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Adam Lui adamlui
founder @KudoAI

@kudoai San Francisco Bay Area

Sheldon sheldonmmu
Library Systems and Discovery Adviser at Man Met Uni working with Python and Javascript to make useful stuff
Saiful Alam Rakib 4msar
Software Engineer | Experts in Laravel & React

@cefalo Dhaka, Bangladesh

Franco Dipre diprefranco
Full Stack Developer | Software Engineer
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Mathtiiaas Rosén Mathtiiaas
Stated on a new job teasingly I'm waking up with panic every morning 04:30 feeling the weight of white privilege. We sit and make animations, it's softasfuk

Ahab Sweden

Jefferson gomes Jeffersontee
Fullstack Developer: C# .Net, Javascript NodeJS, Angular. L@ve Tech ♥️

@montreal São Paulo

Erick Wainaina Erick-WG
Front End specialist | I love working with python and JavaScript technologies || Software Engineer || Studied at PLP 😆😂

@Ad-Astra-Innovia Nairobi, Kenya

Ryan ryantbd
Product Designer & Developer
Shiqi Wang thisisshiki
Web Developer & Designer


UIkid okibayu
Hybrid Digital Network
Chris Thomas chris-c-thomas

@Argonne-National-Laboratory Chicago, IL

Boithlomolo Motloung Boithlomolo
DIP in ICT: Applications Development| Aspiring Developer
Oleksandr Horbatiuk OH24GG
Drupal back-end developer

@golems-gabb Ukraine, Lviv

Okinea Dev okineadev
16 y.o. Developer from Ukraine

Working at @zgalera Ukraine

Soham Biren Katlariwala SohamBirenKatlariwala
Deep Learning & Medical AI focused on medical imaging, disease detection, and responsible AI.


Timothy Yaji Timoyaj
Timothy is a Professional Statistician/Data Analyst with Benue Geographic Information service

@benuegis Makurdi

Len P. van der Hof Lenvanderhof
Think Big — Build Beyond. Founder & owner of Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Carlos closgro
My name is Carlos , closgro, My sidekick is Repo Rob "THE REPOMAN" an AI agent in the works. Were in to everything open source, AI, and Entreprenuerial

Carlos's Inspired Detail West Linn, Oregon

Oleksii Shtanko ashtanko
Senior Android Engineer. I am passionate about Android, Flutter and Golang

@staqio Lisbon, Portugal

Andrew radeeyate

SparkShell Team The Internet

Erick Salgado erickGit-dev
I'm a student of Information Systems Engineering | Developer who likes learning.


Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Guanghua Li TantalizingPotato

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Guangzhou, China

fullstack dev
Marc Carran marccarran

Sefton, Merseyside, England