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Madison, WI

Arundhati Singh arundhatisingh17
Computer Sciences and Data Sciences Major/ Math Certificate - UW Madison
OpenSourcist MarkBruns
"Homines dum docent discunt!" Be improved by those whom you can improve. DIFFERENT than machines, humans learn best by teaching and teach best by learning

RockRapids, Iowa

Ng Chan Way ngchanway
Learning with machine to make human lives better


Jinger Zeng jinger26
rainbows, unicorns, kitties in space

Shanel Wu sminliwu
Smart textiles, weaving, computational craft, hardware hacking. Postdoc at Carleton University. Former PhD at @CUATLAS & @UnstableDesign Lab.

Ottawa, Ontario

Bin Li binli123
Pathology Informatics and AI for Bioimaging.
Shuchang Zhang zsc15

China, Hunan, Chang sha

Mark Tsuchida marktsuchida

University of Wisconsin–Madison Madison, Wisconsin