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Mathieu Lichtsteiner Mathieu-Lichtsteiner
🧑‍💻Software Engineer 👨‍🎓 Bachelor's degree in Computer Science 🌍 Passionate about our planet and applying my skills to be part of a sustainable future

@bimParts Lucerne, Switzerland

Huy Nguyen huyng-se

@pandion-vn Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam

Engenheiro Civil - Projetista - Especialista em Obras Públicas - Programando para criar projetos mais rápidos.

Propor Engenharia Nova Petrópolis / RS

henrique neco nec0
não tenho idade pra bio ainda não

Universidade Federal do Cariri - UFCA Juazeiro do Norte, CE

Yuriy Khudoshin uriydev
C#/.NET Developer. Autodesk Revit, Unity

Saint Petersburg

Roger Pinho rogerpinho
Estudante de Eng Civil na UNEMAT

Tangará da Serra - MT, Brazil

Patrick Eldridge Pat02

KLH Engineers Northern Kentucky, USA

Henrique da Cruz Silva CRUZHENRIQUEDEV
Sou arquiteto, especialista em BIM, mod. paramétrica e automação de tarefas com programação, utilizando C#, Java, Python, Dynamo e web.


Onur Göztepe onurgoztepe
architectural engineering background who specialises in BIM, computational design, geometry processing and parametric analysis.
Gamal Saied GamalSaied
AEC Software Developer | BIM&CAD Developer | .Net Developer| Revit Api developer | ITI


yanggenjie yanggenjie

Office Engenharia Santa Bárbara D'Oeste - SP

SeanP spageRDG

RDG Planning & Design Iowa

Sergey Shevtsov sergeysshevtsov
Senior Manager - BIM Integration developer at Xyicon Ltd. | Autodesk Developer | Software Engineer | Autodesk API Enthusiast

Xyicon Napa, California

Damian Damianmts

Overijssel, Netherlands

Ben Preston prestsauce
Architect, Programmer, Wannabe Chef

@bltsmrt Washington, DC

Boy d'Hont boydhont
I am an architect, involved in large-scale residential and office design projects. Hacking and tutoring BIM tools on the way.

Berlin, Germany

Collin Joseph collinapjoseph
#0258, I know Water Gun and Mud Slap
