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Alessia Preziosa AlessiaPreziosa

Politecnico di Bari Bisceglie

James R T jamestiotio
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Sir Arthur Charles Clarke

@facebook The edge of knowing

Senior Machine Learning Engineer


mark zhong W55699

M.U.S.T guangzhou

Andrea Lops lopsandrea
Ph.D. Student @sisinflab & ML Engineer @wideverse | Polytechnic University of Bari

@sisinflab & @wideverse Canosa di Puglia, BAT, Apulia, Italy, EU, Earth, Solar System, Local Interstellar Cloud, Local Bubble, Orion–Cygnus Arm, Milky Way

Mukesh Mithrakumar mukeshmithrakumar
Fac Optimum, Exitus Obliviscere

@mintage Philadelphia

Dmitry Balabka dbalabka
M.Sc. in Computer Science, +10 years experience in Web development, Software Architect with a focus on AI/ML projects in medium-size e-commerce US company

Ecentria Group Latvia, Riga

Lucas Vinh Tran lucasvinhtran

@jpmorganchase | ex-@Apple London, UK

Jecsben Jecsben-Perrun

Perrun ShenZhen China

Domenico de Gioia domenicodegioia
Master's Degree student of Computer Engineering

PoliBA Molfetta (BA)

Alvaro Lopes AlvaroJoseLopes
Graduated in Computer Science student at University of São Paulo (USP)


Danilo Danese Danesed
Exploring High Dimensional Low Sample Size data
Klismam Franciosi Pereira Key0412
Hello, I use Python and R to apply Data Science and Analysis. I'm also interested in photography.

Porto, Portugal

Ren Yi nmrenyi
Master Student In Digital Humanities At EPFL | Previous IR(RecSys) Researcher

EPFL Milky Way

Marta Moscati mmosc
I am a physicist turned computer scientist. I love understanding and discussing science. I have a passion for music and books. I have a thing for languages.

Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

nnn bourbakiN97
Scriptor, 💻& 📄
Tdsbeast dipesh88
Joojo Walker joojowalker
I am a Senior Lecturer, an AI Researcher, and an Entrepreneur.

Chengdu University of Technology Oxford Brookes College Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China

Andres Segura-Tinoco ansegura7
CS PhD student in the IRG at UAM. My research interests are in: XAI, ML, RecSys, NLP, Argument Mining and Information Retrieval.

Bogotá, Colombia