1.11 (#2945)
- ea5f81a7 controller: fix DHCP MTU when the default network mode is underlay (#2941)
- 6d883dc9 support set the mtu of dhcpv4_options (#2930)
- effc1115 u2o support specify u2o ip on release-1.11 (#2937)
- 94859807 modify lb-svc dnat port error (#2927)
- bobz965
- changluyi
- hzma
- yichanglu
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- d15f003a prepare for next release
- 3796d1ef base: fix ovn build failure (#2926)
- 98748f6e bump version number to v1.11.8
- 0a0d254d fix encap_ip will be lost when we restart the ovs-dpdk node (#2543)
- 919c8eeb cni-server: clear iptables mark before doing masquerade (#2919)
- 91b383b0 For eip created without spec.V4ip this field (#2912)
- b8523fc6 match outgoing interface when perform snat (#2911)
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 0b27996b prepare for release 1.11.7
- b6b02458 underlay: do not delete patch ports created by ovn-controller (#2851)
- bed82299 fix gc report error #2886
- 42a5656c add support of user-defined kubelet directory (#2388)
- 4d1b12a8 ci: fix valgrind result analysis (#2853)
- e1b79191 ovs: fix memory leak in qos (#2871)
- 50cc00d0 prepare for next release
- zhangzujian
- 夜微澜
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- f071a974 prepare for next release
- 94644e12 u2o support custom vpc release 1.11 (#2849)
- 30f4cc30 kubectl-ko: fix trace when u2oInterconnection is enabled (#2836)
- e50687af ci: detect ovs/ovn memory leak (#2839)
- 767e102a fix underlay access to node through ovn0 (#2846)
- ae226e33 iptables: always do SNAT for access from other nodes to nodeport with external traffic policy set to Local (#2844)
- ef78fee1 delete user tss (#2838)
- 4dd164ac ci: fix no-avx512 image build
- f4033e73 ci: fix kube-ovn-base build
- ea954770 refactor image builds (#2818)
- ddfedfa1 fix MTU when subnet is using logical gateway (#2834)
- 1346b0e7 update vpc dns env value
- 5d8b106a add route for service ip range when init vpc-nat-gw (#2821)
- cd4ff4f6 fix cleanup order (#2792)
- 94e7463e add available check for northd enpoint
- f7a80c90 update release note
- changluyi
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 632bad30 prepare for release 1.11.5
- bc4637c0 reorder the deletion to avoid dependency conflict
- a8539c57 fix ip statistics in subnet status (#2769)
- 655d5ff2 support disable arp check ip conflict in vlan provider network (#2760)
- a5720d6f cni-server: wait ovs-vswitchd to be running (#2759)
- 8a4e97b5 ci: run kube-ovn e2e for underlay (#2762)
- 87c68683 iptables: use the same mode with kube-proxy (#2758)
- 944f3049 nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)
- a55db01d update policy route when change from ecmp to active-standby (#2717)
- ba639824 fix recover db failed using offical doc (#2718)
- 81b60ac8 fix_base_sg_rule (#2401)
- e80879c5 add base sg rules for ports (#2365)
- f90aa398 bump base images
- abaee01a base: remove patch for fixing ofpbuf memory leak (#2715)
- 2e800bf2 prepare for release 1.11.4
- 22367be6 cni-server: do not perform ipv4 conflict detection during VM live migration (#2693)
- 49dfd39e fix can not clean the last abandoned snat table (#2701)
- 6ec1982a replace StrategicMergePatchType with MergePatchType (#2694)
- 320f5670 fix build error by partially revert 951f89c5
- d4eabab0 ovn-controller: do not send GARP on localnet for Kube-OVN ports (#2690)
- 951f89c5 adapt ippool annotation (#2678)
- 96e8be6d netpol: fix packet drop casued by incorrect address set deletion (#2677)
- 6b95cecd fix pg set port fail when lsp is already deleted (#2658)
- 5ad2bafe add subnetstatus lock for handleAddOrUpdateSubnet (#2669)
- f314ab58 broadcase free arp when pod setup
- e29fdc96 delete sync user (#2629)
- 621423f7 Add ipsec package to image release 1.11 (#2618)
- 9c80381b ci: deploy multus in thick mode (#2628)
- 2731e8e3 libovsdb: use monitor_cond as the monitor method (#2627)
- 71a8ffe3 ci: fix multus installation (#2622)
- 786fea90 ovs: fix dpif-netlink ofpbuf memory leak (#2620)
- d9647b4d update Dockerfile.debug
- 5b099ed2 ci: fix multus installation (#2604)
- fdc2301b cut invalid OVN_NB_DAEMON to make log more readable (#2601)
- 02b1e140 unittest: fix length assertion (#2597)
- 209246bd bump base image
- d2f1a801 security: remove CVE-2022-29526 from .trivyignore
- 7a69233f base: fix CVE-2022-3294 (#2594)
- ea46479d underlay: get address/route before setting nm managed to no (#2592)
- d67d40d3 base: fix ovs patches (#2590)
- ed14bc2d ci: bump kind image to v1.26.3 (#2581)
- 9c01b1bd move ipam.subnet.mutex to caller (#2571)
- fb70f939 fix: memory leak in IPAM caused by leftover map keys (#2566)
- f4f990b3 fix ovn-bridge-mappings deletion (#2564)
- e4242a01 fix go mod list (#2556)
- 4c08bfe0 do not set device unmanaged if NetworkManager is not running (#2549)
- 39c99c6e fix update dnat rules not effect correctly (#2518)
- 7eb7ed6e underlay: fix network manager operation (#2546)
- 8f67a324 controller: fix apiserver connection timeout on startup (#2545)
- 4b8654db underlay: delete altname after renaming the link (#2539)
- 8d0d56ec underlay: fix link name exchange (#2516)
- f22535e3 fix changging the stopped vm's subnets, the vm cann't start normally (#2463)
- 5bd71ba8 add kubevirt multus nic lsp before gc process (#2504)
- d9ccaf7b update for release v1.11.3
- bobz965
- changluyi
- hzma
- yichanglu
- zhangzujian
- 夜微澜
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- 9fe900fc prepare for release v1.11.3
- d70bf21f ensure address label is correct before deleting it (#2487)
- df493a8b add node to addNodeQueue if required annations are missing (#2481)
- b4145855 fix ips CR not found due to etcd error (#2472)
- 63afc1f6 ci: fix ovn-ic installation (#2456)
- f790d5a1 do not set subnet's vlan empty on failure (#2445)
- 0ff516bb change cni version from v1.1.1 to v1.2.0
- b0935b7c fix ovn-speaker router bug (#2433)
- 7f6ba2b1 fix chart install/upgrade e2e (#2426)
- e0fe08c5 ci: fix cilium chaining e2e (#2391)
- 365e8f47 Modify the pod scheduling of vpcdns (#2420)
- 13c7319f fix: python package issues
- 7100e157 update ipv6 security-group remote group name (#2389)
- 909c1b6b Fix routeregexp ipv6 (#2395)
- 20cdc9d8 ci: fix ref name check (#2390)
- af25e6ad bump base images
- 064df251 ci: skip netpol e2e automatically for push events (#2379)
- d5005b74 ci: make path filter more accurate (#2381)
- 0f308f34 fix service dual stack add/del cluster ips not change ovn nb
- 4a70baef ci: fix path filter for windows build (#2378)
- 37662226 e2e: run specs in parallel (#2375)
- Daviddcc
- KillMaster9
- changluyi
- hzma
- jeffy
- yichanglu
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 67fd6efb fix CVE-2022-41723
- 354485b3 bump base images
- 5b58c8f8 fix: ovs-ovn should reboot now (#2298)
- eae134e9 ci: fix default branch test (#2369)
- ef6c1cd6 fix github actions workflows (#2363)
- 8bb647da simplify github actions workflows (#2338)
- 8e8417cc Fixed iptables creation failure due to an excessively long label (#2366)
- 50059147 Improve webhook (#2278)
- 0f8c04e9 eip status状态切换缓慢 (#2256)
- 5603a98f fix vip create (#2245)
- 8fc8e0ce improve webhook functions for vpc and subnet (#2241)
- 9cc91bbb fix webhook (#2236)
- 3b8da6ad use existing node switch cidr instead of the configured one (#2359)
- 87b8bdec Release 1.11 merge netpol (#2361)
- 578b3921 Release 1.11 merge netpol (#2355)
- 14a8b9bb prepare for 1.11.2
- 96520721 do not remove link local route on ovn0 (#2341)
- f83af744 fix encap ip when the tunnel interface has multiple addresses (#2340)
- 746e5d0a enqueue endpoint when handling service add event (#2337)
- 3e9d928b Add neighbor-address format check for kube-ovn-speaker (#2335)
- f7156c9d OVN LB: add support for SCTP protocol (#2331)
- 354fd400 fix getting service backends in dual-stack clusters (#2323)
- 1fe492d5 fix github actions workflow
- 0133c48f perform the gateway check but ignore the result when the annotation of subnet is ‘disableGatewayCheck=true’ to make sure of the first network packet (#2290)
- a5cce744 Add the bgp router-id format check (#2316)
- KillMaster9
- changluyi
- jeffy
- lut777
- qiutingjun
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 1008299a prepare for release v1.11.1
- 3c0f64bc fix: ovnic del old AZ after establish the new as name (#2229)
- 57f2c17d fix u2o code err
- cd3c333f fix kube-ovn-controller crash on startup (#2305)
- 8c4b917f fix Makefile
- cdcd9a9c delete htb qos priority (#2288)
- 602ee37d fix gosec ci installation (#2295)
- b367218b ovn northd: fix connection inactivity probe (#2286)
- b90b552a fix ct new config error
- a6663031 fix network break on kube-ovn-cni startup (#2272)
- 22ff7353 fix setting mtu for ovs internal port (#2247)
- 4f957c6a fix gosec installation
- 5ed45f38 fix ovn patches
- 1eedbb16 ovn db: add support for listening on pod ip (#2235)
- 996faa1f Revert "prepare for next release"
- 0bf23975 prepare for next release
- changluyi
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- a49d1819 Update CHANGELOG.md for v1.11.0
- 59bc50f7 feat: add helm upgrade e2e (#2222)
- 25f89737 fix: now route with connected/static will all be sync (#2231)
- c2467d21 add enable-metrics arg to disable metrics (#2232)
- 67024ec5 add u2o test case (#2203)
- f5d80110 add more args to break test server
- f5b9eef8 add release-1.8/1.9/1.10 to scheduled e2e (#2224)
- ab5a2c82 cni-server: fix waiting for routed annotation (#2225)
- 6fd9ea0c build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.3.0 to 0.4.0 (#2223)
- cbde65e2 feature: detect ipv4 address conflict in underlay (#2208)
- 64d6f24f fix git ref name in e2e (#2218)
- b0cd45c6 fix e2e for v1.8 (#2216)
- 5843892b some fixes for e2e testing (#2207)
- b6a11789 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.9.0 to 3.10.0 (#2209)
- 4f08d941 distinguish ippool process for dualstack and normal ippool situation (#2204)
- 098a8212 u2o feature (#2189)
- c0d76fd8 ovn nb and sb can't bind lan ip in ssl (#2200)
- 1489b65c build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.14.0 to 0.14.1 (#2199)
- 16002a28 local ip bind to service (#2195)
- 1407eba2 refactor e2e testing (#2078)
- 86fab667 fix: ovs gc just for pod if (#2187)
- 1a43c6de update docs link in install.sh (#2196)
- 02feb9a9 fix lr policy for default subnet with logical gateway enabled (#2177)
- 3e129fe1 sync delete pod process from release-1.9 (#2190)
- b6e50706 fix: update helm 1.11.0 (#2182)
- 3fb825c8 reserve pod eip static route when update vpc (#2185)
- 159fd9f0 ignore conflict check for pod ip crd (#2188)
- 4d6ad644 remove unused subnet status fields (#2178)
- 484fe97a fix:react leader elect (#2167)
- c914fe78 fix base/windows build (#2172)
- 6a8fc2f3 add metric interface_rx_multicast_packets (#2156)
- 2b5e28ff build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.24.1 to 1.24.2 (#2168)
- 0992f36f update wechat link
- d45a0440 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.5 to 0.9.6 (#2161)
- adecee76 ci: refactor previous push multi arch (#2164)
- 5e4955c9 security: we should check all the vulnerabilities that can be fixed (#2163)
- 502a25bf An error occurred when netpol was added in double-stack mode (#2160)
- dbbbddc1 add process for delete networkpolicy start with number (#2157)
- 26f407fc security remove private key (#2159)
- 57457bd4 add scheduled e2e testing (#2144)
- 5444126a northd: fix race condition in health check (#2154)
- 755a46a6 add check for subnet cidr (#2153)
- c627468a delete nc cmd in image (#2148)
- 207a52cd bump k8s to v1.26 (#2152)
- a4a8b5ad add benchmark test for ipam (#2123)
- 4b1e78c2 update: add YuDong Wang into MAINTAINERS (#2147)
- 39ee1e7c build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.25.4 to 0.25.5 (#2146)
- 7aa9bdbc delete nc in base image (#2141)
- aab79cb8 update go modules (#2142)
- fa32177d delete ip crd base on podName (#2143)
- 4072eb76 fix vpc spec external not true after init external gw (#2140)
- 51907e02 refactor ipam unit test (#2126)
- ad56e98f build(deps): bump github.com/k8snetworkplumbingwg/network-attachment-definition-client (#2139)
- 012ab59e some optimization for provider network status update (#2135)
- c410d8b4 simplify iptables eip nat (#2137)
- ef4e7555 kind: support to specify api server address/port (#2134)
- 9bbf5e43 kubectl-ko: fix registry/version (#2133)
- 2156ef0d check if subnet cidr is correct (#2136)
- f58c88fc fix: sometimes alloc ipv6 address failed sometimes ipam.GetStaticAddress return NoAvailableAddress (#2132)
- 27d22b7f fix: delete static route should consider dualstack (#2130)
- 9b38bf7f build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.8.0 to 3.9.0 (#2121)
- f9f63cae build(deps): bump github.com/Wifx/gonetworkmanager from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0 (#2122)
- 67b4dc1b build(deps): bump golang.org/x/time from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 (#2120)
- 78584b7c fix: vlan gw clean in 2 scene (#2117)
- b8e15e19 optimize provider network (#2099)
- 66e96b8e build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sys from 0.2.0 to 0.3.0 (#2119)
- 625e3173 fix removing default static route in default vpc (#2116)
- 141c4c35 fix: eip deletion (#2118)
- 86f75c83 fix: ecmp route keep delete and recreate (#2083)
- 15fd547b fix policy route for subnets with logical gateway (#2108)
- c7549d41 build(deps): bump github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 from 3.9.0 to 3.10.1 (#2113)
- c42dae31 refactor function name isIPAssignedToPod to isIPAssignedToOtherPod (#2096)
- c52f384e build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/gomega from 1.24.0 to 1.24.1 (#2111)
- fc80d592 fix: logical gw underlay gw subnet not clean (#2114)
- 5862b020 build(deps): bump github.com/osrg/gobgp/v3 from 3.6.0 to 3.8.0 (#2110)
- 4b4bdb3c build(deps): bump sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime from 0.12.3 to 0.13.1 (#2109)
- 684d1c75 fix go mod (#2107)
- 8ac8cc4e build(deps): bump github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2 from 2.3.1 to 2.5.1 (#2103)
- 12f2f404 build(deps): bump k8s.io/sample-controller from 0.24.4 to 0.25.4 (#2101)
- 5caec703 build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/go-winio from 0.5.2 to 0.6.0 (#2104)
- e2eae04c build(deps): bump google.golang.org/grpc from 1.49.0 to 1.51.0 (#2102)
- 8f4bf43a build(deps): bump github.com/Microsoft/hcsshim from 0.9.4 to 0.9.5 (#2100)
- 47fe3eef Create dependabot.yml
- 5bed4af1 replace klog.Fatalf with klog.ErrorS and klog.FlushAndExit (#2093)
- 2652bcfe fix: slow vip finalizer operation (#2092)
- 4486e7fe ko-trace: support ARP request/reply (#2046)
- a659f2e5 fix: cni response missing sandbox field (#2089)
- 88500fa5 check if externalIds map is nil when add node as gw for centralized subnet (#2088)
- 47d3872c fix: del createIPS (#2087)
- d1616385 fix: add opts for ips del (#2079)
- 4da9e4e5 fix ovs bridge not deleted cause by port link not found (#2084)
- 7344578e fix libovsdb issues (#2070)
- 9c292c00 ipset: fix unknown ipset data attribute from kernel (#2086)
- def11081 fix: vpc lrp reset after restart kube-ovn-controller (#2074)
- 0c668432 fix: add del bash for redundant ips (#2063)
- 1c334c8d refactor: add unknown config to logic switch port (#2067)
- 419c385b ovs-dpdk supports adding bond for multi-NICs (#2064)
- aef4cd3a fix OVN LS/LB gc (#2069)
- 8aa724eb fix: vip ipam not recover all (#2071)
- 514b7666 bug-fix: make kind-reload invalid (#2068)
- 657dbf60 remove no need params svcasname (#2057)
- 1fcfbc42 Fix:hybrid-dpdk with vxlan tunnel mode,The OVS node does not create a VXLAN tunnel to the OVS-DPDK node (#2065)
- a7ed4429 update ipv6 address for vpc peer (#2060)
- db4fd629 perf: reduce controller init time (#2054)
- 34f42617 reflactor note (#2053)
- b22e66ad fix: replace replace with add to override existing route (#2052)
- c0874158 refactor Makefile (#1901)
- ea22c1ac pass klog verbosity to libovsdb (#2048)
- 8a29023d ovs: fix reaching resubmit limit in underlay (#2038)
- db796b43 sync crd yamls (#2040)
- f8f5a4c3 add helm and e2e test (#2020)
- 5f40c222 fix: add unitest (#2030)
- 68611051 fix: pod not add finalizer after add iptables fip (#2041)
- 75da1603 feat: ovn eip snat fip (#2029)
- 73075605 fix: vpc and vpc nat gw not clean (#2032)
- 79a5ef34 update CHANGELOG.md
- e7fb2089 fix pinger namespace error (#2034)
- 4abd912f iptables: avoid duplicate logging (#2028)
- 3fb645c9 fix: gateway route should stay still when node is pingable (#2011)
- 92b9c8c3 update np name with character prefix (#2024)
- 39497855 bump kind and node image versions (#2023)
- 56992c86 fix ovn nb/sb health check (#2019)
- bf93c458 fix ovs fdb for the local bridge port (#2014)
- 57830154 fix go version
- ad7cfe87 perf: add debug info for perf trace (#2017)
- 16a95836 fix: not append finalizer (#2012)
- 688fd5e2 do not need to delete pg when update networkpolicy (#1959)
- c4d8a2f3 test: add test-server to collect packet lost during upgrade (#2010)
- f89908e7 support create iptables fip and eip automatically if pod enable fip (#1993)
- ab80fd88 ci: upgrade deprecated actions (#2004)
- de5ef511 fix: make ip deletion the same as creation (#2002)
- bfcc952c fix: Add support for Mellanox NIC (#1999)
- f4c977f1 fix: nat gw not enqueue its resources (#1996)
- 32f65f81 fix: delete fiprule failed at first time (#1998)
- eaa936b3 fix typo (#1994)
- dd3790ac feat: now interface for containerd could be inspected (#1987)
- fee5bfd3 fix: snat conntrack race (#1985)
- e1f7d72c add check of write to ovn sb db for ovn-controller (#1989)
- 892aa759 fix grep matching device in routes (#1986)
- 113f62f6 delete pod after TerminationGracePeriodSeconds (#1984)
- 87996f75 ovs: fix waiting flows in underlay networking (#1983)
- eea78886 feature: support default vpc use nat gw pod as cust vpc (#1979)
- 3d2c7a59 ovn db: recover automatically on startup if db corruption is detected (#1980)
- 9ff3b9c0 fix: modify src route priority (#1973)
- 57c75c1e upgrade ovs-ovn pod by generation version instead of chart version (#1960)
- b9e98e52 avoid concurrent subnet status update (#1976)
- ea854d46 fix metrics name (#1977)
- 15f676f6 add vm pod to ipam by ip when initIPAM (#1974)
- afe06d81 validate nbctl socket path in start-controller.sh (#1971)
- 3796a582 skip CVE-2022-3358 (#1972)
- 80aab2ea fix version mismatch between the Ginkgo CLI and the imported package (#1967)
- b7863bdb ovs: fix mac learning in environments with hairpin enabled (#1943)
- 95939ca4 fix: add default deny acl (#1935)
- de3d65c0 Fix registry for ovn-central container in install.sh (#1951)
- c8d22d2c ovs: add fdb update logging (#1941)
- f1f6642b add chart version check when upgrade ovs-ovn pod (#1942)
- 73fde2ce fix underlay e2e testing (#1929)
- 38956b6c set leader flag when get leader (#1939)
- af6973fe set ovsdb-server vlog level to avoid warnings caused by ovs-vsctl (#1937)
- a3292078 fix: UpdateNatRule will error when logicalIP, externalIP is different protocol; replace : to \: when IPv6 in ovs cli.
- 76541ef1 fix: noAllowLiveMigration port can't sync vips (#7)
- 474206be fix: add pod not update vip virtual port
- 596741bc fix: delete chassis (#1927)
- 395a3554 fix: pod mistaken ls label (#1925)
- 797100ed ignore pod without lsp when add pod to port-group (#1924)
- 1a49e738 add network partition check in ovn probes (#1923)
- 16c0ed9f fix: fip unbind can't take effect immediately when conntrack record exists (#1922)
- 606e6f62 No need to change deivceID to sriov_netdevice. (#1904)
- 76dd9afa update ns annotation when subnet cidr changed (#1921)
- 8d1ce420 fix EIP/SNAT on dynamic Pod annotation (#1918)
- 4882c354 fix: eip and nat crd can delete even if nat gw pod deleted and ipatab… (#1917)
- d8886d13 fix missing crd (#1909)
- 8d2991e3 Nat gw support toleration (#1907)
- b3bbe1d4 Update USERS.md (#1908)
- dbe4ebb3 fix typo (#1897)
- 8d15497a fix: Make the /sys directory in ovs-ovn-dpdk pod writable (#1899)
- 5befab46 fix: failed to add eip (#1898)
- 7fae28ae fix: gatewaynode might be null (#1896)
- 57edfe41 ci: increase golangci-lint timeout (#1894)
- 07f12c2d update Go to version 1.19 (#1892)
- e5878ff9 fix: api rollback (#1895)
- 82db50fe ci: use concurrency to ensure that only a single workflow (#1850)
- 83b867ab kubectl-ko: turn off pipefail for ovn leader check (#1891)
- 959a64dc kubectl-ko: fix trace for KubeVirt VM (#1802)
- 10fd3330 fix duplicate logs for leader election (#1886)
- 13ebb855 fix setting ether dst addr for dnat (#1881)
- b1485035 change the prtocol string to const (#1887)
- 7e56931f refactor iptables rules (#1868)
- 14898dd3 cni should handler unmont volume, when delete pod. (#1873)
- 031ed031 delete and recreate netem qos when update process (#1872)
- dedd5aaa feat: check configuration (#1832)
- 97b41127 security: conform to gosec G114 (#1860)
- 2dfb6e72 update CHANGELOG.md
- b6450b2f e2e: add timeout for waiting resources to be ready (#1871)
- e1656752 upgrade to Ginkgo v2 (#1861)
- 0adecb0c feat: reduce downtime by increasing arp cache timeout
- c24f678b feat: reduce wait time by counting the flow num.
