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Maciek Stasiełuk MacRusher

CTO at @vazco Wrocław, Poland

Daniel Mielnik dmlnk

Wroclaw University of Science and Technology Wroclaw, Poland

Praveen Javali praveen-javali
FrontEnd Developer, React Developer

Bangalore, India

Ali benhenia aliBenhenia
software engineer | next js | react js


Just doing stuff for fun! ps. I don't like AI
Jon S jonatfoodgroup
Web Developer & Designer of 20 something odd years.
Alex Sosnovskiy afrokick
JS vNEXT, Meteor, GameDev, BabylonJS
Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Mohsen Shafiey Kasrineh mshafiey
An experienced and skilled software developer with expertise in DevOps and architecture design.

Stratosphere Games GmbH Berlin

Harry Adel harryadel
Email: window.atob("aGFycnlhZGVsYkBnbWFpbC5jb20=")

Cairo, Egypt

Frederico Maia fredmaiaarantes
CEO at Meteor Software, the company behind @meteor and Galaxy.

@meteor Florianópolis, Brazil

Jakub Radzik Jakub-Radzik
Junior Software Developer

Sportradar Wrocław

Volodymyr Zakhovaiko zaxovaiko
Using mostly JS ecosystem. Currently working on

@Vazco Wrocław, Poland