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Get Started on Fedora

DKMS RPMs are available for active Fedora versions (packaging code).

Kmod RPMs are available for active Fedora versions (packaging code). Note: forked from the abandoned original kmod packaging code.

Setting up DKMS (auto-compile on kernel update)

This assumes you have already followed the Fedora steps. You will need to verify dkms.conf that the module name facetimehd and version number 0.1 are correct and either update the dkms.conf or adjust the instructions where -m and -v are used.

  • Install needed packages: # dnf install dkms
  • Make a directory to work from: # mkdir /usr/src/facetimehd-0.1
  • Change into the git repo dir: $ cd bcwc_pcie
  • Copy files over: # cp -r * /usr/src/facetimehd-0.1/
  • Change into that dir: # cd /usr/src/facetimehd-0.1/
  • Clear out previous compile: # make clean
  • Register the new module with DKMS: # dkms add -m facetimehd -v 0.1
  • Build the module: # dkms build -m facetimehd -v 0.1
  • Install the module: # dkms install -m facetimehd -v 0.1

See Additional Notes below in case you come across any issues.

Get Started on Debian

(very similar to arch instructions, which I copied and altered a bit ;) because I am lazy / efficient)

before you start, use uname -r to ensure that you are running Linux kernel 4.4 or later or the driver will not work!

# indicates as root, you can use sudo if you prefer.
$ indicates as normal user

  • Install the missing Debian dependencies to extract the firmware (# apt install xz-utils curl cpio make)
  • Extract and install the firmware file as described in Firmware extraction.
  • Install the dependencies: (# apt-get install linux-headers-generic git kmod libssl-dev checkinstall)
    • or try manually finding the right linux-headers package e.g. linux-headers-4.3.0-1-amd64, you can check which kernel version you are running with $ uname -r
  • Clone the driver's code: $ git clone
  • Change into that dir: $ cd facetimehd
  • Build the kernel module: $ make
  • Generate dkpg and install the kernel module, this is easy to uninstall later: # checkinstall
    Alternatively if you are really lazy just: # make install
  • Run depmod for the kernel to be able to find and load it: # depmod
  • Load kernel module: # modprobe facetimehd
  • try it out: $ mplayer tv://

See Additional Notes below in case you come across any issues.

Get Started on Ubuntu

All the steps are the same as Debian. (The only difference is that the firmware.bin is copied into /lib/firmware/facetimehd/ instead of /usr/lib/firmware/facetimehd/, but the script does that for you.)

Ubuntu installation script

This may be used as an alternative to the manual installation steps described above. Works on Ubuntu 16.04. To be placed outside the bcwc_pcie folder. Run with bash


cd facetimehd/firmware

printf "Compiling firmware\n";
printf "done\n\n";

printf "Installing firmware\n";
sudo make install
printf "done\n\n";

cd ..

printf "Compiling driver\n";
printf "done\n\n";

printf "Installing driver\n";
sudo make install
printf "done\n\n";

printf "Running depmod\n";
sudo depmod
printf "done\n\n";

printf "modprobe remove bdc_pci (if it exists)\n";
sudo modprobe -remove --quiet bdc_pci
printf "done\n\n";

printf "Loading driver\n";
sudo modprobe facetimehd
printf "done\n\n";

If sudo modprobe facetimehd fails, run dmesg. If you get facetimehd: version magic '4.13.0-37-generic SMP mod_unload ' should be '4.13.0-38-generic SMP mod_unload ', or similar, you may manually edit the file via sudo vim /lib/modules/4.13.0-38-generic/extra/facetimehd.ko and replace vermagic=4.13.0-37-generic SMP mod_unload with vermagic=4.13.0-38-generic SMP mod_unload. Then you may be able to sudo modprobe facetimehd without any issues.

Suspend on 16.04 and later (systemd)

As long as suspend is not working you can use the following approach to make the module unload on suspend:

Systemd Module Unload Script

Just add facetimehd to /etc/suspend-modules.conf then.