- 05611aa7 fix: missing stop_ovn_daemon args
- 6ab837c4 fix: nat gw pod should set default gw to net1 so that to access public (#1864)
- b08765dc delete log severity for drop acl when update networkpolicy (#1863)
- e13c4ef1 ovs: fix log file descriptor leak in monitor process (#1855)
- 8a235e9e fix: dnat port not use whole words to check (#1854)
- 34e02ebb fix ovs-ovn logging (#1848)
- 2a2a32f9 fix ovn dhcp not work with ovs-dpdk (#1853)
- 44e41250 docs: Update USERS.md (#1851)
- 51f491f2 fix: multus macvlan ipvlan use kube-ovn ipam,but ip not inited in init-ipam (#1843)
- 8ef6c01c fix underlay e2e (#1828)
- c33276fd fix arping error log (#1841)
- 69cf5ca5 ko: fix kube-proxy check (#1842)
- 5012ff3e base: use patch from OVN upstream (#1844)
- 07773cb0 ci: switch environment to ubuntu-20.04 (#1838)
- eded5516 ci: split image builds to speed up jobs (#1807)
- 656bd46c ci: update Go cache to speed up jobs (#1829)
- 57d74bff windows: fix ovs/ovn versions and patches (#1830)
- babd8021 修改 ovs-ovn-dpdk 容器镜像编译打包,解决容器中 ovs 运行不正常:无法添加物理网卡,无法创建 vhostuserclient port 问题 (#1831)
- 0ed5c924 support adding routes in underlay Pods for access to overlay Pods (#1762)
- 013549ab update centralized subnet gateway ready patch operation (#1827)
- 9937ef87 remove pod security policy (#1822)
- 725957a7 fix duplicate log for tunnel interface decision (#1823)
- 2e64133c update ovs/ovn version to fix hardware offload (#1821)
- 9c87d9d1 fix: use full longest word to match full ip about dnat (#1825)
- 385064a0 update centralize subnet gatewayNode until gw is ready (#1814)
- 4944db75 initialize IPAM from IP CR with empty PodType for sts Pods (#1812)
- d41c043d feat: add editable ovn-ic (#1795)
- ddcdfb9e kubectl-ko: fix missing env-check (#1804)
- 8b2df588 kubectl-ko: fix destination mac (#1801)
- e8816e96 fix cilium e2e (#1759)
- bc380415 abort kube-ovn-controller on leader change (#1797)
- 26e77ead avoid invalid ovn-nbctl daemon socket path (#1799)
- e7064062 update CHANGELOG.md
- 70f1b141 Perf/memleak (#1791)
- 225da25e delete htb qos when releated annotation is deleted (#1788)
- 8db05a1f Fix nag gw gc (#1783)
- 277f6f69 fix iptables for services with external traffic policy set to Local (#1773)
- 42812b92 perf: reduce metrics labels (#1784)
- 9ffb9d22 northd: remove lookup_arp_ip actions (#1780)
- 9efd4bb2 fix: 5ms is too short for eip and nats creation (#1781)
- 80425b7c Lb-svc supports custom VPCs (#1779)
- cd00ddb6 fix ovnic e2e (#1763)
- 51bf142f fix iptables for service traffic when external traffic policy set to local (#1728)
- 916600f6 set sysctl variables on cni server startup (#1758)
- c10c7118 fix: add omitempty to subnet spec (#1765)
- 2dd46e69 perf: replace jemalloc to reduce memory usage (#1764)
- 35513157 avoid patch interface deletion & recreation during restart (#1741)
- e7ce68bb feature: support exchange link names of OVS bridge and provider nic in underlay networks (#1736)
- 5254731f dpdk-v2 ,--with-hybrid-dpdk 修改 Dockerfile.base-dpdk 解决 编译安装 ovs-dpdk 正常运行 (#1754)
- 3717c6cb fix: Adjust order for Log and output err when get NatRule faild. (#1751)
- f7358337 only support IPv4 snat in vpc-nat-gw when internal subnet is dual (#1747)
- 99c53d29 update README.md
- 7c4293eb docs: update USERS.md (#1743)
- a8ed4bce style: import group ordering. (#1742)
- bcafb10c enqueue subnets after vpc update (#1722)
- 3af85162 do not add subnet not processed by kube-ovn to vpc (#1735)
- 7ac7b592 dpdk-v2 ,--with-hybrid-dpdk qemu 创建 sock 权限问题 (#1739)
- 96683cb1 fix: const extGw may expired, after subnet updated, so use ipam subne… (#1730)
- 861cf05d fix service not working when a node's IPv6 address is before the IPv4 address (#1724)
- daaddba2 update pr template
- ce40f7ed fix: If pod has snat or eip, also need delete staticRoute when delete pod. (#1731)
- 3ff586ec optimize lrp create for subnet in vpc (#1712)
- f582a11b fix: cancel delete staticroute when it's used by NatRule (#1733)
- 3c7588bf fix: wrong info when update subnet from dual to ipv4 or ipv6. (#1726)
- d1b291ed change: add newline at end of file (#1717)
- 26260c91 add kernel prerequisite for Rocky Linux 8.6 (#1713)
- 2fd8e41e Add CODE_STYLE.md (#1711)
- 3b9111f9 Change system-cluster-critical to system-node-critical to prevent pods of DaemonSet type from being (#1709)
- e8877f1d Develop custom vpc-dns (#1662)
- ac01a603 fix CVE-2022-30065 (#1710)
- 4b13888d fix: add and set ENABLE_KEEP_VM_IP=true to keep vm ip (#1702)
- fe18db30 update CHANGELOG.md
- 1ab55056 fix overlay MTU in vxlan/stt tunnels (#1693)
- c9d9923e fix: response has no gw when create nic without default route (#1703)
- b52655fc add note in install.sh for install --with-hybrid-dpdk(dpdk-v2). (#1699)
- 4530a435 ignore ovsdb-server/compact error: not storing a duplicate snapshot (#1691)
- c4e91cbd Get latest vpc data from apiserver instead of cache (#1684)
- 45bc2f7e support kubernetes v1.24 (#1553)
- 48d914e7 update priority range in htb qos (#1688)
- 41bdcd05 fix: clean vip eip snat dant fip in cleanup.sh (#1690)
- c2cea885 update: add Bingbing Zhang into MAINTAINERS (#1687)
- a38dbb5d fix: move away words that is considered offensive after k8s v1.20.0 (#1682)
- 76edad08 update CHANGELOG.md
- e4575c88 add upgrade-ovs script (#1681)
- b3c32210 fix: change ovn-ic static route to policy (#1670)
- db3b9f7f Delete pod if subnet of the pod's owner(sts/vm) updated (#1678)
- 533859fe Develop switch lb rule (#1656)
- 8cb6e36d do not snat packets only for subnets with distributed gateway when external traffic policy is set to local (#1616)
- 86ecfd2d refactor: extract external routes from eip func, make it the same as … (#1671)
- 62ddfda6 add loadbalancer service (#1611)
- b174b4f4 bgp: consolidate service check and use service const (#1674)
- 24786f48 security: disable pprof by default (#1672)
- 3191d8c8 fix bgp: sync service cache (#1673)
- f1226682 fix iptables for direct routing (#1578)
- 2b615f33 feature: support pod use static vip (#1650)
- d6902485 fix: kubectl-ko does't work when ovn-nb, ovn-sb and ovn-northd master slave Switchover (#1669)
- b4f89010 mount modules for auto load ip6tables moudles (#1665)
- 72fccd7e update docs links
- bcec46a3 fix: subnet failed when create without protocol (#1653)
- eddce759 ignore pod not scheduled when reconcile subnet (#1666)
- a158f8d6 fix libovsdb (#1664)
- 200c5317 fix ovs-ovn not running on newly added nodes (#1661)
- 4616285c fix get security group name by external_ids (#1663)
- 993ae20c fix:can not delete pod with sriov vf (#1654)
- 9a180f59 add policy route when add subnet (#1655)
- a93f211f update CHANGELOG.md
- cf1c2017 fix: no need routed when use v1.multus-cni.io/default-network (#1652)
- bcfbe8c6 docs: add GOVERNANCE.md and SECURITY.md
- c2b9eeb4 fix: should go on check ip after occupied ip (#1649)
- 9d0cefb5 set ether dst addr for dnat on logical switch (#1512)
- a9d5e50d docs: update README.md
- d71d1f69 CI: delete resources in order to avoid a long time waiting for subnet deletions. (#1643)
- fe1ebe06 ci: fix golangci-lint (#1639)
- 89514c9c Update install.sh (#1645)
- 4c8c0a39 fix: make sure pod annotation switch is the first choice to allocate ip, and fix vpc nat sts not delete (#1640)
- ae8bc1b4 docs: update docs link
- 0f91a61e set networkpolicy log default to false (#1633)
- 5c857350 update policy route when join subnet cidr changed (#1638)
- 9ac8797b fix: diskfull may lead to wrong raft status for ovs db (#1635)
- 011eba28 ci: update trivy options (#1637)
- 3d82780e fix no interface report to multus cni, missing in k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network[s]-status (#1636)
- c953b8f3 change vp gw pod workload from deployment to statefulset (#1630)
- 6238695f increase initial delay of ovs-ovn liveness probe (#1634)
- de99e826 fix: cleanup should ignore patch failed (#1626)
- 8c946a4c delete "allow" policy route on subnet deletion (#1628)
- 75ece0e0 wait ovn-central pods running before delete ovs-ovn pods (#1627)
- f55e32b3 vip, eip support ipv6 vip count (#1624)
- b458bf78 ci: auto changelog now (#1625)
- fce2cf17 get dbstatus for all ovn-central pod (#1619)
- be66af4b refactor: use ConfigMap resourceVersion to check if ovn-vpc-nat-gw-config changed (#1617)
- c54cafa5 fix controller exit before process pod update event (#1621)
- 0ac7e7b9 docs: update ROADMAP.md
- d6915bd6 fix acl log name too long (exceed 63) (#1612)
- 0b840398 docs: Add High-level design of ovn-spekaer (#1609)
- 7ebf36dd docs: Fix allowed subnets (#1610)
- b2f65cd1 add cni log Prevent "for loop time" approximately health check time (#1606)
- 71af9531 docs:Add Usage of ovn-speaker for passivemode and ebgp-multihop (#1605)
- aa456623 update static ip docs (#1607)
- 1400d5b5 Modify the next hop calculation method for kube-ovn-speaker (#1604)
- bc86ec86 fix static ip error in dual stack (#1598)
- 7fdb4bc6 ci: build amd64 images without avx512 (#1584)
- b7453796 Add ebgp-multihop function for kube-ovn-speaker (#1601)
- 6dd2f0ae monitor dns in cilium e2e (#1597)
- 75cfe414 Add passivemode for kube-ovn-speaker (#1600)
- 05bddc6a Bump github.com/emicklei/go-restful/v3 from 3.7.4 to 3.8.0 (#1599)
- 5d54ade9 docs: fix the kind name (#1593)
- 4053d46b Support CNI VESION command (#1596)
- 34dc29d6 update ovs health check, delete connection to ovn sb db (#1588)
- d891a84b fix ovn-ic doc err (#1590)
- 5507440b fix: all cluster pod will be in podadd queue (#1587)
- 990e291e feat: add args for gc/inspect interval (#1572)
- ea2686bf fix: Do not Recreate Logical_Router_Port when Vpc recreated (#1570)
- c651a2fc optimized initialization and gc for the chassis (#1511)
- f5d5b0be fix pod could not be ready (#1562)
- 337f6e05 Fix incorrect usage info of 'argExternalGatewayNet' (#1567)
- d5535f2b fix: delete pod panic when delete vm or statefulset. (#1565)
- a8330506 fix: clean CRDs introduced by new vpc-nat-gateway (#1563)
- fb1f59b1 do not gc vm pod lsp when vm still exists (#1558) (#1561)
- a4c2ef3a do not delete static routes on controller startup (#1560)
- a13cd1e2 update alpine to v3.16 (#1559)
- 8b9138ae fix VPC document (#1554)
- 308e9ecd replace ovn-nbctl daemon with libovsdb in frequent operations (#1544)
- 43483774 fix exec cmd in vpc nat gateway (#1556)
- 5c17eeaf CNI: do not return route if nic is not eth0 (#1555)
- ed8ed00e do not nat packets for incoming traffic when (#1552)
- 8f8734bd add kubeovn 1.9.2 charts (#1539)
- d0d9f4ea fix: opt kubectl-ko install solution (#1550)
- 9d950f67 always set mac address to sriov vf (#1551)
- 4f1e8121 use leases for leader election (#1529)
- ae56306b fix: fix db-check bug (#1541)
- f6b24444 bump version to v1.11.0 (#1545)
- 24791f45 exit kube-ovn-controller on stopped leading (#1536)
- 39e5f0a1 fix: update check script for restart ovs-ovn after rebuild ovsdb (#1534)
- c84a14c6 tmp cancel cilium external svc test (#1531)
- 5d173010 remove name for default drop acl in networkpolicy (#1522)
- Alex Jones
- Chris
- Kaihang Zhang
- KillMaster9
- Mengxin Liu
- Money Liu
- Noah
- ShaPoHun
- Usman Malik
- Wang Bo
- Xiaobo Liu
- bobz965
- carezkh
- changluyi
- dependabot[bot]
- fanriming
- gugu
- halfcrazy
- huangsq
- hzma
- jeffy
- long.wang
- lut777
- pengbinbin1
- runzhliu
- shane
- wangyd1988
- xujunjie-cover
- zhouhui-Corigine
- 刘睿华
- 尚墨
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 0c5fd63b prepare for release v1.10.10
- 3631e4e4 ensure address label is correct before deleting it (#2487)
- 5ffc237a add node to addNodeQueue if required annations are missing (#2481)
- 2db927ef remove unused subnet status fields (#2482)
- 8d08c629 fix ips CR not found due to etcd error (#2472)
- ec7a3dd5 ci: fix ovn-ic installation (#2456)
- b4383543 do not set subnet's vlan empty on failure (#2445)
- 1c21d6e7 fix: missing import netlink
- a4228c39 change cni version from v1.1.1 to v1.2.0 (#2435)
- 9e363e41 fix ovn-speaker router bug (#2433)
- 45830865 fix ovn-ic e2e
- a1f59628 ci: fix cilium chaining e2e (#2391)
- 8a584a7c fix: python package issues
- 8ec90f57 update ipv6 security-group remote group name (#2389)
- 489d2453 Fix routeregexp ipv6 (#2395)
- 8f045d75 ci: fix ref name check (#2390)
- aec96bf2 bump base images
- 6321f170 ci: skip netpol e2e automatically for push events (#2379)
- b8ad1177 ci: make path filter more accurate (#2381)
- 1bc6c814 ci: fix path filter for windows build (#2378)
- 5c6f394f e2e: run specs in parallel (#2375)
- 437f8dfa fix CVE-2022-41723
- edf17620 ci: fix default branch test (#2369)
- 74f492e9 fix github actions workflows (#2363)
- 9554adfb simplify github actions workflows (#2338)
- b62f472e use existing node switch cidr instead of the configured one (#2359)
- 902b9a35 do not remove link local route on ovn0 (#2341)
- e8f32ac6 fix encap ip when the tunnel interface has multiple addresses (#2340)
- c0c9c71e enqueue endpoint when handling service add event (#2337)
- fe42367a fix getting service backends in dual-stack clusters (#2323)
- 33e6e41f fix github actions workflow
- b2d7f735 prepare for release v1.10.9
- 68b34c91 fix u2o code err
- 138fc5f1 fix kube-ovn-controller crash on startup (#2305)
- 50b0c866 fix gosec ci installation (#2295)
- 50cc03e9 ovn northd: fix connection inactivity probe (#2286)
- 1ba9977a fix ct new config error
- ed53f304 fix network break on kube-ovn-cni startup (#2272)
- e70839b3 fix setting mtu for ovs internal port (#2247)
- 9195dbd3 fix gosec installation
- 2a32c9a4 bump base image version
- 8a532627 fix ovn patches
- 2a4b9805 ovn db: add support for listening on pod ip (#2235)
- 0d88edd6 add enable-metrics arg to disable metrics (#2232)
- 41120b2f fix not building no-avx512 image (#2228)
- 4320301e u2o feature merge to 1.10 (#2227)
- c92af9b9 fix windows build
- 05801fab add release-1.8/1.9/1.10 to scheduled e2e (#2224)
- 267e4aff cni-server: fix waiting for routed annotation (#2225)
- 6a9b2d8a release-1.10: refactor e2e (#2213)
- b2901e8e feature: detect ipv4 address conflict in underlay (#2208)
- 172e1733 set release v1.10.8
- Daviddcc
- KillMaster9
- changluyi
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- d009416a prepare for release 1.10.8
- b5b73429 ci: add publish action
- f44c82b1 ovn nb and sb can't bind lan ip in ssl merge to 1.10 (#2202)
- 7dba66c4 bind local ip release 1.10 (#2198)
- 2cad0351 fix: ovs gc just for pod if (#2187)
- 498706c5 update docs link in install.sh (#2196)
- ea0b77c5 fix lr policy for default subnet with logical gateway enabled (#2177)
- b9085d54 sync delete pod process from release-1.9
- 33da2052 reserve pod eip static route when update vpc (#2185)
- 9bcb2033 ignore conflict check for pod ip crd (#2188)
- a6e512ae fix base/windows build (#2172)
- 48b44cf6 add metric interface_rx_multicast_packets (#2156)
- 4b15aa11 An error occurred when netpol was added in double-stack mode (#2160)
- 0c4a9f1c add process for delete networkpolicy start with number (#2157)
- 0ef78a10 northd: fix race condition in health check (#2154)
- d06f17b8 add check for subnet cidr (#2153)
- 7aa6ca36 delete nc cmd in image (#2148)
- 6182cce5 delete ip crd base on podName (#2143)
- 69ff0eed some optimization for provider network status update (#2135)
- 5c661d4f kind: support to specify api server address/port (#2134)
- e91bfedf kubectl-ko: fix registry/version (#2133)
- c16394bb fix: sometimes alloc ipv6 address failed sometimes ipam.GetStaticAddress return NoAvailableAddress
- e37f63ae fix: delete static route should consider dualstack (#2130)
- d17c4ddd optimize provider network (#2099)
- 3f8687bc fix removing default static route in default vpc (#2116)
- 9ef032b6 fix: cni response missing sandbox field (#2089)
- 20130696 fix: eip deletion (#2118)
- 9d1e526d fix policy route for subnets with logical gateway (#2108)
- 3a8bb12c replace klog.Fatalf with klog.ErrorS and klog.FlushAndExit (#2093)
- c0e6b57c fix: del createIPS (#2087)
- d76976cf check if externalIds map is nil when add node as gw for centralized subnet (#2088)
- 7d2e8eaa fix ovs bridge not deleted cause by port link not found (#2084)
- 22abb8a6 fix libovsdb issues (#2070)
- d916d7b8 ipset: fix unknown ipset data attribute from kernel (#2086)
- 8e068b26 reflactor: add unkown config to lsp
- 0af7ac20 fix OVN LS/LB gc (#2069)
- edc2e645 Fix:hybrid-dpdk with vxlan tunnel mode,The OVS node does not create a VXLAN tunnel to the OVS-DPDK node (#2065)
- e3e79a74 update ipv6 address for vpc peer (#2060)
- 15e544f3 perf: reduce controller init time (#2054)
- 8b06f3f5 fix: replace replace with add to override existing route (#2052)
- fa3c8c9a pass klog verbosity to libovsdb (#2048)
- 70240ff3 use the latest base image
- 97494c73 ovs: fix reaching resubmit limit in underlay (#2038)
- f69ad381 fix: vpc and vpc nat gw not clean (#2032)
- 791d9244 fix: install the latest version (#2036)
- Mengxin Liu
- bobz965
- changluyi
- fanriming
- hzma
- lut777
- wangyd1988
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- 6c2ff6ab set release for 1.10.7
- 0b47ca3d fix: Add support for Mellanox NIC (#1999)
- b2cd4df1 fix pinger namespace error (#2034)
- 7e2c3be7 increase action timeout
- 51dbde5e prepare release for 1.10.7
- 2cab58da fix: gateway route should stay still when node is pingable (#2011)
- f2bdb8ea iptables: avoid duplicate logging (#2028)
- d895b766 update np name with character prefix (#2024)
- 3267b0f5 bump kind and node image versions (#2023)
- 5db54e30 fix ovn nb/sb health check (#2019)
- 0633625b fix ovs fdb for the local bridge port (#2014)
- cf1ffcb2 do not need to delete pg when update networkpolicy (#1959)
- 381882c2 ci: upgrade deprecated actions (#2004)
- 071bebc6 fix: make ip deletion the same as creation (#2002)
- 1bf5fa96 fix: delete fiprule failed at first time (#1998)
- 9e51caaa add check of write to ovn sb db for ovn-controller (#1989)
- ce6536a4 fix grep matching device in routes (#1986)
- 14566316 delete pod after TerminationGracePeriodSeconds (#1984)
- 20ed648d ovs: fix waiting flows in underlay networking (#1983)
- 8c9232ce feature: support default vpc use nat gw pod as cust vpc (#1979)
- e7f3fb56 ovn db: recover automatically on startup if db corruption is detected (#1980)
- e430042f fix: modify src route priority (#1973)
- a62e0740 fix CVE-2022-32149
- d433f257 avoid concurrent subnet status update (#1976)
- 9e249b34 upgrade ovs-ovn pod by generation version instead of chart version (#1960)
- 916ae918 fix metrics name (#1977)
- f56bb0b0 add vm pod to ipam by ip when initIPAM (#1974)
- ffa04989 validate nbctl socket path in start-controller.sh
- 21b4b3f8 skip CVE-2022-3358 (#1972)
- 3f836950 use latest base image
- 2a1074e4 fix: add default deny acl (#1935)
- aa716033 ovs: fix mac learning in environments with hairpin enabled (#1943)
- 77c27d4b Fix registry for ovn-central container in install.sh (#1951)
- 1f1e3c28 ovs: add fdb update logging (#1941)
- eeaf796d add chart version check when upgrade ovs-ovn pod
- b0907efc fix underlay e2e testing (#1929)
- 4a80a485 set leader flag when get leader
- 5ef11cb4 set ovsdb-server vlog level to avoid warnings caused by ovs-vsctl (#1937)
- 122041c1 fix: pod mistaken ls label (#1925)
- 8996131a ignore pod without lsp when add pod to port-group
- ee1c306a add network partition check in ovn probes
- efa8f60d update ns annotation when subnet cidr changed (#1921)
- 3e00aa54 fix CVE-2022-27664
- 98f7bc08 fix EIP/SNAT on dynamic Pod annotation (#1918)
- bcaf1e7c fix: eip and nat crd can delete even if nat gw pod deleted and ipatab… (#1917)
- 95ebe009 fix: failed to add eip (#1898)
- 5e06b367 ci: increase golangci-lint timeout (#1894)
- 72a26074 fix: gatewaynode might be null (#1896)
- 5f5e85f6 fix: api rollback
- 63eb2551 fix: diskfull may lead to wrong raft status for ovs db (#1635)
- 2bc4f03e kubectl-ko: turn off pipefail for ovn leader check (#1891)
- ec0f1e4f update dpdk base image
- 503807e3 kubectl-ko: fix trace for KubeVirt VM (#1802)
- f961605a fix duplicate logs for leader election (#1886)
- 88473e63 fix setting ether dst addr for dnat (#1881)
- 704c179e refactor iptables rules (#1868)
- 7f399adf cni should handler unmont volume, when delete pod. (#1873)
- 3e54d9dd delete and recreate netem qos when update process (#1872)
- e52d3476 feat: check configuration (#1832)
- e92c85fa fix: nat gw pod should set default gw to net1 so that to access public (#1864)
- Kaihang Zhang
- Mengxin Liu
- Noah
- bobz965
- hzma
- jeffy
- long.wang
- lut777
- runzhliu
- shane
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 0b9f0c1f set release 1.10.6
- 1510905c feat: reduce downtime by increasing arp cache timeout
- 2b05fd4c feat: reduce wait time by counting the flow num.
