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Amedeo Pelliccia's Master-Thesis Robbbo-T
Developing GAIA AIR: Generative Artificial - Intelligence Applications in Aerospace Industry Reference. Contained and Orchestrated Aerospace Futures Index


Sarah Bassing, PhD SarahBassing
Assistant Professor | Dept. of Ecology, Montana State University | Playing with stats to learn about wildlife

Montana State University Bozeman, MT

Robin Sandfort robinsandfort

capreolus e.U. and micromacro Austria

Nishant Bhardwaj nishantbhardwaj1
I am interested in ecology, conservation, human-animal interactions and using AI/machine learning for biodiversity conservation or management.

Delhi, India

Abby Bratt aebratt
Graduate student in quantitative ecology and resource management

University of Washington

Brian Rolek BrianRolek
Quantitative Ecologist at The Peregrine Fund Ph.D. He/Him

@The-Peregrine-Fund Nova Scotia, Canada

Alexander Vaisvil vaisvila
I am a Fish Biologist for the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation in the Bay-Delta Office.

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Sacramento, CA

Guillaume Bal GuillaumeBal
Quantitative and conservation ecologist working on species adaptive management.

MNHN, UMS Patrinat Brunoy, France

Olivier Gimenez oliviergimenez
Scientist. Statistical ecology. Modelling and conservation sciences.

CNRS Montpellier

Binyue Lu BinyueLu

Peking University Beijing

Ashlyn Halseth-Ellis ashbash378
PhD student at TAMUK studying wildlife disease ecology
Theresa M. Laverty theresalaverty

New Mexico State University

Kostas Kougioumoutzis kkougiou
Post-Doctoral Reseacher/Lecturer at AUA, NKUA, UPA

Athens - Patras, Greece

Nicholas Clark nicholasjclark
Amplify Fellow at University of Queensland. Interested in multivariate statistics, time series and forecasting, with applications in community ecology

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Nicholas W Daudt nwdaudt
Marine Ecologist; PhD candidate at the University of Otago

University of Otago Aotearoa New Zealand

Kyle Wise kylebiology
Biology student at University of British Columbia Vancouver focusing on Ecology.

Vancouver, BC

Patrick Freeman ptfreeman-csp
Conservation scientist with @csp-inc - geospatial analytics, ecological modeling, and data visualization for conservation science and management San Francisco, CA

Adam C Smith AdamCSmithCWS
I work for the Canadian Wildlife Service, analyzing population status and trends for (mostly) birds.

Canadian Wildlife Service Ottawa Ontario Canada

José Fernando Aguilera González fherglez501
PhD Candidate in Conservation Medicine


Dilsad Dagtekin dilsaddt
PhD Student in Population Ecology, UZH Institute of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies

University of Zurich Zurich, Switzerland

Matthijs Hollanders mhollanders
I am broadly interested in conservation and ecology, with a particular focus on hierarchical ecological models.

Quantecol Ballina, New South Wales, Australia

Vijay Ramesh vjjan91
Postdoctoral research fellow at the K. Lisa Yang Center for Conservation Bioacoustics @CornellLabofOrnithology

Cornell Lab of Ornithology Ithaca, Gainesville, Kotagiri

Ramya Roopa ramyaroopa94
An ecologist with a passion for quantitative ecology and data visualization. Currently - Data analyst and Lead, Turtle Project at Wildlife Conservation Trust

Wildlife Conservation Trust Bengaluru

thaungret thaungret
Wildlife Conservationist

University of Queensland Australia

Florencia Grattarola bienflorencia
Biodiversity Informatics | Macroecology | Community Science | Open Science. For export del Uruguay.

Biodiversidata | ČZU Uruguay | Czech Republic

Leyna lstemle
I got my PhD from University of Miami and I am a Conservation Biologist. I am about to start work on movement ecology of deer for SIU as a postdoc.

SIU Winter Haven

Hazel J. Anderson hazeljanderson
M.S. Student in the Department of Integrative Biology & Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program in the @SpaCE-Lab-MSU

Michigan State University Michigan, USA

cumsoft cumsoft
CLT, XR & Hybrid Kernel Dev

cumsoft New York, NY

Bruna Amaral br-amaral
PhD student at the Zipkin Lab


Diego J. Lizcano dlizcano
Wildlife biologist interested in mammal ecology and conservation. R and Linux fan.

@SCMas Bogota, Colombia

Lain E. Pardo LainPardo
Wildlife Ecologist (PhD)

Nelson Mandela University South Africa