#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eu if [[ "$*" =~ nis || $# == 0 ]]; then # we run the setup only if ncc is run ./setup.sh fi # we rebuild and remove existing container every time. # The benefits: upgrades are automatic after the git pull docker build --rm=false -t mynem_image . docker ps -a | grep mynem_container > /dev/null && docker rm mynem_container # determine which custom configs to mount set -x config_mounts="" # nis.config-user.properties.sample servant.config.properties.sample supervisord.conf.sample # - nis config_file=$PWD/custom-configs/nis.config-user.properties [[ -f $config_file ]] && config_mounts="$config_mounts -v $config_file:/package/nis/config-user.properties" # - ncc config_file=$PWD/custom-configs/ncc.config-user.properties [[ -f $config_file ]] && config_mounts="$config_mounts -v $config_file:/package/ncc/config-user.properties" # - servant config_file=$PWD/custom-configs/servant.config.properties [[ -f $config_file ]] && config_mounts="$config_mounts -v $config_file:/servant/config.properties" # - supervisord config_file=$PWD/custom-configs/supervisord.conf [[ -f $config_file ]] && config_mounts="$config_mounts -v $config_file:/etc/supervisord.conf" mkdir -p $PWD/nem/ncc mkdir -p $PWD/nem/nis chown -R nem docker run --restart always --name mynem_container -v ${PWD}/nem:/home/nem/nem $config_mounts -t -d -p 7777:7777 -p 7778:7778 -p 7880:7880 -p 7890:7890 -p 8989:8989 mynem_image set +x if [[ "$*" =~ nis || $# == 0 ]]; then echo "Starting NIS" ./supervisorctl.sh start nis fi if [[ "$*" =~ ncc ]]; then echo -e "\e[32mStarting NCC, which will be available at http://localhost:8989\e[39m" ./supervisorctl.sh start ncc fi echo "All done, here are the services running:" echo -e "\e[34m" ./supervisorctl.sh status echo -e "\e[39m" echo echo -e "\e[32m--------------------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "You can control both services named 'ncc' and 'nis' with the script ./service.sh" echo "run ./service.sh without argument to get help" echo echo "You can access the supervisord control shell with ./supervisorctl.sh" echo -e "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\e[39m"