- e5378927 fix: missing stop_ovn_daemon args
- 709ede03 delete log severity for drop acl when update networkpolicy
- c1e5be72 refactor: extract external routes from eip func, make it the same as … (#1671)
- 7bcf578e prepare release for 1.10.6
- ed237f9b ovs: fix log file descriptor leak in monitor process (#1855)
- e16667c3 fix ovs-ovn logging (#1848)
- a83ec475 fix: dnat port not use whole words to check (#1854)
- e3b41023 fix ovn dhcp not work with ovs-dpdk (#1853)
- 237e3189 update base image
- 05b27f2d fix: add and set ENABLE_KEEP_VM_IP=true to keep vm ip (#1702)
- a4030de5 fix: multus macvlan ipvlan use kube-ovn ipam,but ip not inited in init-ipam (#1843)
- 80053001 fix underlay e2e (#1828)
- 1a3a1694 fix arping error log (#1841)
- 9447b859 ko: fix kube-proxy check (#1842)
- 774b8d46 base: use patch from OVN upstream (#1844)
- 17d0f5af ci: switch environment to ubuntu-20.04 (#1838)
- 9f0d324a 修改 ovs-ovn-dpdk 容器镜像编译打包,解决容器中 ovs 运行不正常:无法添加物理网卡,无法创建 vhostuserclient port 问题 (#1831)
- 8c533548 windows: fix ovs/ovn versions and patches (#1830)
- d24c5131 update centralized subnet gateway ready patch operation (#1827)
- 02a4caf1 fix duplicate log for tunnel interface decision (#1823)
- b25f58f5 update ovs/ovn version to fix hardware offload (#1821)
- 842d6a34 fix: use full longest word to match full ip about dnat (#1825)
- f12fe0ea update centralize subnet gatewayNode until gw is ready (#1814)
- b9c591f9 initialize IPAM from IP CR with empty PodType for sts Pods (#1812)
- e57021fc kubectl-ko: fix missing env-check (#1804)
- 4c248112 kubectl-ko: fix destination mac (#1801)
- c21c57d1 abort kube-ovn-controller on leader change (#1797)
- d2939e9e avoid invalid ovn-nbctl daemon socket path (#1799)
- aa7b9c8f update vpc-nat-gateway base
- 7674b85f fix: warning for empty chassis fixed (#1787)
- bobz965
- hzma
- long.wang
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 88531d50 set release v1.10.5
- 97031bdd prepare for release v1.10.5
- 4a34c5dd delete htb qos when releated annotation is deleted (#1788)
- 66643ba3 perf: fix memory leak
- 84aba41f perf: disable mlockall to reduce memory usage
- 35533738 fix iptables for services with external traffic policy set to Local (#1773)
- 32ee00b6 perf: reduce metrics labels (#1784)
- 93e74c60 northd: remove lookup_arp_ip actions (#1780)
- 6c7f45ef fix install error
- 86173506 fix:can not delete pod with sriov vf (#1654)
- dc77ceb3 dpdk-v2 ,--with-hybrid-dpdk 修改 Dockerfile.base-dpdk 解决 编译安装 ovs-dpdk 正常运行 (#1754)
- 7a1795e6 dpdk-v2 ,--with-hybrid-dpdk qemu 创建 sock 权限问题 (#1739)
- 0541ce98 feature: support exchange link names of OVS bridge and provider nic in underlay networks (#1736)
- 4617d7f7 support kubernetes v1.24 (#1761)
- 29f3d6ed use leases for leader election (#1529)
- f02df1a8 fix iptables for service traffic when external traffic policy set to local (#1728)
- 7f256965 set sysctl variables on cni server startup (#1758)
- 47e39fbf fix: add omitempty to subnet spec
- c9ac0cdf perf: replace jemalloc to reduce memory usage
- 7ffa99e3 avoid patch interface deletion & recreation during restart (#1741)
- 8fa4ca49 only support IPv4 snat in vpc-nat-gw when internal subnet is dual (#1747)
- a46b36d9 enqueue subnets after vpc update (#1722)
- 1bf5dc44 do not add subnet not processed by kube-ovn to vpc (#1735)
- 66d8be9f dpdk-v2 ,--with-hybrid-dpdk qemu 创建 sock 权限问题 (#1739)
- e9c27c60 fix: If pod has snat or eip, also need delete staticRoute when delete pod. (#1731)
- 7841f082 optimize lrp create for subnet in vpc (#1712)
- 994885c8 fix: cancel delete staticroute when it's used by NatRule (#1733)
- f9a84588 fix: wrong info when update subnet from dual to ipv4 or ipv6. (#1726)
- 77988f21 fix overlay MTU in vxlan/stt tunnels (#1693)
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- long.wang
- xujunjie-cover
- zhouhui-Corigine
- 张祖建
- 1e4a1959 set release 1.10.4
- 0bbcb389 prepare for release 1.10.4
- fb76c58e fix: response has no gw when create nic without default route (#1703)
- 55b3d508 ignore ovsdb-server/compact error: not storing a duplicate snapshot
- b6084777 Get latest vpc data from apiserver instead of cache (#1684)
- f447a1d5 update priority range in htb qos (#1688)
- bdfdc178 fix: clean vip eip snat dant fip in cleanup.sh (#1690)
- 460f930c add upgrade-ovs script (#1681)
- Mengxin Liu
- Wang Bo
- bobz965
- hzma
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- f24ed686 set release 1.10.3
- 02d68f7f prepare for release 1.10.3
- 2c989340 fix: change ovn-ic static route to policy (#1670)
- 1596c9ef fix: Do not Recreate Logical_Router_Port when Vpc recreated (#1570)
- db4f5ad0 Delete pod if subnet of the pod's owner(sts/vm) updated (#1678)
- c41897a0 do not snat packets only for subnets with distributed gateway when external traffic policy is set to local (#1616)
- 8190df3b security: disable pprof by default (#1672)
- 761ddcbc bgp: consolidate service check and use service const (#1674)
- 5cffa97d fix bgp: sync service cache (#1673)
- 874785bf fix iptables for direct routing (#1578)
- f3886af7 fix libovsdb (#1664)
- 662dfa64 mount modules for auto load ip6tables moudles (#1665)
- 1efaeb00 ignore pod not scheduled when reconcile subnet (#1666)
- 4409f6c9 fix ovs-ovn not running on newly added nodes (#1661)
- b5025a6a fix get security group name by external_ids (#1663)
- 4afbaf31 add policy route when add subnet (#1655)
- Mengxin Liu
- Money Liu
- Wang Bo
- gugu
- hzma
- lut777
- wangyd1988
- 刘睿华
- 张祖建
- b1a17c4a set for release 1.10.2
- 4d229555 fix: no need routed when use v1.multus-cni.io/default-network (#1652)
- 40391a03 prepare for release 1.10.2
- 7c4dfe72 fix: subnet failed when create without protocol
- 4b063242 set ether dst addr for dnat on logical switch (#1512)
- 20222e4f CI: delete resources in order to avoid a long time waiting for subnet deletions. (#1643)
- 35e29e16 ci: fix golangci-lint (#1639)
- 4661b76e fix: cleanup should ignore patch failed (#1626)
- 73a53ba7 fix no interface report to multus cni, missing in k8s.v1.cni.cncf.io/network[s]-status (#1636)
- fe5e020e Update install.sh (#1645)
- bd7ff533 set networkpolicy log default to false (#1633)
- 83c9e845 update policy route when join subnet cidr changed (#1638)
- bcf057d1 ci: update trivy options (#1637)
- f93a5273 increase initial delay of ovs-ovn liveness probe (#1634)
- 1a55ce12 wait ovn-central pods running before delete ovs-ovn pods (#1627)
- f8a266d6 get dbstatus for all ovn-central pod (#1619)
- bc838d5a delete "allow" policy route on subnet deletion (#1628)
- Mengxin Liu
- ShaPoHun
- halfcrazy
- hzma
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 4935fa6a monitor dns in cilium e2e (#1597)
- 3dc29041 prepare for release 1.10.1
- e459688e ci: build amd64 images without avx512 (#1584)
- d7144681 update ovs health check, delete connection to ovn sb db (#1588)
- cfbe55e0 fix: all cluster pod will be in podadd queue (#1587)
- 08ba4215 fix pod could not be ready (#1562)
- c453b7ac fix: delete pod panic when delete vm or statefulset. (#1565)
- 77044e3d fix: clean CRDs introduced by new vpc-nat-gateway (#1563)
- e35f90f1 do not gc vm pod lsp when vm still exists (#1558)
- adabd853 do not delete static routes on controller startup (#1560)
- 4348e58f replace ovn-nbctl daemon with libovsdb in frequent operations (#1544)
- 4cacb4b9 fix exec cmd in vpc nat gateway (#1556)
- 0ed681af CNI: do not return route if nic is not eth0 (#1555)
- 96f232d4 do not nat packets for incoming traffic when service externalTrafficPolicy is Local
- bbb8a697 exit kube-ovn-controller on stopped leading (#1536)
- 4b0bd69e tmp cancel cilium external svc test (#1531)
- hzma
- lut777
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 刘睿华
- 张祖建
- 16d28f75 release 1.10.0
- bcdb3388 use inc-engine/recompute instead of deprecated recompute (#1528)
- 12094766 update kind to v0.13.0 (#1530)
- 673138f2 move dumb-init from base images to kube-ovn image (#1527)
- ad6826d9 fix installing dumb-init in arm64 image (#1525)
- 4eebabc1 optimize ovs request in cni (#1518)
- 7a3f73d5 optimize node port-group check (#1514)
- b7c01d43 logic optimization (#1521)
- 65ee71b4 fix defunct ovn-nbctl daemon (#1523)
- ebe00370 fix arm image (#1524)
- 354d6c3e fix: keep vm's and statefulset's ips when user specified subnet (#1520)
- 6021e528 feature: add doc for tunning packages (#1513)
- 8e72f2e1 add document for windows support (#1515)
- d7ef43b3 reduce ovs-ovn restart downtime (#1516)
- 7b8aa124 finish basic windows support (#1463)
- ecc8268f refactor logical router routes (#1500)
- 51603624 add netem qos when create pod (#1510)
- 5158dd9d handle the case of error node cidr (#1509)
- 1285b039 fix: ovs trace flow always ends with controller action (#1508)
- 69428690 add qos e2e test (#1505)
- f214ee20 optimize IPAM initialization (#1498)
- 367d6b74 test: fix flaky test (#1506)
- 79ad4fcf docs: update README.md
- 85d09ccd synchronize yamls with installation script (#1504)
- 63dc5219 feature: svc of multiple clusters (#1491)
- 011eacf6 use OVS branch-2.17 (#1495)
- afc9ef62 Update USERS.md (#1496)
- b057404b update document for mellanox hardware offload (#1494)
- fb3c3e6e Feature iptables eip nats splits (#1437)
- 0c95402e Update USERS.md (#1493)
- 08a7d5b6 update github actions (#1489)
- ad28dca0 update USER.md (#1492)
- 0db63226 fix: add empty chassis check in ovn db (#1484)
- d631f8f8 feat: lsp forwarding external Layer-2 packets (#1487)
- d4d700ec base: add back kubectl (#1485)
- 59e4ae73 delete ipam record when gc lsp (#1483)
- 73405b2a fix: wrong vpc-nat-gateway arm image (#1482)
- 881622d4 fix pod annotation may override by patch (#1480)
- e772ee95 add acl doc (#1476)
- 6ef72e75 fix: workqueue_depth should show count not rate (#1478)
- 5ba5c526 add delete ovs pods after restore nb db (#1474)
- 73f9d15f delete monitor noexecute toleration (#1473)
- abaebea4 add env-check (#1464)
- 1d6d4653 Support kubevirt vm live migrate for pod static ip (#1468)
- 54cab3aa fix routes for packets from Pods to other nodes
- ba8c5937 add manual compile method for ubuntu20.04 (#1461)
- 7848d71f append metrics (#1465)
- 4f0b1976 Annotation network_type always is geneve
- 6ddba02a masquerade packets from Pods to service IP
- 3d18b8d3 update OVS and OVN for windows
- 39cdfc5c windows support for cni server
- 75d8f4de add kube-ovn-controller switch for EIP and SNAT
- 8ac3e0c0 docs: add USERS.md (#1454)
- 8c214bc9 update topology pic
- cd5c591c feature: add sb/nb db check bash script (#1441)
- fc5f7190 add routed check in circulation (#1446)
- aa756519 modify init ipam by ip crd only for sts pod (#1448)
- 3a5ead6d base: refactor ovn/ovs build (#1444)
- 43051166 log: show the reason if get gw node failed (#1443)
- 8f1e85ae add doc for #1358 (#1440)
- 0c0a0308 prepare windows support for cni server
- 88b07498 modify webhook img to independent image (#1442)
- 3dbfa4de update alpine to fix CVE-2022-1271
- 03af744f fix adding key to delete Pod queue
- 0ea24dcf fix IPAM initialization
- b26a06e7 temporary cancel the external2cluater e2e test for cilium (#1428)
- 94bc2087 ignore all link local unicast addresses/routes
- 9be57346 fix error handling for netlink.AddrDel
- 87164cc9 replace pod name when create ip crd (#1425)
- e7c69ba5 add webhook vaildate the vpc resource whether can be deleted. (#1423)
- c9a58886 We are looking forward to your PR! (#1422)
- 743ce241 support alloc static ip from any subnet after ns supports multi subnets (#1417)
- d3f6431f fix provider-networks status
- 48e0c4ed build ovs/ovn for windows in ci
- 3b4ac99a cilium e2e: deploy k8s without kube-proxy
- 902315ed windows support for CNI
- f2baa2f7 add simple e2e for multus integration
- e3693436 update e2e testing
- 60bf81a3 recover ips CR on IPAM initialization
- 8e1cd468 docs: update ROADMAP.md and MAINTAINERS
- 19ecaeee create ip crd in kube-ovn-controller (#1413)
- 25abbce7 add condition for triggering the deletion of redundant chassises in sbdb (#1411)
- a378fad2 fix: do not recreate port for terminating pods (#1409)
- 9587ad41 update cni version to 1.0
- df83c5fb update underlay environment requirements
- ff695aa3 avoid frequent ipset update
- f475736c add reset for kube-ovn-monitor metrics (#1403)
- 87d6839d fix: The underlay physical gateway config by external-gw-addr when use snat&eip (#1400)
- d36a0d8d add custom acls for subnet (#1395)
- 3206a7a2 check the cidr format whether is correct (#1396)
- a33d519b optimize docs due to frequently asked question. (#1393)
- 7bd25c63 adding IP Protocol enumeration to CRD can reduce the kube-ovn Controller judgment logic (#1391)
- dcc7971a change the wechat qcode
- 677690d5 append vm deletion check (#1390)
- 0d663ebe We should handle the case where the subnet protocol is handled (#1373)
- 7289e87c VIP is decoupled from port security (#1389)
- 12907270 chore: reduce image size (#1388)
- 5e108fe8 docs: update the maintainer and roadmap (#1387)
- fe7cbe1b ci: update kind and k8s
- ea60cdf7 fix external egress gateway
- 22cb15c5 add missing link scope routes in vpc-nat-gateway
- 5571619d update nodeips for restore cmd in ko plugin
- 33180a1c increase memory limit of ovn-central
- aa24894e fix range loop
- 1f24d64d fix probe error
- c621853a update script to add restore plugin cmd
- dd4a5e0d support dpdk (#1317)
- 8ad9e838 Use camel case instead of snake case
- 9f3426ee add detail error when failed to create resource
- 44dae1f7 add restore process for ovn nb db
- c4bb2454 add reset porocess for ovs interface metrics
- 8e8da195 fix SNAT/PR on Pod startup
- e9a4bd5c optimize kube-ovn-monitor yaml
- b11ffa31 Update subnet.go
- 0b43fc80 feat: add webhook to check subnet deletion.
- 21837784 modify ipam v6 release ip problem
- 1264684c skip ping gateway for pods during live migration
- 0da84f83 don't check conflict for migration pod with only static mac
- 89aa2413 add service cidr when init kubeadm
- bfcb0331 docs: add provide and ns spec for multus crd
- 4f987b10 update flag parse in webhook
- 7354d0c3 fix usage of ovn commands
- ffd5c844 add check for pod update process
- fe7a6e03 log: rotate all logs in kube-ovn-cni and add compress
- 024d1684 keep ip for kubevirt pod
- 8c0b358d docs: add integration with Corigine OVS offload
- 07c53120 fix OVS bridge with bond port in mode 6
- baeb3af4 fix: continue of deletion for del pod failed when can't found vpc or subnet (#1335)
- 8e204be4 feat: support DHCP
- 8393f322 Fix usage of ovn commands
- bb7b5e56 resync provider network status periodically
- 62642ea8 Revert "resync provider network status periodically"
- 6ba89e8c use const instead the string
- d8ba8d03 when update gateway info, we should append old to new deploy
- cc124556 resync provider network status periodically
- c53b28b1 fix underlay subnet in custom VPC
- c4a807b1 fix ips update
- 3269bad9 kube-ovn CNI配置文件名字可配置 (#1318)
- 491abaa8 delete the logic of repeated enqueueing
- 31c0b075 add log to file, update upgrade script
- 61c5ebb8 Temporarily comment out the compile and upload of the centos8 compile container.
- aef6595f Revert "Temporarily comment out the compile and upload of the centos8 compile…"
- 79a26873 Temporarily comment out the compile and upload of the centos8 compile container.
- 1fd27d7c feat: add webhook for subnet update validation
- 6ab8e369 optimized decision logic
- af0baa0c Use camel case instead of snake case
- b6764e0b append add cidr and excludeIps annotation for namespace
- a34bb353 feat: vpc peering connection
- 9c5556c8 Remove excess code
- 273eb844 chore: show install options when installing (#1293)
- d5e342c0 feat: update provider network via node annotation
- e9c9b1ce add container compile and insmod
- a90b06a8 add policy route for centralized subnet
- 2a39f793 fix: replace ecmp dp_hash with hash by src_ip (#1289)
- 0fd564e4 Use go to rerimplement ovn-is-leader.sh (#1243)
- 432c4070 fix: only log matched svc with np (#1287)
- cb1a698a feat: Replace command health check with k8s tcpSocket check (#1251)
- b220f0c6 add 'virtual' port for vip (#1278)
- 36c43c48 skip the missing of kube-dns (#1286)
- dad0ef62 fix: check if taint exists before un-taint
- 9365a62d add policy route for distributed subnet in default vpc
- a5ca73c8 ci: add retry to fix flaky test
- 4fdca714 set up tunnel correctly in hybrid mode
- 7f8f322b check static route conflict
- e7bf87b8 fix: kubeovn#1271 (comment)
- 017e5125 transfer IP/route earlier in OVS startup
- ee2ccf1b delete unused constant
- 4022bd57 add metric for ovn nb/sb db status
- fdcc833a add gateway check after update subnet
- f40e26ad we should first see if a condition is not going to be met
- 3ae628cb add judge before use slices index
- 47625c52 prevent multiple namespace reconcile
- 4455c869 prevent multiple namespace reconcile
- 6b60a587 fix: validate statefulset pod by name
- fa02cb21 fix golang and base image versions
- f210b934 add back centralized subnet active-standby mode
- 2557c516 support to add multiple subnets for a namespace
- c230ed8a prepare for next release
- f95a90eb Support only configure static mac_address
- Cookie Wang
- Fudankenshin
- Mengxin Liu
- Samuel Liu
- amoy-xuhao
- bob199x
- bobz965
- caohuilong
- chestack
- fanriming
- gongysh2004
- hackeren
- halfcrazy
- hzma
- jyjiangkai
- long.wang
- lut777
- pengbinbin1
- wang_yudong
- wangyd1988
- xujunjie
- xujunjie-cover
- yi.luo
- zhangzujian
- 尚墨
- 张祖建
- 罗云鹤
- 范日明
- 4961476a set release 1.9.31
- 445527c6 Subnet add mtu config 1.9 (#3397)
- 7cc9a7e5 add kube-ovn-controller nodeAffinity prefer not on ic gateway (#3390)
- b3f78fc2 Revert "upgrade ovs-ovn pod by generation version instead of chart version (#1960)" (#3386)
- e36c6b92 delete check for existing ip cr (#3361)
- 63000975 update go net version (#3351)
- e5bb59b3 Iptables wrapper 1.9 (#3341)
- 574f9bbb add type assertion for ip crd (#3311)
- fae47ea7 prepare for the next release
- changluyi
- hzma
- 张祖建
- 1e5d80ca ovs: load kernel module ip_tables only when it exists (#3281)
- 5cc81da2 pinger: increase packet send interval (#3259)
- 3ba526b1 prepare for the next release
- 张祖建
- b925c737 add multicast snoop for release-1.9 (#3192)
- b2781c66 underlay: fix ip/route tranfer when the nic is managed by NetworkManager (#3184)
- 325464ec chart: fix ovs-ovn upgrade (#3164)
- 2abd478d subnet: fix deleting lr policy on node deletion (#3178)
- b9b8c780 delete append externalIds process in initIPAM (#3134)
- ca061d53 move unnecessary init process after startWorkers (#3124)
- a8e68137 delete append externalIds process in initIPAM (#3134)
- 098ae5a7 prepare for the next release
- changluyi
- hzma
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- b01d68e1 update version to v1.9.28
- 7dcfd171 fix u2o policy route generate too many flow tables cause oom
- ca4b6c3e distinguish nat ip for central subnet with ecmp and active-standby (#3100)
- a91f0a08 fix .status.default when initializing the default vpc (#3086)
- fabbd4b8 ci: do not pin go version (#3073)
- a280123f ci: fix multus installation (#3062)
- 2cdf8fe4 Revert "prepare for release 1.9.28"
- f347bcd0 set genev_sys_6081 tx checksum off (#3045)
- 77eb5694 prepare for release 1.9.28
- 25160ba1 static ip in exclude-ips can be allocated normally when subnet's availableIPs is 0 #3031
- 96613529 ci: pin go version to 1.20.5 (#3034)
- 990d4a7c pinger: use fully qualified domain name (#3032)
- 11ce268e uninstall.sh: fix ipset name (#3028)
- 66d0e439 fix subnet finalizer (#3004)
- 1c9fc6af kubectl ko performance enhance (#2975) (#2992)
- 5292a08c underlay: fix NetworkManager syncer for virtual interfaces (#2988)
- 74c652ee underlay: does not set a device managed to no if it has VLAN managed by NM (#2986)
- changluyi
- hzma
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 48187e49 release 1.9.27
- c41a03a8 add detail comment
- dfe43f9d prepare for next release
- b11c36e3 Kubectl ko diagnose perf release 1.9 (#2964)
- 5995cce9 underlay: sync NetworkManager IP config to OVS bridge (#2949)
- 2dc68307 typo (#2952)
- 265392c4 Revert "nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)" (#2944)
- 6d87274e kubectl ko perf on release-1.9 (#2947)
- 110440f5 u2o support specify u2o ip on release-1.9 (#2935)
- 5c855cd6 support tos inherit from inner packet
- e5a13566 underlay: do not delete patch ports created by ovn-controller (#2851)
- 5bb5f45e kubectl-ko: fix trace when u2oInterconnection is enabled (#2836)
- e45a2978 fix underlay access to node through ovn0 (#2847)
- 7e32e57d fix MTU when subnet is using logical gateway (#2834)
- a5a97ce6 prepare for v1.9.26
- bce5b04d fix ip statistics in subnet status (#2769)
- 6b4786b3 add EXCHANGE_LINK_NAME to installation script
- 2dd1bee1 cni-server: wait ovs-vswitchd to be running (#2759)
- 8c158d72 ci: run kube-ovn e2e for underlay (#2762)
- 5eef52ac nm not managed only in the change provide nic name case (#2754)
- 635c57b6 update policy route when change from ecmp to active-standby (#2716)
- af16c760 fix ovn lb gc (#2728)
- 4a4397c7 fix recover db failed using offical doc (#2721)
- 786ec739 bump base image
- 9fe73bd2 base: remove patch for fixing ofpbuf memory leak (#2715)
- 42da9ddd cni-server: do not perform ipv4 conflict detection during VM live migration (#2693)
- e67cfd4c ovn-controller: do not send GARP on localnet for Kube-OVN ports (#2690)
- a4cae607 netpol: fix packet drop casued by incorrect address set deletion (#2677)
- 96580be3 fix pg set port fail when lsp is already deleted
- 905b541d add subnetstatus lock for handleAddOrUpdateSubnet (#2668)
- abed4718 prepare for next release
- b670e1c1 broadcast free arp when pod setup (#2643)
- 1c9e8eac delete sync user (#2629)
- da11ccdc prepare for next release
- c99d9dda ci: deploy multus in thick mode (#2628)
- c8f55f9d libovsdb: use monitor_cond as the monitor method (#2627)
- 9f2e29e1 ovs: fix dpif-netlink ofpbuf memory leak (#2620)
- bd6f1bb2 add debug image
- c3438b48 ci: fix multus installation (#2604)
- e77adbba cut invalid OVN_NB_DAEMON to make log more readable (#2601)
- e54d9904 unittest: fix length assertion (#2597)
- f731350d bump base image
- b95b3395 ci: bump actions/upload-artifact to v3
- dd087cbf security: clear .trivyignore
- f44ec54d underlay: get address/route before setting nm managed to no (#2592)
- 250f3403 ci: bump kind image to v1.26.3 (#2581)
- bobz965
- changluyi
- hzma
- yichanglu
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- d698c73d move ipam.subnet.mutex to caller (#2571)
- b366ee82 fix: memory leak in IPAM caused by leftover map keys (#2566)
- 1cea97b9 fix ovn-bridge-mappings deletion (#2564)
- 4f45cdd9 fix go mod list (#2556)
- e85e1ff9 do not set device unmanaged if NetworkManager is not running (#2549)
- 8473f27e underlay: fix network manager operation (#2546)
- 0b0091c4 controller: fix apiserver connection timeout on startup (#2545)
- ec81877b underlay: delete altname after renaming the link (#2539)
- 8f5c8088 underlay: fix link name exchange (#2516)
- 90dcd008 change version to v1.9.23
- 648c3c9f fix changging the stopped vm's subnets, the vm cann't start normally (#2463)
- 7df47d7d add kubevirt multus nic lsp before gc process (#2504)
- c8917969 update for release v1.9.22
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 袁又袁
- 马洪贞
- 439e47f8 ensure address label is correct before deleting it (#2487)
- 0f567b44 add node to addNodeQueue if required annations are missing (#2481)
- db313ad1 remove unused subnet status fields (#2482)
- 183e34ff prepare for release v1.9.22
- bfa779dc fix ips CR not found due to etcd error (#2472)
- e06f2b29 ci: fix ovn-ic installation (#2456)
- 694059cc do not set subnet's vlan empty on failure (#2445)
- 00134846 set release v1.9.21
- a1f6a3d3 prepare for release v1.9.21
- 2861d079 fix: missing import netlink
- f1779eec release-1.9 cni version update from v0.9.1 => v1.2.0 (#2434)
- 51105207 fix ovn-speaker router bug (#2433)
- 4cec68c5 fix chart install/upgrade e2e (#2426)
- f2c55a54 ci: fix cilium chaining e2e (#2391)
- 8790b3cc Fix routeregexp ipv6 (#2395)
- dc205246 ci: fix ref name check (#2390)
- 6ce0d02a bump base image
- 551a7140 ovs: fix re-creation of tunnel backing interfaces on restart.