Also: Don't forget to add a file /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-facetimehd.conf with the line blacklist bdc_pci to prevent bdc_pci from being auto-loaded.

Setting up DKMS (auto-compile on kernal update)

This assumes you have already followed the Debian/Ubuntu deb package steps. You will need to verify dkms.conf that the module name facetimehd and version number 0.1 are correct and either update the dkms.conf or adjust the instructions where -m and -v are used.

  • Install needed packages: # apt install debhelper dkms
  • Remove old package if installed: # dpkg -r bcwc-pcie
  • Make a directory to work from: # mkdir /usr/src/facetimehd-0.1
  • Change into the git repo dir: $ cd bcwc_pcie
  • Copy files over: # cp -r * /usr/src/facetimehd-0.1/
  • Change into that dir: # cd /usr/src/facetimehd-0.1/
  • Remove any previous debs and backups: # rm backup-*tgz bcwc-pcie_*deb
  • Clear out previous compile: # make clean
  • Register the new module with DKMS: # dkms add -m facetimehd -v 0.1
  • Build the module: # dkms build -m facetimehd -v 0.1
  • Build a Debian source package: # dkms mkdsc -m facetimehd -v 0.1 --source-only
  • Build a Debian binary package: # dkms mkdeb -m facetimehd -v 0.1 --source-only
  • Copy deb locally: # cp /var/lib/dkms/facetimehd/0.1/deb/facetimehd-dkms_0.1_all.deb /root/
  • Get rid of the local build files: # rm -r /var/lib/dkms/facetimehd/
  • Install the new deb package: # dpkg -i /root/facetimehd-dkms_0.1_all.deb

If you have any trouble, please read this guide on making a DKMS package:

Get started on Arch

There is an AUR package for the driver, facetimehd-dkms, along with an optional package for the sensor calibration data, facetimehd-data.

If you want to install the kernel module manually instead:

  • Extract firmware file as described in Firmware extraction
  • Install dependencies: pacman -S linux-headers git kmod
  • Clone git repository: git clone && cd facetimehd
  • Build kernel module: make
  • Install kernel module: make install
  • Run depmod for kernel to be able to find and load it: depmod
  • Load kernel module: modprobe facetimehd
  • Try it with an application of choice, mpv for example: mpv tv://

See Additional Notes below in case you come across any issues.

Get Started on Gentoo

On Gentoo it is no longer necessary to extract the firmware from a running OS X. Simply use the bcwc_pcie ebuild from

The following steps have to be performed as root.

Adding the overlay using layman

First create a local overlay list:

echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE repositories SYSTEM "/dtd/repositories.dtd">
<repositories xmlns="" version="1.0">
  <repo quality="experimental" status="unofficial">
    <description>toasters own ebuilds</description>
    <owner type="project">
       <email>[email protected]</email>
       <name>Tilo Prütz</name>
    <source type="git"></source>
</repositories>' > /etc/layman/overlays/toaster.xml

Then make it known to layman and add it to your local overlays:

layman -L
layman -a toaster

Install the driver

Note that you have to set the ~amd64 keyword for the driver package and for media-video/apple_facetimehd_firmware. How this is done in detail depends on how you manage your keywords.

emerge -av media-video/bcwc_pcie

The firmware ebuild will download a partial OS X 10.11 upgrade and extract the firmware from it. It is not necessary to boot OS X and extract it manually.

See Additional Notes below in case you come across any issues.

Get Started on openSUSE

Prebuilt packages are available for Leap 15.1, Leap 15.2 and Tumbleweed:


You need to install the facetimehd-kmp-default and facetimehd-firmware package. The facetimehd-firmware package will download and install the firmware so an internet connection is required when installing. For older versions of openSUSE follow the instructions below.

