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carry0987 carry0987
A programmer who is passionate about Deep Learning and open source. Using C, C++, JS/TS, PHP, Python, Go, Swift, Rust

@adakrei Taiwan

Frank Perrakis frankperrakis
⛺🚴⛱️📸💻📽️ Amateur human,cyclist,runner,photographer,devops

@riptano London

Po AD2000X

Computational Linguist London, UK

yoichi-ikegawa tanakaryo
IT Specialist in Deloitte.

Weka California

Sathish Kumar satrox28
Ryan Blum-Kryzstal ryantheblum
Seasoned, award-winning video producer and creative storyteller with broad experience in scaling and developing high-profile global multimedia projects.

@Weka Alameda

Galactic Beyond galactic-beyond
Building a precise model of this grotesque, duplicitous world.
Almighty almightyyeh
Everything have its purpose.

Taipei, Taiwan. (R.O.C)

Jiho Lee DPS0340
Think Rust!

@MondrianAI @SW-Maestro-OSS Seoul, Republic of Korea

An Dang-Hieu danghieuan
Machine Learning Engineer

Ho Chi Minh City

Ashish Nayak ash399
HPC & AI Engineer

China Merchants Bank ShenZhen