- 0b7e72f8 ci: skip netpol e2e automatically for push events (#2379)
- d2dfd104 e2e: run specs in parallel (#2375)
- Daviddcc
- KillMaster9
- changluyi
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- d3296661 fix CVE-2022-41723
- 2a9d7004 ci: fix default branch test (#2369)
- 25c19072 fix github actions workflows (#2363)
- 0264ddc1 simplify github actions workflows (#2338)
- 43b70761 use existing node switch cidr instead of the configured one (#2359)
- 5d3faaa9 prepare for 1.9.20
- 36c3d87f do not remove link local route on ovn0 (#2341)
- cee5bb7f fix encap ip when the tunnel interface has multiple addresses (#2340)
- 7c46ed2f enqueue endpoint when handling service add event (#2337)
- 2f76a0fa fix getting service backends in dual-stack clusters (#2323)
- 9b7960dd fix github actions workflow
- 85fb4197 fix u2o code err
- b9d58b42 fix kube-ovn-controller crash on startup (#2305)
- a1e8e40a fix gosec ci installation (#2295)
- 3ab57164 ovn northd: fix connection inactivity probe (#2286)
- 1ab8b9e9 fix ct new config error
- 63dc62a9 fix network break on kube-ovn-cni startup (#2272)
- 4a8997b9 fix gosec installation
- 5a234e02 bump base image version
- 6427688b ovn db: add support for listening on pod ip (#2235)
- 875bcd46 add enable-metrics arg to disable metrics (#2232)
- changluyi
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 3aa2e78b update install.sh
- 22e35941 prepare release v1.9.19
- d48dd365 u2o feature merge to 1.9 (#2226)
- 2788d8e3 add release-1.8/1.9/1.10 to scheduled e2e (#2224)
- 45d1c158 cni-server: fix waiting for routed annotation (#2225)
- 938bd680 feature: detect ipv4 address conflict in underlay (#2208)
- 82a7a51d fix git ref name in e2e
- 3a7adc9a release-1.9: refactor e2e (#2210)
- changluyi
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 015c427b ci: add publish action
- cd763391 add netem qos when create pod (#1510)
- 2dcc95ca ovn nb and sb can't bind lan ip in ssl merge to 1.9 (#2201)
- 25281a9f ci: load image to kind for helm install
- 0f3569ca prepare for release v1.9.18
- 39bed325 local ip bind to service merge to release 1.9 (#2197)
- 9ec4b1e7 fix: change condition to conditions
- c69685cd fix: ovs gc just for pod if (#2187)
- 799c824d update docs link in install.sh (#2196)
- ec852551 Release 1.9 (#2181)
- 28c5e0ce ignore conflict check for pod ip crd (#2188)
- Mengxin Liu
- changluyi
- hzma
- lut777
- tonyleu
- 马洪贞
- 4c93a29f An error occurred when netpol was added in double-stack mode (#2160)
- f5b65e3e add process for delete networkpolicy start with number (#2157)
- 37af103c prepare for release 1.9.17
- 6c32c3c8 security: remove private key file
- 0338f7e8 security: fix security issues
- 51828313 update version to v1.9.16 in install.sh
- abaa37bf add check for subnet cidr (#2153)
- b2f78e9a delete nc cmd in image (#2148)
- d2b5b7c3 some optimization for provider network status update (#2135)
- d8d4e913 kind: support to specify api server address/port (#2134)
- 096c82f0 fix: sometimes alloc ipv6 address failed sometimes ipam.GetStaticAddress return NoAvailableAddress
- a15504c3 optimize provider network (#2099)
- 410c8af5 Revert "optimize provider network (#2099)"
- 602901a2 optimize provider network (#2099)
- Mengxin Liu
- changluyi
- fanriming
- hzma
- wangyd1988
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 0ea8c26a prepare for release 1.9.16
- aac811b5 fix policy route for subnets with logical gateway (#2108)
- ba632d66 fix lint
- 2319d1ee replace klog.Fatalf with klog.ErrorS and klog.FlushAndExit (#2093)
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 989af9f3 prepare for release v1.9.15
- 1343a908 fix: del createIPS (#2087)
- 524b6d3f check if externalIds map is nil when add node as gw for centralized subnet (#2088)
- 6a392dfa fix ovs bridge not deleted cause by port link not found (#2084)
- 14c9840f fix gosec error
- 1ce4713e bump go version to 1.18
- c52c9f3b fix libovsdb issues (#2070)
- c97b1f1d refactor: add unknown config to lsp (#2076)
- d1bd047b fix: replace replace with add to override existing route (#2061)
- 06d22315 fix OVN LS/LB gc (#2069)
- 3200e272 update ipv6 address for vpc peer (#2060)
- f9024540 perf: reduce controller init time (#2054)
- 7ca28c9d pass klog verbosity to libovsdb (#2048)
- 6872bfd2 use the latest base image
- bcd42d2a ovs: fix reaching resubmit limit in underlay (#2038)
- b45ee71f fix: vpc and vpc nat gw not clean (#2032)
- Mengxin Liu
- bobz965
- changluyi
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 9581d06b set release for 1.9.14
- 6ba9954f fix pinger namespace error (#2034)
- 0c9fd3f0 prepare release for 1.9.14
- 9cbb07a6 fix: gateway route should stay still when node is pingable (#2011)
- ab2a1f12 update np name with character prefix (#2024)
- ec4fe022 bump kind and node image versions (#2023)
- 5f9dca93 fix ovn nb/sb health check (#2019)
- d7e78b8a fix ovs fdb for the local bridge port (#2014)
- d41c467a do not need to delete pg when update networkpolicy (#1959)
- 52310595 add helm and e2e test (#1992)
- 85b8dd66 add check of write to ovn sb db for ovn-controller (#1989)
- Noah
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 354d6217 update ovs version to branch-2.16 (#1988)
- 574f31fd fix grep matching device in routes (#1986)
- 8fa0fa34 delete pod after TerminationGracePeriodSeconds (#1984)
- 1f7b58d4 ovs: fix waiting flows in underlay networking (#1983)
- 2506a4df use latest base image
- 1c6ea035 ovn db: recover automatically on startup if db corruption is detected (#1980)
- d7aabe2c prepare for release 1.9.13
- adda63c0 fix CVE-2022-32149
- 6ffaa44f avoid concurrent subnet status update (#1976)
- f0754587 upgrade ovs-ovn pod by generation version instead of chart version (#1960)
- 78d9cfd3 fix metrics name (#1977)
- 1aaa6e48 add vm pod to ipam by ip when initIPAM (#1974)
- d7ac1503 validate nbctl socket path in start-controller.sh
- e6adb1e1 skip CVE-2022-3358 (#1972)
- b4fe883c use latest base image
- b3a1cf65 fix: add default deny acl (#1935)
- 903eff03 ovs: fix mac learning in environments with hairpin enabled (#1943)
- aa50a2ef Fix registry for ovn-central container in install.sh (#1951)
- e9a1af07 ovs: add fdb update logging (#1941)
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- runzhliu
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 42c2a82c add chart version check when upgrade ovs-ovn pod
- 04338c84 fix underlay e2e testing (#1929)
- 6c710acb prepare for release v1.9.12
- 4f2f4058 set leader flag when get leader
- 495e1632 set ovsdb-server vlog level to avoid warnings caused by ovs-vsctl (#1937)
- 5f23adc6 use leases for leader election (#1529)
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- 44cee1df prepare release 1.9.11
- 07819218 fix: pod mistaken ls label (#1925)
- ff176b89 ignore pod without lsp when add pod to port-group
- 6df23c2b add network partition check in ovn probes
- 270e9dc3 feat: Replace command health check with k8s tcpSocket check (#1251)
- 64c41a5d fix CVE-2022-27664
- ed8ba4c6 update ns annotation when subnet cidr changed (#1921)
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 尚墨
- 马洪贞
- f7a62ca7 set release 1.9.10
- f9f49266 prepare for release 1.9.10
- 455863a0 fix: gatewaynode might be null (#1896)
- 23756538 fix: api rollback
- 0522d9eb fix: diskfull may lead to wrong raft status for ovs db (#1635)
- 23def0a2 kubectl-ko: turn off pipefail for ovn leader check (#1891)
- 451c88ab fix logrotate issues
- a98cffa4 fix security issues
- 493b42de security: conform to gosec G114 (#1860)
- ceb3855e fix duplicate logs for leader election (#1886)
- 7ae439b0 delete and recreate netem qos when update process (#1872)
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 尚墨
- 张祖建
- c4701fd2 set release 1.9.9
- 33d027af feat: reduce downtime by increasing arp cache timeout
- b90769f3 feat: reduce wait time by counting the flow num.
- 2afbe408 fix: missing stop_ovn_daemon args
- 37b9f2f8 delete log severity for drop acl when update networkpolicy
- 82026bbd base: use patch from OVN upstream (#1844)
- f9a2d8de prepare release for 1.9.9
- 7138087c ovs: fix log file descriptor leak in monitor process (#1855)
- c6f9565c fix ovs-ovn logging (#1848)
- b3a6998e fix: add and set ENABLE_KEEP_VM_IP=true to keep vm ip (#1702)
- 20ed2329 fix: multus macvlan ipvlan use kube-ovn ipam,but ip not inited in init-ipam (#1843)
- 4c40a20d fix underlay e2e (#1828)
- eb1706bc fix arping error log (#1841)
- 5757b8ec ko: fix kube-proxy check (#1842)
- 2000e996 ci: switch environment to ubuntu-20.04 (#1838)
- 919bb236 update centralized subnet gateway ready patch operation (#1827)
- 1c3b622c fix duplicate log for tunnel interface decision (#1823)
- e4d53217 update centralize subnet gatewayNode until gw is ready (#1814)
- d44de3e0 initialize IPAM from IP CR with empty PodType for sts Pods (#1812)
- 3eb1d1ad kubectl-ko: fix missing env-check (#1804)
- 5613b63c kubectl-ko: fix destination mac (#1801)
- 1284f15d abort kube-ovn-controller on leader change (#1797)
- 5bf8de0f avoid invalid ovn-nbctl daemon socket path (#1799)
- 4680e632 update vpc-nat-gateway base
- 4cce7870 fix: warning for empty chassis fixed (#1786)
- Mengxin Liu
- bobz965
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 686d913c set release v1.9.8
- 8de35693 prepare for release v1.9.8
- 38ee8301 delete htb qos when releated annotation is deleted (#1788)
- 85bd5f94 perf: fix memory leak
- 46c970d6 perf: disable mlockall to reduce memory usage
- d7fd3793 perf: reduce metrics labels (#1784)
- d7a9f5e9 feature: support exchange link names of OVS bridge and provider nic in underlay networks (#1736)
- b966dd59 perf: replace jemalloc to reduce memory usage (#1764)
- 8bb8b173 fix: add omitempty to subnet spec (#1765)
- fd676437 set sysctl variables on cni server startup (#1758)
- 7c6250f3 avoid patch interface deletion & recreation during restart (#1741)
- a91056a3 enqueue subnets after vpc update (#1722)
- e895c5ff do not add subnet not processed by kube-ovn to vpc (#1735)
- f13f3f46 add logrotate for kube-ovn log (#1740)
- 70246fb9 fix: If pod has snat or eip, also need delete staticRoute when delete pod. (#1731)
- 76e3c670 fix iptables for service traffic when external traffic policy set to local(#1725)
- cee39213 optimize lrp create for subnet in vpc (#1712)
- 21f0b979 fix: cancel delete staticroute when it's used by NatRule (#1733)
- 4c2d0c86 fix: wrong info when update subnet from dual to ipv4 or ipv6. (#1726)
- 417176ed fix: new ovn-ic static route method adapted due to old ovn version (#1718)
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- eb412c96 set release 1.9.7
- 07bec2a2 prepare for release 1.9.7
- a798a8c2 Get latest vpc data from apiserver instead of cache (#1684)
- 8bc1b169 update priority range in htb qos (#1688)
- ef4673d2 add upgrade-ovs script (#1681)
- Mengxin Liu
- Wang Bo
- hzma
- 6db04118 set release 1.9.6
- 885e41f6 prepare for release 1.9.6
- 556a2cf8 shim: fix diffs of commits
- 67da728a fix: change ovn-ic static route to policy (#1670)
- a7a11f03 fix: Do not Recreate Logical_Router_Port when Vpc recreated (#1570)
- e2ab703a feat: vpc peering connection
- 7699a34b Delete pod if subnet of the pod's owner(sts/vm) updated (#1678)
- 02e8973a security: disable pprof by default (#1672)
- 0242b9c2 bgp: consolidate service check and use service const (#1674)
- 3401d933 fix bgp: sync service cache (#1673)
- f818ca5c fix libovsdb (#1664)
- a11feff7 mount modules for auto load ip6tables moudles (#1665)
- 2882cafc ignore pod not scheduled when reconcile subnet (#1666)
- 91dfbbf4 fix get security group name by external_ids (#1663)
- e56d581b add policy route when add subnet
- Mengxin Liu
- Money Liu
- Wang Bo
- gugu
- hzma
- lut777
- wangyd1988
- 刘睿华
- 张祖建
- 范日明
- 8a2cc741 set for release 1.9.5
- 9935ab54 fix: no need routed when use v1.multus-cni.io/default-network (#1652)
- 60d33ca9 prepare for release 1.9.5
- a48e64ae CI: delete resources in order to avoid a long time waiting for subnet deletions. (#1643)
- 502a7a00 set networkpolicy log default to false (#1633)
- 0bda2e6f update policy route when join subnet cidr changed (#1638)
- 3cfafe40 ci: update trivy options (#1637)
- 71dba393 increase initial delay of ovs-ovn liveness probe (#1634)
- cf0bbd92 wait ovn-central pods running before delete ovs-ovn pods (#1627)
- 0877c3a7 get dbstatus for all ovn-central pod (#1619)
- 51c409bd fix issues about OVN policy routing
- 637503b4 use policy route instead of static route (#1618)
- hzma
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- c85ab203 ci: disable cilium e2e for release
- 0a841aa1 prepare for release 1.9.4
- f99f4e81 update ovs health check, delete connection to ovn sb db (#1588)
- 82d7dd37 fix: all cluster pod will be in podadd queue (#1587)
- 3c68cb9b fix pod could not be ready (#1562)
- f39ff7a8 fix: delete pod panic when delete vm or statefulset. (#1565)
- 4c60872f fix: keep vm's and statefulset's ips when user specified subnet (#1520)
- 81781a01 do not gc vm pod lsp when vm still exists (#1558)
- 4a28c014 fix exec cmd in vpc nat gateway (#1556)
- 67db2bf3 CNI: do not return route if nic is not eth0 (#1555)
- d5fce51d exit kube-ovn-controller on stopped leading (#1536)
- 05a4b4dc remove name for default drop acl in networkpolicy (#1522)
- 6fcc1975 tmp cancel cilium external svc test (#1531)
- fe3bb3e5 move dumb-init from base images to kube-ovn image
- hzma
- lut777
- xujunjie-cover
- 刘睿华
- 张祖建
- a2ba0c15 release 1.9.3
- 0695d31e fix defunct ovn-nbctl daemon
- f8594a29 optimize ovs request in cni (#1518)
- 08f2961d optimize node port-group check (#1514)
- 9ec4a430 reduce ovs-ovn restart downtime (#1516)
- b55fa987 prepare for release 1.9.3
- e4ba2e6d fix: ovs trace flow always ends with controller action (#1508)
- 2e681af3 optimize IPAM initialization
- 76fe9cef ci: skip some checks
- 51dc9243 delete ipam record and static route when gc lsp (#1490)
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 6273d294 release for v1.9.2
- c98322d7 fix: wrong vpc-nat-gateway arm image (#1482)
- bc4f761c add delete ovs pods after restore nb db (#1474)
- 945f2336 delete monitor noexecute toleration (#1473)
- 35ecc687 add env-check (#1464)
- 1f68e12a append metrics (#1465)
- 302156bc masquerade packets from Pods to service IP
- 4faa8831 add kube-ovn-controller switch for EIP and SNAT
- 300a1643 ignore cni cve
- 75383df3 add routed check in circulation (#1446)
- c4f5f4d6 modify init ipam by ip crd only for sts pod (#1448)
- 135798dc log: show the reason if get gw node failed (#1443)
- 9bec51be9 modify webhook img to independent image (#1442)
- e1d6dbf6 support keep-vm-ip and live-migrate at the same time (#1439)
- 613b6ae5 update alpine to fix CVE-2022-1271
- 553bedd2 fix adding key to delete Pod queue
- d899cc97 fix IPAM initialization
- e159443d ignore all link local unicast addresses/routes
- 06bd4f86 fix error handling for netlink.AddrDel
- 71e3f119 replace pod name when create ip crd
- 8e65f6f6 support alloc static ip from any subnet after ns supports multi subnets (#1417)
- 9bc2f96a fix provider-networks status
- 269f819a recover ips CR on IPAM initialization
- dc43dc20 create ip crd in kube-ovn-controller (#1413)
- 41f8e26b add condition for triggering the deletion of redundant chassises in sbdb (#1411)
- 2aedc6ac fix: do not recreate port for terminating pods (#1409)
- d5556404 avoid frequent ipset update
- c86ff85e fix: The underlay physical gateway config by external-gw-addr when use snat&eip (#1400)
- deea9ded add reset for kube-ovn-monitor metrics (#1403)
- 899de6ff check the cidr format whether is correct (#1396)
- b54364b4 update dockerfile to use v1.9.1 base img
- 24190501 append vm deletion check
- 1953712a delete repeat para
- 7c0348a7 update nodeips for restore cmd in ko plugin
- f320ef8f fix external egress gateway
- c3e17d8c add missing link scope routes in vpc-nat-gateway
- 9d9d5878 increase memory limit of ovn-central
- c4092113 fix range loop
- 7397db27 update script to add restore plugin cmd
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- wangyd1988
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 46eb49ad release update 1.9.1 changelog (#1361)
- 59594fed add restore process for ovn nb db
- de794986 optimize kube-ovn-monitor yaml
- 47a16c38 add reset porocess for ovs interface metrics
- a3618bcd fix SNAT/PR on Pod startup
- 81247723 modify ipam v6 release ip problem
- 0006902b skip ping gateway for pods during live migration
- 092db781 update flag parse in webhook
- 222a1fb6 feat: add webhook for subnet update validation
- 0615254e keep ip for kubevirt pod
- 87bb7f18 add check for pod update process
- 7886467a fix ips update
- ab3f0a6d append htbqos para in crd yaml
- a68a55f9 fix: replace ecmp dp_hash with hash by src_ip (#1289)
- dd08ecab fix OVS bridge with bond port in mode 6
- 5fd56d1e fix: continue of deletion for del pod failed when can't found vpc or subnet (#1335)
- 0d114958 Fix usage of ovn commands
- 621e2b57 resync provider network status periodically
- 10ac8c3a Revert "resync provider network status periodically"
- fadc1316 fix statefulset Pod deletion
- b74eaccc resync provider network status periodically
- 9a0f708f fix underlay subnet in custom VPC
- 69b3d72a append add cidr and excludeIps annotation for namespace
- c63cb106 support to add multiple subnets for a namespace
- 3f818b72 feat: update provider network via node annotation
- 57f16570 fix: only log matched svc with np (#1287)
- 288c5fe9 transfer IP/route earlier in OVS startup
- 4c4390b3 add metric for ovn nb/sb db status
- 92e7b975 check static route conflict
- 67a7d85b set up tunnel correctly in hybrid mode
- eabed9cc fix clusterrole in ovn-ha.yaml
- 65b83219 add gateway check after update subnet
- f3f8c4dc fix: validate statefulset pod by name
- b5544bc3 add back centralized subnet active-standby mode
- Mengxin Liu
- chestack
- hzma
- lut777
- xujunjie
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- e4d48df3 prepare for release 1.9.0
- c830594d fix: liveMigration with IPv6
- e52b6897 update networkpolicy port process
- 851ad0ce Add args to configure port ln-ovn-external
- 5d95d628 update check for delete statefulset pod
- 695f4532 ignore hostnetwork pod when initipam
- 4b98d15f kubectl-ko: support trace Pods being created
- 63bc25ea add dnsutils for base image
- 6318d004 Add new arg to configure ns of ExternalGatewayConfig
- 71522920 update scripts for 1.8.2
- 960f02c1 Optimized decision logic
- 8974f6a3 add svc cidr in ovs LB for optimization
- 0192a9ae add doc for gateway pod in default vpc
- 1f9dc754 optimize log for node port-group
- 36d6b00a fix iptables rules and service e2e
- 8dc938d8 add kubectl-ko to docker image
- c4cc8f0d fix: invalid syntax error
- a4f4cb49 fix pod tolerations
- 8611de82 modify pod's process of update for use multus cni as default cni
- 5ab83ba4 fix installation script
- 09ef9be0 add log for ecmp route
- 791b00f4 fix: ipv6 traffic still go into ct
- 55e6a8ca append check for centralized subnet nat process
- 58a44fb2 move chassis judge to the end of node processing
- 9f0c42fa change nbctl args 'wait=sb' to 'no-wait'
- 6f356705 use different ip crd with provider suffix for pod multus nic
- f7b595dc fix service cidr in dual stack cluster
- c510b439 add healthcheck cmd to probe live and ready
- e14bc40c delete frequently log
- bde98e75 support running ovn-ic e2e on macOS
- 727ea53a pinger: fix getting empty PodIPs
- 205a0c02 fix cni deepcopy
- 650ea6d3 add cilium e2e
- 46ba84ee filter used qos when delete qos
- 1de284eb add protocol check when subnet is dual-stack
- 1f4a247d lint: make go-lint happy
- 91f3fa4b some fixes
- d57bc1d7 compatible with OVN 20.06
- 9116425a use multus-cni as default cni to assign ip
- d18323a4 some fixes
- 668c2125 perf: jemalloc and ISA optimization
- 5c08d28d fix: check np switch
- 36571555 fix: port security
- e713bdf0 fix nat rule
- d8e84cf0 When netpol is added to a workload, the workload's POD can be accessed using service
- 51365b41 when update subnet's execpt ip,we should filter repeat ip
- 5aacec59 update wechat image
- 6c8fa978 fix: do not reuse released ip after subnet updated
- e4648cc8 update: update 1.7-1.8 script
- b1f8332c perf: do not send traffic to ct if not designate to svc
