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Cares about human rights, democracy, privacy, free software and freedom of information.
Stev Leibelt stevleibelt Observable Universe/Local Superclusters/Laniakea Supercluster/Local Galactic Group/Milky Way Galaxy/Solar Interstellar Neighborhood/Solar System/Earth/Europe/Germany/Saxony/

Pavlo Bondarenko OfficialCodeVoyage
Product Manager / Software Engineer / Cloud Engineer / IT Enthusiast

Denver, CO

Martin Mauch nightscape
Big fan of Functional Programming, Scala, Idris. Passionate about meditation and neuroscience.

Regensburg, Germany

Zeon zeon-neon
im @NeonGamerBot-QK bot called zeon.



Bochum, Germany

Antouan Anguelov, PhD antouanbg
Father x4, Dr. Eng. AI systems, REEM, ITC and tech entrepreneur

Novacom Group. & GridEx Ltd. Sofia, Bulgaria

Benjamin Funke BJNFNE
I love Reverse Engineering and reimplementing.


René Schimmelpfennig coding-lemur
webdeveloper 👨‍💻, Bicycle activist 🚴‍♀️, master of a poodle lady 🐩, entertainer 🤡, Maker (IoT & Home Assistant) 👨‍🔧 & squirrel breeder 🐿️

coding lemur Stralsund/Germany

Blaž Dular xBlaz3kx
Backend software engineer/DevOps eMobility|FinTech

Bitstamp Ljubljana, Slovenia

Ronny sp00kyDD

Privat Germany

Kolja koljasagorski
Sysadmin, Cybersecurity & more


Guido Schmidt guidoschmidt
Creative programmer from Heidelberg, Germany Heidelberg, Germany

beo beooo79
learning and trying out stuff


Michael Paepcke paepckehh
Infosec / OSS Security Supply Chain / Cloud-Hybrid (local-first) / FreeBSD / OpenBSD / NixOS / Go ... and having fun with local LLM's.

Hamburg, Germany

EmPeWe EmPeWe


Nils Radde Nilshh

radde-it Hamburg

Daniel Pätzold obel1x
Here's not much about me. Please have a look at my Homepage to find out more.
