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Katrine Alice Glasscock katrinealice
PhD Student in radio cosmology, UoM

University of Manchester

Isaac Sihlangu SihlanguI

@ska-sa South Africa

SboneloLes SboneloMdluli
Still We Rise


Mario Santos mariogrs
Researcher, Cosmology, Radio-Telescopes, statistical analysis of data

University of the Western Cape Cape Town

Punit Patel punee995
Juggling between 0s and 1s.

Hell Earth

Feng astro-fgao

Max-Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy


South African Radio Astronomy Observatory

Saeid Aliei saliei

SKA Observatory United Kingdom

atiq revolutionibus

Cape Town, South Africa

Mitra Maleki mitramaleki
Astrophysics Student

Sharif University of Technology

Clinton D. Stevens, M.Sc. stevens97
Data Scientist | Software Engineer (AI/ML) | M.Sc.

Spatialedge AI Western Cape, South Africa

Zander Nel ZanderNel
🌍 Tech Recruiter | Cape Town, South Africa 🚀 Connecting top talent with innovative companies 💻 Passionate about tech, startups, and the future of work

Salt Recruitment Cape Town, South Africa

Frank Luo longluo
A Curious Programmer

Shenzhen, China

Z'PHYR Manu254rce
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vel fringilla est ullamcorper eget n

Daystar University The Naivirons

This might get weird

ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha

Richard Mlambuzi RichardMulambuzi
University of Malawi student pursuing Education in Computer Science

University of Malawi Zomba

Andrey Labutin agatinet31
Python Developer

Belgorod, Russia

A Chinese Guy Loves Lionel Messi

Yunnan University China

Shibre Semane Shibre
Studying at Wits School of Physics and Centre for Astrophysics | PhD | Dark Matter | Radio Astronomy

University of the Witwatersrand Johannesburg

Ujjwal Panda astrogewgaw
Pulsars and FRBs, all in the radio.

National Centre for Radio Astrophysics Pune, Maharashtra, India

vlslv vlslv

VLSLV São Paulo

Asabele Sabelo Asabele240701

University of KwaZulu Natal

Grégory Sainton GregS1t
Research Engineer in Machine Learning Data Sciences - Deep learning - Machine Learning.

Observatoire de Paris | PSL | LUX Paris

David Phaswana daizerd
SARAO Cybersecurity

SARAO Cape Town

Mpho Mphego mmphego
Pythonista, Automator, Engineer

Cape Town, South Africa

Mark Damien Chinnasamy MarkDC95
Electronic Engineering Honours Graduate

Durban, South Africa

Daniel Olckers olckers
I tinker here, I tinker there... Cape Town

Ralf Barkow RalfBarkow

@dreyeck Earth – The Blue Marble