- 178cf7b8 fix: add back the leader check
- 7be43c97 fix port_security
- e596c3c4 sync live migration vm port
- e8b1ff5b docs: add f5 ces integration docs
- 7058d568 update Go modules
- 84dbb102 update delete operation for statefulset pod
- e9e2c911 chore: update klog to v2 which embed log rotation
- fafd5555 fix: add kube-ovn-cni prob timeout
- 490590a4 append add db compact for nb and sb db
- 4fb302f5 deleting all chassises which are not nodes
- c49a7404 add db compact for nb and sb db
- 3b7ec06c add vendor param for fix list LR
- ae23d3df fix LB: skip service without cluster IP
- df3d3977 add webhook with cert-manager issued certificate
- 2be11269 security: update base ubuntu image
- eb364717 add pod in default vpc to node port-group
- ea300d2b fix pinger's compatibility for k8s v1.16
- 3837b0a2 check IPv4 gateway by resolving gateway MAC in underlay subnets
- 75604b5d add nodeSelector for vpc-nat-gateway pod
- fac6c725 do not send multicast packets to conntrack
- c3004bbc Revert "support to set NB_Global option mcast_privileged"
- 2802b94d add ip address for lsp
- 28a93927 fix: no need to set address for ls to lr port
- 2048007a add sg acl check when init
- b9abee71 cleanup command flags
- 54a3b913 replace port-group named address-set with port-group since there's no ip set for lsp when create lsp
- 743502cd support to set NB_Global option mcast_privileged
- a5f0256a add networkpolicy support for attachment cni
- 45f64bfa add process for pod attachment nic with subnet in default vpc
- 49e9197e fix security group
- 60e896f8 fix the duplicate call about strings.Split
- c9f5f4b4 deepcopy fix steps
- e0cb19aa fix: do not nat route traffic
- 4e4d95d5 fix: Skip MAC address Settings when PCI addresse is unavailable
- adce05c7 add ovn-ic e2e
- 3b6b5034 other CNI can be used as the default network
- 841f907b fix: move macvlan binary to host
- 52ec0af4 Revert "ci: init kind cluster before build finish"
- a8599325 fix ko trace
- 1dd66a77 add ovn-ic HA deploy
- bc3ce0bb fix node address set name
- cbed2820 update cni init image
- a648bfc6 chore: update kind k8s to 1.22 and remove pre 1.16 support
- a1d56e97 do not set bridge-nf-call-iptables
- 738c7612 use logical router policy for accessing node
- 6719ee24 ci: init kind cluster before build finish
- 61817bf4 reduce qos query with ovs-vsctl cmd
- 1776c447 fix read-only pointer in vlan and provider-network
- 329228d4 fix: trace in custom vpc
- a9c0a4aa fix read-only pointer in vlan and provider-network
- 62df3416 update docs
- a546ba95 fix LB in dual stack cluster
- eb63f72e fix: check allocated annotation in update handler
- 55b8b8ac support using logical gateway in underlay subnet
- ef424d73 docs: optimize cilium integration docs
- a09e84d0 fix: ensure all kube-ovn components deleted before annotate pods
- e7aeb96e fix bug: logical switch ts not ready
- dc4e693f Fix unpopulated CPU charts
- 003723e5 Revert "get default subnet"
- 418feb1b add htbqoses rbac
- 850e4218 feat: pod can use multiple nic with the same subnet
- 5840d509 add error detail
- e6377cae add check switch for default subnet's gateway
- b5b6c326 get default subnet
- fbafca41 remove node chassis annotation on cleanup
- 348eaf36 update: add 1.7 to 1.8 update scripts
- f934613d base: add macvlan to help vpc setup
- cd1dda1e fix: delete vpc-nat-gw deployment
- 50eddac3 ko: check ovsdb storage status
- 20670e87 fix cleanup.sh and uninstall.sh
- b31c4d19 use constant instead a string
- 86f63f26 fix: check and load ip_tables module
- 3bfd82b7 fix: multus-cni subnet allocation
- e5ed1ace docs: add svg
- 17ff6c55 chore: update install
- ce97b94c integrate Cilium into Kube-OVN
- fda0c17b fix kubectl-ko diagnose
- 3f8a2b0e change inspection logic from manually adding lsp to just readding pod queue
- 01ca82f9 fix pinger in dual stack cluster
- 0ba64dea add e2e testing for dual stack underlay
- 7f27a05d fix pinger and monitor in underlay networking
- 6a56f8bb fix kubectl plugin ko
- 2c9fe438 adjust the location of the log
- 86ee933a ci: push vpc-nat-gateway
- f459ca97 replace api for get lsp id by name
- 0a533984 docs:revise vpc.md
- 78847899 grafana: optimize grafana dashboard
- 168a7c97 In netpol egress rules, except rule should be set to != and should not be ==
- d7edf24b ci: add vpc-nat-gateway build
- 5cd32df8 Update OVN to version 21.06
- dd36d61c modify kube-ovn as multus-cni problem
- d17f6151 support to set htb qos priority
- c20e0111 perf: add fastpath module for 4.x kernel
- ff5d3df3 add inspection
- 3e9f9a99 perf: add stt section and update benchmark
- d3842327 feat: optimize log
- 4c6c29a3 fix: init node with wrong ipamkey and lead conflict
- 47255a10 fix installation scripts
- fd745487 fix getting LSP UUID by name
- 1f5719a5 fix StatefulSet down scale
- 5bccd845 fix vpc policy route
- acb82de0 docs: update roadmap
- 87f9b863 refactor: mute ovn0 ping log and add ping details
- a99c4200 fix: wrong link for iptables
- 52b01c01 fix IPAM for StatefulSet
- 51511e63 append externalIds for pod and node when upgrade
- 391f7014 feature: LoadBalancer for custom VPC
- 7fd8cf44 feat: support vip
- 25f634fb fix VPC document
- 97a5b2a3 fix init ipam
- 71fcbf12 fix: gc lb
- 2b154b1a Update prometheus.md
- 1e766f9c feat: support VLAN subnet in VPC
- 4c013a3e ci: push dev image to separate repo
- 39c8a19c fix: kubeclient timeout
- edaf41e0 fix: serialize pod add/delete order
- 78a77f79 perf: increase ovn-nb timeout
- 5937ccbf fix gc lsp statistic for multiple subnet
- c71620ce fix: re-check ns annotation to avoid annotations lost
- d40d5701 perf: do not diagnose external access
- 871c1493 feature: vpc support policy route
- 90b1a2ea reactor: remove ovn ipam options
- 7f43f25c perf: switch's router port's addresses to "router"
- 8dbe8f94 lint: make staticcheck happy
- 8ad46dad fix e2e testing
- 5a126378 prepare for next release
- 5b70c81d fix variable referrence
- 42fed929 fix typos
- f59aff27 refactor: reuse waitNetworkReady to check ovn0 and slightly improve the installation speed
- ea723d6d fix nat-outgoing/policy-routing on pod startup
- 2439c86e feat: suport vm live migration
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- azee
- chestack
- feixiang43
- huangjunwei
- hzma
- lhalbert
- liqd
- luoyunhe
- lut777
- pengbinbin1
- vseeker
- wang_yudong
- wangchl01
- zhangzujian
- 范日明
- ec9304fd Dockerfile: fix base image version
- 772df6f1 pinger: increase packet send interval (#3259)
- 74762b9f prepare for 1.8.18 release
- fd5344c7 ci: pin go version to 1.20.5 (#3034)
- 98c0e3cd static ip in exclude-ips can be allocated normally when subnet's availableIPs is 0 #3031
- 9f298105 prepare for 1.8.17 release
- e84053f2 add subnet match check when change subnet gatewayType from centralized to distributed (#2891)
- 188a9aa7 add static route for active-standby centralized subnet when use old active gateway node (#2699)
- bb41c58d prepare for next release
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- f5af4306 ci: add publish action
- 87deba9b netpol: fix packet drop casued by incorrect address set deletion (#2677)
- 385a76aa do not set subnet's vlan empty on failure (#2445)
- 8177808e ci: fix cilium chaining e2e (#2391)
- 0c7a5018 ci: fix ref name check (#2390)
- 7365a4c8 ci: skip netpol e2e automatically for push events (#2379)
- 18ef2f28 e2e: run specs in parallel (#2375)
- 6b5325d7 fix CVE-2022-28948
- 7a424dc8 fix CVE-2022-41723
- 1192be2c ci: fix default branch test (#2369)
- bb914568 fix github actions workflows (#2363)
- 6ac19b94 simplify github actions workflows (#2338)
- 9db146c0 do not remove link local route on ovn0 (#2341)
- eb6d0bbd fix encap ip when the tunnel interface has multiple addresses (#2340)
- 53df20f8 enqueue endpoint when handling service add event (#2337)
- de289b74 fix getting service backends in dual-stack clusters (#2323)
- 0f20dea6 fix github actions workflow
- 544c229d An error occurred when netpol was added in double-stack mode (#2160)
- 1746f6cf bump base image
- f4efd0bc fix gosec ci installation (#2295)
- 35b22bbc fix CVE-2022-41721
- ffd625f1 fix network break on kube-ovn-cni startup (#2272)
- b42e9d15 fix gosec installation
- 8f24823d add release-1.8/1.9/1.10 to scheduled e2e (#2224)
- f1d5369b release-1.8: refactor e2e (#2214)
- ae99c07a prepare for release 1.8.15
- 25e7f432 fix: ovs gc just for pod if (#2187)
- a2e5e5db fix: change condition to conditions
- d54c4481 do not add subnet not processed by kube-ovn to vpc (#1735)
- 371f95c6 kind: support to specify api server address/port (#2134)
- b46b103c fix: sometimes alloc ipv6 address failed sometimes ipam.GetStaticAddress return NoAvailableAddress
- 7d6a162a fix lint
- afcfbea9 replace klog.Fatalf with klog.ErrorS and klog.FlushAndExit (#2093)
- 09f675cf fix: del createIPS (#2087)
- 170a947d fix ovs bridge not deleted cause by port link not found (#2084)
- e132558d fix: replace replace with add to override existing route (#2061)
- 73b037b2 fix OVN LS/LB gc (#2069)
- 2b3c1f4f perf: reduce controller init time (#2054)
- ea80eb9a ovs: fix reaching resubmit limit in underlay (#2038)
- 9c8ffcf6 fix pinger namespace error (#2034)
- ea5b9313 update np name with character prefix
- ff3ac899 bump kind and node image versions (#2023)
- 97424b11 fix ovn nb/sb health check (#2019)
- ce4861f2 fix ovs fdb for the local bridge port (#2014)
- Mengxin Liu
- Noah
- changluyi
- lut777
- tonyleu
- wangyd1988
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 马洪贞
- aec4eaeb fix: get ecmp nodecheck back (#2016)
- b714e057 fix: gateway route should stay still when node is pingable (#2015)
- 898247c0 do not need to delete pg when update networkpolicy (#1959)
- 7adf4ea7 do not set bridge-nf-call-iptables
- d6ddf891 add check of write to ovn sb db for ovn-controller (#1989)
- 4e17fe73 fix grep matching device in routes (#1986)
- eb0cf474 delete pod after TerminationGracePeriodSeconds (#1984)
- 264beb59 ovs: fix waiting flows in underlay networking (#1983)
- 640806d5 use latest base image
- 469b32ae ovn db: recover automatically on startup if db corruption is detected (#1980)
- fd155293 prepare for release 1.8.14
- 4dbefaf2 fix CVE-2022-32149
- 317780a4 avoid concurrent subnet status update (#1976)
- 3d0c5eb6 modify build error
- b65b3de1 fix metrics name (#1977)
- 05011718 add vm pod to ipam by ip when initIPAM (#1974)
- 0890fdf9 validate nbctl socket path in start-controller.sh
- e5c59e5b skip CVE-2022-3358 (#1972)
- 2f4a56a3 use latest base image
- ea03249d fix: add default deny acl (#1935)
- e89ace5e ovs: fix mac learning in environments with hairpin enabled (#1943)
- 62491a53 Fix registry for ovn-central container in install.sh (#1951)
- d96cba57 ovs: add fdb update logging (#1941)
- 433c3b93 prepare for release v1.8.13
- 93e82147 set ovsdb-server vlog level to avoid warnings caused by ovs-vsctl (#1937)
- a03c8064 update Go to v1.17
- 41e697a1 add network partition check in ovn probes
- 78e73937 feat: Replace command health check with k8s tcpSocket check (#1251)
- df29bb2e fix CVE-2022-27664
- b35037d0 update ns annotation when subnet cidr changed (#1921)
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- runzhliu
- zhangzujian
- 尚墨
- 张祖建
- 范日明
- 马洪贞
- 6e97d651 set release 1.8.12
- 845ee70f prepare release 1.8.12
- c39d51a3 fix: gatewaynode might be null (#1896)
- 08331bae fix: api rollback
- 3f96a632 fix logrotate issues
- fb4ac005 fix security issues
- d289215e security: conform to gosec G114 (#1860)
- 7451d098 fix: diskfull may lead to wrong raft status for ovs db (#1635)
- dd22f682 kubectl-ko: turn off pipefail for ovn leader check (#1891)
- d2be779e fix ip6tables link
- e1034427 fix duplicate logs for leader election (#1886)
- Mengxin Liu
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 尚墨
- 张祖建
- 9f059091 set release 1.8.11
- 5fa2a8e1 feat: reduce downtime by increasing arp cache timeout
- c18cae4e feat: reduce wait time by counting the flow num.
- c8e36b5e fix: missing stop_ovn_daemon args
- e5735c20 delete log severity for drop acl when update networkpolicy (#1862)
- 4bcfb373 prepare release for 1.8.11
- 9d7f0a59 ovs: fix log file descriptor leak in monitor process (#1855)
- 446ee6a2 fix ovs-ovn logging (#1848)
- 63b218c6 fix: multus macvlan ipvlan use kube-ovn ipam,but ip not inited in init-ipam (#1843)
- 95c8ca4f ko: fix kube-proxy check (#1842)
- b7b7d26d avoid patch interface deletion & recreation during restart
- 2746a195 ci: switch environment to ubuntu-20.04 (#1838)
- cacb1ec4 fix base failure
- 3941595b update base image
- 2938daaa fix base build failure
- 122754aa update centralized subnet gateway ready patch operation
- c3f23af3 fix duplicate log for tunnel interface decision (#1823)
- 3d966bff update version to v1.8.10 (#1819)
- dfc89924 do not check static route conflict (#1817)
- a6403f0e update centralize subnet gatewayNode until gw is ready (#1814)
- 7103aae8 initialize IPAM from IP CR with empty PodType for sts Pods (#1812)
- b669c673 abort kube-ovn-controller on leader change (#1797)
- 0e0ea3c7 avoid invalid ovn-nbctl daemon socket path (#1799)
- a7f499dd do not wait dynamic address for pod (#1800)
- 2b34fd58 update vpc-nat-gateway base
- 8d2d0b1e append delete static route for sts pod (#1798)
- 9dc6e15e perf: fix memory leak
- 14beb484 perf: disable mlockall to reduce memory usage
- e6eace89 set sysctl variables on cni server startup (#1758)
- 020b20de fix: add omitempty to subnet spec (#1765)
- 3e77c51c fix CVE-2022-21698
- c5212982 add logrotate for kube-ovn log (#1740)
- ef275cc1 fix: cancel delete staticroute when it's used by NatRule (#1733)
- 513a30b5 fix: wrong info when update subnet from dual to ipv4 or ipv6. (#1726)
- aef889ae Get latest vpc data from apiserver instead of cache (#1684)
- Mengxin Liu
- Wang Bo
- bobz965
- hzma
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 9050b22d set release 1.8.9
- c42900d6 prepare for release 1.8.9
- ff928386 [PATCH] Delete pod if subnet of the pod's owner(sts/vm) updated (#1678)
- f216a2f5 security: disable pprof by default (#1672)
- a984c913 update ovs health check, delete connection to ovn sb db (#1588)
- Mengxin Liu
- Wang Bo
- hzma
- 0fbefff5 set release 1.8.8
- 37df8e76 prepare for release 1.8.8
- bf873330 CI: delete resources in order to avoid a long time waiting for subnet deletions. (#1643)
- de117356 add ovn-ic HA deploy
- 1dcf9a43 set networkpolicy log default to false
- hzma
- lut777
- 张祖建
- 46987551 prepare for release 1.8.7
- b6796d09 cni handler: do not wait routed annotation for net1 (#1586)
- f5c3ed3f fix adding static route after LSP deletion (#1571)
- f7ee860b fix duplicate netns parameter (#1580)
- 0a3468b1 do not gc vm pod lsp when vm still exists (#1558)
- d453add3 fix exec cmd in vpc nat gateway (#1556)
- 8303ace0 CNI: do not return route if nic is not eth0 (#1555)
- bc758245 exit kube-ovn-controller on stopped leading (#1536)
- c51b09e8 remove name for default drop acl in networkpolicy (#1522)
- 9fe8cfcd move dumb-init from base images to kube-ovn image
- 2a8a45a1 fix defunct ovn-nbctl daemon
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 张祖建
- 56bf06df release 1.8.6
- 9e5b2b28 reduce ovs-ovn restart downtime (#1516)
- e4d6cc2f prepare for release 1.8.6
- 60aa8913 fix: ovs trace flow always ends with controller action (#1508)
- 2a074c6f optimize IPAM initialization
- Mengxin Liu
- zhangzujian
- 9b96bacf ci: skip some checks
- e20cf4a2 delete ipam record and static route when gc lsp (#1490)
- 035f5072 CVE-2022-27191 (#1479)
- e898c96e add delete ovs pods after restore nb db (#1474)
- 89d7471c delete monitor noexecute toleration (#1473)
- 4b012aa6 add env-check (#1464)
- 3d0448b4 append metrics (#1465)
- a0e2404c add kube-ovn-controller switch for EIP and SNAT
- ca2ca1a1 add routed check in circulation (#1446)
- c9dfa5bb modify init ipam by ip crd only for sts pod (#1448)
- 8b5ce74a ignore cni cve
- 22fe8fbe log: show the reason if get gw node failed (#1443)
- 8570e286 update alpine to fix CVE-2022-1271
- 6aa6b0a9 fix adding key to delete Pod queue
- bf12ea0e fix IPAM initialization
- 5e005884 ignore all link local unicast addresses/routes
- 63248040 fix error handling for netlink.AddrDel
- aa7c3b8d replace pod name when create ip crd
- f0bb2769 support alloc static ip from any subnet after ns supports multi subnets
- 7a67a213 fix provider-networks status
- 8529bf8b recover ips CR on IPAM initialization
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- zhangzujian
- 48eb70a4 release update 1.8.4 changelog (#1414)
- 2fe7fff2 create ip crd in kube-ovn-controller (#1412)
- 01163c1c fix: add condition for triggering the deletion of redundant chassises in sbdb (#1411)
- c262bdcf fix: do not recreate port for terminating pods (#1409)
- bf167a60 avoid frequent ipset update
- b44bbc5d fix: The underlay physical gateway config by external-gw-addr when use snat&eip (#1400)
- ffdd1967 add reset for kube-ovn-monitor metrics (#1403)
- eda71b3c check the cidr format whether is correct (#1396)
- 62695032 update dockerfile to use v1.8.3 base img
- c15afc54 append vm deletion check
- 9faf2a10 update nodeips for restore cmd in ko plugin
- 621a37f0 fix external egress gateway
- 27af3335 update ip assigned check
- 4d88bea5 add missing link scope routes in vpc-nat-gateway
- bf8026ed increase memory limit of ovn-central
- 5a52041b fix range loop
- hzma
- lut777
- wangyd1988
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 37937fcf release update 1.8.3 changelog (#1360)
- 014ecc87 add restore process for ovn nb db
- dbf4774d optimize kube-ovn-monitor yaml
- ce8087d7 add reset porocess for ovs interface metrics
- 62938245 deepcopy fix steps
- 118f1299 fix SNAT/PR on Pod startup
- 9fa2c792 add check for pod update process
- f053f2a2 fix ips update
- fe9532d4 fix cni deepcopy
- c76e9b01 fix: replace ecmp dp_hash with hash by src_ip (#1289)
- f3922ba9 keep ip for kubevirt pod
- f6628902 fix OVS bridge with bond port in mode 6
- a421d9f8 fix: continue of deletion for del pod failed when can't found vpc or subnet (#1335)
- cf7f4bd9 Fix usage of ovn commands
- 586a0764 ignore cilint
- e083a2ba resync provider network status periodically
- dcb3e82d Revert "resync provider network status periodically"
- 18740e5c fix statefulset Pod deletion
- 85c15cb4 resync provider network status periodically
- 172c1733 feat: optimize log
- 136aedf9 optimize log for node port-group
- 0869e621 append add cidr and excludeIps annotation for namespace
- e04eaf7a support to add multiple subnets for a namespace
- ae201ef5 feat: update provider network via node annotation
- 5cf005e2 fix: only log matched svc with np (#1287)
- 6ef52c22 transfer IP/route earlier in OVS startup
- 75157be8 add metric for ovn nb/sb db status
- 4b23c84c check static route conflict
- 0832f5ef set up tunnel correctly in hybrid mode
- 175d54d1 fix clusterrole in ovn-ha.yaml
- 457475f2 add gateway check after update subnet
- 45787fb7 add back centralized subnet active-standby mode
- a737e196 update networkpolicy port process
- ff6bf6fa update check for delete statefulset pod
- chestack
- hzma
- lut777
- xujunjie-cover
- zhangzujian
- 5acf9586 release: update 1.8.2 changelog
- 49b2ae40 add log for ecmp route
- 798d0bb9 fix pod tolerations
- c5f4c8e6 fix installation script
- 270d28e4 append check for centralized subnet nat process
- ee691fb5 change nbctl args 'wait=sb' to 'no-wait'
- c4956ac3 move chassis judge to the end of node processing
- 636b946a use different ip crd with provider suffix for pod multus nic
- a03a858c use multus-cni as default cni to assign ip
- 3205b88e fix: do not reuse released ip after subnet updated
- 7de6afb8 delete frequently log
- efefc20b pinger: fix getting empty PodIPs
- d98fab8d add protocol check when subnet is dual-stack
- 0a48f6a6 filter used qos when delete qos
- 26f239aa fix: check np switch
- 4187a329 When netpol is added to a workload, the workload's POD can be accessed using service
- e7c50077 when update subnet's execpt ip,we should filter repeat ip
- 86020295 fix: add back the leader check
- dfa1a3a8 security: upadate base image
- 7f1e9354 update delete operation for statefulset pod
- 17301ee2 chore: update klog to v2 which embed log rotation
- 7cfeee1e fix: add kube-ovn-cni prob timeout
- 88a92ac9 append add db compact for nb and sb db
- 9496e386 add vendor param for fix list LR
