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Florian Dobener domna
Programmer, physicist, advocate for open source software & data, and connoisseur of git

@DeutscherWetterdienst Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Iliyan Petkov iliyan-s-petkov

DojoBits Sofia, Bulgaria

dumgayretard itsalfiesolons
Former real life Repo Man turned Repo Man online. Left old job b/c I got sick of predatory lending taking advantage. Here 4 predatory repos. eggsployt

Fake Company Pty Ltd X: Elon's replies

Lead developer @redmugio @roadengine


bonomk2 bonomk2
^__^ Seoul

Jeremy red-mage-admin
Seasoned network and systems administrator always striving to learn more and better myself as a whole. I hope I can teach my kids all these wonderful things!!
Sam Sulaimanov bitmorse
#python #embedded

Octanis Instruments Zurich

Bronislav Zacek Kobrik1

Synot ICT Services, a.s. Czech repoublic

Leandro Fernandes Correia leo-fcorreia
IT/OT Cybersecurity specialist with over 15 years of experience in pentesting, digital forensics, incident response, and secure network architecture.

Josh Richards joshua-richards
University of South Wales | BSc (Hons) Computer Security & MSc Computer Systems Security
Oğuz Balkaya oguzbalkaya
DevOps Engineer

@ProteinTech Eskisehir

Halo Halo1236

Fit2Cloud Nanjing

Azmi Nasrullah 126139x
IT Administrator


Jack Jack5316
Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Electronic Science & Technology


DNL yeahbutstill
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast 🍃

FreeDOOM! Depok, Indonesia

𝕰𝖝𝖈𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖇𝖗𝖆 Excalibra
Cybersecurity & Blade Runner fan [email protected]

茨城県, 日本

Saira rizkaz
Machine Learning Engineer

NobleAI Hartford, CT

Paul D. Paulinhx
Cybersecurity Analyst | Software Engineer | Threat Detection & Defense | Risk, Compliance & Sustainability | Nurtured by Music & Arts EMEA, Remote

IbanEtc IbanEtchep
Discord : @iban_

Euskal Herria

VGISC Labs vgisc-labs
Information Security and Cryptography Vietnam Government Infomation Security Commission

VGISC Labs Ha Noi