  • You need a least openSUSE Leap 42.1. If you are running openSUSE 13.2 upgrade to openSUSE Leap 42.1 ( or install a kernel >= 3.19 (not tested)
  • Extract firmware file as described in Firmware extraction
  • Become root su -
  • Install packages kernel-devel and git: zypper install kernel-devel git
  • Clone the driver's code: git clone
  • Change into directory: cd bcwc_pcie
  • Build the kernel module: make
  • Install the kernel module: make install
  • Run depmod
  • Load the module: modprobe facetimehd
  • Check if all relevant modules a loaded: lsmod | grep facetimehd
facetimehd            102400  0 
videobuf2_dma_sg       20480  1 facetimehd
videobuf2_core         57344  1 facetimehd
videodev              176128  3 v4l2_common,facetimehd,videobuf2_core
  • At the moment the kernel module is not loaded automatically. If you would like the kernel module to be loaded at system startup add the following line to /etc/init.d/after.local (Note that this is not yet recommended since the driver is not 100% stable)
modprobe facetimehd
  • In order to get it working after suspend see below
  • To test the camera install mplayer from Packman repo. If not yet done add Packman repo first
zypper addrepo -f packman
zypper install mplayer
  • As user start mplayer: mplayer tv://
  • By the way, the Packman repo provides a driver for the WiFi card (Broadcom): zypper install broadcom-wl
  • In order to update the driver later to the newest version, change to the folder where your have cloned the driver's code cd bcwc_pcie run git pull followed by make clean; make; make install.

See Additional Notes below in case you come across any issues.

Get Started on NixOS

NixOS has built-in facetimehd support starting 16.03. Enabling the NixOS module will extract the firmware online, blacklist bdc_pci and add rmmod/modprobe hooks during suspend.

  1. Make sure the following lines (or its equivalent) are in /etc/nixos/configuration.nix
  hardware.facetimehd.enable = true;
  nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
  1. Execute nixos-rebuild boot to rebuild the configuration
  2. Reboot

See Additional Notes below in case you come across any issues.

Additional Notes

/dev/video not created

In some scenarios, you'll have to unload bdc_pci before inserting the kernel module, or /dev/video (or /dev/video0) won't be created. Do this with modprobe -r bdc_pci, followed by modprobe -r facetimehd and then modprobe facetimehd. If that doesn't help you can try modprobe -r bdc_pci and modprobe -a v4l2-common videobuf2-dma-sg videobuf2-core videobuf2-v4l2.

Make driver load correctly after suspend

Putting the computer to suspend and trying to use the camera afterwards makes the computer freeze. Here is a fix for that. Suspend/resume should now work without any additional fixes. Note that suspend/resume with the device opened is still not supported.

Make driver load correctly on startup

If you want the driver to be enabled on startup, extra steps may be required. On Ubuntu, the following should work:

echo facetimehd >> /etc/modules

On most systemd-based systems (tested on OpenSUSE):

echo facetimehd | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/facetimehd.conf

For Ubuntu 15.04 and higher (Should work on some other distros too):

Put this in terminal. Use gedit or your favorite text editor: sudo gedit /lib/systemd/system-sleep/99facetimehd or if /lib/systemd/system-sleep does not exist: sudo gedit /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/99facetimehd

Paste this in the empty file:

case $1/$2 in
    echo "Going to $2..."
    modprobe -r facetimehd
    echo "Waking up from $2..."
    modprobe -r bdc_pci
    modprobe facetimehd

And save.

Make it executable: sudo chmod a+x /lib/systemd/system-sleep/99facetimehd or sudo chmod a+x /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/99facetimehd

For Ubuntu 14.10 and lower / Mint 17 (Should work on some other distros too):

Paste this in terminal: sudo gedit /etc/pm/sleep.d/99_facetimehd

And paste this in and save file:

case $1 in
        logger -t pm 'Loading facetimehd kernel module'
        /sbin/rmmod bdc_pci
        /sbin/modprobe facetimehd
        logger -t pm 'Removing facetimehd kernel module'
        /sbin/rmmod facetimehd
        exit 0

And make it executable: sudo chmod a+x /etc/pm/sleep.d/99_facetimehd