- 641dcdde deleting all chassises which are not nodes
- ad0bc1b7 add db compact for nb and sb db
- b50da0e1 fix pinger's compatibility for k8s v1.16
- 723ec5c3 fix LB: skip service without cluster IP
- d412c780 security: update base ubuntu image
- b96b7056 add pod in default vpc to node port-group
- e1dfa7b1 add sg acl check when init
- c8692dfb fix: no need to set address for ls to lr port
- ef0e3b95 fix ko trace
- 7231a6f2 fix read-only pointer in vlan and provider-network
- 01e30a42 fix read-only pointer in vlan and provider-network
- 72cf31dd fix: trace in custom vpc
- 03639a4a fix: multus-cni subnet allocation
- 1857130e fix LB in dual stack cluster
- 3773bedf prepare for release 1.8.2
- 45316125 fix: check allocated annotation in update handler
- 79be0cde fix bug: logical switch ts not ready
- e3581cf1 fix: ensure all kube-ovn components deleted before annotate pods
- 9847a1b6 Revert "add check switch for default subnet's gateway"
- c106afa6 add check switch for default subnet's gateway
- bdf5b0e2 remove node chassis annotation on cleanup
- 31a5da22 fix: delete vpc-nat-gw deployment
- 765ede7b fix: serialize pod add/delete order
- 78dc1fbf change inspection logic from manually adding lsp to just readding pod queue
- 986f8b4e add inspection
- 15ea6ab8 fix: check and load ip_tables module
- 9bb0cfc2 fix cleanup.sh and uninstall.sh
- da422ff9 fix kubectl-ko diagnose
- cc8a4da0 fix pinger in dual stack cluster
- 9364d2a2 add e2e testing for dual stack underlay
- ecf4e011 fix pinger and monitor in underlay networking
- 91a32d41 fix kubectl plugin ko
- 259f8d6a replace api for get lsp id by name
- 7e775fa6 In netpol egress rules, except rule should be set to "!=" and should not be "=="
- 0a09e055 modify kube-ovn as multus-cni problem
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- wang_yudong
- zhangzujian
- 范日明
- 31f53094 release: prepare for 1.8.1
- fa66c5f8 fix: init node with wrong ipamkey and lead conflict
- fa17c3d6 fix installation scripts
- c7d050b9 fix getting LSP UUID by name
- f0bebbec fix StatefulSet down scale
- 4c189b7f refactor: mute ovn0 ping log and add ping details
- c208cd51 fix: wrong link for iptables
- b4faf60b fix IPAM for StatefulSet
- d0525957 append externalIds for pod and node when upgrade
- 34ba16ea perf: increase ovn-nb timeout
- f844a2bc fix: re-check ns annotation to avoid annotations lost
- f7214195 perf: do not diagnose external access
- 6232c73b reactor: remove ovn ipam options
- 651ab41e perf: switch's router port's addresses to "router"
- f5997a87 fix gc lsp statistic for multiple subnet
- da43e21b fix e2e testing
- 5e3c1507 fix variable referrence
- bc95b5d3 fix nat-outgoing/policy-routing on pod startup
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 7c5fed65 fix adding OVN routes in dual stack Kubernetes
- 80a037ee release: prepare for 1.8
- f59bfb86 add update process and adding label to ls/lsp/lr
- e09d99b3 fix: VLAN CIDR conflict check
- e6b8341e security: update base image
- 29422965 update provider network CRD
- 25b151c8 fix external-vpc
- 44a8b4f6 perf: use link alias to filter packet
- e9984fe0 security: fix CVE-2021-3538
- d41c5e9b add print columns for subnet/vpc/vpc-nat-gw crd
- 730e4f17 improve support for dual-stack
- c148a5ac initialize ipsets on cni server startup
- 10613e87 delete residual ovs internal ports
- 361d4bbe simplify vlan implement
- 6fde0a56 fix: ovn-northd svc flip flop
- b1106056 add container run command for runtime containerd
- 42e212ca fix subnet conflict check for node address
- 3d2c6eb9 feat: read interface in installation from environment
- 35acf424 update encap ip by node annotation periodic
- 13b2080a fix ipset on pod creation/deletion
- f415b1ba add ready status for provider network
- 09283849 avoid Pod IP to be the same with node internal IP
- 70fbbecc remove subnet's
field - 96b0c118 add support for custom routes
- 45aafca2 Add missing metadata directive in VpcNatGateway example
- 0380d64c use util.hostNameEnv instead KUBE_NODE_NAME
- 38e04f34 chore: change wechat image
- 5df9fdd4 fix typo
- 4a7dd734 perf: add fastpath and tuning guide
- 3d8cdb6c update node labels and provider network's status.readyNodes when provider network is not initialized successfully in a node
- 8596ddc9 fix issues in underlay networking
- 7724990d add external vpc switch
- ffef618d update versions in docs and yamls
- 6e8d5c80 update Go to version 1.16
- 3deb5770 fix IPv6-related issues
- 2e4922d5 ci: use stable version
- dcda11d6 fix: bad udp checksum when access nodeport
- f12e5ee5 fix port-security, address parameters should be merged into one
- f03d4350 docs: optimize description
- b5b5bdb8 ensure provider nic is up
- b5bbed38 fix uninstall.sh
- 3ba5168c some optimizations
- 9ae0b3c3 fix gofmt lint
- 410d9329 fix multi-nic.md
- 5e9e41ac fix dual stack cluster created by kind
- 386d6160 remove external egress gateway from additionalPrinterColumns
- 70ae50ef fix default bind socket of cni server
- 56025ede if the string of ip is empty,program will die
- 9492f63f if the string of ip is empty,program will die
- 324dce2e fix underlay networking on node reboot
- f7077d58 add judge before use the index about cidrBlocks and ips
- f25b1ae2 add validation check function
- bda102a7 docs: add wechat qcode
- 14ccbeb3 feat: security group
- 992a09d3 delete subnet AvailableIPs and UsingIPs para
- 057ade92 fix: panic when node has nil annotations
- 59869daa append pod/exec resource for vpc nat gw
- 3ed2fe26 update comment for SetInterfaceBandwidth
- e1caa594 update qos process
- 80e5e2ba fix LoadBalancer in custom VPCs
- bb1146ee Support Pod annotations control port mirroring
- 4c4b0900 fix docs
- a04d964d externalOvnRouters is ok with 0
- 9524c93f delete attachment ips
- 6dd6a51d fix external_ids:pod_netns
- cbe8ae68 add switch for network policy support
- dc56d238 fix subnet e2e
- e3daee83 ignore empty strings when counting lbs
- 81ce45c2 fix iptables
- e9ea6a0f fix issue #944
- 1cb57358 fix openstackonkubernetes doc bugs
- fcdb0106 add switch for gateway connectivity check
- 4dc4624f fix cleanup.sh
- 4fb97407 security: fix CVE-2021-33910
- 41b6429c delete ecmp route when node is deleted
- 5bd96ac7 fix: if nftables not exists do no exit
- 6c5efbc3 update wechat contract method
- e449b8ea delete overlapped var subnet
- 2427a4b3 add designative nat ip process for centralized subnet
- 1595eac5 fix ipsets
- 7e24e7d6 update underlay e2e testing
- 27c649a5 match chassis until timeout
- df76038a fix CRD provider-networks.kubeovn.io
- d1c7a2ee fix: set vf mac
- 949c28c2 update qos ingress_policing_burst
- 8a05bdc8 add field defaultNetworkType in configmap ovn-config
- 1810dfc3 keep subnet's vlan empty if not specified
- 4e28600d delete ecmp route when node is not ready
- d145f575 add del learned routes when remove ovnic
- 6499e585 [kubectl-ko] support trace in underlay networking
- 23d84f0a fix subnet available IPs
- eced6bac fix bug for deleting ovn-ic lrp failed
- a4abbb2e add node internal ip into ovn-ic advertise blacklist
- 2ec0aa74 underlay/vlan network refactoring
- ead2c65f chore: update ovn to 21.03
- 651a634d security: fix CVE-2021-3121
- 8cff6851 list ls with label to avoid listing ts failure
- 3fd9c7ac Update log error
- 0fe67258 delete the process of ip crd delete in cni delete request
- 9049fc72 update networkpolicy process
- a5b22a21 modify func name Additonal to Additional
- 0cd5dcfe fix uninstall.sh execution in OVS pods
- b4ce83a2 perf: enable tx offload again as upstream already fix it
- 9ca47b65 label lr, ls and lsp, and add label filter when gc
- 37a045a3 security: add go build security options
- bdf91846 feat: ko support cluster operations status/kick/backup
- efdce464 docs: update docs about vlan/internal-port/kubeconfig
- ced43405 add judge before use slices's index
- 3d98d762 update kind to version v0.11.1
- e1e63cfa adapt to vfio-pci driver
- 205f5712 fix IP/route transfer on node reboot
- a3cac539 add master check when a node adding to a cluster and config sb/nb address
- b98afeef update installation scripts
- 2d750cbf enable hw-offload
- 64b9abae do not delete statefulset pod when update pod
- 4359c198 fix: node route should filter out 'vpc'
- 744e6577 feat: lb switch
- 7ec2f994 docs: show openstack docs and docker image status
- 5484387f fix: clean up gateway chassis list for external gw
- acc95f1d add doc for openstack/kubernetes hybrid deploy
- e2973c4f configure OVS internal port after dummy interface
- 8608b7e5 some fixes in vlan initialization
- 872340c8 clean up vpc service
- fde89914 feat: vpc load balancer
- 8ed91be4 fix: lsp may lost when server pressure is high
- 42fbe86e fix: check crds when controller start
- a5fef59b start evpc ph1
- 31ee8c10 start evpc ph1
- 44db142e ci: retry arm build when failed
- 96c13985 update ecmp notes
- 8c169322 add interface name in cni response
- aa88e2a2 add nicType for offload
- eb387428 1.Support to specify node nic name 2.Delete extra blank lines
- cb8cc645 ignore update pod nic annotation when is not nil
- 3a4347b9 set default UnderlayGateway to true in vlan mode
- a0d78920 unify logical entity list funcs (#863)
- 9e563d84 ci: remove dpdk ci
- e48a0894 correct vlan e2e testing
- f690085d fix: remove rollout check
- 2b2df3dc adapt internal tcpdump
- 2531779a update docker buildx install method
- eef1b0aa fix: remove wait ovn sb
- 2e59e81c fix: ci issues
- df47c489 fix: cleanup kube-ovn-monitor resource
- 598cffdd fix multi-nic.md
- f4b75bd0 fix: acl overlay issues
- 2fe4fe1d ci: split ovn/ovs into base image
- db2b7b06 add judge before use slices's index
- 3e259ae9 update version to v1.7 in docs
- eb54dc03 update master version to v1.8.0
- Mengxin Liu
- Ruijian Zhang
- Tobias
- feixiang43
- hzma
- lhalbert
- lut777
- pengbinbin
- pengbinbin1
- wang_yudong
- xieyanker
- xuhao
- zhang.zujian
- zhangzujian
- 范日明
- 马洪贞
- 6329a275 release: prepare for 1.7.3
- a17dd60d fix: disable periodically gc
- 26a355d9 fix installation scripts
- be8b5ea7 fix StatefulSet down scale
- 506e95d5 fix: init node with wrong ipamkey and lead conflict
- 7fed7ee3 refactor: mute ovn0 ping log and add ping details
- 9110bcef fix: wrong alias for iptables
- 18053abd fix: northd probe issues
- 698d92c6 fix IPAM for StatefulSet
- 0c1baacb append externalIds for pod and node when upgrade
- 905b789f security: update base image
- 7d86e2c5 fix gc lsp statistic for multiple subnet
- 6ce5cd8b fix: kubeclient timeout
- c3b72cff fix: serialize pod add/delete order
- 530a3dd0 refactor: reuse waitNetworkReady to check ovn0 and slightly improve the installation speed
- 121c9a41 perf: increase ovn-nb timeout
- 1f97edcc fix: re-check ns annotation to avoid annotations lost
- c79244fc perf: do not diagnose external access
- 6bc241fc reactor: remove ovn ipam options
- 74ab9aa1 perf: switch's router port's addresses to "router"
- a5791a01 fix e2e testing
- 6505e2e4 fix variable referrence
- d1f14509 fix nat-outgoing/policy-routing on pod startup
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- cd650db4 fix: VLAN CIDR conflict check
- 4cabb12c perf: use link alias to filter packet
- af4a1983 security: fix CVE-2021-3538
- c6daff2a prepare for release v1.7.2
- 18241707 initialize ipsets on cni server startup
- cf32ab1e delete residual ovs internal ports
- 7d94413f fix: ovn-northd svc flip flop
- 316d141e fix subnet conflict check for node address
- d44273e9 update comment for SetInterfaceBandwidth
- 06810be2 update encap ip by node annotation periodic
- 99ec3d4a delete subnet AvailableIPs and UsingIPs para
- c57c6dbc fix ipset on pod creation/deletion
- ef9dbc5b add ready status for provider network
- 8906e457 avoid Pod IP to be the same with node internal IP
- 85b57239 update node labels and provider network's status.readyNodes when provider network is not initialized successfully in a node
- 078c0c8b fix issues in underlay networking
- 2919288a fix IPv6-related issues
- aaf56e65 ci: use stable version
- 25609873 fix: bad udp checksum when access nodeport
- 78077f34 ensure provider nic is up
- 154f21c3 fix uninstall.sh
- 7a4c5a59 fix gofmt lint
- 169a3256 if the string of ip is empty,program will die
- 1065c8e4 fix dual stack cluster created by kind
- dd756c05 fix default bind socket of cni server
- 6ebbbbf4 update kind to v0.11.1
- ad2b08ec fix underlay networking on node reboot
- 2ba31cc1 append pod/exec resource for vpc nat gw
- 7831f803 fix: panic when node has nil annotations
- 554cc044 update qos process
- a47d9297 delete attachment ips
- b633ab3c fix external_ids:pod_netns
- b3190ef8 fix subnet e2e
- ae3cc954 ignore empty strings when counting lbs
- a9bee809 fix iptables
- 5cd1b14e fix image version
- a93e2dec fix cleanup.sh
- 0e3c1cbc security: fix CVE-2021-33910
- 50da96ae delete ecmp route when node is deleted
- 851dd303 fix: if nftables not exists do no exit
- e48c985b delete overlapped var subnet
- 1dfcf6df match chassis until timeout
- 4f09a0d5 update qos ingress_policing_burst
- a63de27a fix ipsets
- cc51be3d update underlay e2e testing
- 7cd02fef fix CRD provider-networks.kubeovn.io
- Mengxin Liu
- Ruijian Zhang
- feixiang43
- hzma
- lut777
- zhangzujian
- 范日明
- 1b289a22 ready for release v1.7.1
- 795fbdf0 add field defaultNetworkType in configmap ovn-config
- dc440c76 keep subnet's vlan empty if not specified
- 7b7eef98 update ecmp notes
- d26850de delete ecmp route when node is not ready
- 72a73fb6 delete the process of ip crd delete in cni delete request
- 22a296e5 fix subnet available IPs
- b6076028 [kubectl-ko] support trace in underlay networking
- 0b877b96 underlay/vlan network refactoring
- 7c529a18 adapt internal tcpdump
- 10481d9b fix bug for deleting ovn-ic lrp failed
- 1adb788f add node internal ip into ovn-ic advertise blacklist
- f9d542ee security: fix CVE-2021-3121
- 498c7dd1 feat: ko support cluster operations status/kick/backup
- d812c746 fix uninstall.sh execution in OVS pods
- fd512511 perf: enable tx offload again as upstream already fix it
- f41d5742 security: add go build security options
- feedaca8 fix IP/route transfer on node reboot
- 5406d701 add master check when a node adding to a cluster and config sb/nb address
- 136ead43 do not delete statefulset pod when update pod
- 1ef87e13 fix: node route should filter out 'vpc'
- 0761fe7a some fixes in vlan initialization
- 63122eb8 fix: clean up gateway chassis list for external gw
- 96e22451 ci: remove dpdk ci
- 7003890e correct vlan e2e testing
- dcdf75a3 configure OVS internal port after dummy interface
- 9b70842a fix: lsp may lost when server pressure is high
- 1f48f9fd 1.Support to specify node nic name 2.Delete extra blank lines
- 8c37d4b9 ignore update pod nic annotation when is not nil
- 00e2e009 set default UnderlayGateway to true in vlan mode
- f11cdf94 fix: remove rollout check
- 2d67471d fix: remove wait ovn sb
- ba7d6553 fix: cleanup kube-ovn-monitor resource
- 1e1da5a5 fix: acl overlay issues
- 00681fb0 update version to v1.7 in docs
- Mengxin Liu
- Ruijian Zhang
- hzma
- lut777
- xuhao
- zhangzujian
- 范日明
- 马洪贞
- 907b34d2 prepare for release v1.7.0
- ab727c98 diagnose: check sa related resource
- 9bd2e9f8 fix: do not nat route traffic
- 3bd14945 fix: release ip addresses even if pods not found
- f4794183 fix typo
- 2a2160d0 docs: add description of custom kubeconfig
- 3dd99a79 fix: add address_set to avoid error message
- ba40fd67 optimize Makefile
- cb95f4e6 update vlan document
- 31a96f21 add label to avoid deleting other
- 6cd6b34b delete unused log
- 34734010 add ovs internal-port for pod network interface
- 9e715623 support underlay mode with single nic
- d6c96d07 support underlay mode with single nic
- c1d3fc3c fix: add node to pod allow acl
- ed49cd49 traffic rate for multus nic
- 1b00190f add ovs internal-port for pod network interface
- 775aec6c Add maintainers
- 59847bc1 add e2e tests for external egress gateway
- a0006ebf fix e2e testing on macOS
- 0ff3d6bb ci: fix lint and scan error
- 33e0ec27 fix: check if provider network exists
- 9e53d4cc update subnet document
- a2e4fec4 rename ExternalGateway to ExternalEgressGateway
- 1ccaec9a fix installation doc
- 34fb4759 fix: forward policy to accept
- bbbd091f ci: fix lint error
- 28cf4cc2 traffic rate for multus nic
- 0dcf6930 refactor: optimize service.go and subnet.go
- 7719fc2a Check and Fetch all ValidatePodNetwork errors
- 123ead48 add judge about nic address
- 17fe2302 implement new feature: external gateway
- 01686e3e start_ic should run regardless of ts port
- c733c7e4 add judge before use index
- ba709afb specify ovs ops on diff nodes
- 07089205 fix mss rule
- 4458a4d7 Get node info from listerv1.NodeLister(index)
- 19a7aed9 Clean up the wrong log
- 27fe348a refactor: optimize subnet.go
- ddfd06b2 Optimise the redundancy code
- bd55c104 Handler the parse config error before used
- bd3f13dc ci: remove 3-master e2e
- 9e827e7b Remove the unnecessary rm command
- 587bbcdb Use localtime when the kube-ovn installed
- a52a38d0 Fix the different time from container and host
- 436e788b add issue template
- 5fc3cfb1 add bgp doc
- f16fcb9a support afisafis
- d94af379 feat: support graceful restart
- 26a02725 fix: del might panic if duplicate delete
- 41226d86 fix: lr-route for eip using nic-ip, and not external gateway addr.
- d176dac7 feat: support announce service ip
- 136571d1 Fix some minor nits for docs
- 2781a47b add bpg options in bgp.md
- 1b788902 add Opstk&K8s ic doc
- cc843816 add holdtime function
- b9e96339 fix: do not re-generate ts port
- 610f132b fix: ignore root path doc ci
- bd1e0975 fix: do not gc learned routes
- be2048be feat: add vxlan in README.md
- cbb2ddd4 fix: get_leader_ip always return fist node ip
- 03f597ce fix: remove tty error notification
- cc353bbc fix ovn nb reconnect
- af2709df add docs for 'multus ovn network'
- ffc20a91 add vpc nat gateway docs
- a1ae937a fix: static route for default multus network
- 0489a72a feat: support vxlan tunnel
- 77f65449 append delete ovn-monitor in ovn.yaml
- c5ee49e8 split ovn-central and ovn-monitor
- e0890f72 Fix mount the systemid path
- fc92fbc2 handle update deployment vpc-nat-gw
- 686681ef refactor: remove function genNatGwDeployment's return error
- 064c3851 Update crd vpc-nat-gateways.kubeovn.io for pre-1.16
- a0dfea1b fix incorrect method for gateway node judgement
- 86c99c37 Fix the 'multus how to use' link
- 1acb4992 fix multi nic
- 9c5ca0a0 fix duplicate imports
- b4750853 fix: compatible with JSON format
- 2a2cd27a fix: leader may change during startup, use cluster connection to set options.
- aad81548 fix SNAT on pod startup
- 388119a7 fix development guide
- 2efdac9a fix gofmt
- c264bec1 fix: configure nic failed when ifname empty
- 763f8bcf fix: port does not support vlan tag update
- a60764ea fix build dev image
- faa7bc6a support hybrid mode for geneve and vlan
- d8472ba7 remove extra space
- f9c836b6 fix: compatible with no norhtd svc
- bbed09d3 fix chassis check for node
- dfdf5f8b optimization for ovn/ovs status metric
- 9e82ca3d fix: release norhtd lock when power off
- 1fbfad52 add single node e2e
- f9ae6258 fix get pod attachment net
- 0632e253 support ovn defautl attach net
- 2c1a8aa6 add network-attachment-definitions clusterRole
- 808a3a93 feat: multus ovn nic
- 28e14188 update node ip when upgrade to dualstack
- 0265747d add details for prerequisite
- 3e42f684 Add Ecmp Static Route for centralized gateway
- b72e9d50 fix: disable offload if geneve port exists
- f4e665b9 disable offload for genev_sys_6081
- acade01b refactor: optimize ovn command when error exists
- 5251c272 add net-attach-def ClusterRole
- 5126aedd add lsp with external_id
- ec7f7425 feat: multus ovn nic
- 19e23d14 fix: check ovn0 status
- c02afc00 livenessprobe fail if ovn nb/ovn sb not running
- 983831e0 fix: disable checksum offload for ovn0 to prevent kernel issue
- d9f166b7 ignore ip6tabels check for v4 hostIP
- 680802d6 improve the code style of [import group ordering]
- 8e38a79d fix wrong sequence
- 1e0d77c3 update arm64 build
- 638a03ac fix: restart ovn-controller to force update flows
- 14784fbb fix: disable checksum validation
- a04dcfb6 Use public network effective image
- 24095d7f update usingips check when update finalizer for subnet
- 54ef1af2 fix dependency
- 717688d6 Update vendor.
