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Radim KΓΆzl RadimKozl

SVmetal spol. s r. o. Czech Republic

Hugo Emmanoell hugooxrs
I maintain stuff.


Software Engineer

East Coast USA

shijie wang wangking873
shijie wang shijie wang shijie wang shijie wang shijie wang shijie wang
Alex achessor
Learning a little, day by day.

Alabama, USA

Ishan Jain ishan-cl

Cenizas Labs Chennai, India

Gokul gokul-pv
I am a Machine learning enthusiast in pursuit of creative solutions for real-life challenges.

WΓΌrzburg, Germany



Adil adevinwild
✝️ Follower of Jesus πŸ–₯️ @WebexpR 's Fullstack Engineer 🀍 @medusajs /acc πŸ› οΈ Building @perseidesjs

WebexpR France

Abdfn abdfnx
Someone likes developing on SaaS Projects, Infrastructure, Automation, APIs, AI APIs, CLI/TUI apps, and Backend.

@paber-ai The Internet

chronofy chronofy
Davi AlcΓ’ntara davialcantaraa
I build user interfaces.

Franca, SP

Jacob Abraham jacobabrahamb4
Technology and science enthusiast. Software engineer working on Android AOSP.

Personal Kerala, India

Zaid Mukaddam zaidmukaddam
Indie Developer


Prabodh Gyawali PrabodhGyawali
πŸ”§ - Full-Stack Web2 (Flask Framework) - ASP.NET Core - Aspiring ML & Data Science Engineer - Into Web3
HxHippy HxHippy
I like to make cool stuff.


Okk Hex okkhex
Programming is the art of transforming imagination into reality, byte by byte


Bruno bhza
Programmer πŸ’» System Admin/DevOps πŸ‘·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ Linux Server 🐧 Designer 🎨 Computer maintenance πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€πŸ”§ Network technician 🌐 IT Support πŸ§‘πŸ»β€πŸ’»

Working from home and for privacy reasons prohibited by employment contract. πŸ”“ Cidade cinza, <Grande> SΓ£o Paulo,Brasil, Terra, Via lΓ‘ctea, {universo: null} - Gray city, <Great> SΓ£o Paulo, Brazil, Earth, Milky Way, {universe: null} .... ✴️ πŸš€

Rhy Yan Goh gohrhyyan
Student at Imperial College London
Zahir AHMAD ZahirAhmadChaudhry
Master's student of Machine Learning and Data Mining at Jean Monnet University. Currently, I am a machine learning intern at Coactis Laboratory (UJM).

Jean Monnet University Saint Etienne, France

Daniel Eneh Danny024
I am a Robotics Software Engineer with many giftings ......
Ki ζ°— EnterTheKi
Enter The Ki ζ°—
Vladyslav Shevchenko astrochemx
Science & Technology

Hobbyist Universe