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Solomon Jimba solonyi

Dr. Joshua Pwavodi Pwavodi
Senior Research Engineer | Petrophysicist at BRGM 🌏 Editorial Board Member @ Petroleum Geoscience 🔷 Geophysicist 🟢 AI & Machine Learning 🟢 Python Enthusiast

BRGM - French Geological Survey France

Chao Zhang ustcchaozhang
Seismic wave simulation and adjoint tomography
Yucheng Wang wangyc2320
Grad student [email protected] Geophysics, Geodynamics

Stony Brook University Stony Brook, New York State, U.S.

Sumit Kumar Mohapatra sumitmohapatra987

IIT ISM, Dhanbad, Jharkhand Dhanbad, Jharkhand

Larissa Carla de Oliveira Larislow

Universidade Federal Fluminense

Mohammed Abu El Majd elmajdma
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Lead

GUPCO Cairo, Egypt

Daniela Quintero DanielaQuinteroMadariaga
Estudiante de GeologĂ­a

Universidad Industrial de Santander Bucaramanga

Sergio Andrés García Arias sergioGarcia91
¡Hola! Soy Sergio García, un geólogo y geofísico apasionado por la programación.


Zhongqiu He zqhe-geo
Ph.D student of Department of Earth and Space Sciences (ESS) at SUSTech.

SUSTech Shenzhen, China

Arif Darmawan riflab
A father

RifLab Indonesia

Yingchang Liu YingchangLiu
PhD candidate in Geological Resources and Geological Engineering. Researching Microseismic modeling, Waveform inversion and Deep learning.

China University of Petroleum Qingdao, China

Qazi Sohail Imran xohailpk
Geophysicist with more than 10 years of diverse experience & hold a Ph.D. in Petroleum Geoscience. Passionate to integrate AI and machine learning in Geoscience

Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS Malaysia

Gershom Christopher gershom-chris
I'm a highly motivated, creative individual constantly seeking ways of providing solution to scientific problems.
Daniel Cox lecoxsportif

Shearwater Geoservices // Alpha Quantaris Canada, Ghana, UK

Neeraj Nainwal neerajn07
Ph.D. Candidate at Queen's University, Canada

Kingston, Canada

Ivan Genik ivgnk
Senior Researcher, Laboratory of geopotential fields, Mining Institute. Associate Professor, Department of Geophysics, Perm State National Research University

Mining Institute Perm, Russia

Alif Nurdien F I alifnurdien
Hi I'm Alif, a passionate explorer of data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, always eager to uncover insights and innovate solutionsđź’«

Surabaya, East Java Regency, Indonesi

Passionate about ML applications ...
Raza dilshad-dataXpert
Data Scientist

IGUData Pvt. Ltd. Punjab, Pakistan