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Salman Saad devggez
A lazy developer
Tanvir Bin Faruk Ramim githubramim
👋 Hi, I'm Tanvir Bin Faruk Ramim, a Level-IV certified web designer and developer from Bangladesh Technical Education Board.

Cox's Bazar

Ebenezer Aggrey-Mills eben2840
Just an ordinary guy trying to be extra
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


almounkez almounkez
syrian developers

innovative systems middle east

Bismark Agyapong bismarkagyapong
I am Bismark. I love tech related stuffs. I'm new into coding and website development.

@Markmix-Studios London, United Kingdom

Ashrafuzzaman Azad aka-azad
A tech enthusiast from Bangladesh. I turn coffee into code and ideas into reality.
Hi there! I'm Allan Robinson, a passionate Blockchain developer embarking on a journey in the world of coding & Artificial intelligence. Thanks for stopping by

zone01 Kisumu Kenya

Omar codewithomarr
Software Developer
Kasem Shibli kasem545
Cyber security at daylight, and hacker at midnight


Emir Aksoy EmirAKSOY1
Full-Stack Developer

3AK Software Inc. Turkey

Mahrukh Zahid 53 mahrukhzahid
I am Highly motivated and detail-oriented learner of web developer.Currently learning how to develope responsive websites and applications.
Alisherov Alisherov017
Frontend developer
Pranjul kushwaha PranjulKushwaha
Fullstack developer.


SunnyCat AdaaWu
crazycoder gauravkalge
Working on Flutter, I have completed a bachelor's degree in Information Technology from GSM College of Engineering, Pune

GeekSoft Productions pune

Ruan Kaylo RuanAyram
Bachelor in Computer Science. Ruby on Rails | CSS | HTML | JavaScript


Python dev

RWID Subang

Daniel Onyejesi ifedan-ed
Lover of Ruby & Ruby on Rails
Rahul Alam rahulalam31
Debugging @ & dorking google, Since 2018 ☠️☠️☠️

Jaigaon West Bengal India

Cedric Manamela manamelacedric
Experienced full stack developer with 5+ years in web and mobile app development. Proficient in front-end and back-end technologies.

Cedtech Services Joburg, South Africa

Ahmed Tahoon AhmedTahoon1
Web Developer

Tahoon Tanta,Egypt

Flavia Daniela Reisenauer flaviadanielareisenauer
Full Stack Developer, Java, Javascript, React and NodeJS.

Entre Rios, Argentina

Allan allanlealluz
Web Developer | Back-End Developer | PHP | Python | Javascript | Bootstrap | React |Open to work


Muyyuddeen Thayoob thayoob
Dynamic Full Stack Web Developer at PixelCode | BCA Graduate 2024 | Laravel MVC | Ex-Intern at Cavago