- 496fc4dd trim space the port_binding's output
- 00fdac83 refactor: remove unnecessary config logic
- b06dad21 update maintainers
- e5d9584e docs: deprecated webhook
- 92cc4ed3 fix: add missing ovn-ic binary
- c0349e4f chore: change action name
- 1a448ecc chore update artworks
- 537588c3 fix: delete chassis_private when delete node
- a50fb181 Add 'kubectl ko trace' command's default namespace
- fad9473d Add 'kubectl ko trace' command's default namespace
- 77c92ca8 perf: reclaim heap memory after compaction.
- f3df58ae remove the old script
- b69f389c docs: add CNCF description
- 08b95e74 fix: gc not exist node error
- 9f661461 perf: use new option to decrease ovn-sb size
- 9dc06908 fix: return err
- 8bd44608 docs: add faq section
- 482e6f71 add vpc nat gateway Dockerfile
- b0e983f0 feat: vpc nat gateway
- 951e31ea add node address allocate check when init
- 215c8f45 update upgrade for ovn-default and join subnet
- a537985d fix: lint error
- d0d3e89c fix: add missing ovn-ic-db schema
- 98651014 update subnet ip num calculate
- d6bb03bd fix: masq traffic to ovn0 from other nodes
- 0a7024f9 refactor: reduce duplicated GetNodeInternalIP function
- ac294669 chore: update go version
- 0e9c717d chore: move build dependency from alauda to kubeovn
- 64fac57a feat: support set default gateway in install script
- ca71de3c docs: fix typos
- 582cb9ce Update install-pre-1.16.sh
- 62fc20ef Update install.sh
- 87859ac1 go import repo change to kubeovn
- 1152744e feat: vpc nat gateway
- 298138e4 Resolving typo.
- 4701fcb3 filter repeat exclude ips
- e3931f0e modify ip count for dual
- a4ddb360 docs: add ARCHITECTURE.MD
- 9eee6f93 refactor: reduce duplicated function
- a7b687a0 fix: add dpdk pod name
- d32b423b Update cleanup.sh
- 9faaff57 Update cleanup.sh
- df065f94 test: add service e2e
- 60e49f5a modify test problem
- 2dbcb76f fix: kube-proxy check
- 512044cb ovn-central: set default db addr same with leader node to fix nb and sb error 'bind: Address already in use'
- c755ef23 fix: reset ovn0 addr
- a168c282 tests: add e2e for ofctl/dpctl/appctl
- f6dc58a5 ci: replace image
- b1d03370 docs: clarify dpdk usage scenario
- 21d9940b ci: update kind version and set timeout
- 8b833ee5 Update install-pre-1.16.sh
- 4b6f0eed Update install.sh
- f6f88501 refactor: remove duplicated call
- 473cdc48 Update kubectl-ko
- 1ca17686 Fix missing square brackets in curl ipv6
- 136336b2 Modify the health check for kube-proxy port, compatible with ipv6
- 98a56dec Update controller.go
- c52c067b Fix: remove IsNotFound when get configmap external gateway
- 74fa7729 Fix: check kube-proxy's 10256 port healthz
- d594554d fix: ip6tables check error
- b17f2373 Add MAINTAINERS file
- 2783c134 add vpcs && vpcs/status clusterRole
- 31e1226e Update install-pre-1.16.sh
- f1efaa7f delete connect to ovsdb for ovn-monitor
- f69ae44b cni-bin-dir,cni-conf-dir configurable Fix kubeovn#655
- f5999b3b Update install.sh
- e13448aa Error: unknown command "ko" for "kubectl"
- 7d56483a Fix: wrong split in FindLoadbalancer function
- 34776b8a vlan nic support regex
- f23093c4 fix underlay gateway flood logs
- 4a9901aa fix: check required module before start
- 8d4694f8 docs: add underlay docs
- 3713b253 chore: update ovn to 20.12 and ovs to 2.15
- 1ab87130 prepare for next release
- a94803d3 fix: make sure northd leader change
- 03487cf2 fix: make sure ovn-central is updated one by one
- 9d3b78a3 fix: restart when init ping failed
- 6e09c77d fix: increase raft timer to avoid leader flap
- 87aa15cb pass golangci-lint
- 134ea89d add golangci-lint to github actions
- d325e7e0 fix pod terminating not recycle ip when controller not ready
- 87af4ca9 fix: add new iptable cleanup commands
- d287063b modify static gw changed problem
- fcf3be19 Fix wait pod network ready take long time
- 0b4e4458 fix: when address is empty, skip route/nat deletion
- ed0e9ba2 fix: update ipam cidr when subnet changed
- 06816efb modify test problem for dual-stack upgrade
- Amye Scavarda Perrin
- JinLin Fu
- Mengxin Liu
- Wan Junjie
- Yan Wei
- Yan Zhu
- caoyingjun
- chestack
- cmj
- danieldin95
- halfcrazy
- hzma
- luoyunhe1
- lut777
- pengbinbin1
- sayicui
- wangyudong
- withlin
- xieyanker
- zhangzujian
- 范日明
- 马洪贞
- 8e28e139 prepare release for v1.6.3
- 2818eb86 fix: do not nat route traffic
- be20533b fix: release ip addresses even if pods not found
- 1bdff344 security: fix crypto CVE
- f29958db fix: add address_set to avoid error message
- 04fc67f8 fix: add node to pod allow acl
- 91d43e01 Handler the parse config error before used
- 634f672b fix: del might panic if duplicate delete
- 7795b519 fix: do not re-generate ts port
- 37ed257f fix: get_leader_ip always return fist node ip
- 548a5c55 fix: do not gc learned routes
- 4e8a7c99 fix: remove tty error notification
- 9e060882 fix ovn nb reconnect
- 1b35390f perf: reclaim heap memory after compaction.
- 703174a8 fix: leader may change during startup, use cluster connection to set options.
- 14de53e7 fix SNAT on pod startup
- Mengxin Liu
- Yan Zhu
- caoyingjun
- chestack
- zhangzujian
- 马洪贞
- 2f421181 release 1.6.2
- 23c9240d fix: configure nic failed when ifname empty
- 6574447f remove extra space
- b65d41ad fix chassis check for node
- bec0d0f4 fix: compatible with no norhtd svc
- ef76fcc0 fix: release norhtd lock when power off
- fefcff27 fix: disable offload if geneve port exists
- a1679923 disable offload for genev_sys_6081
- 12e6b0b1 rebuild to fix openssl cve
- a5862310 fix: check ovn0 status
- 03956f1f ignore ip6tabels check for v4 hostIP
- 35f06495 livenessprobe fail if ovn nb/ovn sb not running
- 3f15c923 fix: disable checksum offload for ovn0 to prevent kernel issue
- 54f5102d add node address allocate check when init
- 07bea935 update arm64 build
- 995022e6 fix: restart ovn-controller to force update flows
- 21c312c0 fix: disable checksum validation
- 73bb2d83 update usingips check when update finalizer for subnet
- Mengxin Liu
- danieldin95
- halfcrazy
- hzma
- lut777
- 87e11481 fix: add missing ovn-ic binary
- dbf53f6e release for 1.6.1
- 2dcd7584 fix: delete chassis_private when delete node
- f8aeb887 chore: update ovn to 20.12 ovs to 2.15
- 35190e1c refactor: reduce duplicated function
- afe9a9f0 fix: masq traffic to ovn0 from other nodes
- 96880905 ovn-central: set default db addr same with leader node to fix nb and sb error 'bind: Address already in use'
- cce2bb4d fix: reset ovn0 addr
- 8152bdf5 Fix: wrong split in FindLoadbalancer function
- 33b0e186 fix underlay gateway flood logs
- 9a8e7870 fix: check required module before start
- b70f6103 fix: make sure northd leader change
- ecbd43e2 fix: restart when init ping failed
- 4b752988 fix pod terminating not recycle ip when controller not ready
- 0e794679 fix: add new iptable cleanup commands
- cf725882 Fix wait pod network ready take long time
- bbb7edc6 fix: when address is empty, skip route/nat deletion
- 7121fa80 fix: update ipam cidr when subnet changed
- 99d8981f prepare for 1.6.1
- 8559014f move build dependency from alauda to kubeovn
- 9184aa93 update upgrade for ovn-default and join subnet
- f11c6b3c update subnet ip num calculate
- e5e6e302 fix: ip6tables check error
- 23dcd2a3 delete unused import packet
- 5ead6b1d filter repeat exclude ips
- 30217437 modify ip count for dual
- b4560b99 modify test problem
- b4b55581 add vpcs && vpcs/status clusterRole
- d6f14147 delete connect to ovsdb for ovn-monitor
- 98859f9b modify static gw changed problem
- 255e20c6 modify test problem for dual-stack upgrade
- Mengxin Liu
- Wan Junjie
- Yan Zhu
- cmj
- hzma
- wangyudong
- xieyanker
- d47ccb67 release: 1.6.0
- b8f221bf docs: add docs for vpc
- 12cf140b fix typo
- b13cb7bf ci: update go version to 1.15
- 7f9eefed Fix: replace the command to run the script via 'sh' with 'bash'
- 076ab28f Fix the default mtu parameter's describe
- 8e608667 modify network policy process
- 171dcff6 upgrade for subnet from single protocol to dual-stack
- bbc68577 add network policy adapt for dual-stack
- c01766cf feat: update ovn to 20.09
- 315831aa docs: prepare docs for 1.6.0 release
- a1e7974f perf: add pprof to pinger
- 627956e9 doc for dual-stack
- 02751bf4 Update the container nic name use the CNI_IFNAME parameter which passed by kubelet
- 14f36814 ci: enable docker experimental feature
- 9a785fc9 ci: build multi arch image
- 03ff96e6 (np) fix mulit np rule and gateway bug
- 20f3fcb1 fix start-db.sh echo message
- 52b39d76 fix: iface check error
- 072870b1 fix: add missing ping due to deb build
- efdd3913 fix: find iface by full match first then regex match
- f922ef75 fix: livenessProb/readinessProb might conflict when run logrotate at same time
- f1fe2b2e modify subnet and ip crds
- a2d76df7 modify service vip parse error
- 8aa5d0a4 update vendor
- 44381c74 update client-go
- 96c1c100 fix: np with multiple rules
- 87e6ded0 modify loop error for get metrics
- 1e2a7477 diagnose: add more diagnose info
- aea12bae ci: trigger action when yamls change
- 7bd6bf39 fix: ha e2e failed
- 56774aaf fix: allow traffic to gateway
- a78c2661 fix: cni-server default encap ip use right interface ip
- 7d31e617 feat: change default build image to ubuntu
- e2cd7871 add build for dualstack
- ddda6332 feat: distributed eip
- a6fef94a Add CNI modify for dualstack
- a54bfc28 Debian: Add debian docker image support
- 8a01cb1c Add adaption for dualstack, part of daemon process.
- 9738af18 chore: reduce binary size
- 6483d6e3 modify build problem
- dab50b33 Append ip monitor to document
- 34428819 license: fix felix dir
- 2ef66568 feat: support advertise subnet route
- ecbd01a6 Add IP Num Alert
- d64e6931 Add adaption for dualstack, part of controller process.
- 7246037b convert ip to string
- 2aecb3d9 add pod static ip validate
- b58e01b6 chore: add COC and roadmap
- 7bbdc00f fix: move felix to self repo to remove bird license
- d2b570cf Add license scan report and status
- 86584b95 fix: default network
- ccea68bf release for 1.5.2
- 07347501 fix: ovn-ic support ssl
- 4d8b186a fix: nat rules can be modified
- f535460f fix: remove svc cidr routes
- e3082cd7 ci: specify ubuntu version to make github action happy
- f6cce9a0 fix: specify exec container to mute warning message
- 2215c05f feat: remove cluster ip dependency for ovn/ovs components
- a9747b31 fix: add resources limits to avoid eviction
- 00571196 fix: vpc static route manage
- 8deb5d8d fix: validate vpc subnet
- 256ac6c5 Fix external-address config description
- ccda611a Fix the problem of confusion between old and new versions of crd
- f2f64801 fix: ovn-central check if it exits in NODE_IPS
- 5b973a89 fix: check ipv6 requirement before start
- 86941a8a feat: add ovs/ovn log rotation
- ef41733c add node ping total count metric
- 5e6bd911 diagnose: add ovs-vsctl show to diagnose results
- 7301e992 fix: nat rules
- 6026028a fix: masq other nodes to local pod to avoid nodrport triangle traffic
- d41110ec Update install.sh to allow dpdk limits configuration (#546)
- a128d7fc format
- b6ad17b5 test: e2e uses IPVS cluster by default
- f6951cf5 chore: update go version to 1.15
- 1f703c3d fix: tolerate all taints
- f8ace73c feature: add vpc static route
- f62cb4eb fix: cleanup script error
- 3bac21f7 docs: modify eip config description
- 1f07d96b security: remove sqlite to mute cve warning
- 015bc625 test: add e2e for kubectl-ko
- aa86e406 feat: pinger can return exit code when failed
- 2cf855ec fix: nat traffic that from host to svc
- cbe0ad55 docs: new feat for disable-ic, regex iface and pod bind subnet
- 5dbaf2d3 sync the default subnet of ns by vpc's status
- dd2234f4 fix: devault vpc lb/dns
- 32c49c1b fix: shutdown vpc workqueue
- 67076d62 fix: subnet CIDRConflict
- d5b819b0 fix: subnet bind to ns
- 921190ef feature: add vpc crd
- b5ecac95 Release and gc the resources in vpc
- 15eca9dc fix: gc logic router
- 91fec563 gc and clean vpc
- 7a0e28b9 Remove the VPC while removing the default subnet
- 99217cec feature: support custom vpc
- 9d821bce chore: refactor log
- 240cd800 feat: iface support regexp
- 94b6b1b5 feat: support disable interconnection for specific subnet
- 652190c3 modify review problems
- 7285581a docs: v1.5.1 changelog
- 47f0acbb perf: accelerate ic and ex gw update
- bafac87e fix: missing version date
- 8ef12007 fix: check multicast and loopback subnet
- 3b20abb0 monitor: refactor grafana dashboard
- f9cbaea5 docs: do not allow install to namespace other than kube-system
- 559e2cd8 update review problems for ovn_monitor
- 1c356a36 monitor: add more dashboard
- aa7b20d7 chore: add vendor
- 97d64f93 Updated Dockerfile.dpdk1911 to use Centos8 and DPDK19.11.4
- b4aa989d fix: CodeQL scan warning
- a27e1760 fix: ipt wrong order and add cluster route
- 9eb96dd7 opt: only allow specifies default subnet
- 0da634e8 chore: reduce image size
- 93bf5423 feature: Support for namespace binding multiple subnets
- e37159c2 docs: fix multi nic subnet options
- c35a159b docs: add pinger/controller/cni metrics
- 7f5b4237 fix: add default ssl var for compatibility
- 59b70696 Add monitor doc
- bb130cac fix: ipv6 network format when update subnet
- dc62d105 fix: ipv6 len mismatch
- 6088851d chore: add version info
- 88001376 metrics: add ovs client latency metrics
- 3cafd5f8 Add OVN/OVS Monitor
- 89567776 docs: performance test method
- 0c975e34 fix: wrong port porto for udp
- f3759b78 docs: add descriptions of local files
- b46acd6c ci: add github code scan
- 2444d51a fix: do not adv join cidr when enable ovn-ic
- 292bf4ca perf: remove default acl rules
- 20e82c39 prepare for next release
- 9324491c fix: use internal IP when node connect pod
- c1870c1a ci: change to docker buildx action
- a1976650 fix: delete pod when marked with deletionTimestamp
- c3c4f1c5 fix: remove not alive pod in pg
- Emma Kenny
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- Wan Junjie
- emmakenny
- feixiang
- fossabot
- hzma
- luoyunhe1
- wiwen
- xieyanker
- 范日明
- 498d74d7 release for 1.5.2
- 271c07bd fix: nat rules can be modified
- 21a5edbd fix: add resources limits to avoid eviction
- 762f1c21 ci: specify ubuntu version to make github action happy
- bd4019dd fix: remove svc cidr routes
- 93a89753 Fix the problem of confusion between old and new versions of crd
- 031f5436 Fix external-address config description
- 3371ce4c fix: ovn-central check if it exits in NODE_IPS
- cf4c4127 fix: check ipv6 requirement before start
- 186d90cd feat: add ovs/ovn log rotation
- b5dfc1c6 diagnose: add ovs-vsctl show to diagnose results
- 37cbb713 add node ping total count metric
- 6ed020c2 fix: tolerate all taints
- 1a4f48a0 chore: update go version to 1.15
- e0fc3331 fix: masq other nodes to local pod to avoid nodrport triangle traffic
- f6ff2780 Update install.sh to allow dpdk limits configuration (#546)
- 96636386 prepare for 1.5.2
- 06d8b374 fix: cleanup script error
- 5ddf72b2 security: remove sqlite to mute cve warning
- 1fe42677 chore: refactor log
- 0f1b74dc fix: nat traffic that from host to svc
- 24b97cb0 feat: iface support regexp
- Mengxin Liu
- emmakenny
- hzma
- xieyanker
- bf860e26 release 1.5.1
- cf96d6db opt: only allow specifies default subnet
- 99e393ec feature: Support for namespace binding multiple subnets
- fa4006c0 perf: accelerate ic and ex gw update
- c327535a fix: check multicast and loopback subnet
- d74e2078 fix: CodeQL scan warning
- df8530a3 fix: ipt wrong order and add cluster route
- 33afdd18 fix: add default ssl var for compatibility
- f14155e4 fix: broken rpm link
- a99ecbee fix: ipv6 network format when update subnet
- 5fbb92b0 fix: ipv6 len mismatch
- bbda6a80 fix: wrong port porto for udp
- 42b7aa12 fix: do not adv join cidr when enable ovn-ic
- 34952c80 perf: remove default acl rules
- 2ad71107 fix: use internal IP when node connect pod
- c42d42f1 ci: change to docker buildx action
- ba401065 fix: delete pod when marked with deletionTimestamp
- f8a4e656 fix: remove not alive pod in pg
- Mengxin Liu
- 范日明
- c0a34b84 release: prepare for release 1.5.0
- 95548457 perf: use podLister to optimize k8s calls
- 6635f930 chore: enable ssl to default ci tests
- 5f29fc30 security: change ovsdb file access to 600
- 0e0a6887 docs: improve hw-offload
- a1a215dc feat: support db ssl communication
- e7a88c11 diagnose: show nb/sb/node info
- 090624fd fix: pinger diagnose should use cmd args
- fae393e3 fix: ipv6 get portmap failed again
- b74189fe fix: ipv6 get portmap failed
- f1c2f995 fix: delay mv cni conf to when cniserver is ready
- 98bb7510 chore: update kind and kube-ovn-cni updateStrategy
- 64640421 monitor: add cni grafana dashboard
- 38adc18f monitor: add more kube-ovn-cni metrics
- 36e9091d feat: update pinger dashboard
- ab736d8f fix: issues with vlan underlay gateway
- 2e5f0ecb feat: set more metadata to interface external_ids
- 77c4a5f2 feat: grace stop ovn-controller
- ebfc1530 refactor: fix bridge-mappings and refactor vlan code
- 729ed3c7 fix: allow mirror config update
- 84bb3c83 fix: cleanup v6 iptables and ipset
- da493717 docs: add gateway docs and optimize others
- ece4219f feat: integrate ovn sfc
- 2b2e7a9a feat: support pod snat
- 7a60b569 prepare for next release
- e9933619 fix: ovn-ic-db restart failed
- 115c1266 fix: stop ovn-ic when disabled
- e9861444 fix: use nodeName as chassis hostname
- Mengxin Liu
- 0f973a5a prepare for 1.4 release
- 78ab9b1e fix: do not gc learned routes
- 3ddb9614 chore: add psp
- f847e5be perf: apply udp improvement
- a8f0d228 chore: sync pre-1.16 install.sh
- 0918e9a2 ci: use go 1.15
- f43a1027 fix: add prob timeout to wait script finish
- c5ca0b1b resolve review problem
- 28d5a8aa chore: suppress verbose logs
- df54b0d1 fix: do not gc ic logical_switch
- b9ab4d66 fix: only gc VIF type logical_switch_port
- 731fef99 docs: update docs
- e9ae40a9 chore: add back lflow reduction optimization
- 022c7903 chore: update ovs to 2.14.0
- 8e93c054 fix: remove duplicated gcLogicalSwitch
- c3b7457a fix: modify src-ip route priority
- e0096f9b fix: missing session lb to logical switch
- 6fbcc198 feat: ovn-ic integration
- 0ea62c16 fix:resolve gosec check problem
- b2d0393b feat: do not perform masq on external traffic
- 4e1ad126 chore: fix patch failure
- a7c460a4 fix: subnet acl might conflict if allowSubnets and subnet cidr cover each other
- 0dd85e46 feat: acl log drop packets
- 6d048632 chore: remove juju log dependency
- 9535c26b feat: gw switch from overlay to underlay
- 4b095580 chore: prepare for 1.4 release
- c9d07e1d fix: prevent update failed logs
- a98ec5bd fix: ko use external-ids to find related nic
- 1cad39ce fix: forward accept rules
- Mengxin Liu
- hzma
- 45d30713 chore: add build date
- c9953234 release: update 1.3.0 docs
- 34627a66 fix: call appendMssRule function to resolved mss according problem
- bb961ae5 dpdk: add kmod, pdump and proc-info tools
- cf47ee1b fix: ci image tags
- 46768179 chore: optimize dpdk build
- 5c107687 docs: add hw-offload docs and resolve some issues
- e64c6132 fix: if sriov device, do not delete the host nic
- f55c3fba fix: use keymutex to serialize pod add/delete operation
- d438574d feat: assign a pod as the gw
- 1806a572 ci: add arm build to normal ci process
- 5aed1ef1 ci: add unfixed cve
- 19201a36 ci: arm64 build accelerate
- 63fbc008 chore: add logs to sriov interface
- 82140c93 ci: add ipv6 install e2e
- c3814c72 feat: recycle lsp at runtime
- 3f9d7c92 fix: qos error
- e460541d fix: variable error
- de9493f2 ci: modify cache usage
- 1994e5c3 ci: save ci time
- 5c4d5a3c chore: use j2 to render different kind.yaml
- d1a184ef fix: set qlen for ovn0
- a2d969e8 prepare for 1.3 release
- 3a018a86 chore: update build.sh
- be7c68f2 fix: log error
- 31723f66 chore: check ovn-sb connectivity from ovn-ovs probe
- d017f1f2 fix: available ips calculation issues
- 309c8080 perf: add hw offload
- 4b8faede docs: add gateway qos doc
- 32a9af2b ci: remove master taint
- 3865220d chore: update cni dependencies
- 8e032392 feat: session service
- 34b7cba7 Revert "perf: use policy-route to replace src-ip route"
- 1d13d5c3 Revert "fix: ipv6 policy route"
- 65813640 Revert "fix: reset address_set when delete subnet"
- e6817a65 fix: reset address_set when delete subnet
- dbc968ca test: statefulset without ippool
- 9440a11f match apps/* statefulset
- ca122027 fix: ipv6 policy route
- 54acd0c3 feat: support gw qos
- b8f03248 perf: use policy-route to replace src-ip route
- 83dc420e Solve the problem of non-standard statefulset creation mode
- 32e6d572 fix: arm64 build missing env
- c93f0d84 action: use commit as image tag
- 732b240c Add libatomic to docker image
- 9d5294bb chore: save disk space when building
- 4b1f5244 chore: change crd form v1beta1 to v1
- e6fb0fcb kubectl-ko: add ovs-tracing info
- 61aa3ba2 pinger: add metrics to resolve external address
- ef0f3b27 chore: update ovn to 20.06
- 961f5f1a update changelog
- 85f2e0e0 fix some version in docs
- f989bdd8 fix: rename variable
- 990bf983 fix: minor fix
- 8d7045b3 feat: use never used address first to reduce conflict
- db2516c2 ci: use tmpfs to accelerate e2e
- 79272376 fix: create/delete order might lead ip conflict
- b27d7545 ci: do not push image when pr
- a1f53e67 clean up all white noise
- a4f40370 security: update yum repo
- 270c825c fix node's annottaions overwrited incorrectly
- 5adc5a44 Fix typo in multi-nic.md
- 3ac92a15 Userspace-CNI updates in dpdk.md
- 76e72b7e Remove empty lines from DPDK Dockerfile
- 9b5c018a security: update loopback to fix CVE
- bd1f2acf Make OVS-DPDK start script more robust
- 3bfc39f8 Reduce DPDK image size
- 4917afe9 fix: add back privilege for ipv6
- 8121afd6 Config support for OVS-DPDK
- ad30e687 security: add trivy scan and fix image CVEs
- 06256a09 docs: modify arm build
- 9d2e64a4 docs: update development
- bd975768 refactor: use ovs.Exec replace raw command
- 32024ba8 chore: add gosec to audit code security
- 1db9046d prepare for next release
- aa72ba6c fix: arm build
- 628f5c5e fix: change version in install.sh
- Gary
- Haocheng Liu
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- Patryk Strusiewicz-Surmacki
- Xiang Dai
- ckji
- laik
- linruichao
- 755f57bc release 1.2.1
- 88b847ca fix: create/delete order might lead ip conflict
- 0656f63c fix node's annottaions overwrited incorrectly
- 86e20a09 security: update loopback to fix CVE
- b1ea8a36 fix: add back privilege for ipv6
- 2a877530 fix: arm build
- 8ec2c159 fix: change version in install.sh
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- ckji
- 280a1bd3 chore: prepare for release 1.2
- 4342187d chore: prepare for release 1.2
- 4a52bb43 DPDK doc update and small image reduction
- b055cc68 Add OVS-DPDK support, for issue 104
- f7fdd2dc fix: pod get deleted between configure nb and patch pod
- e13dc5ac fix: native vlan and delete subnet issues
- 44b5a6a7 fix: trigger github action when dist dir change
- 3a2ee051 fix: update ovn patch
- 6e1589cc chore: improve log
- 00f98489 fix: gc lsp for pod that not alive
- 701e9efd feat: support underlay without vlan encap
- 83ad499f chore: optimize kube-ovn-cni log
- 84b6cdcf fix: gc node lsp
- 7aafd944 chore: remove vagrant
- 92ccf729 fix: dst route policy might be empty
- 6c89a046 feat: in vlan mode if physical gateway exists, no need to create a virtual one
- 1d5c6958 perf: add amd64 compile flags back
- b0f0947d fix: init ipam before gc, other wise routes will be deleted
- dbc23c5e fix: patch ovn to lower src-ip route priority to work with ovn-ic
- 5a763820 fix: return early if allocation is not ready
- b03c3768 chore: remove networks crd
- 2853438c perf: remove more stale lflow
- 0665f2e8 ci: run ut and e2e in github action
- e71b68c0 fix: check svc and endpoint protocol
- 508eb7a2 perf: reduce lflow count
- 5f8b9b40 fix: when podName or namespace contains dot, lsp cannot be deleted correctly
- 27c72560 fix: wrong subnet status
- f0b17a69 feat: change pod route when update gateway type
- 13283daf feat: refactor subnet and allow cidr change
- 23821d6c fix: use kubectl to avoid tls handshake error
- e647cc6c chore: reduce logs
- aef4336d feat: only show error log of kube-ovn-controller
- a9ab0bc2 fix: map concurrent panic
- 2dd13b23 fix: ipv6 related issues
- 86c443e7 fix: validate if subnet cidr conflicts with svc ip
- eb4cb1b3 fix: validate if node address conflict with subnet cidr
- 7f595ee0 feat: github action
- 1046b572 fix: wait node annotations ready before handle pods
- 7a0151cc fix: check ovn-nbctl socket in new dir
- 0dc76768 fix: error log found in scale test
- 04715943 fix: concurrent panic
- da14eaeb feat: use bgp to announce pod ip
- 909b5a00 release 1.1.1
- ab834b5a fix: labels might be nil
- 0c0824db fix: ping output format
- ce27fb31 monitor: make graph more sensitive to changes
- 9b05fccf docs: update vlan docs
- d0544d89 docs: update docs
- 28aef840 feat: improve install/uninstall
- 8d853656 refactor: refactor cni-server
- d99ffff0 refactor: controller refactor
- 8f1f0135 feat: modify install.sh for vlan type network
- cfe9d276 feat(vlan): vlan network type
- edd0ea81 feat(vlan): vlan network type
- c63accf4 fix: yaml indent and ovn central dir
- 5bc84d7b docs: chinese wechat info
- feaec4dd fix: fork go-ping and apply patches
- 58f73b33 chore: update kind node to 1.18 and ginkgo
- d274a979 docs: add arm build steps
- d061fc3c fix: mount etc/origin/ovn to ovs-ovn
- f8d6fd5c add support for multi-arch build
- 953f5be7 docs: change the cidr to avoid misunderstanding
- 5c5b9e08 feat: diagnose check if dns/kubernetes svc exist
- 7c6d6784 OVS local interface table mac_in_use row is lower case, but pod annotation store mac in Upper case.
