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_GhostBoy GhostBoyBoy

Urumqi, China

Ilya Gelvih ILGleiryt
Hello there.


Stepan Samutichev samutich
«𝓘𝓽 𝕁𝕦𝕤𝕥 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕜𝕤™» 🍫

Fuco Worldwide

Devin B. dtrain112358
{ Full Stack Software Developer } => (likes) computers, learning all things, and breaking all those things

United States

Edinson Jim edinsonjim
Senior Software Engineer

@iDesoftSystems Italy

Evan Thacker evanthacker
I am a Creative Spirit, a lover of Development and a believer in Innovation through Technological Collaboration.

ET Creative Studios Tampa, Florida

Computer Science from University of Copenhagen (DIKU)
Adriano Batista adrianobarros

Jaboatão dos Guararapes-PE

Hilmi Musyafa hilmimusyafa
Beginner Back End Developer | Research Assistant at Adaptive Network Laboratory | Play with GO, Python, JavaScript | Making something new at @WorthEveryPenny


Lucas Fernandes hzlucasf
i'm a mad (computer) scientist


Nông Tiến Sơn nongtiensonpro

Trường cao đẳng thực hành FPT Polytechnic Hà Nội Bắc Từ Liêm - Hà Nội

Haruki Kondo mashharuki
Web3やAI、AWSなど幅広く勉強中。学生時代はヨット部に所属しており4年間江ノ島の海で活動していました。 情報処理安全確保支援士 第022981号


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Daniel Hyman danielHyman123
Systems Engineering student at UoG. I enjoy exploring different applications of programming and robotics.


Riya Kondawar riya-kondawar
Building projects & learning every day!! I don’t need more time to solve problems, I need fewer distractions… and maybe a snack & coffeyy.

Pune, India

imalasong imalasong
Open source enthusiasts

alibaba Hangzhou

Drăghici Andreea-Maria AndreeaDraghici
⚡ Focused on growth. ⚡

Software Engineer Craiova, Romania

Sideral TI sideral-ti

Freelancer Santiago, Chile

Mugo Lazarus lazarusmugo
Software Engineer

Software developer Nairobi, Kenya

Walkers putra4648
Rarely used on this platform


Alan alanwflood

Dublin, Ireland