- b53a2153 prepare for 1.2
- 0d60df32 fix: separate log for no address and wrong address
- a4106b2d docs: format docs
- Gary
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- fangtian
- linruichao
- 08f39db7 release 1.1.1
- 95d479f5 fix: labels might be nil
- eb9c9fd6 monitor: make graph more sensitive to changes
- 7e9b3661 fix: ping output format
- ae53bf57 fix: yaml indent and ovn central dir
- 82128d2f fix: fork go-ping and apply patches
- 14247939 fix: mount etc/origin/ovn to ovs-ovn
- 83f3a920 fix: use legacy iptables
- MengxinLiu
- de9b003d release 1.1.0
- 4511a16b feat: use buildx to reduce image size
- 370689e7 test: check host route when add/del a subnet
- 0df863b6 [DO NOT REVIEW] vendor update: introduce klogr and do some tidy
- eeba4c01 [webhook] init logger for controller-runtime
- ae187152 test: add node test
- e1038d22 fix: acl and qos issues
- a4c81ba7 feat: expose iface in install.sh
- b6967f57 fix: remove auto checksums
- dbc85075 perf: offload udp checksum if possible
- bdb23691 release v1.0.1
- cdf4de3f perf: add x86 optimization CFLAGS
- 131181c2 chore: add scripts to build ovs
- 2b5dd72b fix: lost route when subnet add and is not ready
- 9032ac84 fix: ip prefix might be empty
- d1654e15 chore: reduce image size
- 464e991e chore: modify nodeSelector label to support k8s 1.17
- 2814a1d5 fix: use ovn-appctl to do recompute
- 0eaedd99 docs: multi nic
- dd1923c3 feat: ip cr support multi-nic
- b2ce6f08 fix: update in svc may del svc
- 20bb7a78 feat: add cni side logical to support ipam for multi-nic
- 1319eb5d feat: add basic allocation function for multus-cni
- 8f6997a9 fix: only delete pod that restart policy is Always
- 3a2de9cd perf: only enqueue updatePod when needed
- 0f7b9d4c fix: add iptables to accept container traffic
- bdd021c0 feat: check kube-proxy and coredns in diagnose
- 502f18cf feat: add label param in install script
- 5a1cf371 perf: recycle ip and lsp for pod that in failed or succeeded phase
- d1968584 fix: add inactivity_probe back
- 417a001b feat: check if crds exist in diagnose
- e65a9d09 fix: gc static routes
- 91829d24 fix: still delete lsp if pod not in ipam
- 7d22430d fix: delete chassis from sb when delete node
- 5f5df34e fix: missing label selector
- 9822dba9 feat: add one script installer
- 479437a3 fix: cleanup in offline environment
- e707eb96 feat: diagnose check ds/deployment status
- 3c786f57 refactor: the ipam now has lock itself no need for ippool queue
- 9211486b fix: if pod is evicted, recycle address
- 2546deaf fix: use uuid to fetch vip
- 51f06bd6 refactor ipam
- 2336dc75 release 1.0.0
- 7d918f56 refactor pod controller
- 866db995 merge images into one
- 8296a9e7 fix:enablebash alias option in Dockerfile CMD scripts
- 68d87ec2 webhook: use global variables to avoid repeated map constructing
- cf2784ad remove useless fields in webhook.yaml
- 657b5a29 remove leader-election for webhook manager
- 2bcf0d28 feat: update to 20.03.0 ovn
- Bruce Ma
- MengxinLiu
- Your Name
- 706cdfc3 release v1.0.1
- a51a672a fix: lost route when subnet add and is not ready
- 576cf776 fix: ip prefix might be empty
- 0e1670bf fix: update in svc may del svc
- 63f05e5a fix: add inactivity_probe back
- bad0c43f fix: use uuid to fetch vip
- MengxinLiu
- f40ce553 release 1.0.0
- 28238794 prepare for 1.0
- a036b37b fix: add back missing lsp gc
- 44d53c24 fix: delete lb if it has no backend
- b8498a83 metrics: expose cni operation metrics
- a75f9991 refactor: refactor server.go
- c88221ee fix: disable ovn-nb inactivity_probe
- 957654f9 fix: wait for container network ready before cni return
- 870d20b0 refactor: refactor controller.go
- 2885419d ovn: pick upstream performance patch
- 11598739 docs: add the development guide and fix the lint
- 0be25516 docs: add companies using kube-ovn section
- d56552b8 docs: add community information
- 8edd0225 fix: alleviate ping lost
- 632bbc5e refactor: refactor ovn-nbctl.go
- 8aafa415 docs: modify the readme
- 60ce7659 fix: pinger percentage error
- 276a28cf fix: add kube-ovn types to default scheme
- 998a9e63 refactor: cniserver
- a5d339b2 docs: update docs
- dc92afa3 fix: add a periodically recompute to ovn-controller to avoid inconsistency
- 8488ae2a fix: add timeout to pinger access ovs/ovn
- ff1ff145 fix: when subnet cidr conflict requeue the subnet
- e31a08ec fix: add runGateway to wait.Until
- 18239073 fix: restart nbctl-daemon if not response
- 839308e0 feat: display controller log in kubectl-ko diagnose
- 8e6c3d62 refactor: separate normal check and ovn specific check
- c9783181 fix: do not return not found err
- f19e5596 fix: move components to kube-system ns and add priorityClass
- a5d298db feat: cniserver check allocated annotation before configure pod network
- 8f72b7eb fix: set ovn-openflow-probe-interval
- 3838a46d pinger: add port binds check between local ovs and ovn-sb
- f8248cec fix: if cidr block not ends with zero, reformat it
- dff1d648 fix: resync iptables
- 40fab55f update version
- 920053c5 pinger: add timeout for dns resolve
- 513d2bd9 e2e: add basic framework and tests for e2e
- Bruce Ma
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- withlin
- c5f49f24 release 0.10.2
- 61b7dded fix: add a periodically recompute to ovn-controller to avoid inconsistency
- 9de9d0b5 fix: when subnet cidr conflict requeue the subnet
- dca15914 fix: add runGateway to wait.Until
- f16209b4 fix: restart nbctl-daemon if not response
- Mengxin Liu
- 09e27cea release: v0.10.1
- fafa5607 fix: do not return not found err
- 858d3331 fix: set ovn-openflow-probe-interval
- 641d6f86 pinger: add port binds check between local ovs and ovn-sb
- 8435a335 fix: if cidr block not ends with zero, reformat it
- 1f5df246 fix: resync iptables
- Mengxin Liu
- 9747d540 docs: update changelog
- adf5071e fix: address in ep might be empty
- 182bb151 fix: cniserver wait ovs ready
- 518c0a78 fix: wrong deletion in gc lb and portgroup
- 2492a166 ovn: add memory patch to slow down memory increase
- d0bd71fd fix: wait default and node logical switch ready
- 23cad463 fix: podSelector in networkpolicy should only consider pods in the same ns
- ca5539f0 fix: do not add unallocated pod to port-group
- d5ed1ee7 release 0.10.0
- 3c62ea29 ovn: pick up commit from upstream
- 4c966c37 feat: pinger support check an address out of cluster.
- f0096078 chore: double quote shell variables
- 83364b52 fix: cluster mode db will generate lots listen error log
- d9e1cd1c fix: gc logical_switch_port form listing pods and nodes
- a5dc8bb9 fix: some init and cleanup bugs
- a5eb5e7f fix: ovn-cluster mode
- a6f0dd14 feat: exclude_ips can be changed dynamically
- d9c59434 update ovn to 2.12.0-1
- 06eceb3b feat: use label to select leader to avoid pod status misleading
- aa53c7dd fix: ip conflict when use ippool
- 59044330 docs: add v0.9.1 changelog
- 5efbea9f fix: block subnet deletion when there any ip in use
- a1dc8c11 plugin: kubectl plugin now expose ovs-vsctl to each node
- d3c6a71c fix: nbctl need timeout to avoid hang infinitely
- 77e58903 perf: as lr-route-add with --may-exist will replace exist route, no need for another delete
- d4a51bdc perf: when controller restart skip pod already create lsp
- 7617fa79 fix: when delete node recycle related ip/route resource
- f4e87476 fix typo in start-ovs.sh
- 9b88e084 perf: skip evicted pod when enqueueAddPod and enqueueUpdatePod
- e4818624 fix: use ep.subset.port.name to infer target port number
- 0d8ae20c fix: if no available address delete pod might failed related to #155
- bbd4257d kind: support reload kube-ovn component in kind cluster
- d0479e90 perf: filter pod in informer list-watch and disable resync
- 61a7a7b9 fix: index out of range err when create lsp
- 623661ef prepare for next release
- 1643c7f0 kind: support to install kube-ovn in kind
- 9611599f fix: mount /var/run/netns that kind will use it to store network ns files
- Mengxin Liu
- qsyqian
- 5d4714c1 release v0.9.1
- 847ef8b0 fix: block subnet deletion when there any ip in use
- e0fbfea6 fix: nbctl need timeout to avoid hang infinitely
- dd63c5a4 fix: when delete node recycle related ip/route resource
- 4d0ad6c7 fix typo in start-ovs.sh
- 646a177c fix: use ep.subset.port.name to infer target port number
- 9ae58a81 fix image tag
- 3b793d4a fix: mount /var/run/netns that kind will use it to store network ns files
- 093770dd fix: index out of range err when create lsp
- Mengxin Liu
- qsyqian
- 53db261a release: v0.9.0
- 1984cbe8 feat: when use nodelocaldns do not nat the address
- 446999f4 docs: add description about relation of cidr and static ip allocation
- 6f1854f9 Check the short name of kubernetes services which is independant of the cluster domain name.
- c6f8efeb fix: some grafana modification
- 40144160 fix: add missing cap
- 7c464d69 chore: update ovn and other minor fix
- ac537152 fix re-annotate namespaces when subnet deleted
- fe2f2612 fix: add ingress_policing_burst to accurate limit ingress bandwidth
- 20b2c83d fix: network unreachable when add egress qos for pod
- 758dbc1c fix: err when add egress qos
- bdfd351d fix: remove privilege=true from long run container
- 0859da1f perf: optimize pod add
- 3718851d fix: add keepalive to ovn-controller
- 6ad98106 feat: add controller metrics
- b87ed0ee If pod have not a status.PodIP skip add/del static route
- b9108fba fix: ippool pod static route might lost during leader election
- a2e24de6 fix: static route might lost during leader election
- 8202a188 feat: add grafana config and modify metrics.
- cae0ef27 fix: only keep the last iface-id
- f3528f23 fix: add missing gc
- 3791ba29 fix: gc resource when start controller
- f970615b fix: watch will break if timeout is set
- ef285b21 feat: pinger add apiserver check metrics
- d33685e6 fix: avoid conflict when init
- Mengxin Liu
- Sébastien BERNARD
- Yan Zhu
- 6b57f61b release v0.8.0
- 6ed722f9 fix: loss might be negative number
- 7c0517b5 feat: pinger prometheus support
- e23bd552 feat: support pinger
- d837aa12 chore: update ovs/ovn
- 4246cb74 feat: gateway ha
- e27c9e54 chore: remove ovs-ipsec and update go to 1.13
- ba3084eb feat: add kubectl plugin
- 54a465d1 docs: add comparison
- 38be68d6 fix: pod should be accessed from node when acl applied
- e62f0ab0 enable portmap by default to support hostport
- 80de8e58 feat: add port security to pod port
- 4849f056 feat: add node switch allocated ip cr
- 34e8406e prepare for next release
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- 933fd8d2 release: bump v0.7.0
- 7e2bdf52 fix: add default excludeIps and check kern version
- 31544abb fix: deal with ipv6 connection str
- 0f8f2aad fix missing condition when subnet is private
- d37da1bc add subnet status
- 4a5c5498 fix: acl related issues
- 62a395e6 Revert "add subnet status field"
- b8f1d9ef add missing subnets/status operation permission
- 6c119ad1 Update cleanup.sh
- b08ece4f feat: add exclude_ips annotation to namespace
- a2774ed0 fix: use pg-del to remove pg and acl, check if ports is empty before set pg
- 422c6dc0 add subnet status
- fde683ea feat: add subnet annotation to ns and automatically unbind ns from subnet.
- 948e1306 docs: add cn docs link
- 5278e105 feat: add default values to subnet
- ea451a1a write back subnet name to ip label
- 1c7121db chore: enable mirror in yaml and modify docs
- db9783a3 fix: duplicate import in network_policy.go
- 8a57747e fix: improve cni-conf name priority
- 5f1436be fix: wait subnet ready before start worker.
- 661387ef fix: check ls exists before handle it
- 9e05f533 docs: add more installation tools.
- dccb93c7 docs: add support os and notes.
- c6a160b3 Update subnet.md
- 31ad00bd feat: add ip info to ip crd
- ad7b5c2f feat: update logo
- 44c3077c feat: add logo
- 55d7fd6f feat: reserve vport for statefulset pod
- 7a3c8a6a docs: add crd installation
- aa016c1b fix: modify default header length
- 85b40690 fix: do not create exist logical switch
- 36294366 chore: prepare for next release
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- ftiannew
- halfcrazy
- shuangyang.qian
- 463d6253 docs: add crd/ipv6 docs and bump version 0.6.0
- 103c23af fix build error
- 9d173ba0 feat: support ipv6-only mode
- 05566017 add webhook docs
- 766cec9b add admission webhook for static ip
- 2abeacb4 docs: add support platform version
- ed7264ea feat: use subnet crd to manage logical switch
- 1e5c9f6c Use k8s hostname, fix #60
- 87367295 fix: remove dependency on cluster-admin
- e0864a03 chore: use go mod to replace dep
- 96ec620d docs: update mirror feature to readme
- 855d834f feat: support traffic mirror
- d1c3ea85 prepare for next release
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- 782e04be chore: bump v0.5.0
- a27f8339 fix: wrong mtu
- 44707167 feat: support user define iface and mtu
- f8d8e186 fix: remove mask field from ip annotation
- 55090404 feat: auto assign gw for controller config and expose more cmd args
- 48da0fe1 feat: add pprof and use it as probe
- 8984c90b feat: set kernel args when start cniserver
- 208a1dfc feat: support network policy
- c8d208fb prepare for next release
- MengxinLiu
- 5a2cb093 bump version to v0.4.1
- f8e8b001 fix: manual static ip allocation and automatic allocation should use different ip validation
- 031924d1 Fix json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type request.PodResponse kubeovn#33
- 24259dbf fix: use ovsdb-client to get leader info
- 3541b6cf fix: use default-gw as default-exclude-ips and expose args to docs
- 69c48538 to cleanup all created resources, not only kube-ovn namespace.
- 9361bb43 prepare for next release
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- fanbin
- 509bf4a4 feat: bump version to 0.4.0
- 2e414519 feat: support expose pod ip to external network
- 8992bbe3 fix: check conflict subnet cidr
- 0f9d1e4b fix: start informer when controller is leader
- 71c15d65 feat: validate namespace/pod annotations
- 89491b57 fix: wait node-gw info ready
- 0d86393d fix: use ovn/ovs-ctl to health check
- 278ccfe5 feat: remove finalizer dependency improve svc performance
- 8f962673 fix: reuse node ip and mac annotation
- b8f85143 Add ha for ovn dbs and simplify makefile
- 3c617451 feat: merge ovn-nbctl request
- b5ac7da4 feat: separate ip pool pod and add parallelism to workers
- ce105dff Mute logrus log for ipset Dont need to change the vendored code.
- 657470c8 Fix klog cant use V module The side affect of this commit is glog's V module not work.
- 5429f51b feat: use ovn macam to allocate mac for static ip pod
- 5a8958cd feat: update ovn to 2.11.1
- ca036f9e Add vagrantfile
- 660c0570 fix: use tag version yaml url
- bc66671c chore: fix go-report golint issues
- 12a4bec9 ha for kube-ovn-controller
- b7d0f599 cleanup unused code
- 756831d7 docs: add network topology
- c0559487 chore: Minor updates to gateway.md
- 21e34e9f chore: Gateway documentation touch-ups
- aa0b2b7c chore: QoS documentation touch-ups
- 3ec0098a chore: Subnet Isolation documentation touch-ups
- 524845e9 chore: Static IP documentation touch-up
- b510016c chore: Subnet documentation touch-ups
- 524f7d3f chore: Installation Guide touch-ups
- a1995d03 chore: README touch-up.
- Kai Chen
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- 79c0642e docs: bump version
- cb2f50da fix: acl rule error
- 1a6f492a fix: init node gw before run controller
- 75c514a1 fix: external dns issues
- 13068892 feat: use daemon ovn-nbctl to improve performance and cleanup unused dns code
- 24cda418 Implement centralized gateway.
- 890934f4 chore: migrate from bitbucket to github
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu
- adf655cb remove dns from ls and bump new version
- ca21c6cb make filter table forward chain default accept
- cd0ddf10 ipset exclude cluster service ip range
- 1d753c8e fix: lb bugs
- cb91d984 read cidr from ns annotation
- e9998332 fix: remove dns table from nodeswitch and remove unused other_config:namespace
- 049cab2c fix pod has no ip
- 170c3c63 Distributed gateway implement
- cebb8dfd fix: clean lost interface.
- 4367ba07 feat: support subnet isolation
- 1fe8c916 feat: support dynamic qos
- e04bc093 fix: ovn restart issues
- 014f1dcf fix: ovn restart issues
- 3e78ddc3 fix: validate namespace switch annotations
- 44eafc50 fix lint && add docker build
- cb3e01a4 feat: update yaml, add readiness/liveness probe, add pass shell args
- 004deefd feat: support qos
- d37264e4 feat: add simple gateway implementation
- Mengxin Liu
- MengxinLiu
- Yan Zhu